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8. Name the personal pronouns which have only one form for the
direct and indirect objects. How do you distinguish them?
9. When are you bound to use lequel, laquelle, lesquels, &c., and not
qui, or que, or quoi ?

10. When do you use the form quoi ? and when que? What is quel, and how do you use it?

11. Moi-même. Give the same form of pronouns for the three persons of the singular and of the plural.

12. Conjugate entirely the verb il y a, (1) negatively, and (2) interrogatively.







Few minutes after the trial ended, the drums were beating to arms in all sections; at sunrise the armed force was on foot, cannons getting placed at the extremities of the bridges, in the squares, cross-ways,* all along from the "Palais de Justice" to the "Place de la Révolution." By' ten o'clock, numerous patrols were circulating in the street; thirty thousand foot and horse drawn up under arms. At eleven, Marie Antoinette was brought out.† She had on an undress of "piqué blanc ;" she was led to the place of execution in 10 the same manner as an ordinary criminal; bound, on a cart; accompanied by a constitutional priest in lay dress. ."-CARLYLE, Death of Marie Antoinette.



1. To arms! to arms! here is the enemy!

2. Why are the drums beating?

3. We all were on foot all night.

4. You will be ready by half-past one o'clock.


5. The marshal had an army of thirty thousand foot and seven thousand horse.

6. The national guard was drawn up under arms.

7. Bring them out.

8. He had on a grey frock coat, and he wore a black hat.

9. Do this in the same manner, and not otherwise.

10. The three criminals were bound; the executioner accompanied them.



Conduit par eau de la Tour à Westminster, il traversa sans trouble ni insulte, la multitude assemblée aux portes; en dépit de la haine, sa

1. Peu d'instants.-2. que le jugement fut rendu.-3. sur pied.—4. dans les carrefours.-5. sur tout le trajet.-6. À.-7. fantassins.-8. cavaliers.-9. Elle était vêtue d'un peignoir.-10. de.—11. en habit laique.

grandeur si récente, son maintien, la terreur même naguère attachée à son nom, commandaient encore le respect. À mesure qu'il passait, le corps un peu courbé avant l'âge par la maladie, mais le regard brillant et fier comme dans la jeunesse, la foule s'écartait, tous ôtaient leur chapeau, et il saluait avec courtoisie, regardant cette attitude du peuple comme de bon augure. . . . L'accusation des Irlandais l'avait seule étonné un moment: il ne pouvait comprendre qu'un royaume jusque-là si soumis, si empressé même à le flatter et le servir, eût ainsi changé tout à coup.-GUIZOT, Histoire de la Révolution de l'Angleterre.



1. Give the primitive tenses of all the verbs in the above piece (except those of the 1st conjugation).

2. Le tour and la tour. Distinguish between those two nouns, giving all the meanings in English.

3. Of what gender are nouns ending in ude and ion? Name exceptions.

4. Tous ôtaient leur chapeau. Remark on the pronunciation of tous. 5. Of what gender are nouns in eur; ure; ie; esse?

6. Give the future and subjunctive present of pouvait. Also the 1st person singular interrogative of the indicative present.

[blocks in formation]



A grasshopper, half-starved with cold and hunger, at the approach of the winter, came to a well-stored bee-hive, and humbly begged the bees to relieve his wants with a few drops of honey. One of the bees asked him how he had spent his time all the summer, and why he had not laid up a store of food3 like them? "Truly," said he, "I spent my time very merrily in drinking, dancing, and singing, and never once thought of the winter." "Our plan is very different," said the bee; "we work hard in the summer to lay by a store of food against the season when we foresee we shall want it; but those who do nothing but drink, and † dance, and sing in the summer, must expect to starve in the winter.





Prière du Dimanche.

Notre père des cieux, père de tout le monde,
De vos petits enfants c'est vous qui prenez soin;

1. À demi-mort de .-2. une ruche bien approvisionée.-3. fait provision de vivres.-4. pour.-5. doivent s'attendre à souffrir de la faim (also: à mourir de faim).


Mais à tant de bontés vous voulez qu'on réponde,
Et qu'on demande aussi, dans une foi profonde,
Les choses dont on a besoin.

Vous m'avez tout donné, la vie et la lumière,
Le blé qui fait le pain, les fleurs qu'on aime à voir,
Et mon père et ma mère, et ma famille entière ;
Moi je n'ai rien pour vous, mon Dieu, que la prière
Que je vous dis matin et soir.

Notre père des cieux, bénissez ma jeunesse ;
Pour mes parents, pour moi, je vous prie à genoux;
Afin qu'ils soient heureux, donnez-moi la sagesse,
Et puissent leurs enfants les contenter sans-cesse,
Pour être aimés d'eux et de vous !


1. Give the singular of CIEUX, and name another form of plural, and when is the latter used?

2. Name an adjective and a verb derived from SOIN.

3. What are the primitive tenses of REPONDE? Why in the subjunctive?

4. Give the subjunctive present and the future of VOULEZ and


5. Derive ON from the Latin.

6. Parse dont.

7. Mention three verbs which are irregular in the second person of the present indicative plural.

8. Distinguish between tout le monde and le monde entier.

9. Say what you know about the past participle of BÉNIR.

10. From what adjectives are the following nouns derived: jeunesse, vieillesse, sagesse, délicatesse, and gentillesse?


During this time Ardan, not being able to keep still, turned in his narrow prison like a wild beast in a cage, chatting with his friends, speaking to the dogs Diana and Satellite, to whom, as may be seen, he had given significant names.


Ah, Diana! Ah, Satellite!" he exclaimed, teazing them; "so you are going to show the moon dogs the good habits of the dogs of the earth! That will do honour to the canine race! If ever we come down again, I will bring a cross type' of 'moon dogs,' which will make a stir!"2

1. un type croisé.-2. du bruit.

"If there are dogs in the moon," said Barbicane.

"There are," said Michel Ardan; "just as there are horses, cows, donkeys, and chickens. I bet that we shall find chickens."

"A hundred dollars we shall find none!" said Nicholl.

"Done,' my captain!" replied Ardan, clasping Nicholl's hand. JULES VERNE, Round the Moon (From the French).


1. Come and have a chat with me some evening.

2. My servant does nothing but turn in her kitchen.

3. Why do you always teaze the children?

4. That accident made a great stir in the town.

5. Are there horses in the stables of the inn?

6. What will you bet? I never bet, and I do not like betting men.* 7. I should bet my head that there are inhabitants in the moon. 8. Whether you bet or no, I tell you there are none.



Le premier soin à prendre en arrivant à la porte des personnes chez qui l'on va, est de secouer la poussière de sa chaussure, ou d'en enlever la crotte le plus possible, en passant ses pieds sur le grattoir ou sur le paillasson, s'il y en a.

Il faut sonner ou frapper, mais très-doucement, assez seulement pour être entendu. Si après avoir sonné ou frappé deux ou trois fois, à quelque † intervalle, personne ne vient ouvrir, il convient de laisser une carte de visite dont on a plié l'un des coins. La corne faite à une carte signifie que l'on a fait la visite en personne.

Quand on doit faire un voyage, il est d'usage de visiter, avant de partir, les personnes avec lesquelles on a des relations suivies.8

Si ces

personnes ne sont pas chez elles, on laisse sa carte, à laquelle se trouvent ajoutées ces trois lettres:

P.P.G.-Pour prendre congé.

Au retour, l'on va faire les visites d'arrivée.


MULLER, La Politesse Française.

1. Give the subjunctive present of PRENDRE.

2. Translate: Go there, in the singular. What irregularity takes place there?

1. Ça y est!-2. Venez causer avec moi.-3. un.-4. le parieur.—5. Just enough. 6. it is proper.-7. fold.-8. with whom we are friendly.

3. When is the above irregularity applicable to all verbs of the 1st conjugation?

4. From what noun is paillasson derived? and name another noun also derived therefrom.

5. In what case is the i of sĩ elided?

6. Parse: d'en enlever la crotte, and also: en passant ses pieds.



It is reported that, at his confidential interview with the Austrian1 delegation, Count Andrassy declared that the question of the independence of Roumania would have to be determined by the European Powers; that Austria would refuse her consent to any aggrandisement of the Principalities* on the right bank of the Danube; that Servia would have to remain in the “status quo ante bellum” in as far as her territory was concerned; and that Montenegro* might possibly obtain the territorial concessions suggested at the Conference at Constantinople, but that Austria would oppose any acquisition by Montenegro of a port on the Albanian coast.

OBSERVER, Saturday, December 22nd, 1877.


1. Shall you give your consent to that marriage?

2. His house is prettily situated on the left bank of the Loire.

3. It is reported that peace negotiations have begun.

4. The Turks will make no territorial concessions if they can help it. 5. Marseilles is a pretty port on the Mediterranean.

*As it is impossible in selections like the above to meet with every question of grammar, we give here a "Questionnaire," with the view of supplying the deficiency. We give them in decades so as to suit the convenience of teachers who might think proper to give each day a certain number of questions to prepare, which plan would be the best to insure a thorough knowledge of grammar without much trouble.

Young pupils have no difficulty in answering such questions as the following; but as they have, as a rule, an immense aptitude for forgetting their rules as easily, it will be found a great gain in order to graft them more surely in their memory, to require them to compose a certain number of phrases as examples to each rule, answered either on paper or vivâ voce.

` Any grammar will be adapted to the answers, although the questions on the Verbs, being on MY OWN SIMPLIFIED PLAN, will be better answered from my "PETITES LEÇONS DE CONVERSATION ET DE GRAMMAIRE."

1. autrichien.-2. la Roumanie.-3. l'Autriche.-4. les Principautés.-5. le Danube. -6. la Serbie.-7. quant à son territoire.-8. sur la côté d'Albanie.

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