Out of Place: Englishness, Empire, and the Locations of IdentityIn a 1968 speech on British immigration policy, Enoch Powell insisted that although a black man may be a British citizen, he can never be an Englishman. This book explains why such a claim was possible to advance and impossible to defend. Ian Baucom reveals how "Englishness" emerged against the institutions and experiences of the British Empire, rendering English culture subject to local determinations and global negotiations. In his view, the Empire was less a place where England exerted control than where it lost command of its own identity. |
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... . 10. England—Civilization. 11. Race in literature. I. Title. PR478.N37B38 1999 820.9′358—dc21 98-25219 CIP This book has been composed in Berkeley Modified In memory of Donald Owen Schoonmaker Mentre che la speranza Copyright.
Englishness, Empire, and the Locations of Identity Ian Baucom. In memory of Donald Owen Schoonmaker Mentre che la speranza ha fior di verde Dante, The Divine Comedy Acknowledgments CONTENTS ix INTRODUCTION Locating English Identity 3 ...
... Memory : John Ruskin and the Architecture of Englishness 41 CHAPTER Two " British to the Backbone ” : On Imperial Subject - Fashioning 75 CHAPTER THREE The Path from War to Friendship : E. M. Forster's Mutiny Pilgrimage 101 CHAPTER FOUR ...
... memory in a discourse of collective identity . The locale , I indicate , serves a disciplinary and nostalgic discourse on English national identity by making the past visible , by rendering it present , 4 INTRODUCTION.
... memory houses , or the grassy fields of Lord's , had not simultaneously decided to globalize its address , to encounter itself in every corner of the world , and thus to multiply and render subject to an imperial re - formation its ...
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Out of Place: Englishness, Empire, and the Locations of Identity Ian Baucom No preview available - 1999 |
Out of Place: Englishness, Empire, and the Locations of Identity Ian Baucom No preview available - 1999 |