Wallace's Tower. Tho' ages and years unheeded have rün, But who has not heard, what Bard has not sung Till Scotia's bleak hills all joyfɩ have rung, The Bards of thy land have tuned the bold lyre, Thy warriors too, have glow'd with hisfire, And often and gladly the old rev'rend sage As oft for the bold hero's pillar they turn, But now the brave youth shall not seek in vain➡ Then shall the noble and dignified pile Shall swell uncontroul'd in his breast: Whose mighty atchievments, dauntless and bold, Scotia, when despot insulted thy laws, No power came thy freedom to save, In dark bloody day, and bravely sustained Then swept thro' thy land the wild storm of war, Wallace's Tower. The Patriot appeared like a bright guiding star, The black threat'ning clouds indignant that lour, Are scatter'd before his unsubdued power, For our independence he waded thro' blood, The front of the battle he fearlessly stood, The flame is not gone that urged on thy sons, Who made Scotia's ensigns triumphantly wave, My country, O Scotia, let homage be done, For great were the deeds of thy patriot son, To countries around the tall stately tower Glasgow, 15th March, 1819. SCOTUS. Scrapiana Poetica. SCRAPIANA POETICA. My heart still hovering round about you, I thought I could not live without you: Now we have liv'd three months asunder, How I liv'd with you is the wonder. INSCRIPTION FOR A LETTER CASE. But with me be content to stay: I'll fondly trace each lasting line. INSCRIPTION FOR A GENTLEMAN'S CHIMNEY-PIECE. To my best, my friends are free; Free with that-and free with me ; Free to pass the harmless joke. LINES IN A WATCH CASE. The laws of motion, and the laws of thought. Sweet health to pass the present moments o'er, And ever lasting joy, when time shall be no more. EPITAPH ON A MISER. He died because he knew not how to live. EPIGRAM, How wisely Nature, ordering all below, Whose tongue would never let her chin Debt, a new way of pay- Mortifying explanation, 157 Salt 281 Names, 158 Scandal, Page 72 237 Distinction without a differ- Negro refusing to be hon- Senses, effect of music on 238 117 Dumbness, a cure for 282 Ostler, 199 dy, 157 29 Eruption, 32 Pedant and illiterate Mag- Singular Bill. 131 Extravagant Charges, re- istrate, the 198 Sign-boards; singular 237 ceipt for 156 Pious Zeal, 32 Slander, 73 Fellow, Obstinate 237 Sleeping Court, 75 Fish-rod, meaning of a 281 Pope, an attempt to con- Soda Water; 199 298 Friendship in trade, no 72 Politician, Female 236 Poet and Pope Clement, 74 Preacher, a 198 Proposal, a strange Rats, how to get quit of 32 Witch, a Mirror of Flattery, 29 Reciprocation, vert the 31 Spanish Poet, a 118 72 Terror, mutual 236 156, 197, 237 Virtue, 30 117 Quaker's Letter, a 117 Watchman, the accomodat 30 72 Wit, Irish 158 774 Moral, 237 118 Waterloo Medal, value of 324 73 Mistakes, 1963 280 Blind Irish Harper's Lament for Dog, 57 Patriot, the Burns, on the Birth of 200 Printing, the Art of 203 Song, How sacred the hour! $28 160 284 203 134 ib Il ne'er forget yon bonny Glen, 123 202 Where yonder woods are waving Highland Castle, to the ruins of an old 131 green, 244 761 Since Fortune similes on thee, 285 Beuk I. 163 Wallace's Tower 327 |