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575 nies; by MICHELET, translated from the French, in Bohn's Library; HARE, Vindication of Luther against his English assailants. 1854. This is a Reply to Sir Wm. Hamilton (Discussions in Philosophy and Literature); also, to Hallam, to J. H. Newman, and W. G. Ward. The charge of "Rationalism" and other imputations against Luther are fully considered, and various mistakes of Hamilton are exposed. Lives of Luther in English; by Riddle (London, 1837); by J. Scott (New York, 1833); by H. Worsley, London, 1856–7; by Barnas Sears, 1850. 8vo. F. G. Hofman, Katharina von Bora, Leipzig, 1845. 8vo. Lives of Melancthon: by Camerarius (see above); Als Præceptor Germaniæ, by A. H. Niemeyer, Halle, 1817; by Facius, 1832; by GALLE, Charakteristik Melancthons, 2d ed., Halle, 1845; by Matthes, 1841; Leben u. Wirken Phil. Mel., Altenb., 2d ed. 1846; by Ledderhose (translated by G. F. Krotel, New York, 1854); by Cox, London, 1815, Boston, 1835. Leben u. ausgewählte Schriften d. Väter u. Begründer d. luth. Kirche, 1861 seq.: Melancthon, by C. Schmidt; Brenz, by J. Hartmann; Urbanus Rhegius, by G. Uhlhorn; Justus Jonas, by Cruciger; P. Speratus, L. Spengler, N. v. Amsdorf, Paul Eber, M. Chemnitz, D. Chrytæus, by Pressel. THE HISTORY OF THE SWISS (ZWINGLIAN AND CALVINISTIC) REFORMATION.

Contemporary sources. B. Weiss (d. 1531): Kurze Beschreibung d. Glaubensänderung im Schweizerlande (in Füsslin's Beiträge, iv. 32). V. Anshelm: Berner Chronik bis 1526 (Berne, 1825-33). H. BULLINGER (d. 1575): Reformationsgeschichte (to 1532). Frauenfeld, 1838-40. Bullinger was born in 1504, succeeded Zwingle at Zurich in 1531, and died in 1575. He was one of the most distinguished of the Reformers of his age, and an entirely trustworthy writer. J. Salat (Catholic), Valentin Tschudi (Catholic), Egidius Tschudi (Catholic): authors of works extant in manuscripts: See Gieseler, IV. i. 1. FROMMENT: Les Actes et les Gestes de la Cité de Genève. Genève, 1536. 8vo. Fromment was a Frenchman, an associate of Farel, and one of the first to preach Protestantism in Geneva. Later in life, he was deposed from the ministry and held the office of Notary. His Chronicle covers the period from 1532 to 1536, and is a trustworthy narrative. Original Documents. Works of the Reformers: see below. Miscellanea Tigurina. 3 Th. Zurich, 1722-24. J. C. Füsslin : Beiträge z. Erläut. d. Kirchen-Reformationsgesch. d. Schweizerlandes. Zurich, 1741-53. Ejusd. Epistolæ ab. Eccl. Helvet. Reformatoribus vel ad eos scriptæ. Tiguri, 1742. J. J. Simler: Sammlung alter u.

neuer Urkunden z. Beleuchtung d. Kirchengesch. vornehmlich des Schweizerlandes. Zurich, 1767.

Works of the Reformers. U. Zwinglii opera, first complete ed. by Schuler and Schulthess, 8 vols. Zurich, 1828-42. J. Calvini, opera theologica, 12 vols., Geneva, 1556; 9 vols., Amsterdam, 1667; new ed. by Baum, Cunitz, and Reuss: Bruns. 1863 seq. (to 1871, 10 vols.). English translation of Calvin's Writings, 52 volumes, Edinburgh, 1842 seq. Letters of Calvin, edited by BONNET: English translation, 2 vols., Edinburgh, 1856–57. Historical and Biographical Works. J. H. Hottinger (d. 1667): Hist. Eccl. 1655-57. J. J. Hottinger (d. 1735): Hist. d. Ref. in d. Eidgenossenschaft. 4 Th. Zurich, 1708. Basnage: Hist. de la Religion des Églises Réform: a la Haye (1690), 1721, 4to. A. RUCHAT: Hist. de la Réformation de la Suisse. 6 vols. Geneva, 1727 seq. L. Wirz Neuere helvet. Kirchengeschichte. 2 vols. (to 1523); the second by M. Kirchhofer, 1813, 1819. Hess: Ursprung, Gang u. Folgen d. durch Zwingli in Zürich bewirkten Glaubensverbesserung u. Kirchenreform. Zurich, 1819. J. v. Muller u. R. G. Blotzheim : Geschichte schweizerischer Eidgenossenschaft, continued by J. J. Hottinger (to 1531). Zurich, 1825 and 1829. Gaberel: Hist. de l'Église de Genève, 2 vols., 1853. D'Istria: La Suisse Allemande. Switzerland, the Pioneer of the Ref., 2 vols. London, 1858. Hundeshagen : Zur Charakteristik Zwinglis, etc. Studien u. Kritiken, 1862. Mignet: Mémoires Hist. 3d ed. Paris, 1854. It contains an Essay on Calvinism in Geneva. Mosheim: Neue Nachr. von Servet; also, Ketzergsch., ii. (1748). Charpenne : Histoire de la Réforme de Genève. 8vo. 1861.

Lives of Zwingle: by Myconius (see above); by J. G. Hess, Engl. transl., by L. Aiken, 1812, and translated from the French into the German, with an added Appendix, by L. Usteri, 1811; by J. M. Schuler, 1819; by Roeder, 1855; by J. Tichler, 1827; by Robbins, Bib. Sacra, vols. ii. and iii.; by CHRISTOFFEL (in the Leben u. Ausgewählte Schriften d. Väter u. Begründer d. reformirten Kirche), 1857; by J. C. MÖRIKOFER, 2 vols., 1867. 8vo. Life of Beza, by Schlosser, 1809; by Baum, 1843, 1852. Bertold Haller, oder die Reformation von Bern, by M. Kirchhofer, Zurich, 1828. Lebensgeschichte von Oekolampadius, by Hess. Zurich, 1793; by Herzog, 2 vols., Basle, 1843; Das Leben Wilh. Farels, v. M. Kirchhofer, 2 vols. Zurich, 1831. Lives of Farel, Fromment, Viret, by Chenevière, Genève, 1835. Life of Farel, by Schmidt. Strasburg, 1834. Life of Viret, by Jaquemont. Strasburg, 1836. In the series, entitled, Leben u. Ausgewählte Schriften d. Väter u. Begründer d. ref. Kirche: Zwingle, by Christoffel; Oecolam


577 padius and Myconius, by Hagenbach; Calvin, by Stähelin; Capito and Bucer, by Baum; Bullinger, Haller, and Leo Judä, by Pestalozzi; Capito and Beza, by Heppe; Peter Martyr, by Schmidt, 1859; Olevanius and Ursinus, by Südhoff, 1858; Farel and Viret, by C. Schmidt; Vadian and Blaurer, by Pressel; Knox, by Brandes.

Lives of Calvin, by BEZA, translated by Gibson, Phila., 1836; by Waterman, London, 1813; by T. Smyth, Phil., 1835; by DYER, London, 1849, 8vo; by Audin, 5th ed., Paris, 1851; by Henry, 3 vols., Hamburg, 1835-1844, translated into English by Stebbing, 1844; by Stähelin, 1863; by Bungener, 2d ed., 12mo, 1863; by Guizot (St. Louis and Calvin); by Kampschulte (Roman Catholic), vol. i., 1869.

THE REFORMATION IN DENMARK, NORWAY, AND Sweden. In Heeren u. Ukert's Staatengeschichte: Dänemark, by Dahlmann. Harald Hurtfeld: Dänische Chronik. Copenhagen, 1604. J. Baez : Inventarium Eccl. Sueco-Gothor. Lincop., 1642. 4to. Celsius: Gsch. Gustav. I., from the Swedish. Copenhagen and Leipzig, 1754. PONTOPPIDAN: Annales Ecclesiæ Danica. Copenhagen, 1741. Also, Reformationshistorie d. dän. Kirche, 1734. Münter: Kirchengsch. v. Dän. u. Norw. 1823-33. Also, Danske Reformationshistorie. Copenhagen, 1802. Schinmeier: Lebensbeschreib. d. drei schwed. Reformatoren. Lüb., 1783. Troil: Skrifter och Handlingar till uplisning i. Svenska Kyrko och Reformations-Historia. Upsala, 1790. Thyselius: Handlingar till Sverges Reformations och Kyrkohistoria under Konung Gustaf I. (1523-61). Stockholm, 1841-45. By the same author: Einführung d. Ref. in Schweden bis 1527 (in Zeitschr. f. hist. Theol. 1846). Römer: De Gustavo I. rer. sacr. in Sueciâ instauratore. Ultraj, 1840. A. Theiner: Versuche d. heilig. Stuhls in d. letzten drei Jahrh., den Norden wieder mit d. Kirche zu vereinen. Augsburg, 1838. Münter: Symbolæ ad illustrand. Bugenhagii in Dania Commorationem. Havn., 1836. By the same: De Confutatione latina quæ Apologiæ Evangelicor. in Comitiis Havemensib. anno 1530, traditæ opposita est. Havn., 1847. L. Helvig Danske Kirkeshistorie after Reformationen. Copenhag., 1851. Dunham: Hist. of Denmark, Sweden, and Nor way (in Lardner's Cab. Cycl., 1840). J. Finnius: Hist. Eccles. Islandiæ, 1772-8. 4 vols. 4to. G. L. Baden: Hist. of Denmark. 5 vols. Copenhagen, 1829-32. GEIJER: History of Sweden, translated by Turner. 8vo. 1845. Anders Tryxell: Hist. of Sweden, translated and edited by Mary Howitt. London, 1844.


1857 seq.

A. Gindely: Böhmen u. Mähren im Zeitalt. d. Reformation (2 vols.). Prague, 1837. Gsch. d. böhmischen Brüder. Prague (2 vols.), CZERWENKA: Gsch. d. evangel. Kirche in Böhmen. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1869-70. PESCHECK: Gsch. d. Gegenreformat. in Böhmen (2 vols.), 2d ed. Leipzig, 1850. The Reformation and Anti-Reformation in Bohemia. 2 vols. London, 1845. Ehwalt: Die alte u. neue Lehre d. böhm. Brüder. Dantzig, 1756. K. A. Müller: Fünf Bücher vom böhmisch. Kriege. Dresden, 1840. Tomek: Geschichte Böhmens. PALACKY: Böhmens Geschichte. Vols. 1-5. 1836-67. 8vo. NIEMEYER: Collectio Confessionum, pp. 771-851.


REGENVOLSCIUS: Syst. hist. Chron. Eccl. Slavonicarum. Ultraj, 1652. 4to. Lubienicius: Hist. Ref. Polon. Freist. 1685. Schicksale d. pol. Dissidentium (3 vols.). 1768 seq. Salig: Historie d. Augsb. Confession, ii. 515. Friese: Kirchengeschichte d. Königreichs Polen (2 Th.). Breslau, 1786. 8vo. KRASINSKI: History of the Reformation in Poland (2 vols.). 8vo. London, 1840; by the same: Sketch of the Religious History of the Slavonic Nations. Edinburgh, 1851. Dunham: History of Poland (in Lardner's Cab. Cycl.). 1841. N. A. de Salvandy: Hist. de Pologne avant et sous J. Sobieski. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1855. J. Fletcher: History of Poland, London. 1831. J. Lelevel: Histoire de Pologne. 2 vols. Paris, 1844. 8vo. R. Roepell: Gsch. von Polen. Hamburg, 1841. Fasti Polonici, 1624 seq., Breslau, 1854.

THE REFORMATION IN HUNGARY AND TRANSYLVANIA. Ribinus: Memorab. Aug. Conf. in Hungaria. 2 vols. Presb., 1787. J. Burius: Hist. Dipl. de Statu Relig. evang. in Hung. 1710. Fol. Salig: Gsch. d. Augsb. Conf., ii. 803. [P. EMBER]: Hist. Eccl. Ref. in Hung. et Transyl., ED LAMPE, Traj. 1728. 4to. Péterffy: Sacra Concil. Eccl. Romano-Cathol. in Regno Hung. celebrata, MXVI. usque ad. a. MDCCXXXIV. 2 vols. Fol. Vienna, 1742. Schmal: Monumenta Evangel. Aug. Confessionis in Hungaria historica. 8vo. Pesth. 1861. Memorab. August. Confessionis in Regno Hung. de Ferdinando I. usque ad Carolum VI. 2 vols. 1786-9. 8vo. Kurze Gsch. d. evang. luther. Kirche in Ungarn vom Aufange d. Ref. bis Leopold II. Göttingen, 1794. 8vo. Die wichtigsten Schicksale d. evang. Kirche Augsb. Bekennt. in Ungarn von J. 1522 bis 1608. Leipzig, 1828. Hist. Eccl. Evang. Aug. Confessioni addic



torum in Hung., etc. Halberstadt, 1830. Mailath: Gsch d. Magjaren. 5 vols. 8vo. 1820-30; 2d ed., 1852-55. L. Szalay: Hist. Hungar. (to 1690). 5 vols. 8vo. Gsch. d. evang. Kirche in Ungarn, mit Rücksicht auf Siebenbürgen, Berlin, 1854. History of Protestantism in Hungary, with Preface by Dr. M. d'Aubigne, London, 1854. M. Horvath: Gsch. Ungarns. 2 vols. 8vo. Pesth, 1854. J. Paget: Hungary and Transylvania. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. J. A. Fessler: Gsch. d. Ungarn. 10 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1815-25. De Sary: Hist. Générale de Hongrie. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1778. G. Haner: Hist. Eccless. Transylvan., 1694. 12mo. I. Benko: Transylvania, P. I., Tom. ii. (Vindob. 1778. 8vo), p. 121 (lib. iv., c. 12, De Statu Ecclesiastico).


Documents and Contemporary Works. BEZA: Hist. Eccl. des Églises Réf. au Royaume de France (to 1568). 3 vols. Antwerp, 1580. 8vo.

Serrarius (or De Serres): Comment. de Statu Relig. et Respubl. in Regno Galliæ (5 parts), 1570 seq.

F. Belcarius (Beaucaire de Peguillon, Bishop of Metz): Historia Gallica (1561-67). Lugd., 1625. Fol. THUANUS: Hist. sui Temporis, etc. (See above.)

THEOD. AGRIPPA D'AUBIGNÉ: Histoire Universelle (1550-1601). Maillé, 1616-20. 3 vols. Fol.

He was born in 1550, and died in 1630. The son of a devoted Huguenot, he fought in the siege of Orleans, when he was only thirteen years old. He was for a while an intimate associate of Henry IV. After writing this work, he resided in Geneva. He was a man of high-toned character, deeply imbued with the religious feelings peculiar to the Huguenots.

Mémoires d'Agrippa d'Aubigné. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1854.
A. L. HERMINJARD: Correspondance des Réformateurs dans les
Pays de la Langue Française. Vols. 1-3. 1866-68–70.
Bulletin de la Société pour l'Histoire du Prot. Français (since 1850
It includes many documents illustrative of this period.)
Du Plessis Mornay: Mémoires et Correspondance. Paris, 1821-5.
PETITOT: Mémoires relatifs à l'Histoire de France (1st series, 1819-
26. 52 vols. 8vo. 2d series, 1820-29. 78 vols. 8vo.)

Among the works embraced in this collection are the Memoirs of Bouillon, vicomte de Turenne (from 1555-1584). He was grandson of the Const. Montmorenci; was converted to Calvinism, and was an adherent of Henry IV. Gamon (1560-86). Mergey (1556-89): he was born in 1536; he was at St. Quentin (1557), at Dreux

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