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NIEDNER: : Kirchengsch. 8vo. Berlin, 1866. One of the most learned and valuable of all the German manuals, although clumsy in its literary execution.

J. I. Ritter (Roman Catholic): Kirchengsch. 6th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Bonn, 1862. Moderate and candid in its tone.

Alzog (Roman Catholic): Handbuch d. Kirchengsch. 8th ed. 2 vols. Mainz, 1866-68. This is written in a truly scientific spirit. Riffel (Roman Catholic): Kirchengsch. d. neuesten Zeit von Anfang d. 16. Jahrh. 3 vols. 8vo. Mainz, 1842-47.

H. Stebbing: History of the Reformation. 2 vols. (In Lardner's Cab. Cyclopædia) 1836. Lond. 16mo.


J. Tulloch Leaders of the Reformation: Luther, Calvin, Latimer, Knox. 8vo. 2d ed. Edinb. 1860.

Stephen: Essays in Eccl. Biography. 4th ed.

1860. Lond. 8vo.

M. J. Spalding (Roman Catholic): History of the Reformation. 4th ed. Baltimore, 1866. 8vo.

The two great Theological Encyclopædias:

WETZER U. WELTE, (Roman Catholic): Kirchenlexicon oder Encyklopädie d. kath. Theologie. 12 vols. Freiburg, 1847-56. HERZOG (Protestant): Real-Encycl. für protestantische Theologie u. Kirche. 21 vols.; and Register, 1 vol. Hamburg, 1854-68.

These copious works embody the results of German Theological study, apart from Biblical criticism, in the branches of the Church to which they severally belong.


(1) Roman Catholic. Maimbourg: Hist. du Lutheranisme, Paris, 1680 also, Hist. du Calvinisme, 1682. Bossuet: Hist. des Variations des Églises Protest., Paris, 1688, nouv. éd., ŒŒuvres de Bossuet, tomes v. et vi. Paris, 1836, 8vo. Varillas Hist. des Révolutions arrivées en Matière de Religion. 6 vols. Paris, 1689. 4to. Döllinger: Die Reformation, ihre innere Entwickelung u. ihre Wirkungen. 3 vols. Regensburg, 1848. The work is carried no farther than the "Umfang des lutherischen Bekenntnisses." Döllinger's work is largely a collection of materials. It relates chiefly to the defects of the Reformers and of their work. It may profitably be compared with his recent Lectures on the Reunion of the Churches (Munich, 1872). Balmes: Protestantism and Catholicity compared in their effects on Civilization. Transl. from the Spanish. 8vo. Baltimore, 1851. An elaborate controversial work in reply to Guizot's Lectures on Civilization, by a Spanish Priest. It ends with the sentence: "As soon as the Sovereign Pontiff, the



Vicar of Jesus Christ upon earth, shall pronounce sentence against any one of my opinions, I will hasten to declare that I consider that opinion erroneous, and cease to profess it." Protestant. Bayle: Critique Générale de l'Histoire du Calvinisme de Maimbourg, Amsterdam, 1684. 3d ed. Hagenbach: Vorlesungen über d. Kirchengsch. New ed. Leipz., 1868, seq. (Chiefly upon the Ref. in Germany and Switzerland.) Schenkel: Das Wesen des Protestantismus. 2d ed. Schaffhausen, 1862. 8vo. Hundeshagen: Der Deutsche Protestantismus. Frankfort. 8vo. 3d ed. 1849. (Relating especially to German Protestantism, but with a more general bearing.) Roussel: Les Nations Cath. et les Nations Prot. 2 vols. Paris. 8vo. 1854. Polemical against Romanism. Villers: Essai sur l'Esprit et l'Influence de la Réf. de Luther. Paris, 1804. 8vo. Engl. transl., Philadelphia, 1833.

Laurent: La Réforme (in Études sur l'Histoire de l'Humanité, t. viii.). 8vo. Brux, 1861.



Contemporary Sources for both Countries. J. SLEIDAN (d. 1556): De Statu Religionis et Reipublicæ, Carolo V. Cæsare, Commentarii. Folio. Amsterdam, 1555; best ed., Frankfort, 1785-6. 3 vols. 8vo. English translation by Bohun, London, 1689. Folio. 3 vols. 4to. French translation, with the notes of Le Courayer, 1767.

Sleidan was born at Sleida, near Cologne, in 1506. After completing his education, he lived for a number of years in France, was in the service of Francis I., and the interpreter of his embassy at Hagenau (1540). In 1542, he entered the service of the Smalcaldic League, and in 1545 was commissioned by it to write a history of the Reformation. He accompanied a Protestant embassy to England; went, in 1551, to the Council of Trent, as a commissioner from Strasburg, and in 1554, in the same capacity to the Conference of Nuremberg. He was versed in literature, law, and political science, of a dispassionate, judicial temper, and careful in his researches.

Later Authorities. Abr. Scultetus (Prof. at Heidelberg; d. 1624): Annalium Evangelii passim per Europam decimo sexto Salutis partæ seculo renovati, Decas I. et II. (from 1516-1536). Heidelberg, 1618-20. Reprinted in V. d. Hardt, Hist. liter. Reformationis. Gerdesius (Prof. at Gröningen, d. 1765): Introd. in Hist. Evangel. sec. xvi. passim per Europam renovati. Groning. 1744-52. Tom. iv. 4to. Also, his collection of documents: Scrinium Antiqua rium, etc. Tom. viii. 4to. 1748-1763.

More recent Works. G. WADDINGTON (Dean of Durham): A History of the Reformation on the Continent. 3 vols. London, 1841. Extending to the death of Luther. Hagenbach, Vorlesungen, etc. (see above.)

Chauffour-Kestner: Les Réformateurs du XVI. Siècle: Hutten; Zwingli. 2 vols. 12mo. 2d ed. Paris, 1865.


Contemporary Sources. G. SPALATINUS (d. 1545): Annales Reformationis (published by Cyprian. 8vo. Leipzig, 1718).

Spalatin was born in 1484, and died in 1545. He was court preacher and private secretary to the Electors of Saxony, Frederic, John, and John Frederic. He was present at the Diet of Augsburg in 1518, at the election of Charles V. at Frankfort, in 1519, at his coronation at Cologne in 1520, at the Diet of Worms in 1521, at the Diets of Nuremberg in 1523 and 1524, in 1526 at Spires, in 1530 at Augsburg, in 1537 at the Convention at Smalcald, and at other important assemblies. He took part in the visitation of the Saxon Churches. He was an intimate friend and correspondent of Luther, Melancthon, Bugenhagen, and the other Saxon Reformers.

G. Spalatin's Historischer Nachlass u. Briefe. Bd. i.: Das Leben u. die Zeitgeschichte Friedrichs des Weisen. 8vo. Jena, 1851. F. MYCONIUS (d. 1546): Hist. Reformationis (by Cyprian. 2d ed. 8vo. Leipzig, 1718).

Myconius was born in 1491 and died in 1546. He was held in high esteem by Luther and Melancthon, and efficiently coöperated with them in their work.

Ph. Melancthon: Hist. Vitæ Mart. Lutheri. (Preface to Lutheri Opp. Lat., Vitemberg, 1546; and in separate editions.)

J. Mathesius (d. 1564): Historie von D. Martin Luther's Anfang, Lehren, Leben, etc. (in 27 sermons) 4to. Nürnberg, 1566.

Mathesius became a student at Wittenberg in 1528, and lived for a time in Luther's family. He died in 1564.

J. Camerarius: De Phil. Melancthonis Ortu, totius Vitæ Curriculo et Morte, etc. 8vo. Leipzig, 1566.

Camerarius was born in 1500 and died in 1574. He was a pupil of Luther and Melancthon, and was especially attached to the latter.

Cochlæus (Rom. Cath., d. 1552): Commentaria de Actis et Scriptis M. Lutheri, etc. (from 1517-1546). Mogunt., 1549; Paris, 1565; Cologne, 1568.

Cochlæus was an active polemic. He was at the Diet of Augsburg in 1530.


573 Surius (Rom. Cath., d. 1578): Comment. brevis Rerum in Orbe Gestarum ab anno 1500 usque 1566. Cologne, 1567. Collections of Documents. LÖSCHER: Vollständigen Reformations-acta u. documenta (from 1517-1519). 3 vols. 4to. Leipzig, 1720-29. Tentzel Hist. Bericht v. Anfang u. Fortgang d. Ref. Luth. (by Cyprian. Leipzig, 1718). Kapp: Kleine Nachlese zur Ref. Gsch. nützlicher Urkunden. Leipzig, 1727. Strobel: Miscellaneen u. Beiträge zur Lit. Nürnb., 1775 seq., 1784 seq. Förstemann: Archiv. für die Gsch. d. Ref., Halle, 1831 seq.; neues Urkundenbuch, Hamburg, 1842. Neudecker: Urkunden aus d. Ref.-Zeit, Cassel, 1836; Merkwürdige Actenstücke aus der Zeitalt. d. Ref., Nürnb. 1838; Neue Beiträge zur Gsch. d. Ref. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1841. O. Schade: Satiren u. Pasquille a. d. Ref.-Zeit. Hannov. 1856-8 (3 vols.). Johannsen: Die Entwickl. d. prot. Geistes e. Sammlung d. wichtigsten Dokumente v. Worms. Edict b. z. Sp. Prot. Copenhagen, 1830. H. van d. Hardt: Historia Literaria Reformationis. Franc. and Leipzig, 1717.

Works of the Reformers: Luther's Works: Wittenberg ed., the German, 1539-1559, 12 vols., fol.; the Latin, 1545-1558, 7 vols., fol.; Jena ed., the German, 8 vols., fol.; the Latin, 4 vols., fol., 1555-1558 (from the autographs, except the first part of the German works); Altenburg ed., the German works alone, 10 vols., 1661-1664. Supplement. vol. to all the earlier edd., by Zeidler, Halle, 1702. Leipzig ed., 22 vols., fol., 1729-1740. Halle ed., by J. G. Walch (the most complete), 24 Thle., 1740-1750. In the last two of

Erlangen ed.,
Die reforma-

these edd., Latin works only in a German transl. by Plochmann u. Irmischer, 67 vols., 1826-1857. torischen Schriften Luthers in chronol. Folge, edited by K. Zimmermann. 4 vols. Darmstadt, 1846-50. Vollständige Auswahl Luther's Hauptschriften, by Otto von Gerlach, 1840-1848. 24 vols. (Fabricius, Centifolium Luth. s. notitia literaria scriptorum de Luthero editorum, Hamburg, 1728.) Luther's Briefe, Sendschreiben u. Bedenken, edited by De Wette, 6 vols. 1825-56. Luther's Briefwechsel, a supplem. vol., by Burkhardt (1866). Melancthon's Works: Basel. 1541. 5 vols. Fol. C. Peucer's ed., Wittenberg, 1562, 4 vols., fol.; Bretschneider's ed. (in the Corpus Reformatorum), 1834-1860, 28 vols., 4to.

Historical Works. SECKENDORF (d. 1692): Commentarius Historicus et Apologeticus de Lutheranismo, libb. iii. ed. 2. Leipzig, 1694. Seckendorf was born in 1626, and died 1692. He was educated at Strasburg. Under the Duke of Gotha, Duke Maurice of Zeitz, and the Elector Frederic III. of Brandenburg, he held responsible offices. He was a statesman of thorough education and of exem

plary integrity. His History, which was occasioned by the work of the Jesuit Maimbourg, was founded on the most industrious examination of original documents.

Salig: Vollständige Hist. d. Augsb. Confession u. derselb. Apologie (1517-1562). 3 Th. Halle, 1730–1745.

3 Th.

Planck: Gsch. d. Entstehung, d. Veränderungen, u. d. Bildung uns. prot. Lehrbegriffs b. z. d. Concordienformel. 6 vols. 2 ed. Leipzig, 1791-1800. Woltmann: Gsch. d. Ref. in Deutschland. Altona, 1801-1805. Spieker: Gsch. Dr. M. Luthers u. der durch ihn bewirkten Kirchenref. in Deutschl. 1 vol. (to 1521). Berlin, 1818. MARHEINEKE: Gsch. d. deutsch. Ref. 4 Th. Berlin, 1816-34 (a second ed. of Parts 1 and 2, 1831). This is still one of the best of the histories of the German Reformation. Ch. Villers: Essai sur l'Esprit et l'Influence de la Réf. de Luther. Paris, 1804 : translated into German, 2d ed., 1828, and into English, Phil., 1833. K. A. Menzel: Neuere Gsch. d. Deutschen v. d. Ref. b. z. Bundesacte. Breslau, 1826-39. Translated into English, 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1849.

Kohlrausch: Geschichte Deutschlands. Engl. transl. 8vo. 1848. L. RANKE: Deutsche Gsch. im Zeitalter d. Reformation. 7 vols., 4th ed., 1869. Translated in part, by Sarah Austin. 3 vols. 8vo. 1845-47.

K. Hagen: Deutschland's literar. u. relig. Verhältnisse im Ref. Zeitalter. 3 vols. Erlangen, 1841-44. D. F. Strauss: Ulrich von Hutten. 2d ed., 1871. Ward: House of Austria in the Thirty Years' War. London, 1869. Trench: Gustavus Adolphus in Germany, and other Lectures on the Thirty Years' War. 2d ed., 1872, Droysen Leben von Gustav. Adolf. 1868.

Lives of the German Reformers. Melchior Adamus: Vitæ Germanorum Theologorum, etc. Heidelberg, 1620. Ulenberg (a Protestant, then a Catholic, d. 1617): Vitæ haeresiarcharum Lutheri, Melancthonis, Majoris, Illyrici, Osiandri. Colon., 1589. Lives of Luther by MELANCTHON; by Mathesius (see above); by Walther, Jena, 1704-54, 2 Th.; by Keil, Leipzig, 1753, 4 Th.; by Ukert, Gotha, 1817, 2 Th.; by Jakel, 1840; by JÜRGENS [up to 1517,] Leipzig, 1846 seq., 3 vols.; by Gelzer, with Konig's illustrations, Hamburg, 1847-51 (translated, London and New York, 1857); by Stang, Stuttgart, 1835-8; by Pfitzer, Stuttgart, 1836; by Genthe, Halle, 1841-45; by Wildenbaln, Leipzig, 1850–2, 4 Th.; by Ledderhose, Speir, 1836; by MEURER, Dresden, 3d ed., 1870; by Döllinger (from the Kirchenlexicon), translated, London, 1851; by Audin, Paris, 2 vols., translated, Phil., 1841; a storehouse of calum

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