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Acoount of the illness and death of Jane H.

Adam and Eve. 73
Alligator, The 92

Benefit of Şunday schools. 279,

Bible Society in Jersey. 18

Bible Society. 42-280
Bible, Value of the 45
Book better than a necklace. 60
Brotherhood of Mercy. 115 "
Burying place of Missionaries. 91
Burials in the East. 191

Carrying wood. 44

Catharine Prescott. 49

Children mocking Elisha. 84
Christian Negroes. 45
Christ's coming. 108
Cornelius the negro. 15

Dangers of the whale fishery, 63

Danger of passion. 97

- bad company. 166

David and Goliath. 272

Death of a Jewish girl. 68

Sunday Scholar. 238 Deaf and Dumb boy. 168 Deluge, The 169

Eastern wells. 92

- houses. 114 Elijah fed by ravens. 210

Fear of God. 192

Gardener and Tree. 265
God every where. 96
Grottoes in the Crimea. 105

Hagar in the wilderness. 217
Happy cottage children. 35
History of Joseph. 121

- Daniel. 145

Infant Schools. 187
" It is I, be not afraid.” 268

John Harvey. 221

Keighley Sunday school, From report of 281

Letter from a young woman in service. 40
Letter from a Godmother. 270
Little Jew. 192

Memoir of Samuel J. 9

- Stephen Fost - 130
- George William Strong. 223

Samuel Tickle. 245
Moses. 19
Mountebanks, The 22

New testament valued. 191
Noble-minded Africans. 241

Orphan, the 109
Oliver Heywood, The Rev. 232
POETRY.-Hymns on the Lord's Prayer.

The allseeing God. 24
Hymn. 48
God every where. 96
The two weavers. 143
John iv, 10. 168
The little Jew. 192
Hymn for an Infant. 216
Hagar. 240
Christ the Shepherd. 264
Rose Tree. 282
Psalm lxxiii. 24. 283.
Delighting in God. 284.

Reading the Bible. 229
Restitution, On 89
Reverence of the Jews for the Scriptures. 142
Robert Knox. 25

Sailor's family. 214
Short Sermon. 75–106
Slave Trade. 5--129
Squirrels. 165.
Stars, The 262
Sudden death. 62
Sunday Scholars, The 150-175--193

" The kingdom of heaven is like unto a gi

of mustard seed.” 276.
To a child that is ill. 213

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