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1479. Union of Aragon and Castile under Ferdinand V. (the Catholic) and Isabella. (Conquest of Granada, 1492.)

1480. Establishment of the Spanish Inquisition.

1483. Birth of Luther, November 10.

1484. Birth of Zwingle, January 1.

1485. Accession of Henry VII. (the House of Tudor), in England; end of the Wars of the Roses.

1491. Birth of Ignatius Loyola.

1492. Discovery of America by Columbus.

1493. Accession of Maximilian I. as Emperor.

1494. Invasion of Italy by Charles VIII. Conquest of Naples by the French. Beginning of the Wars of Italy.

1495. Naples reconquered by Ferdinand II. Diet of Worms: establishment of the Imperial Chamber.

1497. Birth of Melancthon, February 6. Vasco da Gama doubles the Cape of Good Hope and sails to India.

1498. Death of Savonarola, May 23.

1500. Birth of Charles V., February 24.

1501. Louis XII. and Ferdinand V. (the Catholic), conquer and divide the kingdom of Naples. Contest between them.

1502. The University of Wittenberg is founded.

1503. Louis XII. finally deprived of Naples. Erasmus publishes the "Manual of a Christian Soldier." Death of Pope Alexander VI.; accession of Julius II.

1504. Death of Isabella of Castile. She is succeeded by her daughter Joanna, with her husband Philip I. of Austria, Duke of Burgundy.

1505. Peace between France and Spain; the kingdom of Naples is left wholly to Spain. Luther enters a monastery at Erfurt, August 17.

1 In preparing this Table, much aid has been derived from the Tables of Chronology in Alberi's edition of the Relazioni degli Ambasciatori Veneti (Appendice), 1863.

1506. Death of Philip I. Joanna becomes demented. Charles I. succeeds them (in his minority). Julius I. begins St. Peter's Church. He extends the papal dominion over Perugia and Bologna. Accession of Sigismund I. in Poland.

1508. League of Cambray against Venice, formed by Julius II., Ferdinand V., Louis XII., and Maximilian I. Luther is made a professor at Wittenberg.

1509. Accession of Henry VIII. in England. His marriage with Catharine of Aragon, June 29. Luther is ordained a priest,

May 2. Birth of Calvin, July 10.

1510. Conquest of Goa on the coast of Malabar; foundation of Por tuguese power in the East. Julius II. unites with Venice to drive the French out of Italy. Luther visits Rome.

1511. Ferdinand V. and Henry VIII. join the Holy League, ostensibly for the protection of the Church.

1512. Maximilian joins the Holy League. Maximilian of Sforza placed on the Ducal throne of Milan, from which the French are expelled. The Lateran Council (5th) opens, May 3. 1513. Death of Julius II., February 24. Accession of Leo X., March Death of James IV. of Scotland. Accession of James

11. V.

1514. Reuchlin's conflict with the Dominicans.

1515. Death of Louis XII.; accession of Francis I. He sets out to reconquer Milan. Battle of Marignano, September 13. Abolishment of the Pragmatic Sanction.

1516. Death of Ferdinand V., January 23. Charles of Austria becomes monarch of all Spain and its dependencies. Peace concluded between France, Spain, and Austria. Death of Ladislaus, king of Hungary and Bohemia; succeeded by Louis II. Zwingle a preacher in Einsiedeln. Erasmus publishes his New Testament. "Epistolæ Obscurorum Viro


1517. Luther posts his Theses, October 31.

1518. Luther appears before Cajetan at Augsburg, October 7. Melancthon arrives at Wittenberg, August 25. Leo X. publishes a Bull on Indulgences, November 9. Mission of Miltitz into Saxony, December. Zwingle becomes pastor in Zurich.

1519. Death of Maximilian I., January 12. Charles, king of Spain, elected Emperor, June 28. Disputation at Leipsic, July 24. Birth of Catharine de Medici, April 13.

1520. Excommunication of Luther by Leo X., June 15. Luther burns the bull, December 10. Insurrection of the Spanish


Commons; subdued the next year.


Death of Selim I., and accession of Soliman II. as Sultan. Magellan begins the first voyage round the world.

1521. Another bull issued against Luther, January 3. Luther appears before the Diet of Worms, April 18. Edict of the Diet against him, May 26. His abduction to the Wartburg, April 28. League of Leo X. and Charles V. Milan is wrested from the French by Charles V. Accession of Henry VIII. to the League. Soliman II. invades Hungary and takes Belgrade, August. Death of Leo X., December 1. Conquest of Mexico by Cortez, completed August 13. 1522. Accession of Adrian VI., January 9. Disturbances by Carlstadt at Wittenberg. Luther leaves the Wartburg. Luther's Answer to Henry VIII., July 15. Adrian's Letter to the Diet of Nuremberg, September 24. The Hundred Grievances of Germany. Capture of Rhodes by Soliman II. 1523. Gustavus Vasa is proclaimed king of Sweden, June 6. Defection of the Constable Bourbon. Death of Adrian VI., September 24. Accession of Clement VII., November 19. putations at Zurich, January 29, and October 26. Reformation in Livonia.


1524. Treaty of Malmoe. End of the Union of Calmar. Independence of Sweden. Albert of Brandenburg declares for the Reformation. The Landgrave of Hesse favors it. Catholic League signed at Ratisbon, July 10. Peasants' War. Quarrel of Erasmus and Ulrich von Hutten. Secret alliance of Clement VII. and Francis I. Order of Theatins is founded.

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1525. Defeat and capture of Francis I. at Pavia, February 25. Frederic I. of Denmark grants liberty to Protestantism. Mass abolished at Zurich, April 11. Zwingle publishes his Commentary on True and False Religion." Luther's marriage, June 18. Death of the Elector Frederic, May 5. 1526. Treaty of Madrid, January 14. Battle of Mohacs. Death of Louis II. Ferdinand of Austria becomes king of Bohemia and Hungary. Civil war in Hungary. League of Cognac, between Francis I., Clement VII., and other powers, against the Emperor, May 22. Recess of the Diet of Spires, August 27. The League of Torgau is formed.

1527. Capture and sack of Rome by the imperial troops. Henry VIII. seeks a divorce from Catharine of Aragon. Diet of Westeras establishment of the Reformation in Sweden. Visitation of the Saxon Churches.

1528. Reformation begins in Scotland. Martyrdom of Hamilton. Reformation established in Berne.

1529. Second Diet of Spires. Protest of the Lutherans. Treaty of Barcelona between the Pope and the Emperor. Cambray. Francis I. leaves Milan to the Empire.

Peace of

Siege of

Vienna by Soliman II. Reformation established in Basel.
The Marburg Conference, October 1.

1530. Coronation of Charles V. by Clement VII. at Bologna, February 22. Diet of Augsburg is opened, June 25. Geneva

freed from the Dukes of Savoy. Death of Cardinal Wolsey, November 30.

1531. The Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, elected King of the Romans, January 5. League of Smalcald, February 17. Henry VIII. is styled by the clergy Head of the Church of England, March 22. A Diet at Spires, September 13. War of Cappel. Death of Zwingle, October 11. Peace between Zurich and the five Cantons, November 16. Death of Oecolampadius, November 23.

1532. Peace of Nuremberg. Alarm from the Turks. Death of the Elector John, August 15. He is succeeded by John Frederic. Farel preaches in Geneva.

1533. Divorce of Henry VIII., and his marriage with Anne Boleyn. Marriage of Henry of Orleans (afterwards Henry II.) with Catharine de Medici, October 28.

1534. Henry VIII. is excommunicated by Clement VII., March 23. Act of Supremacy passed, November 23. Death of Clement VII.; succeeded by Paul III., October 13. Alliance of Francis I. with the Sultan. Loyola commences the organization of the Jesuit Order at Paris. Luther's translation of the Bible is completed.

1535. Persecution of French Protestants by Francis I. He invites Melancthon to his court, June 28. Münster taken from the Anabaptists, June 24. Expedition of Charles V. to Tunis. Francisco Sforza leaves Milan to Charles V. Consequent war between Charles and Francis I. Establishment of Protestantism in Geneva. Calvin publishes his "Institutes" at


1536. Execution of Anne Boleyn, May 19. Marriage of Henry VIII. with Jane Seymour, May 20. Invasion of Provence by the Imperialists. Their retreat. Death of Erasmus, July 12. Calvin appears in Geneva, August.

1537. Birth of Edward VI. Death of Jane Seymour, October 12. Ecclesiastical Supremacy of Henry VIII. declared by the Irish parliament. Christian III. establishes the Reformation in Denmark. Paul III. appoints Commissions of Reform. The Counter-reformation.



1538. League against the Turks. Treaty of Ferdinand with John Zápolya. Catholic League formed in Germany, June 10. Calvin banished from Geneva.

1539. The Six Articles passed in England. Conferences in Germany between Catholics and Protestants: Hagenau; Worms. Reformation in the Duchy of Saxony and in Brandenburg.

1540. Marriage (the fourth) of Henry VIII. with Anna of Cleves. He is divorced, and marries Catharine Howard, August 8. Execution of Cromwell, July 29. Death of John of Zápolya. Paul III. approves of the statutes of the Jesuit Order, September 27.

1541. A Diet and Conference at Ratisbon: Contarini present. Expedition of Charles V. to Algiers. Soliman reënters Hungary. Calvin recalled to Geneva.

1542. Execution of Catharine Howard, February 13. War rekindled between Charles V. and Francis I. Death of James V. of Xavier arrives at Goa

Scotland. Regency of Mary of Guise.

in the East Indies. Reformation in Brunswick. Flight of
Ochino from Italy.

1543. Alliance of Charles V. and Henry VIII. against Francis I.
Marriage (the sixth) of Henry VIII. with Catharine Parr,
July 12.
Revival of the Inquisition in Italy.

1544. Peace of Crespy renews, for substance, the stipulations of the Peace of Cambray. The Turks masters of a great part

of Hungary.

1545. Opening of the Council of Trent, December 13.

1546. Union of Maurice of Saxony with Charles V. The Elector of

Saxony and the Landgrave of Hesse are put under the ban of the Empire. The Smalcaldic War. Assassination of Cardinal Beaton. Death of Luther, February 18. Reformation of the Electoral Palatinate.

1547. Death of Henry VIII., January 28. He is succeeded by Edward VI. Death of Francis I., March 31. He is succeeded by Henry II. Battle of Mühlberg, April 24. The Pope transfers the Council from Trent to Bologna, by way of opposition to the influence of the Emperor. Truce between Ferdinand and the Turks.

1548. Diet at Augsburg. Establishment of the Interim, May 15. The Electoral dignity is transferred to Maurice. The Leipsic Interim. Marriage of Jeanne d'Albret with Anthony of Bourbon, Duke of Vendome the parents of Henry IV. Death of Sigismund I. of Poland. Succeeded by Sigismund

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