Lit comm. CONTENTS. DIFFICULTY of comprehending the process of na- Effect of contemplating the, Alpine mountains---Mont Newton's æther similar to electricity---electricity un- knownto the ancients---some of its properties known to Descartes---electric phenomena of the atmo- sphere---subject to a flux and reflux like the sea--- the properties of conductors---causes of rain, hail, VOL. II. a 2 LETTER The experimental method of philosophising unknown Of the Loadstone---how far its properties were known No bodies in nature perfectly solid-the impenetrability Of combustible substances---opinions concerning their LETTER XΧΧΙΧ. Of phænomena caused by the action of fire and water within the earth---causes of volcanic eruptions--- electricity. LETTER On Volcanos---further remarks on the causes of their Proofs of great and general convulsions of nature--- The true idea of time---traditionary account of the : Of the deluge---proofs of the belief of it in the most remote antiquity---improbability of its having been universal---not necessary to suppose it universal from the language of Scripture---The doctrine of a chaos not peculiar to Moses---notions of the ancients con- Freedom of inquiry distinguished from licentious scep- ticism---A deluge believed by the Hindoos, Egyp- tians, and other ancient nations---Mr. Bryant's no- tion, that the deluge is the foundation of most of the The folly of implicit faith---speculation on the system of the world not injurious to religion---the history of the arts does not disprove the high antiquity of the world---abundantly proved from natural phæ- |