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Corail, s. m. coral.

Coran, s. m. Koran, alcoran.

Corbeau, s. m. raven.

Corbeille, s. f. basket.

Corde, s. f. corde, rope.
Cordial, s. m. cordial.
Corne, s. f. horn.

Corniche, s. f. cornice.
Corps, s. m. body.

Corrigeant, part. pręs. correcting.
Corriger, v. a. to correct.
Corrompre, v. a. to corrupt.
Corrompu, e, part. past. corrupted,

Coupe, s. f. cutting, cup, demi

coupe, half-cup.
Couper, v. a. to cut.
Cour, s. f. court.

Courage, s. m. courage.
Courant, s. m. current.

Courant, part. pres. running.

Courber, v. a. and n. to bend.
Coureur, s. m. runner, racer.
Courge, s. f. gourd.

Courir, v. n. to run, to run along.
Couronne, s. f. crown.

Couronné, e, part. past, crowned.
Couronnement, s. m. top, tafferel.

Corrosif, m. corrosive, f. adj. cor- Couronner, v. a. to crown.

rosive, corroding.

Cortége, s. m. train, retinue.

Corvée, s. f. statute-labor, service.

Côté, s. m. side, way.

Coteau, s. m. declivity.
Coton, s. m. cotton.
Cotonnier, s. m. cotton-tree.
Cotoyer, v. a. to go by the side of.
Cotte de mailles, s. f. coat of mail.
Cotret, s. m. fagot.
Cou, s. m. neck.

Couchant, adj. setting.

Couchant, s. m. west.

Couche, s. f. bed.

Couché, e, part. past, lying.

Coucher, v. a. and n. to lay down,

to put to bed, to lie, to sleep.

Courroie, s. f. strap.

Cours, s. m. course.

Course, s. f. course, career.
Coursier, s. m. steed.
Court, e, adj. short.
Courtisan, s. m. courtier.
Couru, e, part. past, run.
Cousin, s. m. cousine, f. cousin.
Coussin, s. m. cushion.
Couteau, s. m. knife.
Coûter, v. n. to cost.

Coûteux, m. coûteuse, f. adj. ex-
pensive, costly.

Coutume, s. f. custom, avoir cou

tume, to be accustomed.

Couver, v. a. to sit (on eggs.)
Couvert, e, part. past, covered

se Coucher, v. r. to lie down, to go Couverture, s. f. covering. to bed.

Couvrir, v. a. to cover.

Coucher, s. m. lying down, set- Craindre, v. a. to fear.

[blocks in formation]
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Crier, v. a. and n. to cry, to cry Cyprès, s. m. cypress.

[blocks in formation]

Crouler, v. n. to sink, to give Danseur, s. m. danseuse, s. f.


Croupe, s. f. brow, top, ridge.

Croyant, s. m. believer.

Cru, e, part. past. believed.
Cru, e, adj. raw, not cooked.
Cruel, le, adj. cruel.
Cueillir, v. a. to gather.
Cuiller, s. f. spoon.
Cuir, s. m. leather.
Cuirasse, s. f. cuirass.

Cuisant, e, adj. sharp, cutting.
Cuisse, s. f. thigh.


Dard, s. m. dart.

Darder, v. a. to dart.

Davantage, adv. more.
Datte, s. f. date.

De, prep. of, from, some, for, than, de ce que, conj. because.

se Débander, v. r. to slacken, to extend one's self.

Débarquer, v. a. and n. to land, ta disembark.

Débordé, part. past. overflowed.

Debout, adv. upright, standing in Dégel, s. m. thaw.


Débris, s. m. remains, wreck, ruins.

Début, s. m. beginning.

en Deça, adv: on this side.

Dégénérant, part. pres. degenerating.

Dégénérer, v. n. to degenerate.

Degoûté, e, part. past, disgusted.

Décharger, v. a. to discharge, to Degré, s. m. degree.


Décharné, e, part. past, emaciated.

Déchirer, v. a. to tear.

Décider, v. a. to decide.

Déguisé, e, part. past, disguisea.

Dehors, adv. and prep. out of

doors, out of, au dehors, abroad. Déjà, adv. already.

Delà, au-delà, prep. and adv. be


Décisif, m. décisive, f. adj. de- Déjeuner, s. m. breakfast.


Déclarer, v. a. to declare.

Déclin, s. m. decline.

Délai, s. m. delay.

Décoiffer, v. a. to unconf, to take Délaissé, e, part. past, abandoned.

off the head dress.

Décomposer, v. a. to decompose.
Décorer, v. a. to decorate.

Découper, v. a. to carve, to cut up.
Découvert, e, part. past, uncovered.
à Découvert, adv. in open air,

Découverte, s. f. discovery.
Découvrir, v. a. to discover.
Décrire, v. a. to describe.

Déçu, e, part. past, deceived.

Délicat, e, adj. delicate.
Délicatesse, s. f. delicacy.
Délice, s. m. delight.

Délicieusement, adv. deliciously,

Délicieux, m. délicieuse, f. adj.

Délié, e, adj. slender, unconfined.
Délire, s. m. delirium, frenzy.
Déloger, v. a. and n. to remove,
to go away.

Dédaigner, v. a. to disdain, to Delta, s. m. Delta (of Egypt.)


Dédain, s. m. disdain.

Dedans, s. m. inside.

Demain, adv. to-morrow, après

Dédommagement, s. m. compen- Demande, s. f. request.


Défaire, v. a. to undo, to defeat.

Défaite, s. f. defeat.

demain, the day after to-morrow. Demandant, part. pres. asking.

Demander, v. a. and n. to ask, to

demand, to require, to need.

Démarche, s. f. gait, step.

Défaut, s. m. defect, au défaut de, se Démener, v. r. to struggle, to

for want of.

Défendre, v. a. to defend.

Défier, v. a. to challenge, to dare.
Défiguré, e, part. past, disfigured.

Défricher, v. a. to clear.

Défunt, e, adj. deceased.
Dégager, v. a. to disengage.

se Dégager, v. r. to disengage one's


Démenti, e, part. past, failed, disappointed, falsified.

se Démentir, v. r. to fail.

Demeure, s. f. abode, dwelling. Demeurer, v. n. to remain, to live, to stop.

Demi, e, adj. half, demi-heure, half-hour.

1 Demi, adv. half, by halves.
Demi-voilé, e, half-veiled.
Demoiselle, s. f. young lady.
Démon, s. m. demon, fiend.
Dénoncer, v. a. to denounce.
Denrée, s. f. provisions.
Dent, s. f. tooth.

Départ, s. m. departure
Dépêcher, v. a. to dispatch.

se Dépêcher, v. r. to make haste. Dépendant, adj. dependent. Dépendre, v. n. to depend on. Dépens, s. m. pl. expense. Dépeuplé, e, part. past, depopulated.

Dépit, s. m. vexation, pet.
Déplaire, v. n. to displease.
Déplaisir, s. m. grief, pain.
Déplier, v. a. to unfold.
Déplorer, v. a. to deplore.
Déployant, part. pres. spreading,
unfolding, displaying.
Déployer, v. a. to display.
Déplumé, e, part. past, stripped
of feathers.

Déposé, e, part. past, laid down, deposited.

Dérober, v. a. to rob, to take away. se Dérober, v. a. to steal away, to disappear.

Dérouler, v. a. to unroll, to spread out.

se Dérouler, v. r. to spread out, to unroll.

Derrière, prep. de derrière, adv. back of, behind, par derrière, adv. behind.

Des, (contracted for, de les) of the, from the, some.

Dès, prep. from, since, at. dès

que. as soon as.

se Désaltérer, v. r. to quench thirsi. Désastreux, m, désastreuse, adj. disastrous.

Descendant, part. pres. descending.

Descendre, v. n. to descend.
Descente, s. f. descent, going down.
Désert, e, adj. desert.
Désert, s. m. desert.

| Désespérant, part. pres. despairing. Désespéré, e, part. past. in despair.

en Désespéré, as a mad person.

Déposer, v. a. to deposit, to lay Désespérer, v. n. to despair.

down, to settle.

Dépôt, s. m. deposit.

Dépouillé, e, past, part. stript, bare.

Dépouiller, v. a. to strip, to divest. Dépouilles, s. f. pl. spoils. Dépourvu, e, part. past, deprived. Dépravation, s. f. depravity.

se Désespérer, v. r. to despair. Désespoir, s. m. despair; au désespoir, in despair.

Déshérité, e, past. part. disinherited.

Désintéressement, s. m. disinterestedness.

Désir, s. m. desire.

se Dépraver, v. r. to become de- Désirer, v. a. to desire.


Depuis, adv. & prep. since, from.

Déraciné, past part. uprooted.

Désolé, e, past. part. desolated. Désolé, e, adj. desolate, sad, distressed.

Despote, s. m. despot.

Dérèglement. s. m. disorder, de- Despotisme, s. m. despotism.

Déraciner, v. a. to uproot.


Desquelles, pl. of duquel. of

Dernier, m. dernière, f. adj. last.


[blocks in formation]

Dessus, adv. on it, therein; au- Dextérité, s. f. dexterity.

dessus, above.

par-Dessus, prep. over, above.

Destin, s. m. destiny, fate.

Destinée, s. f. destiny, fate.

Destiner, v. a. to destine, to intend.
Détachement, s. m. detachment.
Détacher, v. a. to detach, to un-

Diable, s. m. devil.

Diadème, s. m. crown, diadem.
Diamant, s. m. diamond.
Diaphane, adj. transparent.
Dictame, s. m. dittany. (a plant.)
Dicter, v. a. to dictate.
Dictionnaire, s. m. dictionary.
Dieu, s. m. God.

Détail, s. m. retail; en détail, by Différemment, adv. differently.


Déterminer, v. a. to determine.
Détour, s. m. turn, winding.
Détourner, v. a. to turn away.
se Détourner, v. r. to turn aside.
Détresse, s. f. distress.
Détrôner, v. a. to dethrone.
Détruire, v. a. to destroy.
Détruit, e, part. past. destroyed.
Deuil, s. m. mourning.
Deux, adj. two; tous deux both.
Dévancer, v. a. to precede, to out

Devant, prep. before; par-devant,
adv. before; au-devant de, be-

Différer, v. a. to defer, postpone.

Difficile, adj. difficult.

Difforme, adj. deformed.

Digne, adj. worthy, deserving.

Dignement, adv. worthily.

Dignité, s. f. dignity. ·
Dimanche, s. m. sunday.
Diminuer, v. a. & n. to diminish.
Dîner, v. n. to dine.

Dîner, s. m. dinner.
Dire, v. a. to say, to tell.
Directement, adv. directly.
Dirigeant, part. pres. directing.
Diriger, v. a. to direct.
Disant, part. pres. saying.
Discernement, s. m. discernment.

Développement, s. m. unfolding, Discerner, v. a. to distinguish.


Développer, v. a. to develope.

se Développer, v. r. to become developed

Devenir, v. n. to become, to become


Discorde, s. f. discord.

Discourir, v. n. to discourse.

Discours, s. m. discourse.

Discrétion, s. f. discretion; à dis-
crétion, at will.
Disgrâce, s. f. disgrace.

Devenu, e, past. part. become, be- Disparaître, v. n. to disappear.

come of.

Deviner, v. a. to divine, to guess.
Devoir, s. m. duty.

Disparu, e, part. past. disappeared.
Dispenser, v. a. to dispense with.
Dispersé, e. scattered, dispersed

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