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Swell, swell the Dorian flute
Through the blue triumphal sky!

Let the cithern's tone salute

The sons of victory!

With the offering of bright blood

They have ransomed hearth and tomb, Vineyard, and field, and flood :—

Io! they come, they come!

Sing it where olives wave,
And by the glittering sea,
And o'er each hero's grave !-
Sing, sing, the land is free!

Mark ye the flashing oars

And the spears that light the deep, How the festal sunshine pours

Where the lords of battle sweep!

Each hath brought back his shield:-
Maid, greet thy lover home!
Mother, from that proud field,
Io! thy son is come!

Who murmured of the dead?—
Hush, boding voice! we know
That many a shining head

Lies in its glory low.

Breathe not those names to-day!

They shall have their praise ere long,

And a power all hearts to sway,
In ever-burning song.

But now shed flowers, pour wine,

To hail the conquerors home! Bring wreaths for every shrine !— Io! they come, they come!





a, an, without, not(a-pathy, an-archy) amphi, on both sides, both (amphitheatre, amphi-bious)

ana, up, through (ana-lyse, ana-tomy) anti, ant, against (anti-pathy, antagonist)

apo, away from (apo-state) arch, archi, chief, ruler, (arck-angel, arch-bishop, archi-tect)'

cata, cath, cat, down, down from (cata-logue, cath-edral, cat-egory) deca, ten (deca-logue)

dia, through (dia-meter)

di, two (di-phthong)

ec, ex, out of, from (ec-stasy, ex-odus)

en, em, el, in (en-ergy, em-blem, el-lipse) epi, ep, upon (epi-taph, ep-och) eu, well (eu-logy)

hemi, half (hemi-sphere)

[blocks in formation]


a, ab, abs, from (a-verse, ab-use, abstract)

ad, ac, ag, af, al, am, ap, ar, as, at, a, to (ad-dress, ac-cost, ag-gressive, af-fix, al-lude, am-munition, ap-pear, ar-rive, as-sault, at-tend, a-spect) amb, round, on both sides (amb-ition, amb-iguous)

ante, anti, before (ante-chamber, anti-cipate)

bene, well (bene-fit, bene-volent) bi, bis, two (bi-ped, bis-cuit) circum, around (circum-ference) con, com, col, cor, co, coun, with (con-quest,com-bine, col-lect, cor-rupt, co-eval, coun-cil)

contra, contro, counter, against (contra-dict, contro-versy, counterpoise)

de, down, down from (de-scend, deficient)

dis, dif, di, apart, away (dis-cord, dis-honest, dif-ferent, di-vert)

e, ex, ef, out of, (e-ject, ex-pel, ef-fect) extra, beyond (extra-ordinary) in, im, il, ir, em, en, in, into, on (in-nate, im-pulse, il-lusion, ir-ruption, em-brace, en-vy)

in, im, il, ir, 1, en, not (in-action, im-prudent, il-legal, ir-reverent, i-gnominy, en-tire)

inter, intel, enter, between (interrupt, intel-ligent, enter-prise) intro, within, into (intro-duce) juxta, near (juxta-position) male, mal, bad, ill (male-volent, mal-content)

manu, main, hand (manu-script, manu-facture, main-tain)

non, not (non-sense)

ob, op, of, oc, os, obs, against (ob-ject, op-pose, of-fend, oc-casion, os-tentation, obs-tinate)

per, pel, through, thoroughly (perforate, per-fect, pel-lucid) post, after (post-pone) pre, before (pre-cede) preter, beyond (preter-natural) pro, por, pol, pur, before (pro-pose, por-tend, pol-lute, pur-pose)

re, red, back, again (re-turn red-eem)

retro, backward (retro-grade) se, apart (se-parate)

semi, half (semi-circle)

sine, without (sine-cure)

[blocks in formation]

ac, ic, ics, ical, of the nature of, belonging to (mani-ac, crit-ic, eth-ics, phys-ical)

et, ete, agent (proph-et, athl-ete) fan, agent (music-ian, physic-ian) ian, native of (Corinth-ian)

ise, ize, to make or do (chast-ise, civil-ize)

ism, sm, a thing done (critic-ism, cha-sm)

ist, agent, doer (organ-ist) isk [diminutive], (aster-isk)

m, ma, me, mate, doing, result of action (telegram, dra-ma, sche-me, cli-mate)

sis, sy, se, act (cri-sis, poe-sy, pha-se)

y [abstract noun], (philosoph-y, apath-y)


ace, acy [collective or abstract] (popul-ace, lun-acy)

acious, ocius, full (viv-acious, fer-ocious)

age, condition, quality (bond-age, cour-age)

al, belonging to (leg-al, capit-al) an, ane, ain, of, relating to (hum-an, mund-ane, capt-ain)

ance, ence, nce [abstract noun] (abey-ance, excellence, dista-nce) ancy, ency, quality (pli-ancy, contin-ency)

ant, ent [participial], doing, being (vagr-ant, abs-ent)


agent, quality (registrar, singul-ar) ary, place, agent (gran-ary, lapid-ary) ate [noun], person, office, thing done (magistr-ate, consul-ate, postul-ate) ate [verb], to do or make (complic-ate, anticip-ate]

ble, able (profita-ble, audi-ble, solu-ble) ble, ple [signs of multiplication, English "fold"], (dou-ble, tre-ble, quadru-ple, sim-ple)

cle [diminutive], (parti-cle, taber na-cle)

ee [passive noun fcrce], (trust-ee, committ-ee)

er, eer, ier, or, agent (do-er, privat-eer, grenad-ier, doct-or) eer [active verbal force], (domin-eer, volunt-eer)

el, il, le, ule [diminutive], (mors-el, penc-il, cast-le, glob-ule)

eous, quality, of the nature of (vitr-eous)

esce, beginning of action (coal-esce, efferv-esce)

esque, of the nature of (pictur-esque, grot-esque)

ess [feminine], (princ-ess, lion-ess) et, instrument (lanc-et)

ety, ity, ty, y [abstract quality], (pi-ety, quality, proper-ty, honest-y, miser-y)

eur, our, er, or, quality or act (grand-eur, hon-our, pray-er, lab-or) fic [factitive verb], (terrific) fy [factitive adjective], (terri-fy) ian, belonging to (plebe-ian)

ic, ical, belonging to, of the nature of (publ-ic, ident-ical) ice [abstract], condition or state (serv-ice)

id, of the nature of (tim-id, ferv-id) il, ile, belonging to, of the nature of (civ-il, frag-ile)

in, ine, condition or state (ru-in, fam-ine)

ine, of the nature of, pertaining to (fel-ine, sal-ine)

ion, act or state (dict-ion, opin-ion, reg-ion, distens-ion)

ish, to do or be (cher-ish, langu-ish, per-ish)

ive, quality (fugit-ive, pens-ive, nat-ive)

ment, instrument or action (instrument, orna-ment, judg-ment, retirement)

olent, ulent, abounding in (vi-olent, truc-ulent)

ose, ous, full of (verb-ose, curious, danger-ous)

t, to do, action, result of action (predic-t, edic-t, relic-t, perfec-t) trix [feminine], agent (execu-trix) tude, quality (forti-tude, magni-tude) ure, action, or result of action (tons-ure, ten-ure)


ard, art, heart [intensive force], a person (drunk-ard, bragg-art, sweetheart)

dom, state or condition (king-dom, free-dom, Christen-dom)

en, on, n [verbal], to do or make (weak-en, glist-en, reck-on, war-n, bur-n)

en, n [noun, diminutive or feminine], (kitt-en, maid-en, bair-n, vix-en)

en, n [adjective or participle], quality (gold-en, leather-n, brok-en, tor-n)

er [verb], to do or make (hind-er, stagg-er)

er, ar, or, yer, r, agent [masculine suffix and verbal noun], (sing-er, begg-ar, sail-or, law-yer, lay-er, lai-r)

ery, ry [collective force], (brew-ery, found-ry, jewel-ry, knav-ery)

head, hood, condition

or state

(God-head, man-hool, boy-hood)

ikin, kin [diminutive], (man-ikin, lamb-kin)

ish, like (boy-ish, black-ish) less, without (God-less, sense-less), ling [diminutive], (duck-ling, darling)

lock, ledge, state or condition (wedlock, know-ledge)

ly, lic, like (man-ly, sur-ly, fro-lic) ly [adverbial force], manner (gent-ly) ness [abstract quality], (good-ness, weak-ness)

scape, ship, condition (land-scape, lord-ship, fellow-ship)

se, ze, to do or make (clean-se, tea-se, ri-se, free-ze)

some [adjectival], quality (handsome, win-some)


ster [feminine suffix], (spin-ster), also agent, and term of tempt (song-ster, huck-ster, youngster, trick-ster)

t, d, th [abstract nouns], (height, gif-t, dee-d, floo-d, tru-th, dep-th, heal-th)

y, place (smith-y, stith-y)

y, ey [adjectival], of the nature of (wood-y, wear-y, clay-ey)



ag, lead, collect (dem-ag-ogue, syn-agogue)

anthrop, man (phil-anthrop-ist) arch, archy, rule, chief (arch-bishop, arch-itect, mon-archy) astro, star (astro-nomy)

auto, self (auto-crat, auto-maton, auto-nomy)

ball, throw (ball, ball-ot) bio, life (bio-logy, bio-graphy) chrono, chron, time (chrono-logy, chron-icle, syn-chron-ous)

crat, cracy, power, rule (demo-crat, aristo-cracy)

cris, crit, judgment (cris-is, crit-ic) deca, ten (deca-logue)

demo, dem, people (demo-cracy, dem-agogue, epi-dem-ic)

dog, dox, opinion, glory (dog-ma, ortho-dox, dox-ology)

dyna, power, rule (dyna-sty, dyna mics)

eu, well (eu-logy)
ge, earth (ge-ometry)

gene, race (homo-gene-ous)
graph, gram, write (tele-graph,
mono-gram, gram-mar)
hemi, half (hemi-sphere)
hetero, other (hetero-dox, hetero-

homo, alike (homo-geneous)

hydro, hydr, water (hydro-phobia,
hydro-statics, hydr-aulic)
idio, peculiar (idio-t, idio-m)
iso, equal (iso-sceles, iso-chronous)
litho, stone (litho-graph)

log, word, speech, science (log-ic,
syl-log-ism, apo-log-y, bio-log-y)
lys, lyt, loosen (ana-lys-is, ana-lys-e,

mim, mime, imitate (mim-ic, panto-

mechan, machine (mechan-ic,

meter, metre, measure (chrono-
meter, metre)

metro, mother (metro-polis)
micro, small (micro-scope)

mon, mono, alone


nom, law (eco-nom-y, a-nom-alous)

od, song (od-e, mel-od-y)

olig, few (olig-archy)

ortho, right (ortho-dox, ortho-graphy)

pan, panto, all (pan-theist, panto-

act, ag, do (act, act-ion, ag-ent)
alt, high (ex-alt, alt-itude)

path, patho, feeling (path-os,
path-etic, sym-path-y, patho-logy)
petr, stone (petr-ify, salt-petr-e)
phan, fan, appear (phan-tom, fan-

phas, speech (em-phas-is)

phil, philo, love, friend (phil-an-
thropic, philo-sopher)

phob, fear (hydro-phob-ia)

phon, sound (phon-etic, eu-phon-y)
photo, light (photo-graph)

phras, speech (phras-e, phras-eology,

phys, nature (phys-ical)
pod, foot (anti-pod-es)

poli, city, state (poli-tical, poli-cy)
poly, much, many (poly-theist, poly-

proto, first (proto-type, proto-col)
scop, see (tele-scop-e, micro-scop-ic)
soph, wise (philo-soph-er, soph-ist)
spher, globe, round

strat, army (strat-egy)

techn, art (techn-ical)


tele, far (tele-graph, tele-scope)

theo, the, god (theo-logy, a-the-ist)
thes, thet, place (anti-thes-is,

Zoo, animal (zoo-logical)


alter, other, change (alter-nate,

am, love (am-iable, am-ity)
ann, enn, year (ann-ual, bi-enn-ial)
aqua, aque,
water (aqua-tic,
art, art (art-ifice, art-isan, art-ist)
audi, hear (audi-ence, audi-tory)
aug, auct, auth, increase, originate
(aug-ment, auct-ioneer, auth-or)
bell, bel, war (bell-igerent, re-bel)
cad, cid, fall, happen (cad-ence,
ac-cid-ent, in-cid-ent)

camp, plain, field (camp, en-camp,

cap, capit, cip, cipit, chapt, head
(cap, cap-e, capit-al, capit-ol, pre-
cip-ice, pre-cipit-ate, chapter)
capt, cept, cip, take (capt-ure,
capt-ive, inter-cept, re-cept-acle, anti-
sip-ate, prin-cip-al)

carn, flesh (carn-al, carn-ation,

cas, fall, happen (cas-e, casual,

caut, take care (caut-ion, caut-ious)
cav, hollow (cav-e,con-cav-e, ex-cav-ate)
ced, cess, ceed, go, yield (re-ced-e,
con-cess-ion, suc-ceed, ac-cess)
celer, swift (celer-ity, ac-celer-ate)
cent, hundred (cent-ury, cent-enary)
cern, cret, creet, see, sift (dis-cern,
dis-creet, se-cret-ion)

cit, call, summon (ac-cit-e, cit-ation)
civi, citizen, dweller in a town
(civi-c, civi-l, civi-lise)

clam, claim, call out (ex-clam-ation,

claus, clud, clus, shut (claus-e,
ex-clud-e, ex-clus-ion)

col, cult, cultivate (col-ony, cult-ure)
cord, heart (con-cord, cord-ial)

corpus, corpor, corpu, body
(corpus-cle, in-corpor-ate, corpu-lent)
cred, creed, believe, trust (cred-ulous,
cred-it, creed,)

cresc, creas, grow (crescent, in-

crim, crimin, charge, guilt (crim-e,

cub, cumb, lie (in-cub-ation, re-

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