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1. Is the French article ever omitted before a noun or adjective? 2. Les Parisiens ou habitants de Paris.

before habitants?

Why is the article omitted

3. Name other cases in which the article is omitted.

4. Le jeune et beau Dunois.

Why is the article omitted before beau ?

5. Contentement passe richesse. Why is the article omitted? 6. Du pain. De bon pain.

7. Je connais DES jeunes gens. before the adjectives?

8. J'ai DU mouton.

latter sentence?

Why no article in the latter example?

J'ai DES petits pois.

Why the article

Je n'ai pas DE mouton. Why no article in the

9. C'est La plus grande. C'est la leçon que je sais LE mieux. Why LE

in the latter example?

10. Say what you know of the use of the article before proper nouns.


11. Name some nouns having two genders, like aigle, amour, &c. 12. Couple is masculine or feminine; name when the one and when the


13. Name other nouns of the same kind.

14. What do you know about the noun gens.


riode, personne ?

œuvre, hymne, Pâque, orge, pé

16. When is quelque chose masculine, and when feminine?

17. What is the gender of nouns of towns?

18. When are the above always feminine?

19. What is the gender of nouns borrowed from foreign languages? 20. What do you know of the plural of proper nouns ?

21. How do you form the plural of compound nouns ?


united by a preposition?

23. In collective nouns when is the verb in the singular? 24.



25. Are adjectives in able (derived from a verb) to be applied to persons and things indifferently?

26. Name the classes of adjectives always used after a noun.

27. Name some expressions in which the adjectives placed either before or after the noun will alter the meaning.

28. Name all the rules of agreement of adjectives.

29. How does the adjective agree when nouns are placed by gradation ? 30. Name another case in which the adjective will not agree when placed after several nouns.

31. How does the adjective agree after avoir l'air?

32. Des bas de coton CHINÉS ; des robes de soie ÉCRUE. Why that agreement of the adjectives?

33. How do demi, nu, feu agree?

34. Ci-inclus; ci-joint; franc de port; possible. How does the adjective agree in those forms?

35. Cette robe coûte CHER; cette rose sent BON; elles chantent JUSTE. Why the adjectives invariable?

36. Name other such examples.

37. Des gants PAILLE; des habits NOISETTE; des draps JONQUILLE. Why the adjectives invariable?

38. Name five words which are exceptions to the above.

39. How do adjectives united together to express colour agree? Châtain foncé, &c.?

40. What is the agreement of compound adjectives?

41. Translate: HIS FATHER AND MOTHER, and remark on the use of the possessive adjective.


adjective, speaking of parts of the body.

Remark on the

43. Name examples in which the possessive adjective will be used like: SA JAMBE LUI FAIT MAL, and explain.

44. Remark on the numeral adjective ONZE.



VINGT and CENT. Exceptions.

47. When is MIL to be used and when MILLE in the dates of years?

48. Distinguish between CHAQUE and CHACUN.

49. When is MÊME adjective and when adverb?

50. Parse MÊME in the two following cases: Ceux MÊMES qui sont pauvres, veulent paraître riches. Il est détesté de ceux MÊME qui devraient l'aimer.

51. When is TOUT adjective and when adverb?

52. When is TOUT adverb, before an adjective to agree with the noun to which the adjective refers?

53. When is TOUT followed by AUTRE adjective and when adverb?

54. TOUT Rome était là. TOUTE Rome est couverte de beaux monuments. Why that difference?

55. When is QUELQUE adjective and when adverb ?

56. When is QUEL QUE spelt in two words?

What mood does it govern?

57. Remark on QUELQUE in: Il y a QUELQUE cinq cents hommes de

[blocks in formation]

60. Why: Il n'avait fait AUCUNES dispositions or NULLES dispositions ?


61. Why is the following phrase incorrect: Molière a surpassé Plaute dans tout ce qu'IL a fait ?

62. Correct the above phrase.

63. What is the place of personal pronouns when objects? Exceptions. 64. Translate: IT TO ME; IT TO THEE; IT TO US; IT TO YOU (IT being (1) masculine, and (2) feminine).

65. Translate the above when used with a verb in the Imperative affirmative.

66. Instead of IT translate THEM to me, &c., in 64 and 65.

67. Translate in the same manner: IT TO HIM (or to her); IT TO THEM. 68. When Y and EN are used in the same phrase, what is their order? 69. What is the place of the personal pronoun in interrogative verbs? 70. What do you notice in affirmative sentences beginning with some adverbs like: peut-être, en vain, &c.?

71. When is the personal pronoun subject repeated? As in: I read, write, and draw.

72. Is the same rule applicable to personal pronouns objects?

73. Translate: Are you ill, madam ?—I ÂM; and Are you Mrs. B. ?—


74. Remark on the above.

75. When is SOI used?

76. When must celui, celle, ceux, celles, be followed by ci or là ?

77. Remark on the above, and also on ceci, cela.

78. Can a possessive pronoun refer to a noun not expressed, as: Je réponds à LA VÔTRE du 5 courant?

79. What do you observe in relative pronouns in reference to their antecedent?

80. Could you say: Avez-vous vu LE TABLEAU de M. Pratt qui est à la Société des Artistes ?

81. Does QUI preceded by a preposition apply to things and to persons? 82. Translate: It is a condition WITHOUT WHICH I shall do no business

with you.

83. When is QUOI used with a preposition?

84. Remark on DONT, and De qui, duquel, &c.

85. Translate: Go back to the place FROM WHICH you come; and remark.

86. Derive ON from the Latin.

87. Give several examples of ON, with different English translations. 88. What do you notice in the use of ON after que, si, et, où ? Exceptions. 89. What is the gender of QUICONQUE? What number?

90. When is CHACUN followed by son, sa, ses, and when by leur, leurs ?


91. How does the verb agree with two subjects joined by a conjunction? 92. How does the verb agree when l'un et l'autre, or ni l'un ni l'autre, are subjects?

93. C'EST Vous qui gagnerez. CE SONT eux que nous attendons. Explain why c'est and ce sont.

94. Likewise explain why c'est in the singular in: C'EST mon frère et ma belle-sœur qui demeurent ici.

95. Why: C'EST vingt francs que je vous dois, and not CE SONT; and C'EST huit heures qui sonnent?

96. Explain also: EST-CE vos amis que vous regrettez.

97. How does the verb agree after collective nouns ?

98. Explain the collective partitive and collective general.

99. How does the verb agree with LE PEU DE, meaning want of or




101. C'est moi QUI SUIS ici. C'est vous QUI ÊTES ici.

et Jean QUI GAGNERONT. Explain agreement.

a small quan

C'est Arthur

102. Can a verb have two different direct objects? 103. Translate: I forgive him; The books you want are on the shelf. 104. Correct the following: JE VAIS et JE REVIENS de Londres en six heures.

105. What is, in a sentence, the order of a direct and indirect object?

106. If one of the objects is shorter than the other, in what order must they be placed?

107. When do you use avoir or être in compound tenses?

108. What auxiliary do you use with some intransitive verbs according to their expressing action or state?

109. Name some verbs which, although expressing the action, are used with être in their compounds?

110. Are there verbs which can be used as transitive or intransitive verbs? Name some.

111 In what case is the Present of the Indicative used instead of the past? for the Future? In


what condition is that allowed?

113. Translate and explain: I shall tell you WHEN I know. I shall tell you if I stay.

114. When is the Past definite used?

115. In ordinary conversation is the English Past definite rendered in French by the same tense?

116. When is the Past indefinite used instead of a Past Future, and vice versâ?

117. Are the following phrases used indifferently: J'ai appris que vous AVEZ été malade. J'ai appris que VOUS AVIEZ été malade ? 118. Translate the following in the Past Future: He likely has been ill. They likely have been overtaken by the storm.

119. Mention examples of the Future being used instead of the Imperative. 120. Can you use indifferently: On m'a dit que voUS IREZ à l'Exposition, or que voUS IRIEZ à l'Exposition?

121. Can you say either: Je croyais que vous SERIEZ VENU me voir, or que vous VIENDRIEZ me voir ?

122. What is the Indicative mood called?

[blocks in formation]

124. Is the Subjunctive ever governed by que? If so name the case. 125. Name verbs which govern the Subjunctive.

126. What mood do negative and interrogative verbs govern ?



the verbs croire, penser, and savoir govern, interrogative, negative, and affirmative?

Impersonal verbs govern?

129. Name one exception, and give a list of Impersonal verbs called


130. Does the verb être followed by certain adjectives or nouns govern the


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