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times thought to himself, what a hard matter it was that it should so soon be given away to another; and then he wiped a tear from his eye, and did not speak again for a good while. Now the night, as was said, being very dark, and the bride having made a pleasant remark, Wat spontaneously lifted that dear hand from his bosom, in order to attempt passing it to his lips, but (as he told me himself) without the smallest hope of being permitted. But behold, the gentle ravishment was never resisted! On the contrary, as Wat replaced the insulted hand in his bosom, he felt the pressure of his hand gently returned.

Wat was confounded, electrified! and felt as the scalp of his head had been contracting to a point. He felt, in one moment, as if there had been a new existence sprung up within him, a new motive for life, and every great and good action; and, without any express aim, he felt a disposition to push onward. His horse soon began to partake of his rider's buoyancy of spirits, (which a horse always does,) so he cocked up his ears, mended his pace, and, in a short time, was far ahead of the heavy, stagnant-blooded beast on which the Jewel bridegroom and his buxom Eagle rode. She had her right arm round his waist too, of course; but her hand lacked the exhilarating qualities of her lovely sister's; and yet one would have thought that the Eagle's looks were superior to those of most young girls outgone thirty.

"I wish thae young fools wad take time an' ride at leisure; we'll lose them on this black moor a'thegither, an' then it is a question how we may foregather again," said the bridegroom; at the same time making his hazel sapling play yerk on the hind-quarters of his


"Gin the gouk let aught happen to that bit lassie o' mine under cloud o' night, it wad be a' ower wi' me—I could never get aboon that. There are some things, ye ken, Mrs Eagle, for a' your sneering, that a man can never get aboon."

"No very mony o' them, gin a chield hae ony spirit," returned the Eagle. "Take ye time, an' take a little care o' your ain neck an' mine. Let them gang their gates. Gin Wat binna tired o' her, an' glad to get quat o' her, or

they win to the ports o' Edinburgh, I hae tint my computation."

"Na, if he takes care o' her, that's a' my dread," rejoined he, and at the same time kicked viciously with both heels, and applied the sapling with great vigour. But "the mair haste the waur speed" is a true proverb, for the horse, instead of mending his pace, slackened it, and absolutely grew so frightened for the gutters on the moor, that he would hardly be persuaded to take one of them, even though the sapling was sounding as loud and as thick on his far loin as ever did the whip of a Leith carter. He tried this ford, and the other ford, and smelled and smelled with long-drawn breathings. "Ay, ye may snuff!" cried Jock, losing all patience; "the deil that ye had ever been foaled! Hilloa! Wat Scott, where are ye?"

"Hush, hush, for gudesake," cried the Eagle; "ye'll raise the country, and put a' out thegither."

They listened for Wat's answer, and at length heard a far-away whistle. The Jewel grew like a man half distracted, and, in spite of the Eagle's remonstrances, thrashed on his horse, cursed him, and bellowed out still the more; for he suspected what was the case, that, owing to the turnings and windings of his horse among the haggs, he had lost his aim altogether, and knew not which way he went. Heavens! what a stentorian voice he sent through the moor before him! but he was only answered by the distant whistle, that still went farther and farther away.

When the bride heard these loud cries of desperation so far behind, and in a wrong direction, she was mightily tickled, and laughed so much that she could hardly keep her seat on the horse; at the same time, she continued urging Wat to ride, and he seeing her so much amused and delighted at the embarrassment of her betrothed and sister, humoured her with equal good will, rode off, and soon lost all hearing of the unfortunate bridegroom. They came to the high road at Middleton, cantered on, and reached Edinburgh by break of day, laughing all the way at their unfortunate companions. Instead, however, of putting up at the Golden Harrow, in order to render the bridegroom's embarrassment still more complete, at the bride's suggestion,

they went to a different corner of the city, namely, to the White Horse, Canongate. There the two spent the morning, Wat as much embarrassed as any man could be, but his lovely companion in fidgets of delight at thinking of what Jock and her sister would do. Wat could not understand her for his life, and he conceived that she did not understand herself; but perhaps Wat Scott was mistaken. They breakfasted together; but for all their long and fatiguing journey, neither of them seemed disposed to eat. At length Wat ventured to say, "We'll be obliged to gang to the Harrow, an' see what's become o' our friends.'

"Ono, no! by no means !" cried she fervently; "I would not, for all the world, relieve them from such a delightful scrape. What the two will do is beyond my comprehension."

"If ye want just to bamboozle them a'thegither, the best way to do that is for you and me to marry," said Wat, "an' leave them twa to shift for themselves."

"O that wad be so grand!" said she.

Though this was the thing nearest to honest Wat's heart of all things in the world, he only made the proposal by way of joke, and as such he supposed himself answered. Nevertheless, the answer made the hairs of his head creep once more. "My truly, but that wad gar our friend Jock loup twa gates at aince!" rejoined Wat.

"It wad be the grandest trick that ever was played upon man," said she. "It wad mak an awfu' sound in the country," said Wat.

"It wad gang through the twa shires like a hand-bell," said she.

"I really think it is worth our while to try't," said he.

"O by a' manner o' means!" cried she, clasping her hands together for joy; "for heaven's sake let us do it."

Wat's breath cut short, and his visage began to alter. He was like to pop into the blessing of a wife rather more suddenly than he anticipated, and he began to wish to himself that the girl might be in her perfect senses. "My dear M-," said he, "are you serious? would you really consent to marry me?"

"Would I consent to marry you!" reiterated she. "That is sickan a question to speer!"

"It is a question," says Wat, "an' I think a very natural ane."

"Ay, it is a question, to be sure," said she;" but it is ane that ye ken ye needna hae put to me to answer, at least till ye had tauld me whether ye wad marry me or no."

"Yes, faith, I will-there's my hand on it," says Wat. "Now, what say ye?"

"O, Wat, Wat!" exclaimed she, leaning to his arm; "ask the bee if it will hae the flower, ask the lamb if it will hae the ewe that lambed it, or ask the chicken if it will cower aneath the hen-Ye may doubt ony o' thae, but no that I wad take you, far, far, far, in preference to ony other body."

"I wonder ye war sae lang o' thinking about that," said Wat. "Ye ought surely to hae tauld me sooner."

"Sae I wad if ever ye had speered the question," said she.

"What a stupid idiot I was!" exclaimed Wat, and rapped on the floor with his stick for the landlord. "An it be your will, sir, we want a minister," says Wat.

"There's one in the house, sir," said the landlord, chuckling with joy at the prospect of some fun. "Keep a daily chaplain here--Thirlstane's motto, Aye ready. Could ye no contrive to do without him?"

"Na, na, sir, we're folks o' conscience," said Wat; "we hae comed far and foul gate for a preevat but honest hand-fasting."

"Quite right, quite right," said my landlord. "Never saw a more comely country couple. Your business is done for you at once;" at the same time he tapped on the hollow of his hand, as much as to say, some reward must be forthcoming. In a few minutes he returned, and setting the one cheek in at the side of the door, said, with great rapidity, "Could not contrive to do without the minister, then? Better? Kiss, an' come again-eh? what say ye to that? Now's the time-no getting off again. Better?-what?-Can't do without him?"

"O no, sir," said Wat, who was beginning a long explanatory speech, but my landlord cut him short, by introducing a right reverend divine, more than half-seas over. He was a neat, well-powdered, cheerful, little, old gentleman, but one who never asked any farther warrant for the marrying

of a couple than the full consent of parties. About this he was very particular, and advised them, in strong set phrases, to beware of entering rashly into that state ordained for the happiness of mankind. Wat thought he was advising him against the match, but told him he was very particularly situated. Parties soon came to a right understanding, the match was made, the minister had his fee, and afterwards he and the landlord invited themselves to the honour, and very particular pleasure, of dining with the young couple at two.

What has become of Jock the Jewel and his copartner all this while? We left them stabled in a mossy moor, surrounded with haggs, and bogs, and mires, every one of which would have taken a horse over the back; at least so Jock's great strong plough-horse supposed, for he grew that he absolutely refused to take one of them. Now, Jock's horse happened to be wrong, for I know the moor very well, and there is not a bog on it all, that will hold a horse still. But it was the same thing in effect to Jock and the Eagle the horse would have gone eastward or westward along and along the sides of these little dark stripes, which he mistook for tremendous quagmires; or if Jock would have suffered him to turn his head homeward, he would, as Jock said, have galloped for joy; but northwards towards Edinburgh the devil a step would he proceed. Jock thrashed him at one time, stroked his mane at another, at one time coaxed, at another cursed him, till, ultimately, on the horse trying to force his head homeward in spite of Jock's teeth, the latter, in high wrath, struck him a blow on the far ear with all his might. This had the effect of making the animal take the motion of a horizontal wheel, or millstone. The weight of the riders fell naturally to the outer side of the circle-Jock held by the saddle, and the Eagle held by Jock-till down came the whole concern with a thump on the moss. "I daresay, that beast's gane mad the night,” said Jock ; and, rising, he made a spring at the bridle, for the horse continued still to reel; but, in the dark, our hero missed his hold-off went the horse, like an arrow out of a bow, and left our hapless couple in the midst of a black moor.

"What shall we do now ?-shall we turn back?" said Jock.

"Turn back!" said the maid; "certainly not, unless you hae taʼen the


"I wasna thinkin' o' that ava,” said he; " but, O, it is an unfortunatelike business-I dinna like their leaving o' us, nor can I ken what's their meaning."

"They war fear'd for being catched, owing to the noise that you were making," said she.

"And wha wad hae been the loser gin we had been catched? I think the loss then wad hae faun on me," said Jock.

"We'll come better speed wanting the beast," said she; "I wadna wonder that we are in Edinburgh afore them yet."

Wearied and splashed with mud, the two arrived at the Harrow-inn a little after noon, and instantly made inquiries for the bride and best man. A description of one man answers well enough for another to people quite indifferent. Such a country gentleman as the two described, the landlady said, had called twice in the course of the day, and looked into both rooms, without leaving his name. They were both sure it was Wat, and rested content. The gentleman came not back, so Jock and the Eagle sat and looked at one another. They will be looking at the grand things o' this grand town," said the maid.


Ay, maybe," said Jock, in manifest discontent. "I couldna say what they may be looking at, or what they may be doing. When focks gang ower the march to be married, they should gang by themselves twa. But some wadna be tauld sae.'


"I canna comprehend where he has ta'en my sister to, or what he's doing wi' her a' this time," said the Eagle.

"I canna say," said Jock, his chagrin still increasing, a disposition which his companion took care to cherish, by throwing out hints and insinuations that kept him constantly in the fidgets, and he seemed to be ruing heartily of all his measures. A late hour arrived, and the two having had a sleepless night and toilsome day, ordered some supper, and separate apartments for the night. They had not yet sat down to supper, when the land

lord requested permission for two gentlemen, acquaintances of his, to take a glass together in the same room with our two friends, which being readily granted, who should enter but the identical landlord and parson who had so opportunely buckled the other couple! They had dined with Wat and his bride, and the whisky-toddy had elicited the whole secret from the happy bridegroom. The old gentlemen were highly tickled with the oddity of the adventure, and particularly with the whimsical situation of the pair at the Harrow, and away they went at length on a reconnoitring expedition, having previously settled on the measures to be pursued.

My landlord of the White Horse soon introduced himself to the good graces of the hapless couple by his affability, jokes, quips, and quibbles, and Jock and he were soon as intimate as brothers, and the maid and he as sweethearts, or old intimate acquaintances. He commended her as the most beautiful, handsome, courteous, and accomplished country-lady he ever had seen in his life, and at length asked Jock if the lady was his sister. No, she was not. Some near relation, perhaps, that he had the charge of.No.-" Oh! Beg pardon-perceive very well-plain-evident-wonder at my blindness," said my landlord of the White Horse" sweetheartsweetheart? Hope 'tis to be a match? Not take back such a flower to the wilderness unplucked-unappropriated that is to blush unseen-waste sweetness on the desert air? What? Hope so? Eh? More sense than that, I hope ?"

"You mistak, sir; you mistak. My case is a very particular ane," said Jock.

"I wish it were mine, though," said he of the White Horse. "Pray, sir, are you a married man ?" said the Eagle.

"Married? Oh yes, mim, married -to a white horse," returned he. "To a grey mare, you mean," said the Eagle.

"Excellent! superlative!" exclaimed my landlord." Minister, what think you of that? I'm snubbed-cut down-shorn to the quick! Delightful girl. I declare she is something favoured like the young country bride we dined with to-day. What say you, minister? Prettier, though-decided

[blocks in formation]

"What was the bridegroom like ?" "A soft soles-milk-and-water." "And his name? You will not tell, maybe,-a W and an S?"

"The same-the same-mum !W.S., writer to the signet. The same. An M and a T, too. You understand. Mum."

"Sir, I'll be muckle obliged to you, gin ye'll tak me to where they are. I hae something to say to them," said Jock, with great emphasis.

"Oh! you are the father, are you? Minister, I'll take you a bet this is the bride's father and sister. You are too late, sir; far too late. They are bedded long ago!"

"Bedded? Where bedded?" cried


"In a hotel, sir," cried the other, in the same tone.

"In hot hell, sir, did you say? Dinna be in a rage, sir. That is a dreadfu' answer. But an ye'll tak me to where they are bedded, I sall gar him come ower the bed like a lampereel-that's a'.

"What! make a fool of both yourself and others? No, no, the case is past redemption now. A father is to be pitied: but-’ "Sir, you mistak'-I'm not her father."

"What! not her father? Hope you are not the injured husband, sir? What!"

"One that should have been so, however."

"What! should have been an injured husband? O Lord!"

About this stage of the conversation, a letter was handed in "to Miss Tod, at the Golden Harrow ;" but the bearer went off, and waited no answer. The contents were as follows:

[blocks in formation]

a man, as we both have done, can never be received into a church or family again, unless she be married on him; and you must consider of this; for if you are comed to Edinburg with a man, you need never go home again. John hath used me very bad, and made me do the thing I may rue, but I could not help it. I hope he will die an old batchelor, as he is, and never taste the joys of the married state. We will remain here another night, for some refreshment, and then I go home to his mother. This business will make a terrible noise in the country. I would not have gone home a maiden for all the whole world."

When the Eagle read this, she assumed symptoms of great distress, and after much beseeching and great attention by the two strangers, she handed the letter to Jock, shewing him that she could never go home again after what had happened. He scratched his head often, and acknowledged that "Maggy's was a ticklish case," and then observed that he would see what was to be done about it to-morrow. My landlord called for a huge bowl of punch, which he handed li

berally around. The matter was discussed in all its bearings. The minister made it clearly out, that the thing had been fore-ordained, and it was out of their power to counteract it. My landlord gave the preference to the Eagle in every accomplishment. Jock's heart grew mellow, while the maid blushed and wept ; and, in short, they went to their beds that night a married couple, to the great joy of the Eagle's heart; for never one doubted that the whole scheme was a contrivance of her own. A bold stroke to get hold of the man with the money. She knew Wat would grip to her sister at a word or hint, and then the Jewel had scarcely an alternative. He took the disappointment and affront so much to heart, that he removed with his Eagle to America, at the Whitsunday following, where their success was beyond anticipation, and where they were both living at an advanced age about twelve years ago, without any surviving family. It is a pity I should have been so long with this story, which forms such a particular era in the Shepherd's Love Calendar.

Altrive Lake, January 27, 1825.


No. V.

We rejoice. We begin, this hour, to see the end of our labour.-A little more time-a few more pages-and we promise all, who have stood by us in our late pilgrimage to that other world, over the seas-a long, long holyday.This paper will complete our speculations for the present, if not for ever, upon the affairs-men-literature, so called of North America.

MADISON JAMES. Late President of the United States-predecessor of James Munroe, the actual President: (See HAMILTON, Vol. XVII. p. 56. -with Vol. XVI. p. 509. SKETCHES of the PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES): -A very able-very cautious-very artful man. The chief-perhaps the

only evidence worth appealing to, of his abilities may be found, as we have said before, in the FEDERALIST.-(See, as above.)-We should not forget, however, a convincing, bold, generous memorial of his, in favour of religious freedom, caused by an act of the Virginia Legislature, in abridgement, or properly speaking, destruction thereof, about 1785-nor his political correspondence with Mr Rose-our minister at Washington; with Mr Munroe, the actual President; with Mr Pinkney, the minister of America, at our court: -Papers wherein the abilities of Mr Madison, as a negotiator-if nothing else are abundantly conspicuous.He is a good, plain writer; talks to

Errors in our last-P. 54, 57, 58-for HALLY read Holly: p. 58-IRVING, for totally reproduced here, lately reproduced here: p. 68-add, after the word more, 15th line from the bottom-while these men are forgotten: p. 56-HUNTER, for he could not get up a better book: read, he could now get up a better book.—

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