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To which that fparke gives heate

Are arms to princes


If it be a day fits you, fearch out of the Calendar, for his wives foul

This iewell holds his buylding on my arm:

but kill'd are wonder'd at.

'Tis a good constraint of fortune it belches vpon vs.
let not confcience, which is but cold, in flaming thy
loue bofome

But the main grief springs from the loffe
The heir of kingdoms, | And another like
Pure Dian, blesse thee for thy Vision.

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(In den Abkürzungen für die einzelnen Stücke wird sich das Jahrbuch regelmäßig den von Alex. Schmidt für sein Wörterbuch gewählten anschließen.)

Bildung und Schule in Shakespeare's England.


Th. Vatke.

Die Gründung von Schulen in Alt-England war der Privat

Wohlthätigkeit der Fürsten wie der Unterthanen, sowie der einzelnen Korporationen überlassen. Man stiftete auch Hospitäler, die mit Schulen verbunden waren.1)


In tymes paste when any ryche man dyed in London, they were wonte to healp the pore scholers of the universitye wyth exhibition.2) When any man dyed, they woulde bequeth greate summes of money towarde the releue of the pore. When I was a scholer in Cambrydge my selfe, I harde verye good reporte of London, and knewe manie that had releue of the rytche men of London, but nowe I can heare no such good reporte, and yet I inquyre of it, and herken for it, but nowe charitie is waxed colde, none helpeth the scholer nor yet the pore. And in those dayes what dyd they whan they helped the scholers? Mary, they maynteyned and gave them liuynges that were verye papists and professed the popes doctrine; and nowe that the knowledge of Gods word is brought to lyght, and many earnestelye studye and laboure to set it forth, now almost no man healpeth to maynteine them. Oh! London! London! repente, repente, for I thynke God is more displeased wyth London then ever he was with the citie of Nebo. Repente, therfore, repent, London, and remembre that the same God liueth nowe that punyshed Nebo, euen the same god and none other, and he wyl punyshe synne as well nowe as he dyd then, and he will punishe the iniquitie of London as well as he did then of Nebo.

I assure you,

I shall employ it [the gold] all in pious uses,
Founding of Colleges and Grammar schools,

Building of Hospitals.

Ben Jonson, Alch. II. 3.

2) Ein Stipendium (exhibition) hatte Ben Jonson gehabt. Scholarship ist wohl dasselbe, cf. Staunton, Great Schools.

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