AARON-HAKADISH. JEWISH CHURCH. The holy ark used in the Synagogue as a depository of the scrolls of the law. ATONEMENT, DAY OF. Celebrated on the ninth and tenth days of Tishri. It was instituted by Moses, as a general day of expiation and sacrifice for sins. KETHUBIM. WRITINGS. Containing the Psalms, Proverbs and the remaining books of the Bible. KIDDUSH and HABDALLA. Prayers recited in Jewish houses; the first at the beginning, the latter at the close of Sabbaths and festivals. They are recited by the chief of the house, holding a glass of wine in his hand, at the conclusion of which he drinks and passes it around the table. MESUSA. DOORPOST. A little scroll of parch ment containing this passage of Scrip- MISHNA. The oral law consisting of traditions handed down respecting the law of Moses. MONTHS-JEWISH. Nisan, March 20 to April 16. Elul, August 16 to September 13. NEBIM. PROPHETS. Containing that portion of the Bible from the Book of Joshua to the end of the Prophets. PAROCHES. The curtain before the holy shrine in the Synagogne. PESACH. PASSOVER. The feast of Spring, beginning on the fourteenth day of the month Nisan and lasting seven days. It is the celebration of the Passover and commemorates the delivery of the Jews from Egyptian bondage, and the passing over of the last plague from the houses of the Israelites. PHYLACTÉRY. In Hebrew, tephelin. Strips of parchment on which were inscribed passages from the Pentateuch. They were enclosed in a small box and worn on the forehead between the eyes, or on the arm near the heart, in accordance with the command in Exodus xiii, 16. PURIM. LOT. A feast day, on the fourteenth of the month Adar, in remembrance of God's providence in saving the Israelites from the destruction, through Mordecai and Esther, planned by Haman, according to the book of Esther. ROSH HASHANAH. NEW YEAR. Kept on the first day of the seventh month, Tishri, the Jewish civil New Year, Nisan being the religious. The biblical name of the feast is "Day of the Trumpet." SEPTUAGINT. SEVENTY. The Old Testament, so called, from the number of translators engaged on the original Greek version. It was commenced by the Alexandrian ligations. They contained the thread of blue spoken of by Moses, a symbol to direct the eye and heart to God." TALMUD. This book contains the complete civil and canonical law of the Jewish people, embracing both the Mishna and the Gemara, the former being the earliest text. It is a book of doctrine, as the name implies, and this doctrine is elucidated and commented upon in a series of dialogues, in many cases of a fanciful character. The Mishna (doctrine) and the Gemara (teaching) contain, however, many curious and interesting statements regarding legal, medical, physical, ethical and astronomical subjects. They reveal much of the customs, practices, and decisions of the Jewish nation in the ages of antiquity. The word Talmud is from the Hebrew word lamed, and signifies, to learn. TEFILLA. A prayer known as Sh'mona esreth, on account of the eighteen benedictiona that it originally contained. TORAH. LAW. The five books of Moses, known as the Pentateuch. QUOTED AUTHORS. NATIVITY, DATES OF BIRTH AND DEATH NOTE.-The first line of figures gives year of birth, the second death. The letter L signifies living. ABD-EL-KADER, Algeria. ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY, America.. ADAMS, SARAH FLOWER, England.. ADDISON, JOSEPH, England.... AESCHINES, ARISTOTLE, Greece....... ....B. C. 389- 314 ESCHYLUS, Greece. AFRICANUS, SCIPIO, Italy... England.. .B. C. 525- 456 B. C. 235 or 4- 183 BRUYERE, JEAN DE LA, France... America... 1807 Spain.. 1832- L. BRYANT, WILLIAM CULLEN, CATO, MARCUS PORCIUS, America... 1794-1878. B. C. 234- 149 BRYDGES, SIR SAMUEL EGERTON, England. Circa B. C. 77- 45 BUCHANAN, ROBERT, CENTLIVRE, SUSANNAH, Scotland.. 1841- L. England 1680-1723 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, JOHN SHEFFIELD, DUKE OF, CERVANTES, MIGUEL DE, England... 1649-1720 Spain 1547-1616 BUCKLEY, THEODORE WILLIAM ALOIS, CHANDLER, ELIZABETH MARGARET, England. 1825-1856 America.. 1807-1834 BUDDHA-Asia, 5th Century B.C. CHANNING, WILLIAM ELLERY, BUNGAY, GEORGE W., America. 1780-1842 America... 1825- L. CHATEAUBRIAND. BUNYAN, JOHN, England.. BURGUILLOS, TOME. BURKE, EDMUND, Ireland. CHATHAM, WILLIAM PITT, Earl of, 1628-1688 England.. 1708-1778 CHATTERTON, THOMAS, England.. 1752-1770 1728 or 9-1797 CHAUCER, GEOFFREY, BURLEIGH, WILLIAM HENRY, England. 1328-1400 1812-1871 1823-1864 CHESTERFIELD, (Philip Domer Stanhope) Earl of, England... 1694-1773 BURNS, ROBERT, CHILD, LYDIA MARIA, Scotland.. 1759-1796 America 1802-1880 BURTON, ROBERT, CHILO, England. 1576-1640 BURY, RICHARD DE (Richard Aungervyle), CHOATE, RUFUS, England. 1281-1345 America. 1799-1853 BUSENBAUM, HERMAN, CHORLEY, HENRY FOTHERGILL, Prussia... 1600-1668 BUTLER, SAMUEL, England..... CHURCHILL, CHARLES, 1808-1872 England 1612-1680 England.. 1731-1764 BYROM, JOHN, CIBBER, COLLEY, England. 1671-1757 BYRON, LORD GEORGE GORDON NOEL, CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS, England.. 1788-1824 Italy. .B. C. 106- 43 CLARE, JOHN England:. CLARENDON, EDWARD HYDE, England. CLARKE, CHARLES COWDEN, England... 1793-1864 1608-1674 1787-1877 Greece. Flourished Circa B. C. € 250 CLARKE, JAMES FREEMAN, CAMDEN, WILLIAM, England.. 1551-1623 CAMPBELL, THOMAS, America... CLARKE, JAMES GOWDREY, America.. 1810- L. 1830 Scotland.. 1777-1844 CLARKE, M'DONALD, CANNING, GEORGE, America England.. CAPILUSUS. CAREW, THOMAS, England.. CAREY, HENRY, CAREY, HENRY, America... 1770-1827 CLARKE, SIMEON TUCKER, America CLAUDIANUS, CLAUDIUS, 1798-1842 1836- L. 1589-1639 Egypt.. ..Circa 365- 410 CLEMMER, MARY ANN, 1663-1743 America... 1839- L. CLEOBULUS, .Circa 1700-1743 CARLETON, WILL, CLEVELAND, JOHN, America.. 1845- L. England. 1613 Circa 1658 CARLYLE, THOMAS, CLODIA. Scotland.. 1795-1881 CAROLINE MATILDA, Queen of Denmark, England.. 1751-1775 CARY, ALICE, America. 1820-1871 COECILLIUS. 1819-1861 1668-1710 САВУ, РНОЕВЕ, America. 1824-1871 COKE, SIR EDWARD, 1551 or 2-1633 |