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New Publications-Popular Superstitions of Clydesdale.

was continually urging him to take possession of my seat, which was more elevated than the others. On his declining to do this, two of them, unable to control their rage, rose up, and, spitting on the ground as a mark of contempt, mounted up, and pulling my carpet from under me, sat down upon it without the smallest ceremony. My poor Tartar, afraid of interfering, advised me to quit the apartment, which fortunately I did; had I acted otherwise, the Dervish, might have irritated the whole town against us, and in that case my temerity might have been fatal to us both."


From the Edinburgh Magazine.


An old woman in the moors of Avondale, who lived with her only daughter, a lively lass of twenty-two, was entirely dependant upon the industry of her child for bread. A wasting seized the industrious girl, and, after consultations had been held with every medical gentleman in the neighbourhood, her case was given up as hopeless, and her aged and helpless parent was plunged into the utmost distress. In her extreme necessity she applied to the only never-failing source of consolation, and besought the Father of mercies "that he would not leave her when she was old and grey-headed, but that he would yet spare her beloved bairn to close her auld an' feeble een, whilk had lang sinsyne been shut to all the vanities of this wearie world.' The prayers, says the story, of the waefu' widow, are always accepted. A coagful of loaf and milk was placed at her door every morning, and a little phial, of a reddish liquid, and a small loaf, as white as snow, which she rightly conjectured were for her daughter. Upon this diet she lived sparingly, but was contented and thankful, and her daughter recovered slowly, but surely. Anxious to behold the immediate hand that blessed her in so extraordinary a manner, the old woman watched one morning, and saw two beautiful children, a boy and a girl, bring the food, and place it on the threshold, the girl carrying the medicine for the daughter, and the boy the provisions for the mother. Having carefully performed this operation, their eyes were thrown upwards for a moment, with an expression of great devotion. As they were turning

to depart, the old woman, who, as the story goes, declared that “they war sae unco bonnie, an' sweet-leukan, that she couldnae be fleyit," could not help exclaiming, "fair fa' ye, my bonnie bairns, may ye be as gude as ye're bonnie, an' as happy as ye've made me." looked on her with an evanescent frown, mixed with pity. not aneuch wanweirdit woman, that ye should hae been servit wi' meat and drink, but ye boud always pry into things on whilk ye maun

The boy "Was it

New Publications-Method of Avoiding Infection.

na turn your ee? Nevertheless, least you imagine an evil thocht agains the hand that feeds, I will tell you that we are Gude Fairies, an' live forever mare in happiness an' bliss." The fairies instantly vanished, and the old woman continued to receive her daily supply of provisions till her daughter recovered, when it ceased.

While we wonder at the visionary notions of our ancestors, and are amused in reading or hearing stories similar to the foregoing, our minds are naturally impressed with thankfulness, for being delivered from the fetters of ignorance and superstition, which gave birth to Fairies, Brownies, and other imaginary beings: that now in this enlightened country, instead of our imaginations being phrenzied with marvellous absurdities, nursed by the mystic cant, and legendary tales of popish priests, we enjoy liberty of conscience, the free exercise of reason,-and have unrestrained access to the unerring standard of Divine Revelation to guide us. ED.


Dr. Haygarth of Bath, lately published the following useful rules of safety from contagion in the Bath Papers: The object is to enable medical and clerical visitors of the sick to perform their important duties with safety;-It may be proper (says Dr. H.) previously to observe, that an infectious fever, in a small close, and dirty room, is caught by a very great proportion of mankind; not less than twenty-two out of twenty-three, or a still higher proportion; but in a large, airy, clean apartment, even putrid fevers are seldom or never infectious. When this poisonous vapour is much diluted with fresh air, it is not noxious.


1. As safety from danger entirely depends on cleanliness and fresh air, the room door of a patient ill of an infectious fever, especially in the habitation of the poor, should never be shut; a window in it during the day ought to be frequently opened. In bad cases a current of air between a window and door both wide open may be proper; if the air be very cold or damp, the curtains of the patient's bed may be drawn close during this ventilation, should peculiar circumstances require such caution. These regulations would be highly useful both to the patient and nurses; but are particularly important, previous to the arrival of any visitor.

2. The bed-curtains should never be close drawn round the patient,

Miscellaneous Information-Marriage.

but only on the side next the light, so as to shade the face: except where there is a current of air between a window and a door.

3. Dirty clothes, utensils, &c. should be frequently changed, immediately immersed in cold water, and washed clean.

4. All discharges from the patient should be instantly removed. The floor near the patient's bed should be rubbed clean every day with a wet mop or cloth.

5. The air in a sick room has, at the same time a more infectious quality in some parts than in others. Visitors and attendants should avoid the current of the patients breath-the air which ascends from his body especially if the bed-curtains be closed, and the vapour arising from all evacuations. When medical or other duties require a visitor to be placed in these situations of danger, infection may be frequently prevented by a temporary suspension of respiration.

6. Visitors should not go into an infectious house with an empty stomach; and in doubtful circumstances, on coming out they should blow from their nose, and spit from their mouth, any infectious poison which may have been drawn in by the breath, and may adhere to those passages.

Miscellaneous Enformation.

Marriage. Whilst in this country we are busied in speculating on the dangers of a redundant population, and arguing on putting in force Malthuian checks, such as making single blessedness the more honourable state; giving maiden ladies the pas and president of wives, &c.; a very sage philosopher, and enlightened statesman, the new Dey of Algiers, has commanded that all unmarried men above twenty years of age shall be conducted to the public place, and amply gratified with the bastinado, to give them a desire for wedlock!and that this wholesome exercise and agreeable recreation shall be repeated weekly, until they are found in the list of Benedict, the married man. We presume that under this discipline a fusty old bachelor will soon become rara avis.-INVERNESS JOURNAL.

Glasgow Directory-In the Glasgow Directory for the present year (1818) among others may be remarked the following curious names:-1 Man, 1 Callan, 1 Court, 17 Kings, 2 Nobles 1 Don, 1 Marquis, 2 Knights, 1 Batchelor, 3 Gentles, 2 Baillies, 3 Lairds, 12 Tennents, 4 Grieves, 60 Stewarts, 1 Sheriff, 2

Glasgow Directory.-Sunday Schools-Mental Darkness in Spain.

Marshalls, 5 Wardens, 2 Towers, 8 Armours, 4 Swords, 4 Spears, 2 Halberts, 1 Bow, 4 Gunns, 1 Cannon, 1 Abbey, 1 Fryar, 1 Nun, 6 Crosses, 1 Church, 2 Bishops, 2 Deans, 2 Kirks, 2 Elders, 1 Deakin, 3 Virtues, 1 Charity, 1 Hope, 4 Loves, 1 Meek, 1 Humble, 1 Good, 5 Blyths, 5 Aulds, 52 Youngs, 6 Meikles, 2 Littles, 2 Biggs, 2 Smalls, 1 Short, 1 Strong, 3 Sharps, 2 Smarts, 2 Sweets, 1 Sugar, 1 Butter, 1 Bread, 1 Bone, 19 Steels, 1 Silver, 1 Gold, 2 Dollars, 1 Penny, 1 Glass, 1 Chrystal, 28 Blacks, 18 Whites, 25 Reids, 26 Greys, 98 Browns, 2 Greens, 11 Woods, 2 Wylds, 17 Muirs, 7 Cairns, 9 Hills, 2 Dales, 28 Craigs, 9 Glens, 1 Burn, 4 Burnsides, 1 Mill, 60 Millers, 7 Ferries, 2 Dikes, 1 Field, 3 Parks, 1 Rigg, 4 Shearers, 9 Forrests, 10 Forresters, 1 Gowan, 2 Lillies, 5 Roses, 3 Primroses, 4 Berries, 1 Grosart, 1 Cherry, 2 Arnots, 2 Gardens, 24 Gardeners, 7 Dows, 5 Swans, 1 Crow, 1 Hauke, 5 Warrens, 5 Falconers, 2 Fowlers, 6 Leitches, 1 Snell, 4 Todds, 7 Lambs 2 Kidds, 2 Shepherds, 2 Hoggs, 1 Hare, 14 Harts, 4 Lyons, 1 Pointer, 22 Hunters, 1 Flounder, 1 Heron, 1 Spalding, 2 Haddows, 1 Crab, 1 Salmon, 10 Fishers, 8 Cooks, 6 Jacks, 1 Fender, Riddles, 5 Fyffes, 5 Harpers, 1 Rule, 1 Foot, 3 Forlongs, 1 Mason, 17 Wrights, 2 Sawers, 7 Turners, 2 Coopers, 2 Slaters, 1 Leadbeater, I Ferrier, 70 Smiths, 1 Skinner, 4 Baxters, 1 Maltman, 3 Mercers, 3 Chapmen, 1 Coleman, 3 Colliers, 1 Potter, 8 Coats, 34 Taylors, 1 Barbour, 17 Bairds, 2 Balds, Hair, 1 Curl, 5 Shirras, 3 Porters, 4 Buckies. 4 Fairlies, 50 Walkers, 20 Bells, 1 Letters, 1 Want, &c. &c. &c.

Sunday Schools. The total number of Sunday Scholars in Great Britain and Ireland is about 550,000, attended by about 60,000 teachers.

Mental Darkness in Spain.-An impost of four dollars has been laid on every vessel arriving at the Havannah, for the support of the Holy Inquisition, and two Friars are appointed to visit each vessel in search of obnoxious books and pamphlets!! We did suppose that in an age of Gospel light when the Savage, the Hindoo, Jew and Gentile are turning from the error of their ways—are ceasing to do evil and learning to do well-that bigotry and fanaticism had no longer an abode in the civilized world we were mistaken. Mists of error and delusion encircle

Severe Monkey Trick-A bottle picked up at sea-False Report.-Supersition.

the political horizon of Spain; and unless the "clouds and darkness" which rest upon her be speedily dispelled, she will no longer have a name among the nations of the earth, but descend to the tomb" unwept, unhonoured, and unsung."-BALTIMORE TELEGRAPH.

Severe Monkey Trick.-The morning previous to Bartholemew Fair being proclaimed in London, an unfortunate boy, whom curiosity led to peep through an open crevice, into one of the caravans, had his eye thrust out with a skewer, by a monkey, which was in the inside.

A bottle picked up at sea.-A bottle was lately picked up off the Lizard containing a piece of paper, with the following inscription; Ship Andromache off Cape Clear, 18th Feb. 1818. -Caught a shark, and by way of experiment put the bottle which contains this paper down its throat, and suffered it to swim away.-JOHN MALCOM, SURGEON.

False Report. The following ludicrous circumstance occurred lately at a parish about three miles from Bath :—a person had occasion to go to London for a few weeks, hearing which a report was spread that the vicar of the parish had taken on him the duties of the absent husband; the falsehood soon reached the clergyman, who immediately called a vestry meeting, for the purpose of tracing the origin of the story, when it was found to have been circulated in the first instance by the man's son; he was immedtately sent for and confronted with the vicar (who is a most exemplary and respectable character) when the boy exclaimed, "Oh, tisn't that gemman, 'tis tother parson that preaches at the meeting-house." This explanation of course gave great satisfaction to the vestry, and the next morning received full confirmation by the parson and the frail rib eloping. -BATH JOURNAL.

Superstition.-Some remains of Pagan superstition exist in the parish of Ballymoyer, in Armagh, where they believe in Fairies and in lucky days. A girl chasing a butterfly was chid by her companions, saying, "that may be the soul of your grandfather." A butterfly hovering near a corpse is regarded as a sign of the person's everlasting happiness.

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