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Cruci, dum spiro, fido.

While I breathe I trust in the cross. Motto of the Irish Viscount Netterville, Cuilibet in arte suâ credendum est.

Every man is to be trusted in his own art. Cujuslibet est solum, ejus usque ad cœlum. He who has property in the soil has the same up to the sky.

Cum licet fugere, ne quare litem.

Do not seek the quarrel which there is an opportunity of escaping.

Cur omnium fit culpa, paucorum scelus? Why should the wickedness of a few be laid to the account of all?


Damnum appellandum est cum malâ fama lucrum.

The gain which is made at the expense of reputation should rather be set down as a loss.

Data fata secutus.

Following his declared fate.
Motto of Lord St. John.

Decori decus addit avito.

He adds honor to his ancestral honors. Motto of Second Earl of Kellie.


I have decreed.

Motto of the Irish Earl of Westmeath.

Dedecus ille domûs sciet ultimus.

The good man is the last who knows what is amiss at home.

De gustibus non est disputandum. There is no disputing about tastes.

De monte alto.

From a high mountain.

Motto of the Irish Baron De Montalt.

De mortuis nil nisi bonum.

Let nothing but good be spoken of the dead.

De non apparentibus et non existentibus eadem est ratio.

The reasoning with respect to things which do not appear, and things which do not exist must be the same.

Deo adjuvante non timendum.

By God's aid there is nothing to be feared. Motto of the Irish Viscount Fitz William.

Deo date.

Give to God.

Motto of Lord Arundel.

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