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Biography of M. G. Lewis.

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In the "Second Part of Henry VI." ridiculous to be omitted, "Castra dicShakspeare, who closely follows the re- ta sunt a castitute, quia ibi omnes caste lations of our old chroniclers, tells us, vivere debent." that a spirit, raised by the witch Jourdain, said of the Duke of Somerset,

"Let him shun Castles

Safer shall he be upon the sandy plains
Than where castles mounted stand."

And in the same Pay, in the scene
of the first battle of St. Alban's, fought
May 23, 1455, Richard, after killing
Somerset, exclaims:

"So lie thou there

For underneath an ale-house paltry sign,
The Castle in St. Alban's, Somerset

Hath made the wizard famous by his death."


I have read in comedies and ludicrous essays, of public-houses called the Cat and Fiddle, and the Cat and Bagpipes; these odd combinations; nor, indeed, do but I own that I never saw either of I recollect any sign in which a Cat bas been introduced, excepting a Civet-cat over the door of a perfumer's, and a public-house called "Puss in Boots." However, I believe that the above-mentioned signs have been exhibited in or

The plays of our immortal Dramatist, derived from our credulous histo- near London, and probably are so still. rians, have embalmed several instances Between the Cat and Fiddle there

of similar prophetic accomplishments. may indeed appear some connexion, as Thus of Henry IV. it was predicted the entrails of the one are supposed to that he should die at Jerusalem; and furnish the strings of the other; or the accordingly he expires in a room in the sign might originate in the ambiguity of palace of the Abbot of Westminster, the word kit, at once the abbreviation that was called the Jerusalem Chamber. of kitten, and a small violin. It was foretold of William de la Pole, first Duke of Suffolk :

"By water shall he die and take his end."

If the

house became popular, a rival landlord might perhaps be induced to adopt a sign somewhat similar; and if a ScotchAnd consequently the name of his man, he was not unlikely to chuse the murderer proves to be Walter, pronational bagpipe as the adjunct to his nounced Water, Whitmore. But more cat. But altho' my attempted explanaespecially in Macbeth, where the witch- tion of signs altogether is merely "desies assure him of safety, excepting in the pere in loco," yet perhaps, if they had Occurrence of events apparently impos- their origin in mere caprice, the very sible, but which being accomplished, be dissimilitude and incongruity of the exclaims just before his fall: objects was the sole reason for coupling them together, which appears to have been the case at the village city of Llandaff in Glamorganshire, where is a public-house denominated "The Cow and the Snuffers."

"And be those juggling fiends no more believ'd
That palter with us in a double sense;
That keep the word of promise to our car,
And break it to our hope."

Julius Ferrettus, as quoted by Grose, has given an etymology of castrum too


From the Literary Gazette, August 1818.



To be continued.

causes been separated from Mrs. I.. for a considerable period preceding that M ATTHEW Gregory Lewis was event. M. G. Lewis, his son, received born in the year 1773, his father his education at Westminster School, being at that time deputy Secretary at and on coming of age was elected into War, which office he held for many Parliament for the borough of Hindon. years, and finally retired on a pension. In the years 1793 and 4 he made a His death happened within these few tour of the Continent, and to amuse his years, having through some family leisure hours whilst travelling, he wrote

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M. G. Lewis, author of the " Monk," &c.


a romance called the Monk, which was logical order, but simply notice some published in three volumes in 1795. of the most important of his producIt has been stated to us that this novel tions. In 1799" The Twins, or Is it was written at an earlier age, when the he or his Brother," for Baunister's benauthor was only sixteen, but though efit, was something like the "Three this assurance came from the best au- and Deuce;" but as it was never repeatthority, we are inclined to consider it ed, we take it for granted not so sucrather as an apology for what was cessful. Mr. Lewis immediately afthought morally injurious in the publi- ter produced a comedy called the East cation, than as a fact to be entirely de- Indian, which met with little approbapended upon. The Monk, as a work tion. Bannister spoke a curious epilogue of imagination and a literary produc- in the character of Queen Elizabeth, tion, displayed great genius and talent, ascending through a trap-door. Its and some of the poetry was exquisite- extravagance was worthy of the age asly touching; though it must be con- cribed to the author-for this piece alfessed, that while its beauties acquired so was said to be written when he was for it the highest degree of deserved sixteen. "Alfonso, King of Castile," popularity, the censures which its li- a tragedy, (1802) was one of the chief centiousness, immorality, and mockery dramatic productions of Mr. Lewis's of religion called down upon it, were pen. It was originally brought out at also but too justly merited. These ob- Covent Garden. The wildnes of the servations apply to the first edition, the fable was too much for regular tragedy, author having been induced by the se- and the situations too terribly romantic, verity of criticism, and probably by a and the catastrophe too horrid, for a more mature sense of propriety to re- judicious tribunal. The play failed, move some of the most offensive passa- was altered, played again, and tried at ges in the second and subsequent edi- Drury Lane, but never, to use a theattions. The success Mr. Lewis expe- rical phrase, could obtain a run. rienced in his first literary undertaking, tragedy of Adelgitha, in 1806, was encouraged him to apply more assidu- rather better received, though, like most ously to those pursuits, for we find him of the author's other productions, the from about this time constantly before moral is so abominable, as to annihilate the public as an author. In December any commendation which could be be1797 he produced his musical drama stowed on interesting situation and of the Castle Spectre, at Drury Lane, good dialogue. In 1809 "Venoni, or which met with extraordinary success. the Novice of St. Marks," a powerfulDuring the rehearsals the second ap- ly captivating drama in three acts, taken pearance of the Spectre was objected from the French Victime Clôtrée,issued to by Mr. Sheridan, but the author in- from the same fertile source, and though sisted that the piece should conclude as violently opposed for some nights, behe had written it; and the applause of ing withdrawn, and (as in the case of the audience proved him right, whatev- Alfonso) a new last act substituted, it er impartial criticism may allege against became a favourite for the season. it as a violation of dramatic order. Temper, a farce translated from the The drama, like the novel we have already mentioned, abounds in well-contrived thougir romantic incidents; and the language is always elegant and vigorous, often sublime and appalling. It was published in 1798, and has been much read and played ever since.

It is not our intention to follow minutely the appearances of Mr. Lewis's translation and adaptations of foreign plays to the English stage in chrono


Grondeur, whence Sir Charles Sedley
took his Grumbler, was rather disgust
ingly than laughably broad, and conse-
quently failed. The only other dramas
from Mr. L.'s pen, of which we are a-
ware, though Raymond and Agnes and
many others have been constructed on
his productions, are
the Harper's
Daughter, from Schiller's Minister, at
Covent Garden in 1803, which did not
excite more than a mediocre sensation;

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Original Anecdotes of the Buonapartes.


[VOL. 4 the well-known melo-dramas of Ru- powerful descriptions, his charms of gantino (1805) founded on his own composition, and his agitating situaBravo of Venice from the German, and tions, have a wonderful hold upon Timour the Tartar with the real hors- mind, which cannot resist their effects. es; Rich and Poor, a very affecting Undoubtedly he was more likely to piece, and a mono-drama, which we re- corrupt the stage, than to enrich it with member being performed once, in 1803, dramas, within the licence which our in which Mrs. Litchfield filled the cha- freedom in that respect admits. But racter of a Maniac, deliriously repeat- his muse knew no bounds. His tales ing the author's horrible imaginings are excellent of their kind, admiwith so much force as to throw not a rably written, and generally replete few of the audience, whose nerves were with pathos. Of the same nature are not proof against the dreadful truth of many of his minor poems. Alonzo the language and scene, into hysterics, the Brave, Bonny Jane,&c. are exquisiteand this piece was never again offered ly wrought: and it should be noticed, to the public. But the genius of Lew- that as he was aware of the ridicule is was not exhausted by the numerous that might be attached to that class of productions we have mentioned. In poems to which the first of these be1801 he published two volumes of Po- longs, and which he may be said to ems, under the title of Tales of Won- have introduced, he at once blunted der; these merit their title, and abound the shafts of ridicule by anticipating pawith sufficient of the marvellous, which rody, and evinced his own versatile talseemed to be a favourite theme with ent by writing the humourous imitahim. They also possess great beauty. tion Giles Jollup the Grave." The Bravo of Venice was published in On the death of his father, Mr. Lewis 1804, and Feudal Tyrants, a romance succeeded to a handsome patrimony, in 4 vols. in 1806. Besides these, be part of which consisted in West India has published Tales of Terror, 3 vois. property. He resided in the Albany Romantic Tales, 4 vols. and a collec- when in London, and lived in a rather tion of Poems in one volume. retired manner. But the latter years of

The prominent tone of all these his life were principally passed in travworks is the horrible-their prevailing elling. He had visited the Continent, character the supernatural. With a and twice made the voyage to the West fine and strong imagination, Mr. Lew- Indies, in returning from whence he is addicted himself to the demonology died on shipboard about 2 months ago. of belles lettres, if we may bestow that In person Mr. Lewis was small and appellation upon the darkest German well-formed; his countenance was exfictions, and the wildest conceptions of pressive; his manners gentlemanly; romance. But for the revolting excess and his conversation agreeable. He to which he was so apt to carry his fa- has left, we are informed, one daughvourite theme, he must have been infi- ter; and unfortunately was never marnitely popular, since even in spite of ried.

this blemish, his animated pictures, his


From the London Literary Gazette, July, 1818.

T was thought at one time that Na- for the prisoner at Valençai (Ferdinand poleon himself intended to marry VII.) Her father, however, still resohis niece, the eldest daughter of Lu- lutely opposed these nuptials, and thus cien; but the Austrian match put an wrote to his ambitious brother :end to this speculation. The young "No, I will never consent to sacrilady however appeared at the Tuileries, fice my children to your policy. God was received with due honour as an knows your designs upon Ferdinand, Imperial relative, and again destined but I myself know that you have al

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Original Anecdotes of the Buonapartes.


ready done too much against this un- pose Lucien on Napoleon's first accesfortunate Prince to admit of my ever sion to power. So unexpected a change calling him my son-in-law." Grand Duke of Wurtzburg was next proposed, but the young lady refused this alliance, and her father wrote peremptorily insisting on her return:

Send her to me (said he) or, braving my proscription and your orders, I will seek her in the very saloons of the Tuileries." The furious Emperor or dered her to be dismissed from Paris in

24 hours.

The could only be accounted for, by the the fact of Fouché's knowing that he had no real support with the emperor since Josephine's divorce. The minister looked every where for a counterpoise to balance the power of Napoleon, which he began to find insupportable, since it weighed so heavily on himself and the revolutionists. He had just been appointed to govern the two Roman provinces instead of Miollis; The rupture between Lucien and his and got as far as Florence on his way, brother was never marked by such mu- when fresh orders induced him to retrotually excessive enmity as at this peri- grade. Although Fouché's nomination od. Neither Madame Letitia or the was not revoked, the above orders, rest of the family, dared now attempt added to the former governor continuto pronounce the former's name in Na- ing to exercise his functions, rendered poleon's hearing, while the senator him- it perfectly useless to him. This postself expected every species of violence ponement was a great disappointment from the emperor's anger. In one of to Lucien, it having been settled that those epistles which were exchanged his furniture, horses, equipages, and during this state of exasperation, Lucien servants, should be transferred to the told the usurper, "I am aware that your Ex-minister of Police: there was also fury is capable of making you commit another motive, which made Lucien fratricide- This was something wish to see Fouché, and secretly conlike an invitation: Lucien was not- verse with him: he was particularly withstanding supplied with the pass- anxious to have several mysteries exports he had previously demanded for plained, which his remoteness from the United States; these were address- Paris had concealed from him, but beed to him from the Minister of the In- ing once discovered, must have been of terior, by order. At the very moment the greatest use in directing his future of receiving them, the senator prepared movements. for his departure with all possible dispatch; statues, pictures, and effects, were immediately packed up, and sent off to Civita Vecchia with the utmost haste.

It was towards this period that Fouché was removed from the ministry of police. Although we do not pretend to know all the circumstances which led to this disgrace, we have particular reasons for asserting, that one of the principal causes arose from the minister's pertinaciously maintaining, that it was of the greatest consequence to the existence of Napoleon's dynasty, that every member of his family should be closely united.

Fouché seemed on this occasion as anxious to ingratiate himself with the senator, by promoting a reconciliation between the brothers, as he was to op

Foiled in his wishes with respect to Fouché, Lucien now only thought of embarking: there was, however, but one ship at Civita Vecchia fit to make a long voyage: this was accordingly hired: but it was soon after discovered that she would not hold all the luggage, or afford the accommodation which so large a family as that of the senator required. In this dilemma, Lucien, who had long broken off all communication with Murat, and having something to demand, a few months before wrote to his sister Caroline, in a style of the greatest coldness, now addressed himself directly to the king of Naples, begging that the latter would let him have one of the American ships in that port, and which had been lately sequestered pursuant to the direction of Napoleon to his vassal of Naples. To this short


Original Anecdotes of the Buonapartes.

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communication, Joachim returned a vanced him considerable sums; as by

this arrangement he hoped the gallery would escape the rapacity of Napoleon.

very obliging and friendly answer, in which he complained of the emperor himself in the bitterest terms, who, he To give some idea of their value, it observed in one part of his letter, adopt- will be sufficient to state, that when the ed a most perfidious policy with re- first notion of going to America occurgard to him, forcing him to undertake red to Lucien, his brother Louis offerruinous armaments under the pretext of ed one million five hundred thousand conquering Sicily, while he was certain francs for all the pictures, and a few the emperor had promised not to dis- statues of the former, there were possess the family that reigned in that about a hundred and twenty. In the island in fact he regretted that it was event of this offer's being acceptnot in his own power also to escape ed, these fine specimens were intended from tyranny, as the persecuted brother for a gallery, which the above named was. In other respects, Murat fully personage was desirous of forming in acceded to the wishes of Lucien and Holland. Since the period alluded to, the Hercules, a fine American ship, the collection had been augmented by was restored to her captain, on the sole a regular set of the most classical encondition, that he should receive the gravings extant, together with some of family and effects of the senator. The the best pictures in the Ricardi collecking even ordered forty-four thousand tion: these were bought during Lufrancs to be advanced for the purpose cien's last visit to Florence." of hastening her repairs, and a Neapolitan ship of war was sent to escort her to Civita Vecchia.

This piece of service cost Murat very dearly, for the emperor heard of the confidential letter, owing perhaps to Lucien's having in a moment of exultation spoken rather too freely of it: this gave rise to the greatest indignation on the part of Napoleon, who called it a crime in Joachim to have thus assisted a departure, which, notwithstanding the passport signed by himself, was designated as a flight. The only terms on which the King of Naples could obtain pardon for this offence, was, by paying ten millions of francs to his inexorable brother-in-law. Such at least is the positive assertion of Madame Murat.

The only difficulty now in the way of emigration, was a safe passport from the English; but this was not to be obtained.

At length the family took leave of Tusculum on the first of August 1810, a place in which so many days of tranquillity and happiness had passed; nor could any of the party flatter themselves with the hopes of ever seeing it again, so remote were their expectations of returning to Europe. Arriving at Civita Vecchia, in the midst of apprehensions that some new cause of detention might arise, Lucien lost no time in embarking his family. Taking advantage of a fair wind that sprung up, the Hercules weighed anchor on the fifth. Lucien's suite was very numerous: his family consisted of two daughters by the first marriage, Charlotte, whose name has already often appeared in these Memoirs, and Amelia, three years younger than her sister. Charles, born in 1803, before the marriage: this was a very interesting child, capable of great application to his studies, and remarkably intelligent. Letitia, born at Milan, and so called after her grandmother; a second daughter, named Jane, whom Pius VII. had held over the baptismal font at Rome, giving her the name of his own mother; finally, Paul, who was born at Canino.

"From this unexpected refusal the senator began to entertain serious alarm at the idea of being stopped on his voyage; but considering the danger to be greatest on his brother's side, he determined to persevere in the voyage. Anxious to prevent his fine collection of pictures from being seized by his In addition to the above, Lucien brother, it was decided that the whole had identified Mademoiselle Anna should be deposited in the hands of Jouberteau, his wife's daughter, with some bankers at Rome, who had ad- his own family. This young lady was

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