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Et l'appétit du drôle était fort chatouilleux;

Mignon pourtant fait bonne contenance,
Il se lèche la patte, il se frotte les yeux,
Il approche, il recule, il se roule, il s'allonge ;

Et par mille contorsions

Cherche à se délivrer de des tentations.

VIENNET, Le Chat et le Cuisinier.

1. Give the plural of garde-manger. Name the general rule of formation of plural of compound nouns.

2. Give the comparative of superiority and that of equality of moins prudent.

3. Form the adverbs of prudent; fidèle; parfait.

4. Give the feminine of favori; mignon; grognon; muscat; périlleux; gardien; fidèle.

5. Give the difference between le poste and la poste; likewise between le souris and la souris.

6. Of what gender are nouns ending in ion? Name some exceptions. 7. Give the feminine of chat; cuisinier; and drôle.

8. Translate: a queer master; a queer mistress.

9. Of what gender are nouns ending in ance and ence.

10. Give the plural of yeux. When is the plural formed by adding an s to the singular?


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That is true, added he, but you do not understand me right.1 I do not buy provisions for them here; I row up to Greenwich, and buy fresh meat there, and sometimes I row down the river to Woolwich, and buy there; then I go to single farm-houses † on the Kentish side, where I am known, and † buy fowls and † eggs and butter, and bring to the ships, as they direct me, sometimes one, sometimes the other. I seldom come on shore here; and I came only now to call my wife, and hear how my little family do, and give them a little money which I received last night.8-DANIEL DEFOE, The Great Plague in London.


1. Do you understand me now ?-I understand you right enough.9 2. Which do you prefer, to row up,10 or to row down?"-I do not like to row up.12

1. bien.-2. Je remonte.-3. jusqu'à.-4. Je descends.-5. d'après les commandes qu'on me donne.-6. Je débarque (or also: Je mets pied à terre).-7. pour savoir.— 8. hier au soir.-9. parfaitement.—10. ramer en remontant la rivière.—11. ramer en descendant.-12. ramer contre le courant.

3. It is a single house1 on the road, and on the left-hand side.

4. Was he well known in the country?

5. What do you buy? We buy eggs, bacon, butter, and cheese. 6. Do you buy on credit? No, I pay ready money.

7. When does he come on shore? On Sundays only.

8. I came to hear how the patient is getting on. †

9. They never give me enough money.

10. That is very wrong; they ought rather to give you too much (of it).

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Le jeune Sébastien ne brilla jamais par l'intelligence, ni par la mémoire, ni par aucun don de l'esprit; mais il avait du cœur à revendre.2 On lui apprit quelques chapitres du catéchisme comme on enseigne aux merles à siffler: "J'ai du bon tabac; mais il eut et conserva toujours les sentiments les plus chrétiens. Jamais il n'abusa de sa force contre les gens ni contre les bêtes; il évitait les querelles et recevait bien souvent des taloches sans les rendre. Si monsieur le sous-préfet de Mauriac avait voulu lui faire donner une médaille d'argent, il n'aurait eu qu'à écrire à Paris; car Sébastien sauva plusieurs personnes au péril de sa vie, et notamment deux gendarmes qui se noyaient avec leurs chevaux dans le torrent de la Saumaise. Mais on trouvait ces choses-là toutes naturelles, attendu qu'il les faisait d'instinct, et l'on ne songeait pas plus à le récompenser que s'il eut été un chien de Terre Neuve.


EDMOND ABOUT, Le Nez d'un Notaire.

1. On lui apprit. Parse these words.

2. What is the place of the objective personal pronoun in a sentence? Name the exceptions.

3. Give the past definite and the imperfect of the subjunctive of all the verbs (1st conjugation excepted).

4. Give the same tenses of the verb songeait. Why E after the G ? 5. Give the feminine of chevaux, chien, monsieur.

6. Name the difference between la mémoire and le mémoire.

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8. Is there an exception to the use of l' before on?

1. une maison isolée.-2. but he was kind and generous beyond expression.-3. I havegood tobacco (a French song).-4. Newfoundland.

9. Give the singular of les gens, and the plural of sous-préfet.

10. Give the plural of un jeune homme. Why DES before the adjective and not DE?

11. Give the primitive tenses of apprit. What remark do you make on the root of that verb before a mute termination?

12. Translate: many persons.

What do you notice after an adverb

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of quantity before a noun?

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You have given me a great deal of satisfaction by your account1 of your eldest daughter. I am particularly pleased to hear she is a good arithmetician; it is the best proof of understanding. The knowledge of numbers is one of the chief distinctions between us and brutes. If there is anything in blood, you may reasonably expect your children should be endowed with an uncommon share of good sense. I have heard Lord Bute's father mentioned as an extraordinary genius, though he had not many opportunities of showing it; and his uncle, the present Duke of Argyll, has one of the best heads I ever knew. LADY MARY WORTLEY MONTAGU, Letter to the Countess of Bute.



1. He has a good understanding.

2. You may expect him to come this week.

3. It is not enough to have talent; you must show it.

4. She has her share of good sense.

5. There is no (good) sense in that.

6. Bayonne is one of the chief towns of Lower Pyrenées.



Assis sur la rive opposée,
Je te vois lorsque le soleil
Sur tes gazons boit la rosée
Sourire encore à ton réveil,
Et, d'un brouillard pâle entourée,
Quand le jour meurt avec le bruit,
Blanchir comme une ombre adorée
Qui nous apparaît dans la nuit.

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1. relation.-2. forte en arithmétique.-3. intelligence.-4. principal.-5. vous attendre à ce que vos enfants (subjunctive must follow).-6. d'en donner des preuves.

Doux trésor de ma moisson mûre,
De vos épis un autre est roi;
Tilleuls dont j'aimais le murmure,
Vous n'aurez plus d'ombre pour moi.
Ton coq1 peut tourner à sa guise,
Clocher, que je fuis sans retour: 3
Ce n'est plus à moi que la brise
Lui dit d'annoncer un beau jour.
Cette fenêtre était la tienne,
Hirondelle, qui vins loger

Bien des printemps dans ma persienne,
Où je n'osais te déranger;
Dès que la feuille était fanée,
Tu partais la première, et moi,
Avant toi je pars cette année;
Mais reviendrai-je comme toi ?

NOTA. The poet being obliged, by circumstances, to sell his country house, called "LA MADELEINE," the above is an extract from his farewell to the house.


CASIMIR DELAVIGNE, Adieu à la Madeleine.

1. Give the past definite of the verb boit and the tense derived from the past definite.

2. Réveil. Form the verb corresponding to that noun.

3. Meurt.

Give the first person of the singular of all the tenses (simple and compound) of that verb.

4. Blanchir. Form some verbs with the adjectives: noir, rouge, jaune, vert, pâle, brun.

5. Form verbs with the adjectives: doux, beau, moindre, dur, laid. 6. When is qui used and when que? Illustrate with two examples

in each case.

7. Remark on the following words: mûr, mur; mure, mûre.

8. Fuir. In verbs which have y in the present participle what do you notice?

9. Distinguish between un beau jour and une belle journée.

10. Parse la tienne.

11. Qui vins loger. Why is the verb in the infinitive, and why not preceded by a preposition?

12. Bien des. Parse that expression. What follows an adverb of quantity before a noun ?

13. Distinguish between le deuxième and le second.

1. weathercock.-2. as it pleases.-3. for ever.

14. Et moi, avant toi. What kind of pronouns are moi and toi? why called so?

15. What is the gender of the seasons?

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And what is a conqueror? Have you not, too, gone about the earth like an evil genius, blasting the fair fruits of peace and industry; plundering, ravaging, killing without law, without justice, merely to gratify an insatiable lust for dominion? All that I have done to a single district with a hundred followers you have done1 to whole nations with a hundred thousand. If I have stripped individuals, you have ruined kings and princes. If I have burned a few hamlets, you have desolated the most flourishing kingdoms and cities of the earth. DR. AIKIN, The Two Robbers.



I. "Morbleu ! lui dis-je un jour, c'est pour la troisième fois que je vous ordonne de m'acheter une brosse! Quelle tête ! quel animal!"3 Il ne répondit pas un mot: il n'avait rien répondu la veille à une pareille incartade. "Il est exact," disais-je; je n'y concevais rien. "Allez chercher un linge pour nettoyer mes souliers," lui dis-je en colère. Pendant qu'il allait, je me repentais de l'avoir ainsi brusqué. Mon courroux passa tout à fait lorsque je vis le soin avec lequel il tâchait d'ôter la poussière de mes souliers sans toucher à mes bas: j'appuyais ma main sur lui en signe de réconciliation. Quoi! dis-je alors en moi-même, il y a donc des hommes qui décrottent les souliers des autres pour de l'argent ?"-XAVIER DE MAISTRE, Joanetti.



1. Distinguish between la veille, la vielle, and la vieille.
2. Form a noun and an adverb with the adjective exact.

3. Je n'y concevais rien. Parse that clause.

4. What do you know about verbs in oyer, like nettoyer? Name other classes of similar verbs.

5. Give the future and the imperative of je me repentais.

6. De l'avoir. Name (1) the personal pronouns which are always direct object, and (2) those which are always indirect.

7. C'est pour la troisième fois. When is it is rendered by c'est, and when by il est ?

1. it (to be added).-2. By Jove.-3. silly fellow.

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