taken? Nay, the radiance of the sun-the changes of the atmosphere-and the stormy wind or tempest, are only necessarily interesting, as they tend materially to affect us in those supplies demanded by our daily returning wants. These are symbols -the rudimental parts of an universal language— adapted to every capacity-intelligible in every age-appropriate to the inhabitants of every country-and chosen therefore, as the vehicle of those truths which are to be preached to every crea ture. 3. The most permanent impressions are general ly likely to result from such a mode of instruction. Nature is far more regular and possesses more permanence of character than art. The course of a river has seldom been changed, and artificial streams, although for the time the wonder of every beholder, have soon perished and been forgotten; but impressions, the consequences of our active co-operation with nature, are of an order to be rarely obliterated. With what strength of memory will the plainest peasant recall the circumstance of having sown this allotment of land one year with barley and another with wheat or pease :-how. can this be accounted for but by the natural and deep interest excited by the Divine practical approbation of human effort? We feel a sort of propriety in what we have bestowed labor upon, especially when we perceive our toil has not been in vain. We are comforted in the work of our hands. Again. The gracious design of our Lord in selecting this mode of illustration, is further seen in the pleasure such parables afford, even in the recital. Like an affectionate parent or preceptor, he combines pleasure with improvement, and renders our innocent satisfactions the means of instruction. A richly cultivated country produces in near or distant prospect, the most agreeable sensations on every human heart: the silent eloquence of such scenes soothes and tranquilizes and at once disposes the mind to receive instructions, and recommends most cogently and simply, the most important truths. Our nature is corrupted—our minds diseased— divine medicines are mercifully prepared, but the skill of our Great Physician is seen in the disguise, he has kindly devised that we may take it without disgust. As we mingle the bitter but salutary powder which must be administered to our beloved children, endeared by their sufferings and sorrows, with some delicious fruit or jelly, so has our benevolent friend who has come to heal the sick, chosen a grateful medium to convey unpalatable knowledge pleasingly to our minds. And finally, though these metaphors afford the most correct illustrations of religious truths→→ though they are taken from what comes home daily to our bosoms and business-though permanence and pleasure are combined in our reception of these lessons-yet do we need to be reminded continually of what we well know. A more difficult task does not devolve on a minister, than stirring up the mind to remembrance without disgusting by a tedious repetition. The most important intelligence is disregarded if divested of novelty; the murmer of a cascade listened to with a romantic satisfaction by a casual passenger, is not even heard by the cottager who lives within its sound-our time-pieces tick unnoticed-sameness not only lessens interest, but destroys effect. How admirably has He who knew what was in man, chosen the very method;-offering inexhaustible stores of variety, which can never become antiquated and which, though old as civilized society, is adorned with all the charms of youth and novelty. The revolutions of the seasons, as they encourage and reward the labor of man, never tire by repetition. By blending harmoniously and imperceptibly, (as the shades of color changing in the rainbow) the prospects of hope with the pleasures of possession, man is called to con over his lesson on the most essential topics unwearied; and "line upon "line, precept upon precept, here a little and there* "a little," the same subjects are forced upon his attention, while the character of the celestial chorus sung by ransomed spirits, is transfused throughout the oft-recurring truths. "They are ever new." In closing our present meditation, I address yout primarily, my friends, to whose care God has confided the spiritual interests of others. Parents-masters-tutors-cultivate that plot which is more peculiarly yours, and for the products of which you are more immediately accountable. You feel and lament your own insufficiency to this momentous undertaking; the very petitions you prefer for promised help, are broken and interrupted by the rising fears of failure, and the regrets attendant on your responsibility. Behold in Jesus, "the teacher come from God," the fairest model your imitation, both as to the matter of his dis courses and the manner he illustrated and applied religious truth! for Take encouragement from this appointed and approved mode of communicating knowledge: "be not weary in well doing;" the husbandman hath long patience for the precious fruits of the earth, and do you refuse consolation, much needed, dur 1 ing the tardy progress of your wishes and works in reference to the far more valuable products of the mind? Cheer up, let your children be themselves your monitors; how have you smiled and pitied their impatience and want of perseve rance: you gave a little piece of ground for their own garden, you procured them some simple seeds, and purchased the small spade or the pretty hoe; but wearied and disappointed that their harvest did not occur on the day of their sowing, the garden is neglected, and some newer plaything is required. Your anxiety is indeed to be commended, but let it lead you in fervent prayer to Him who alone can bless the springing of the grain, and the increase shall not be witheld. Already I see the barren soil of their hearts swelling and bursting with sighs of contrition-the tender plant of piety shall soon present itself in that dry ground, moistened by your tears, sheltered and guarded by your fostering instrumentality, there shall be the blade-the ear and when you (the prospect is both pleasing and painful) are no more in this ruder clime, they shall exhibit to others the full corn in the ear; till they also to your accumulating satisfactions, shall be gathered in like corn in its season, fully ripe: and thus through your labor, shall the promise receive its accomplishment, "instead of the fathers shall be the children," whe spring up and call God blessed. D |