way ference-its peculiar and distinguishing characteristic may not this be called the hearing age, in contradistinction to some that have preceded it? In most cases, the middle is the safest; yet numbers still exist, who have what are termed "prejudices" in favor of the venerable custom of devoting the sunday evening to a family service. And not to dispute with such as probably call in the word "prejudice" as an auxilliary to their argument, may it not be affirmed, that the majority of our better sentiments on every subject, are founded in educational impressions; subsequently strengthened by reflection; and finally confirmed by experience? Many there are who think thus, and who are not ashamed to avow that such predilections have guided them in seasons of doubt and difficulty; and particularly in those days, when every thing which had the sanction of antiquity, was considered as sustained alone by prejudice. It may be presumed, that for such persons, sermons adapted to evening services at home, may not prove unacceptable. To conclude; we live in a dying world: we are reminded continually of our mortality. To that dread tribunal all hasten, where the accounts must be accurately given in; alike by those who had ten, five, or but one talent, confided to their care and improvement; and when the best commendation will be," he has done what he could." It is the writer's most cherished wish, to be usefully employed in the sequestered spot where God has appointed him to labor; to be subordinately ambitious to maintain the good opinion of those among whom he dwells; and finally to possess those rich rewards, promised by sovereign mercy, purchased by an invaluable price, and of which a pledge is sometimes indulgently bestowed in this vale of toil and tears. PREFACE CONTENTS. Cursed is the ground for thy sake-thorns also and For in this mountain shall the hand of the Lord rest, Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, |