SCENE V. Fields without the Town. Enter Duke in his own hab it, and Friar PETER. Duke. These letters at fit time deliver me. [Giving letters. The provost knows our purpose, and our plot. Peter. It shall be speeded well. Enter VARRIUS. 7 [Exit Friar. Duke. I thank thee, Varrius; thou hast made good haste: Come, we will walk: There's other of our friends Will greet us here anon, my gentle Varrius. [Exeunt. SCENE VI. Street near the City Gate. MARIANA. Enter ISABELLA and Isab. To speak so indirectly, I am loth; Mari. Be rul'd by him. Isab. Besides, he tells me, that, if peradventure He speak against me on the adverse side, Mari. I would, friar Peter, Isab. O, peace; the friar is come. Enter Friar PETER. Peter. Come, I have found you out a stand most fit, Where you may have such vantage on the duke, He shall not pass you; Twice have the trumpets sounded; [7] To blench is to start off, to fly off. STEEVENS. 32* VOL. I. The generous 8 and gravest citizens ACT V. [Exe. SCENE I. A public Place near the City Gate. MARIANA (veil'd), ISABELLA, and PETER, at a distance. Enter at opposite doors, Duke, VARRIUS, Lords; ANGELO, ESCALUS, LUCIO, Provost, Officers, and Citizens. Duke. MY very worthy cousin, fairly met: Our old and faithful friend, we are glad to see you. Ang. & Escal. Happy return be to your royal grace ! We have made inquiry of you; and we hear Ang. You make my bonds still greater. wrong it, To lock it in the wards of covert bosom, PETER and ISABELLA come forward. Pet. Now is your time; speak loud, and kneel before him. Isab. Justice, O royal duke! Vail your regardı Upon a wrong'd, I'd fain have said, a maid ! O worthy prince, dishonour not your eye By throwing it on any other object, [8] i. e. the most noble, &c. Generous is here used in its Latin sense. "Virgo et generosa et nobilis."-Cicero. STEEVENS. [9] Have seized or taken possession of the gates. JOHNSON. [1] That is, withdraw your thoughts from higher things, let your notice descend upon a wronged woman. To vail is to lower, JOHNSON. Till you have heard me in my true complaint, Duke. Relate your wrongs: In what? By whom? Be brief: Here is lord Angelo shall give you justice; Reveal yourself to him. Isab. O, worthy duke, You bid me seek redemption of the devil: Hear me yourself; for that which I must speak Must either punish me, not being believ'd, Or wring redress from you: hear me, O, hear me, here. She hath beeen a suitor to me for her brother, Isab. By course of justice! Ang. And she will speak most bitterly, and strange. That Angelo's forsworn; is it not strange ? An hypocrite, a virgin-violator; Isab. It is not truer he is Angelo, Duke. Away with her :-Poor soul, Isab. O prince, I cónjure thee, as thou believ'st There is another comfort than this world, May seem as shy, as grave, as just, as absolute, 3 In all his dressings, characts, titles, forms, Be an arch-villain: believe it, royal prince, [2] That is, truth has no gradations; nothing which admits of increase can be so much what it is, as truth is truth. There may be a strange thing, and a thing more strange, but if a proposition be true, there can be none more true. JOHNSON. [3] As shy, as reserved, as abstracted: as just, -as nice, as exact: as absolute, -as complete in all the round of duty. JOHNSON. If he be less, he's nothing; but he's more, Duke. By mine honesty, If she be mad, (as I believe no other,) Isab. O, gracious duke, Harp not on that; nor do not banish reason Duke. Many that are not mad, Have, sure, more lack of reason. -What would you say? Isab. I am the sister of one Claudio, Lucio. That's I, an't like your grace: Duke. You were not bid to speak. Lucio. No, my good lord; Nor wish'd to hold my peace. Duke. I wish you now then; Pray you, take note of it: and when you have Lucio. I warrant your honour. Duke. The warrant's for yourself; take heed to it. Isab. This gentleman told somewhat of my tale. Lucio. Right. Duke. It may be right; but you are in the wrong To speak before your time.-Proceed. Isab. I went To this pernicious caitiff deputy Duke. That's somewhat madly spoken. Isab. Pardon it; The phrase is to the matter. Duke. Mended again: the matter;-Proceed. Isab. In brief, -to set the needless process by, How I persuaded, how I pray'd, and kneel'd, Duke. This is most likely! Isab. O, that it were as like, as it is true! Duke. By heaven, fond wretch, 4 thou know'st not what thou speak'st; Or else thou art suborn'd against his honour, Stands without blemish :-next, it imports no reason, Isab. And is this all? Then, oh, you blessed ministers above, Duke. I know, you'd fain be gone :-- An officer! Isab. One that I would were here, friar Lodowick. Lodowick? Lucio. My lord, I know him; 'tis a meddling friar; I do not like the man: had he been lay, my lord, [4] Fond wretch is foolish wretch. STEEVENS. [5] Practice was used by the old writers for any unlawful or insidious stratagem. JOHNSON. |