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Church Times." This book is one of marked ability, learned and thoughtful. It is in sermons such as these and the like that the power of the pulpit will be maintained. Sermon after sermon meets the average cultured layman on his own ground: the preacher, as it were, sits down by him, and point by point cuts away those difficulties which little knowledge, prejudice, crude or erroneous teaching in the past, have raised up.


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Church Gazette.-" Prebendary Grane is not an average preacher, but though original he keeps within the bounds of sober sense. There is a powerful sermon on 'Spiritual Suicide,' from which we regret that we can only extract. . . We wish, too, that we had space to give Canon Grane's words on the 'Divinity of Christ.' The best sermon in the book, however, is that on Gehenna.' No previous writer, so far as we are aware, has put the true meaning of our Lord-entirely lost for ages under a multitude of false glosses -so clearly and forcibly as does Prebendary Grane. . . . This is a volume which should be in the hands of every clergyman who wishes to be in touch with the minds and hearts of laymen in the present generation."

Church of England Pulpit.-" We cordially recommend this volume to our readers. They will find here the results of much reading, much pondering, much observation of men and things, wrought into shape by a particularly sane and trustworthy judgment."

Chichester Diocesan Gazette.—“

These terse summaries of critical and practical reflections might be multiplied; but enough has been quoted to show the close relationship between the 'Hard Sayings' and our everyday life, with which the affluence of our author's practical wisdom enables him to stimulate the interest of his readers from first to last."

Scottish Guardian.—“ Few sermons merit publication as much as these. We readily perceive a vigorous and acute mind wrestling with the words of the Master, and laying bare with wonderful force and lucidity the reasonableness of His demands and the effectiveness of His method of teaching. . . We can cordially recommend clergy to make use of this able and suggestive book."


Expository Times.-". . . We build theological systems; and there are sayings of Jesus Christ we have left lying about as stones which would not fit into our system. Sometimes we have fallen over them. Canon Grane looks at them singly, measures them, and finds them fit any building which has Christ for foundation."

Life and Work.-"A contribution of real value to the intelligent use of Holy Scripture. Any preacher would find this book helpful, and it is so little technical and so little indulges in a display of learning that it can be commended to every lover of the Bible."

Great Thoughts." This is a study in the mind and method of the Master' from which no one can well rise without illumination. The most puzzling of the paradoxes of our Lord are treated with a thoroughness, an insight, and a candour which leave little to desire."

R, Clay & Sons, Ltd., London and Bungay.

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