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quorum est tandem philosophorum? (L.) Cic. Tusc. 4, 25, 55.-Pray what sort of philosophy is it to praise melancholy, about the most detestable thing in the world?

115. Ægroto, dum anima est, spes esse dicitur. (L.) Prov. ap. Cic. Att. 9, 10, 3.-While a sick man has life, it is said that there is hope.


116. Ægyptum quam mihi laudabas, Serviane charissime, totam didici levem pendulam et ad omnia famæ momenta voliGenus hominum seditiosissimum vanissimum injuriosissimum. (L.) Hadrian ap. Vop. Saturn. 8, p. 960 (Hist. August).

Character of the Egyptians.

Dearest Servian, - In spite of your commendations lavished upon Egypt, I find the people to be as frivolous and untrustworthy as possible, and fluttering at every wave of rumour. They are the most revolutionary, excitable, and criminal race that can be imagined.

The character of the people seems to have undergone little change since the emperor wrote these lines 1800 years ago.

117. Æmulatio æmulationem parit. (L.) Prov. - Emulation begets emulation. Nothing like competition.

118. Æmulus atque imitator studiorum ac laborum. (L.) Cf. Cic. Marc. 1, 2. - The rival and imitator of the studies and labours of another.

119. Aendern und bessern sind zwei. (G.) Prov. To change and to better are two different things.

120. Æquabiliter et diligenter. (L.) -Equitably and diligently. Motto of Earl Redesdale and Lord Truro.

121. Æquâ lege necessitas Sortitur insignes et imos;

Omne capax movet urna nomen. (L.) Hor. C. 3, 1, 15.

Even-handed Fate

Hath but one law for small and great:

That ample urn holds all men's names. -Calverley.

122. Æquam memento rebus in arduis


Servare mentem, non secus in bonis

Ab insolenti temperatam Lætitia. (L.) Hor. C. 2, 3, 1.

equal mind, when storms o'ercloud

Maintain, nor 'neath a brighter sky

Let pleasure make your heart too proud. - Conington.

The first line was written by the Constable Montmorency (16th cent.) over his castle gate, and eventually gave, from its initial word, the name to the castle itself-Equam, corrupted in course of time to Ecouen.

123. Æquanimiter. (L.) With equanimity. Motto of Lord


124. Æqua tellus Pauperi recluditur

Regumque pueris.

(L.) Hor. C. 2, 18, 32.

Earth removes the impartial sod
Alike for beggar and for monarch's child. -Conington.

125. Æquat munia comparis. (L.) Cf. Hor. C. 2, 5, 2.-She discharges the duties of a partner. Motto of the Order of St Catherine (Russia), instituted by Tsar Peter the Great in honour of his consort, Catherine I.

126. Æquitas enim lucet per se: dubitatio cogitationem significat injuriæ. (L.) Cic. Off. 1, 9, 30.-Integrity shines by its own light, while hesitancy suggests the idea of wrongful action.

127. Æquo animo. (L.) - With equanimity. Motto of Lord Penrhyn.

128. Æquum est Peccatis veniam poscentem reddere rursus.
(L.) Hor. S. 1, 3, 74.

It is but just and right that they who claim
Themselves forgiveness should extend the same.-Ed.

129. Æra nitent usu; vestis bona quærit haberi;

Canescunt turpi tecta relicta situ. (L.) Ov. Am. 1, 8, 51.
Brass shines with use; good clothes, unworn, grow old;
And empty houses whiten soon with mould. -Ed.

130. Ærugo animi, rubigo ingenii. (L.) ? Sen. - The rust of the mind is the blight of genius. Cf. Rubigo animorum. Sen. Ep. 95, 36. - The rust of the mind.

131. Æstuat ingens Imo in corde pudor, mixtoque insania luctu, Et Furiis agitatus amor, et conscia virtus.

Fierce boils in every vein
Indignant shame and passion blind,
The tempest of a lover's mind,

The soldier's high disdain. -Conington.

132. Ætatem Priami Nestorisque

Longam qui putat esse, Martiane,
Multum decipitur falliturque.

(L.) Virg. 12, 666.

Non est vivere, sed valere, vita. (L.) Mart. 6, 70, 12.

Health not long life.

The man to whom old Priam's years

Or Nestor's a long life appears,

Mistaken is and much deceived:

Health, not long life, is life indeed. -Ed.

133. Ætatis cujusque notandi sunt tibi mores. (L.) Hor. A. P. 156. You must note the manners peculiar to each age of human life. Addressed to the poet who aspired to draw the various characters of men as they are seen in the world. 134. Æternum inter se discordant. (L.) Ter. And. 3, 3, 43. — They are eternally at variance.

135. Ævo rarissima nostro Simplicitas. (L.) Ov. A. A. 1, 241. -Simplicity, a very rare thing in our days.

Most rare is now our old simplicity.-Dryden.

Motto of Spectator 269, on Sir Roger de Coverly in
Gray's Inn Walks.

136. Affirmatim. (L.) - In the affirmative.
137. Afflata est numine quando

Jam propiore Dei. (L.) Virg. A. 6, 50.-When she (the Sibyll) is inspired by the closer presence of the Deity. Hence the divine afflatus (inspiration) of poets.

Cf. Nemo

igitur vir magnus sine aliquo afflatu divino unquam fuit. Cic. N. D. 2, 66, 167. There has never been a really great man who had not some divine inspiration in him.

138. Afflavit Deus et dissipantur. (L.) - God sent forth his breath, and they are scattered. Legend of medal struck in commemoration of the destruction of the Spanish Armada.

139. A fin. (Fr.) - To the end. Motto of the Earl of Airlie. 140. A fonte puro pura defluit aqua. (L.) Prov. - Clear water

flows from a pure spring.

141. A force de peindre le diable sur les murs, il finit par apparaître en personne. (Fr.) Prov. - If you will go on painting the devil on the walls, it will end by his appearing in person. It is one way to hasten disasters to be always talking of them.

142. A fortiori. (L.) - With greater reason; all the more. If one glass of beer disturbs your digestion, a fortiori two glasses will do so.

143. A Gadibus usque auroram. (L.) - From Cadiz (the West) to the dawn (the East). Motto of South Sea Company. 144. Age, libertate Decembri,

Quando ita majores voluerunt, utere. (L.) Hor. S. 2, 7, 4.
Christmas comes but once a year.
Well, since our wise forefathers so ordained,
Enjoy December's licence unrestrained.

During the Saturnalia (the Roman Christmas) the slaves were
allowed an unwonted freedom, treating their masters as equals,
and being at liberty to speak without restraint. The line is ap-

plicable to the relaxation of the Christmas holidays, which come, as it is said, "but once a year," as if the 26th of December was continually recurring.

145. Agere considerate pluris est quam cogitare prudenter. (L.) Cic. -To act with caution, is better than wise reflection. 146. Agnoscere solis Permissum est, quos jam tangit vicinia fati

Victurosque Dei celant, ut vivere durent,

Felix esse mori.

'Tis only known to those who stand
Already on death's borderland

The bliss it is to die:

Where life is vigorous still, to give
Men courage to endure to live,

The gods have sealed the eye. -Ed. 147. Agnosco veteris vestigia flamme.

(L.) Luc. 4, 517.

(L.) Virg. A. 4, 23. —

I feel the traces of my ancient flame (attachment).
E'en in our ashes live their wonted fires. -Gray, Elegy, st. 23.

148. Agnus Dei. (L.) -The Lamb of God.

Medals of wax, stamped with this emblem and blessed by the Pope, are so called. A part of the Mass has also this name, where the words Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi miserere nobis (O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, etc.), occur three times following.

149. Ah! frappe-toi le cœur, c'est là qu'est le génie.

(Fr.) De Musset.-Ah! knock at thine heart, 'tis there that genius dwells. Cf. Vauvenargues, Reflex. et Max. No. 87, Les grandes pensées viennent du cœur. Great thoughts come from the heart.

150. Ah! il n'y a plus d'enfants. (Fr.) Mol. Mal. Imagin.

-Ah! there are no children nowadays!
simplicity of childhood of former ages.
Molière have said of the precocity of the
nineteenth century?

Regret for the What would infants of the

151. Ah! le bon billet qu' a La Châtre! (Fr.)? Ah! what a good billet (place, berth, office) La Châtre has! Envious exclamation at another's good fortune.

152. Ah miser! Quanta laborabas Charybdi,

Digne puer meliore flamma. (L.) Hor. C. 1, 27, 28.

An unfortunate liaison.

That wild Charybdis yours? Poor youth!

O, you deserved a better flame. - Conington.

153. Ah! nimium faciles qui tristia crimina cædis

Fluminea tolli posse putetis aqua.

(L.) Ov. F. 2, 45.

Too simple souls! to think foul deeds of blood

Can be washed clean by dipping in the flood. -Ed.

154. Ah! pour être dévot, je n'en suis pas moins homme. (Fr.) Mol. Tart. 3, 3. -Ah! because I'm religious I'm none the less of a man for that reason.

154A. Ah quam dulce est meminisse! (L.) -Ah! how pleasant it is to remember !

155. Ah qu'un grand nom est un bien dangereux!

Un sort caché fut toujours plus heureux. (Fr.) Gresset, Vert-Vert, chant 2.- What a dangerous possession a great name is! A humble lot is always more happy.

156. Aide-toi, le ciel t'aidera. (Fr.) La Font. 6, 18.-Help thyself and heaven will help thee. Regnier had long before said (Sat. 13), Aidez-vous seulement, et Dieu vous aidera.

157. Aidons-nous l'un et l'autre à porter nos fardeaux.


Volt. Réligion Naturelle, pt. 2. - Let us help one another to bear our burdens.

158. A Idos de mi casa, y que quereis con mi muger, no hay que responder. (S.) Prov. -To "Get out of my house," and "What have you to do with my wife," there is nothing to be said in answer.

159. Aime la vérité, mais pardonne à l'erreur. (Fr.) Volt. Discours sur l'Homme, disc. 3. - Love the truth but pardon error.

160. Aimer en trop haut lieu une dame hautaine,

C'est aimer en soucy le travail et la peine. (Fr.) Regnier, Ep. 2. To love a haughty lady far above one's own rank, is to love, to one's sorrow, trouble and grief.

161. Ainsi que la vertu, le crime a ses degrés. (Fr.) Rac. Phèdre, 4, 2.- Vice like virtue grows by degrees.

162. Ainsi que le bonheur, la vertu vient des dieux.

(Fr.) Volt. Mérope, 5, 7.- Virtue as much as happiness comes from heaven.

163. Ainsi que le héros brille par ses exploits,

La grandeur des bienfaits doit signaler les rois. (Fr.) Crébillon, Electre, 2, 4.- Just as a hero is distinguished by his exploits, so kings should be eminent for the benefits which they confer.

164. Ainsi que son esprit, tout peuple a son langage. (Fr.) Volt. Le Temple du Goût.-Every nation has its own language just as it has its characteristic temperament.

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