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b. that makes the green.....c 432 leaflets, that nod in the b...d 144 mild b. unfettered wave.....u 145 from the breeze her sweets..j 146 stole a breeze most softly...m 149 wing of vernal b's shed......d 133 the March breezes blew......t 137 dancing in the breeze.......u 137 flower, that, in the breeze...q 140 softest b's o'er thee pass.....g 159 the breeze is softly sighing.. 874 soft b. that wanders far.....e 130 honors to the passing b.....a 411 the merry b's approach.....b 435 b's stir the spiry cones......ƒ 435 b. at its frolicsome play.....h 438 tender b's greet us as of.....c 439 in the b. were wantoning...n 439 refreshes in the breeze. ......p 348 wafted by a gentle breeze...v 399 Breezy-b. call of incense .ƒ277 shaken from breezy wafts...m 411 steal the breezy lyre along...e 467 Brethren-b. to the sight... .....g 330 Brevity-b. is the soul of wit*..g 472 Brewed-well b., long kept it..r 468 Brewing-b. towards my rest*.k 412 Bribe-to poor for a bribe......p 165

small discredit of a bribe...q 307 our fingers with base b's*....p64 Brick-b's one after another...d 309

b's are alive at this day*....b 309 Brick-layer-became a b-1.*.....c 309 Bridal-flower whose early b...h 133 our bridal flowers serve*.....h 46 b. of the earth and sky.......0 78 Bride-darkness as a bride.*. ....m 84 so like a bride, scented......158 who'll be my bride.......... ........a 140 the bride about the neck*...c 222 gain a soft and gentle bride.u 239 wife is dearer than the b........n 464 is a b. superbly dressed....aa 483 fashioned for himself a b...o 478 Bridegroom-dreaming b's*....o 257 to want the bridegroom*....c 259 Bridge-Horatius kept the b....c 72 arch of London Bridge.......c 58 the Bridge of Sighs..........≈ 58 faith builds a bridge........ 113 onward to the far off bridge.d 365 cross the b. till you come...d 201 no bridge can love to love...i 245 golden b. is for a flying.....b 355 Brief-as b. as I have known*. .ƒ 294 with his brief hours*.......a 247 the meek suns grow brief...y 465 Brier-from off this b. pluck*.n 154 red rose on triumphant b.*..r 154 leaves herself upon the b...r 128 grieve a bragging brere......1435 Brig-pool and wooden brig....32 Bright-b. thing with dreary ...n 80 all that's bright must fade...c 87 making b. the night. the b. and glorious sky. ...... 225 bright with yellow glow..... 157 bright in morning's beam...k 157 how bright was the sun.....q 411 dark with excessive 237 and enjoy bright day........c 237


how bright and fair......... 262 calmly clear, more mildly b. v 454 bright or young or fair......v 244 little room so warm and b... 198 b. and jovial among your*... 188 bright, radiant, blest........0311 stars unutterably bright....n 386 stream so bright*............j 110 in b. or cloudy weather.....d 148 for those roses bright.... ...... 151 yonder flower so strangely b.c 135 all men love, they be so b.... 138 best of dark and bright.....k 473 Brighten-b. Autumn's sob'rer.i376 b's! how the style refines...d 340 the blue arch will brighten.m 449 joy brightens his crest.......u 92 b. as they take their flight....e 35 Brightening-b. to his bridal...v 97 Brighter-b. fields on high.....b 139 brighter it reaches through.k 410 emits a brighter ray.... look b. when we come......i 463 Brightest-though the b. fell*...s 10 hope is b. when it dawns....p 201 brightest still the sweetest...b 45 its hues are brightest........d 81 the b. still the fleetest........c 87 Bright-eyed-buttercups, b-e..n 134 Brightness-the b. of our life.. j 201

w 200

flushing b. on the dewy steep a 153 no sun to call her b. forth...≈ 153 hath the violet less b........e 160 some b., or some goodness..v 240 Brilliant-b. flower the painted c 148 so soon to fade, so b. now....l 152 Brimmed-b. with sweetness..g 127 Brine-eye-offending brine*....e 416 'tis the best brine*..........a 417 and on the level brine.......t 381 Bring-much money as 'twill b. j 485 b. the tulip and the rose..........j 158 Bringer-b. of unwelcome*....y 306 Bringing-in good b. up*............. h 304 Brink-a spring upon whose b.c 133 we stand upon its brink....m 427 Briny-b. riv'lets to their...... 417 Brisk-when some b, youth....318 to brisk notes in cadence...w 302 Britain-Britain is a world by*.k 69 if not on martial Britain's...s311

Britain in winter only knows ƒ322 Britannia-B. rules the waves...q 69

Britannia's isle, bright bird. ƒ31 British-glory of the B. queen. a 360 Briton-B's never shall be slaves.q 69

a Briton, even in love.......c330 Broach-your broaches, pearls*.g 305 Broad-by broad spreading, it*.d 179 b. as the world, for freedom..149 Brocade-one flutters in b.....s 165 Brocaded-b. o'er with names..u 423 Broidery-b. of the purple.....g 144 Broil-take delight in broils*..a 318 Broke-as easy b. as they make* g 477 at length broke under me*...e 179 broke the die, in moulding.q 356 Broken-or my poor heart is b..k 25 b. with the storms of state*.../ 53 him that hath once b. faith*.s 61 zephyrs thro' the b. pane....r 488

...c 70

tongue had broken its chain.t429 restrained, a heart is broken. I 480 may heedfully be broken*...b 292 or wound a heart that's b...q 481 round broken columns.....p 143 Broken-hearted-ne'er been b-h.r 239 half broken-hearted to sever.j 326 Brooch-none who wear such b's e148 Brood-broods in the grass.....n 22 puts forth another brood.....a 45 she broods above the happy.h 144 brood thy call obey.........q 261 devour her own sweet b.*... ...f426 Brooding-over all things b....n 238 Brook-I better brook than*.....a 78 little brooks that run........ 41 sweet are the little brooks....u 41 music of the brook...........a 42 brook! whose society........c42 a willowy brook, that.. b's set free with tinkling...j 270 where the brook is deep*....v 498 b's send up a cheerful tune..g 184 b's make rivers, rivers run..g 189 'mid bowers and brooks.....c 466 only from the liquid brook..t 417 where the b. and river meet..e 487 the brook its music hushes..h 371 like a sunflower by a brook..c 380 dimpled b. and fountain.... 138 flowret of the brook.........k 140 when b's send up a cheerful..c 272 of oozy brooks...... ..........ƒ 273 too happy, happy brook.....b 274 b. into the main of waters*..p 367 yellow sunflower by the b..d 126 near the running brooks....d 338 brooks are running over....a 157 sunflowers by the sides of b's.n157 o'er wandering brooks and..c 159 brook cries like a child......e 404 brawling brook and cave....q 404 the monarch of the brook...d 124 books in the running b's*...v 234 sparkling with a brook....../ 330 beside the brook and........b 141 many a babbling brook.....m 133 Brooked-b. the eternal devil*..j 368 Broom-hang yellow broom.....g 70 sent, with broom, before*...j 825 Broom-flower-swees is the b-f.. d 131 to me, yon humble b-f...... j435 b-f. contends in beauty......l 435 b-f's betrothed to the bee...m 435 O the b-f., the yellow b-f....n 435

season, when the b-f........0 435 Broomstick-mortal man is a b..j 255 Brother-house and hurt my b.*.. 12 all can say my brother here..e 53 all the brothers, too*.........i 55 half brother of the world.....c 69 death, and his brother sleep..p 85 and his brother, sleep........p 85 with brother spake no word..k 95 like brother andbrother* ..d 171 unless a brother should*.....l 268 were he my brother, nay*...k 219 brother to death............m 389 that's like my b's fault*.....A 120 scan your brother man..... ...j 228 my brother man, beware....g 280

more than a brother.. $ 169 b's and sisters lawfully may.n 120 b. should not war with b....k 457 forty thousand brothers*....c 246 a smoker and a brother?....n 320 Romans were like brothers..o 449 call'd my b's father, dad....i 482 if he wrong'd our brother...h 479 Brotherhood-mystic band of b. a 413 most tender brotherhood....r 345 common b. in pain..........v 396 Brou-round the church of B..a 369 Brought-she had not b. forth*..a 249 Brow-threatening, unkind b.*.p 51 brows have ached for it.....a 445 furrows on another's brow..p 428 that binds his brows........d 304 b. shame is asham'd to sit*.. 199 wrinkle on thy azure brow..ƒ 123 black brows they say*... ..p 111 arched bent of the brow*....n 110 Brow-bound-b-b. with the oak* p 72 Brown-midst of b. was born...r 35

b. eyes running over with ..y 110 b. apples gay in a game......j 376 Brownness-b. of thy breast.....ƒ31 Bruce-Scots whom Bruce has..q 456 Bruised-b. with adversity*......i 4 bruis'd heart was pierced*..8 481 Bruitish-into some b. form....i 214 Brush-farmer burns his b.....d 435 to brush the surface.........m 63 Brute-not quite a brute........c 36 b's soon their zenith reach..g 355 silent b's to singing men....u 227 et tu Brute*.... ..... 431 brutes have no wisdom.....c 469 that brutes have reason.....d 355 lord of the fowl and the b...w 394 been brutes without you....v 475 Brutus-Cæsar had his B .....w 106 B. makes mine greater*. .... 170 woman that Lord B. took*...c 477 what, is Brutus sick* ...c 382 there was a Brutus once. .j 368 B. is an honorable man*. ..v 199 Bubble-like the bubble on the..183 bubbles we buy with....... 360 the earth hath bubbles......0 484 the world's a bubble, and.... 8 483 b. with his prophet breath.n 144 thin clear bubble of blood...i 158 whose life is a bubble. ..v 230 honour, but an empty b.....t 332 seeking the b. reputation*..d 312 borne, like thy bubbles.....p 322 b's on the sea of matter*.. y 495 Bubbling-b's ne'r remember..b 274 Buckets-of dropping buckets..y 93 Buckler-a better buckler I can.h 43 Bud-b's and withers in a day..k 45 in the sweetest bud*.........d 87 bursts its green bud. ..g 154

a brier rose, whose buds....d 156 when beechen buds begin...e 159 buds and blossoms like the..t 160

b's that open only to decay.d 129 the bud to the bee.........q 262 bursting bud, and smiling..J 270 the green buds are long.....j 128 read what those b's disclose.k 152

every brilliant b. that blows.n 156 in every bud that blows....e 286 swelling buds are crowned..9 870 as the most forward bud*...c 249 in buds, and odors..........................n 315 swelling buds their od'rous. $ 469 grew like two buds that kiss. 449 groves put forth their buds.g 437 leap of b's into ripe flowers. o 150 of all the bonny buds that.. 148 buds in Camadera's quiver..b 133 tender buds have blown.....133 some random b. will meet...7 138 humble buds unheeded rise. a 139 slow buds the pink dawn...₺ 277 I'll worship each bud thou..153 shakes all our buds*........p 221 b's the promise of celestial..t 347 Budded-b. from the bud of....e 374 Budding-among the b. broom.f144 budding at the prime.. .......b 274 brought a budding world... 128. rose is fairest when 'tis b...g 130 Buffet-b. round the hills from.c 101 blows and b's of the world* n 855 Buffoon-a hired buffoon...... 305 Bug-with a bug in your ear... .. 250 Bugbear-to the world no b....o 341. Bugle-blow, bugle, blow ..d 101

bugles sound the truce......f 331 Build-b. a new life on a ruined..o 8 too low thep build......... .d 10 b. your homes amidst green. n 21 b's on the ground her lowly.. 25 shuns on lofty boughs to b...p 26 to b. his hanging house.... 6 33 when we mean to build. .d 44 so late to build in Chaos.. .774. the man who builds...... . 163 the lowest builds the safest..v 202 b. it up as chance will have.h 207 when we build, let us think.t296 give them truth to b. upon..e 444 is he, that b's stronger....m 322 build me straight..... ....1381 help to b. the wooden wall..m 381 I hate the man who b's his, w 386 earth b's on the earth castles.c 484 Builded-their lives were b.... 296 builders wrought with......q 301 the house-builder at work...a 302 he can only be a builder....g 296 true ship is the ship-builder.h 381 Buildeth-charity buildeth up.f489 Building-the building fall*... J2 b's are but monuments.. r 85 Built-castles are cunningly b.o 482 all we have built do we... i 230 Bullet-the bullet comes. .8 329 Bullion-and bright, as b.. ... 435 Bullock-b's personals, as if.. .9 301 so they sell bullocks*. z 301 Bulrush-and the b. nods. a 226 Bulwark-her b's who can ..p 358 the surest b. against evil. to scale their flinty b's*.. Bunch-b's a penny, primroses..g 150 Bungler-every bungler can.... 313 Bunting-took the lark for ab*7 26 Buoyant-youth! how buoyant b 487 Burden-this the b. of his song..o 55


J 175 u 180

i 129 ƒ442 w 328 -J471 z &

2085 9 262

the burden of the song....... ...A 138 bear the burden and the heat i 230 rolls its awful burden..... a 405 a sacred burden is this life..e 233 to friendship every b's light e 173 honours are great burdens. b. was thy birth to me..... to bear her burden*. ev'n wit's a burthen Burial-let the burial rite be.. nor burials few.. to kiss her burial*. respect and rites of burial*, w 454 Buried-b. was the bloody.. ..... 336 b. in the rubbish of a throng a 48 Burn-and in friendship burn. 172 O sun, b. the great sphere*. . t 400 may chance to b. your lips. # 302 burn by day and night*. .....i 297 that still burn.... .p.326 kisses till they burn.......... 39] lest it should burn above*..m 246 how it burns on the edge.. e 214 burn to be great ..k 185 i 213

closest kept burns*.. Burned-burned each other....y 255 burned on the water*.......q 381 heart hath ne'er within him b. e Burning-love still burning...A 465 Burnt-'tis b.; and so is all*.... 302 burnt child dreads the fire..p 107 Burst-spark may b. a mighty k 362 bubble b., and now a world r 348 Bury-let the dead past, b. its..r 175 Bush-spreading hawthorn b....n 33

fixed in a white-thorn bush..ƒ32 gay gorse bushes in their...m 141 easy is a b. supposed a bear..m 121 'b's low as when on cloudy..d 435 fear each bush an officer... j 412 the poor man's bush.................'....A 433 Business-books should, not b..k37 b. some to pleasure take......ƒ50 by particular business...... $51 gang about his business.....ƒ 242 business of a scholar........p 405 despatch is the soul of b.....b 293 business with an income....e 233 dispatched is business......g 203 to business that we love... J 293 that which is everybody's b. k 293 find b. for great numbers...r 305 men's business and bosoms.e 480 confined of business, care or.v 467 servants of business ....... 252 totter on in b. to the last.... 340 no further in this business..e 324 prayer all his business .....c 358 Buss-whose wanton tops do b.*.t 59 Bust-each breaking bust......1314 on the pallid bust of Pallas... 30 urn, or animated bust .....280 Busy-busy man ne'er wanted. .j 66 quitting the busy carreer...p 361 how doth the little busy bee i 213 like ours, perchance busy... 403 b. and insinuating rogue*..k 387 a fearful spirit busy now....j 375 busie they be, us to keepe....q 473 busy have no time for tears. t 396 Butcher-b. gazing at his meat y 301

butcher with an axe*.......h 301
b. in his killing clothes*.... 301
are butcher's meat...........o 293
butchers and villians*......h 280
butchers! if you had*......h 280
gentle with those butchers*..m 280
Butt-here is my but*..........h 84
Butter-smell of bread and b....b 302

cutting bread and butter....c 501
Buttercup-b's are coming...... 131
stoop for buttercups........m 134
a golden haze of b's.........k 371
golden buttercups, the grass l 271
Butterfly-spread for the b's...m 135.
I'd be a b., born in a........ 211
the butterflies deep in love..i 212
the gold barr'd butterflies... 212
no butterflies, no bees......h 273
men, like butterflies*......aa 254
with butterflies for crowns..h 142
Butternut-the new-leaved b...d 432
Button-a soul above buttons....ƒ8
Buy-are too poor to buy......g 260

gold which b's admittance* .p 181
Buzzed-quickly b. into his*...k 251


Cabin-window-c-w. bright....n 913
Cable-never a c. that holds....g 242
Cackling-every goose is c.*....n 28
Cactus-c's, a queen might don.b 135
Cadence-golden c. of poesy*...g 340
notes in cadence beating...w 302
in cadence sweet.............t 20
with its passionate cadence.e 456
Cæsar-Cæsar was ambitious*...m 9
ambition in a Caesar's mind...c9
.kiss dead Cæsar's wounds*..a 184
there is no more such C's*..p 167
the noble C. saw him stab*..d 211
great Cæsar fell*
.....d 211


in envy of great Cæsar.....a 291
soldier fit to stand by C.*...y 311
like C., now thou writest....s 300
Et tu Brute ?-then fall, C.*.....l 431
ay, Cæsar; but not gone*...o 426
you sweet Cæsar's wounds*..t 485
not that I loved C. less*.....i 251
C's wife should be above....g 412
Cæsar's spirit, ranging*.....g 459
yesterday, the word of C.*.. 118
O C., thou may'st live*......d 119
imperial Cæsar, dead*.......e 119
O mighty Cæsar*.
j 119
Cæsar had his Brutus....... 106
Cage-passes in a narrow cage..a 23
nets, not in making cages...e 259
content to sing in its small c.d 259
nor iron bars a cage..........066
Cain-like that of Cain.........h 228
since the birth of Cain*.....g 194
the first city Cain..
.ee 490
with Cain go wander*. .....t 62
Cake eat thy cake and have it..g 99
my cake is dough*.
.e 122
a cake out of the wheat*.
..p 328
hear, land o'cakes..... w 305
he that will have a cake*........n 302
Calamity-art wedded to c.*.....a 5
his cup of calamity..
.a 201
he that boldly bears c.....
y 408

calamity is man's true......j 267
if there be a greater c....... 457
Calculation-c's of the counting.1310
Calendar-all, c's with love's...e 450
mitred father in the c.......g 450
Calf-and hang a c's skin*......u 73
Call-c. unanswered search the.d 32
cuckoo! shall I c. the bird...n 23
nothing can we c. our own*.Lr84
I can call spirits............ 401
call things by their names. .f468
let us call thee devil*.......p 468
I'll call him Peter"..........p 199
he who can c. to-day his own. 190
solitude, and c's it peace...m 394
to choose and c. thee mine..e 450
my God, to thee I call.......v343
hear the pow'rful call....... 385
I dare now call mine own*..h 455
Called-I c. another, Abra. came.e 64
when he called the flowers..e 129
none can be c. deform'd*....v449
happy that have c. thee so..v 391
c. my brother's father, dad*. i 482
till his death be c. unhappy. s 482
ye have called me long... .....u 371
Caller-who calleth be the c.... 308
Calling-the hours are softly c.a 373
calling to me, and I come...e 282
in his c. let him nothing.... 308
calling 'mong the rocks.....t 100
Callous-be callous as ye will..u 444
Calm-overtake her perfect calm.h 83

.t 381

calm, that knows no storm... 455
a calm for those who weep..p 181
calm or convulsed....
.......................... a 323
sea hungering for calm.....w 323
calm are we when passions..i 327
powers by deepest c's are...1342
deep sea calm and chill.....t 410
how calm, and beautiful.. ....7 330
all things grow calm........p 466
the air was calm.....
treacherous in calm.... .1427
all was harmony and calm..j 473
while all is still and calm....f 485
calms not life's crown.......a 486
blest with calm.............9 167
never felt a calm so deep.........l 366
calm, diffusive, trembles....d 375
Calmly-we bear it calmly..
......m 41
Calopogon-the c. blushes.....h 318
Calumniating-envi'us and c.*.d 426
Calumnious-not c. strokes*........k 42
Calumny-calumnies to defame.₫ 42
calumny is only the noise....e 42
a system of calumny...
there are calumnies..........g 42
shalt not escape calumny*...h 42
calumny will sear virtue*........i 42
calumny and reproach.......u 61
thou shalt not escape c.*....g 387
Calvary-toiled up Mount C.....₤31
Calves-and his calves, as if....g 301
Calyx-whose calyx holds the...h 256
time will reveal the calyxes..e 349
Cam-cam his winding vales...r 365
Cambyses-hear a new Cambyses e 69
Came-I c., saw, and overc'me*, u 452
what good came of it at last...y 452
until at last it came to be...u 297


know she came and went.... 10
Camel-even the camel feels..
as hard to come as for a 0.*.. 7 208
death is a black camel........k 79
desert heard the camel's bell..g 461
Camomile-wreaths of c.......q 309
Camp-make we here our c....m 378

from camp to camp*........ 459
Campaspe-Cupid and my c....d 243
did my campaspe win.......d 243
Can-and no other can....... .v 255
you can and you can' 19
Cancel-c. his bond of life*.....w 863
cancel and tear to pieces*...k 289
Candid-save me from the c....168
laugh where we must, be c..p 180
Candle-burns my candle out...192
farthing candle to the sun....e 77
candle throws his beams*...k 182
night's candles are burnt*... 277
out, out, brief candle*.......1 235
heaven's pale candles sto'd..e 288
candles of the night*. .......m 403
bell, book and candle*.......d 418
candle, to thy merit... .....i 268
their candles are all out*....y 194
with a candle within.
......a 296
sport that is not worth a 355
Candor-candor is the seal of.... 42
candor in power.......
.$ 500
Cane-conduct of a clouded c... 321
Canker-deadly as the c. worm. j 444
the eating canker dwells*....d 87
tithe purloin'd c's the whole.b 180
is eaten by the canker*.....c 249
Cankered-c. not the whole year k 141
c. heaps of strange-achieved*.l 181
Cannibal-bloody cannibals*...h 280
c's that each other eat.....u 430
Cannon-from the fatal c's*.....k 91
lightning, 'tis better than c.r 458
roar of red-breathed cannon.w458
even in the cannon's mouth* d312
cannon to right of them....f461
cannon to left of them...... .ƒ 461
'tis like a demi-cannon*. j 320
the devilish c. touches*....
4 460
the cannons to the heavens.s 428
thunder of my cannon*.....e 459
cannons have their bowels*.n 460
Cannonier-trumpet to the c.*.1 459
Cannot-what c. be avoided*........z 72
ye cannot enter now.........u 91

expression, that which c. be.z 383
Canopied-c. by the blue sky.. ƒ 386
Canopy-hung a c. of state....m 352
seems like a canopy.........b 290
this glorious canopy of lightƒ290
under the canopies of costly* c 213
beneath a shivering canopy.f435
seems like a canopy which..n 386
Cant-supplied with c. the lack.m 52
Can't-you can and you can' 19
Cap-c. plays in the right hand* u 268

they threw their caps as*....g 14
flash the white c's of the sea. u 446
Capable-c. till the trial comes.b 442
Capacity-speak most, to my c.* q247

notwithstanding thy c.*....b 248
Caper-he capers nimbly*......b 163
he capers, he dances...... 168

Fun into strange capers*.... 248 Capitol-where stood her c's... 395 guardian of the capitol ................ ..j 30 betrayed the capitol........w 475 Caprice-knows no law but his c.d449 Capricious-gentle, sometimes c.l 386 Captain-honourable c. there*....e 4 soul unto his captain*........q 83 Captivate-c., yet not surprise.e 478 · and, while they captivate... 303 Captive-weak minds led c......h 18 felt our captive charms......q 452 the captive bird that sings.m 321 captive bartered, as a slave..e 388 Captivity-to cancel his c.*....b 229 Capture-till, swoll'n with c's..b 30 Capulet-in the tombs of the C's h 184 Car-the gilded car of day......o 409 pitch, with weary car*......v409 and yet He stays His car....e 180 bright track of his fiery cart,m 447 Card-at cards for kisses.......d 243

patience and shuffle the c-s.v 327 Cardinal-c. I have heard you*.c 176 c., I have heard you say*....g 194 Card-player- there c-p's wait..o 184 Care-his cares dividing.... ......q 10 void of care.................. .....o 27 a cheerful life devoid of care.g 32 take c., that takest my book..r 38 where care lodges, sleep*.....q 42 begone, dull care.............0 42 care is no' care, but*.........p 42 care keeps his watch*........q 42 incessant care and labour*...r 42 care's an enemy to life*......8 42 golden care* .....t 42 weep away the life of care....v42 care will kill a cat.. ....a 43 care to our coffin adds.......b 43 take no care who chafes*.....t 63 I care for nobody, no not I...o 65 things beyond our care......y 65 care, but seeming easiness...n 68 if nae-body cares for me......q 65 I'll care for nae-body. .......q 65 sigh'd from all her cares.....m 82 he cares for nothing.........g 86 crosses and with cares.......e 94 looks my c. beguiling.......$ 371 silken rest, tie all thy c's ...n 361 a load of splendid care......j 367 their c. and must be yours..a 219 one that cares for thee*.....e 204 half my care, and duty*....g 204 chief and constant care.....r 204 if no one cares for me....... 209 c's not a pin what they said.m 209 I care not for thee, Kate*....n 209 ends our cares at once......p 252 finger on the lips of care....h 288 truce to earthly care........f 369 your sex's earliest, latest c..h 451 c. could not withhold thy*..a 460 ev'ry care resign............8 241 full of trouble and full of c.aa 192 grief and avenging cares....e 195 small cares of daughter.... c 198 e's must still be double to...i 199 nor doth the general care*...8 187 care, and grief of heart.....q 312'

who made it his care........a 314 care forgets to sigh..........t 437 my cares for this is all.......i 445 age released from care.......y 465 soule doth most abound in c.y383 with c., sinks down to rest.. 388 toil, with too much care....d 390 c. draws in the brains of*...s 390 a prison is a house of care...i 347 golden care! that keep'st*..d 391 restless pulse of care........h 396 hang sorrow, c'll kill a cat..b 397 dore sat self-consuming c...a 392 retreat from care...........i 395 incessant c. and labour of*..b 421 age is full of care*........ busy care draws in the*.....f 103 God's ever-watchful care....h 145 done well and with a care*..r 121 fear lest carelessness take c.q 361 subdued, by mortal cares....l 253 beneath the level of all care.. 259 ever overborne with care...u 345 for light cares speak........q 382 make pale my cheeks with c.q478 what c. I how faire shee be..q478 man is depress'd with c's...j 474 Careful-c. I am, lest I should.q 361 and c. hours, with time's*...t 187 Careless-am, lest I should c....q careless in the mossy shades.y 159 careless of the damning sin.j 291 Caress-some to no c, invited..d 132 to young zephyr's warm c's.u 151 wooing the caress...... ..9 320 Caressed-with feeble hands c..s 446 Caressingly-into the leaves, c.g 316 Cargo-groaning c. of despair..o 313 Caring-not c.-if less bright..v 244 Carking-no c. cares are there.p 303 Carnage-strife, and c. drear...a 459 his c. and his conquests.....ƒ 330 Carnation-c., purple, azure....d 135 carnation, heliotrope, and...j 131 | c's, and streak'd gillyflowers*p 130 where no carnation fades... f326 Carnival-a carnival of words...o 335 Carol-carols right joyously.....a 84 carols as he goes............154 familiar carols play..........g 57 Christmas c's until morn....h 57 games and c's closed the.....i 447 Caroling-c. thy Maker's praise..p 22 Carousing-c. to his mates*....o 468 Carpenter-the c. puts forth... .P 301


it is some carpenter*... ........ 801 why, sir, a carpenter*.......t 301 carpenter dresses his plank..u 301 Carpet-of palm was the c. spun.c440 Carpeted-pavements c. with.. j 440 Carriage-many c's he hath*...z 308 Carrier-c's not commission'd..h 315 Carrier-pigeon-the c-p. of....... 344 Carrion-a weight of c. flesh*..a 364 Carry-should c. all he knew...r 227 carry beyond the grave is...i 469 whose image yet I carry...... 89 Cart-sung ballads from a cart..h 17 Carve-c. on every tree the*....l 477 Carved-carved this graceful...j 440 Carver-the carvers we......... 293

Case-your c. can be no worse..g 309 gaunt jaws, works at his c...g 318 when a lady's in the case.... À 474 piled high with c's in my.... 36 Casement-you up to the e's*..aa 43 Cask-casks forever dribbling..e 468 full casques are ever found.. 186 Casket-the rich c. shown in....g 55 Cassius-soon as that spare C.*..1412 C. has a lean and hungry*...$203 no terror, C., in your*....... 198 help me, C., or I sink*. Cast-the shadow that it c's. cast none away*.

.7 196 .A 139 i 203

set my life upon a cast*......072 nor cast one longing ....f 66 Caste-nor caste in tears. . 412 Castle-the air-built castle.. ..ƒ97 a man's house is his castle..u 197 hung in the castle hall.......d 57 earth builds on the earth c's..c484 Castled-c. crag of Drachenfels..k364 Casualty-force and road of c*:..€ 27 Casuist-soundest c's doubts...v 309 Cat-if 'twere not for my cat....g 12 ne'er shunn'd the cat*.......b 13 when cats run home.. care will kill a cat... like the poor cat*.. the cat will mew*..

.k 29 ...a43

[ocr errors]

let a c. on the Sabbath say...i 369 endow a college, or a cat....q 495 hang sorrow; care'll kill a c..b 397 Catalogue-in the c. ye go for*..d 255 to figure in the catalogue....b 314 Catalpa-the c's blossoms flow. ƒ 135 Cataplasm-no c. so rare* .....m 310 Cataract-makes an high c....m 123

the roaring cataract.........e 285

cataracts and hurricanes*..m 404 Catch-c. his last smile ere he.k 411 c. him once upon the hip*..q 383 greyhound's mouth-it c's*.k 472 Catching-are grown so c.*..... 310 catching, as through some..r 430 Catechising-what kind of c.*..r 306 Cates-cates for the sparrow*.. 348 Caterpillar-c's eat my leaves*. q 267 Cathay-cycle of Cathay.... ..500 Cathedral-span of some c. roof. 1 296 like two c. towers these....j 440 into her silent dark c.......g 350 living rock, like some c..... 382 Cato-reputed C's daughter...c 477 of Cato and of Rome......... 117 a vulgar Cato has compelled...r 9 Cats-eye-glow of the wild c-e's. n 128 Cattle-Mary, go and call the c.g 365 like mortal cattle............ƒ201 Cause-hear me for my cause*..y 14 effect has its cause..........c 43 cause of this effect*. ..d 43 cause of this defect*...... .d 43 our cause is just*.. ....e 43 mine's not an idle cause*....ƒ 43 your cause doth strike my*..g 43 I mount to the cause........c43 exist without a cause........44 ourselves the cause of ill....10 47 spring from no petty cause..s 67 what c. moved the Creator...g 74

how light a cause may move. / 95 events from evil c's spring..i 106 cause and not the death.....b 256 offence from am'rous causes.s 362 c. to prick us to redress*....n 379 real and the only cause.....e 370 not ever jealous for the c.*..n 215 not one had c. for shame....c 339 ne'er knows the second c...y 340 to know the c. why music*. 283 great First Cause, least.. ...q 180 full cause of weeping*......o 416 our cause the best*.........c 460 who die in a great cause....u 407 meek that have no other c.*.u 328 defective, comes by cause*..r 354 beauty of the good old c..... ...f 463 cause I's wicked,-I is.......c 464 whatever is is in its c's just.g 348 grace my c. in speaking*.. ....v 400 c. that wit is in other men.d 472 would win the cause........8 307 c. of a long ten year's war..w 475 Causer-c. of these timeless*...j 280 Cautious-cautious seldom err..143 Cave-unfathom'd caves ............ .8 304 a dragon keep so fair a c.*...d 205 cave his humble cell.. q 395 Cavil-c. on the ninth part of*.h 293 Caw-the building rook 'ill c...b 32

and ceaseless c's amusive....c 32 Cease-to have been, before I c...16 ceases now to bellow........h 404 cease to write and learn to..w 420 would not c. to weary their.r 344 we cease from its possession. 425 Ceased-never hast thou c.....u 484 Ceasing-c. of exquisite music.a 475 poetry of earth is c. never... 339 Cedar-bees,--as the fair cedar. 335 the cedar proud and tall............. ...J 433 the pointed cedar shadows..a 436 on a hill a goodly c. grewe..c 436 yields the c. to the axes*....b 436 Cedar-berry-seek c.-b's blue....d 31 Celadine-'tis the little c.......h 135 Celebrate-cannot c. books......g 36 Celestial-on that c. harmony*,w 283 celestial influence round me c 201 buds the promise of celestialt 347 contemplation of celestial...d 356 playing celestial symphonies r 466 smile that glow'd celestial..u 392 c. voices to the midnight...g 485 c. balsam on the heart......a 476 Cell-in thine eternal cell*......u 84 in his cell, so lone and cold. 143 cave his humble cell........q 395 Cellar-I was born in a cellar...v 407 Cement-mysterious cement...e 172 Censer-thine eye was on the c.g 109

like to a c. in a barber's*. 33 320 Censure-ten c. wrong for one..u 76 conspire to censure and.. ...b 76 inventions to his censure...h 169 take each man's censure.*...i 218 it censures too.... ..o 266 | in mouths of wisest c.*. .9 186 c. is the tax a man pays.....i 186 religion does not censure i 357 Censured-eyes cannot be c.*..p 104

j 135 9 368

....744 ..v44

when works are censured ..... 76 Champac-C's leave of gold.; Censurer-cope malicious c.*. ..03 Champion-a c. cased in..... Cent-not one cent for tribute.r 329 champions are the prophets* p 197 Centrality-character is the c.... 48 Chance-chance governs all.....n 44 Centre-the planets and this c.* 325 chance, though blind........0 44 centre, and enjoy bright day. u 49 chance will not do the work.q 44 centre of the potter's trade...d 59 against ill chances, men* self-balanced, on her c. hung) 485 chance is a word void dark of the unfathomed c.... 398 most disastr'us chances*....u 430 only centres in the mind.....i 35 grasps the skirts of happy c..t 44 Century-in long c's continuous e 254 set my life on any chance"...o 91 wandered, century on c......ƒ 366 inspired by the new chances.p 92 dusk of c. and of song.......j 366 necessity or c. approach....k 118 three centuries he grows....b 439 lives are chains of chances.. 119 Cerberus-you are not like C...ƒ 178 now and then be right by c. 162 Ceremony-c was but devised...h 44 c.and change can never harm q 168 O ceremony show me*.......i 44 build it up as chance....... 207 sauce to meat is ceremony....j 44 c. has fixed thy lowly lot....j 137 thou idle ceremony*. before this chance*. save general ceremony*. . . . . .l 44 an enforced ceremony*......m 44 no ceremony that to great*.. 1 263 c. was but devised at first*.. e 174 Ceres-Ceres gift in waving.....) 205 their thanks to C. yield...... 295 Certain-nothing c. in man's....h 82 c. to all; all shall die*........v 83 Certainty-science is c., is.....ƒ370 sober c. of waking bliss......k 35 Chaeronea-victory at C........w 368 Chafe-who c's, who frets, or*..b 200 Chaff-in two bushels of chaff*..u 14 or corn in chaff. .p 75 as light as chaff*. ..092


chaff, and take the wheat....ƒ 212
Chain-faith is the subtle chain e 113
a lengthening chain......... v 260
I will not compare to a c....d 172
grows the earthly chain....m 173
chain has bound me. ....h 261
many a hidden chain........r 261
place in the chain of being..n 318
fellow countrymen in chains o 388
gold c's about the feet of God / 345
I feel in every smile a chain b 393
weave a chain I cannot break. 421
time with everlasting chain.u 425
hanging in a golden chain... 484
tongue had broken its c's...t 429
the chain you promis'd*....c 305
our chains and our jewels*..g 305
fast-bound in c's of silence..a 306
Chained-c. fast to the spot..
...c 380
Chainest-constant and thou c. a 426
Chair-foil of England's c.*.....l 448
has one vacant chair.........b 82
on the rack of a too easy c...o 205
Chalice-each chalice holds the b 144
their chalices of gold........n 134
within the poison chalice...a 212
our poison'd chalice*.......q 219
multitude of golden chalices.e441
Chalked-chalk'd her face......z 121
Challenge-matter I c. this for* w 113

challenge double pity........t 19
a c. urg'd more modestly*...
...1 268
Chamber-c's purple with the../ 365
chamber of the kings...
........ 97 79
thick as dust in vacant c's..c 175
above my chamber door .....130
Chamberry-to church from C.a 369

.......$ 278 chance that starts i' the way* a 361 if by chance it be shaken....i 122 the chance of war is equal. p 456 the ashes of my chance*......s 44 no chance may shake it*....e 470 nor think it chance.........k 328 all chance, direction, which.n 348 yield to fickle chance.. .f47

world is full of chances.....r 483 Chanced-when I c. on you..... 254 Chancellor-a c. in embryo....u 308 a chanc'llor juster still. ......i 50 Chancery-up to heaven's c....e 292 Change-we ourselves change...g 45 change doth unknit.. w 44 change, indeed, is painful....g 45 all things must change.......r 45 nothing but change... .........w 45 change old love for new......x 45 life only changes its form... 145 world is full of change ......w 45 gods, they change for worse... 45 hymns to sullen dirges c.*...h 46 for this "would" changes*...l 46 when change itself can.......g 46 c. them to the contrary*. .h 46 change true rules for odd*.... ..j46 with our fortunes change*...o 46 no change, no pause....... .$ 91 constancy to c. the mind.. .b 64 reason cannot change........7 46 not one will change his.. ..9 66 c. which never changes......m 79 c. the place, but keep the pain.d 95 but of the heavy c., 186 use almost can c. the stamp*. i 189 each c. of many-colored life. j 299 c's with his restless tide....n 422 on change duration founds..o 348 every change shall cease....m 105 not change it to a heliotrope..e 149 affected by a change of time..a 380 so we change; motion so....1370 fortune cannot change her...t 165 chance and change can .....q 168 never change thy 218 changes in her circled orb*..q 208 c. their wonted liveries*....m 370 change the expiring flame..m 451 these as they c., Almighty...y 180 whisper fearful changes*...m 460 changes of study, a dull.....k 406

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