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Gentlemen and Publishers who have works in the press, will oblige the Conductors of the ECLECTIC REVIEW, by sending information (post paid) of the subject, extent, and probable price of such works; which they may depend upon being communicated to the public, if consistent with its plan.

Mr. Jacobs and Mr. Valpy take this public opportunity of observing that they have waved the publication of their Hebrew Bible, lately advertised, for the present. Mr. Jacobs and Mr. Valpy, are induced to relinquish the undertaking, in consequence of the recent publication of a similar work by the Rev. Mr. Frey, which is intended to embrace the same advantages, two parts of which are already published, and have been noticed with approbation in the Oct. No. of our Review.

Mr. Wilson, of Magdalen college, Oxford, has a volume of Poems in the press. The principal poem is entitled the Isle of Palms; and there are many descriptive of the scenery among the English lakes.

Mr. Wm. Tucker will shortly publish, in an octavo volume, the Elements of the History of Revolutinary Europe, with a large engraved chart.

Thomas Myers, M. A. of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, will shortly publish an Introduction to Historical, Physical, and Political Geography, in an octavo volume, illustrated by eighteen quarto maps.

Mr. Saint, of Norwich, is about to publish Letters on the Necessity of Reform in the Studies at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, and on the Abuses in the public Military Institutions of the Country.

The Life of Prince Potemkin, fieldmarshal in the service of Russia, during the reign of Catherine II, compiled from authentic documents, is printing in an octavo volume.

Mr. Parkinson's third volume of the Organic remains of a former World, is ready for publication.

Mr. B. Travers' Inquiry concerning Injuries to the Canal of the Intestines, in an octavo volume, will shortly appear.

A correct and elegant edition in French of Madame de Stael's work. "De la Litterature Ancienne et Moderne," which has been: suppressed on the continent, will be published in a few days,

with Memoirs of the Author's Life prefixed. In two volumes, small octavo.

The late Mr. Smeaton's Reports, Estimates, and Treatises, on Canals, Navigable Rivers, Harbours, &c. with other Miscellaneous Papers, printed chiefly from his manuscripts, in three quarto volumes, are nearly ready for publication.

Edward Wakefield, esq. will shortly publish, in a quarto volume, the Present State of Ireland.

Shortly will be published, Northern Antiquities; or, Tracts, designed to illustrate the early History, Poetry, and Romance of the Nations of the North of Europe. In royal 4to, printed in the best Manner, by Ballantyne and Co. price 31. 3s. boards.

In the press, and speedily will be published, a new edition of Richardson's Essays on Shakespeare's Dramatic Charecters, enlarged and corrected.

Mr. T. Thomas, of Wareham, will shortly publish, the Analogies and Anomalies of the Hebrew Language considered, particularly in relation to the Languages of Greece and Rome.

Robert Southey, esq. has nearly ready for publication, Omniana, in a duodecimo volume; also a second edition, in two duodecimo volumes, of the Curse of Kehama,

The Spicure No. 1. will be published on the First day of January next and continued monthly.

The third volume of the second and enlarged edition of Aiton's Hortus Kewensis, is nearly ready for publication.

Mr. E. H. Barker, of Trinity College, Cambridge, will speedily publish, Cicero de Amicitia, et Senectute, from the text of Ernesti, with notes and remarks; and an Appendix, in which will be found some curious articles on the affinity of different languages to the Latin, including two Essays on the Origin and Extinction of the Latin tongue, communicated to the author by the Rev. R. Patrick, of Hull,

Mr. James Savage, will publish in

the course of next month, Observa. tions on the Varieties of Architecture, used in the structure of parish churches.

The author of "The Battles of the Danube and Barrosa," will shortly publish a Poem, in two parts, entitled The Conflict of Albuera, without notes, price 5s.

Mr. Shulher, is preparing for the press, the Triumphs of Learning, a Poem.

Mr. C. Bradley, of Wallingford, has in the press an edition of Phædrus, with English notes, for the use of schools. The objectionable fables are omitted.

Mr. Thomas Todd, of St. Martin'slane, announces a New History or Dictionary of Engravers, who have practised the art in its different branches, in wood, metal, or other substances, from its appearance in the fifteenth century to the present time.

Shortly will be published, Tixall Poetry; from Originals in the Possession of, and accompanied with Notes, Illustrations, and an Introduction, by Arthur Clifford, esq. Editor of the State Papers and Letters of Sir Ralph Sadler. In demy and royal 4to, printed in the best Manner, by Ballantyne and Co. with Engravings. This volume will contain a number of original Poems, chiefly composed by individuals of the Aston Family (for many centuries resident at Tixall, near Stafford) during the early part of the 17th century. A few original Letters will be added, which throw some light on the Poems; and in the Appendix will

be found some pieces, by Dryden, Sandys, Fanshawe, and other contemporary Poets, discovered at Tixall, and never before published.

The second volume of the MedicoChirurgical Transactions, is nearly ready for publication.

The fourth volume (containing Ireland) of the Biographical Peerage of the United Kingdom, is in a state of forwardness.

Mr. Maddock, has in the press, in a quarto volume, the Life of Lord Chancellor Somers, including Remarks on the Public Affairs of his Time and the Bill of Rights, with a commentary.

Mr. Allan Burns, of Glasgow, will soon publish, in an octavo volume, Observations on the Surgical Anatomy of the Head and Neck, iliustrated by numerous cases and engravings.

Sir R. Philips, intends to publish, a new periodical work under the title of the Spirit of Literature, on the plan of the Supplemental Numbers of the Monthly Magazine, but independent of, and unconnected with that work.

Mr. J. M. Flindall, Bookseller of Lambeth Marsh, has in a state of forwardness, a Catalogue of Scarce and Rare English Portraits, and of Books containing such Portraits, chiefly compiled from the more bulky volumes of Bromley and Grainger; and, for the convenience of collectors, it is printed in a pocket size. Subjoined are notes by the compiler, who has for several years employed his leisure hours in this task.


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Maxims and Directions for Youth, on a variety of important and interesting Subjects, calculated for private Families and Schools. By the Rev. J. Thornton, 18mo. 1s. 3d.

Lessons, Astronomical and Philoso phical, for the Amusement and Instruction of British Youth: being an attempt to explain and account for the most usual appearances in nature in a familiar manner, from established principles. The whole interspersed with moral reflections. By Olinthus Gregory, LL. D. of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. The fourth edition, much enlarged and improved. 12mo. 5s.

Barrow's five hundred questions on the New Testament, for the Use of all Schools in which the Christian Religion is taught. 1s.

Adair's five hundred questions on Goldsmith's History of England, for the Use of Schools. 1s.

A New Elementary Grammar of the English Language. By J.Fenwick, 12mo. 2s. 6d.

Transactions of the Geological Society. Vol. 1. 4to. 27.

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The excellence of the British Military Code, and the expediency of a strict attention to the details of its administration. 8s.


Histoire des Femmes Franaises, les plus celebres, et de leur Influence sur la Litterature, &c. Par Mad. De Genlis. 2 Vol. 12mo, 10s.

The Dairyman's Daughter; an authentic and interesting Narrative, in five Parts. 6d.

Patriarchal Times, or the Land of Canaan. A figurative History, in seven books. By Miss O'Keefe. 2 vols. 10s.

Londina Illustrata, Number X. Containing, 1. A large View of the Great Fire of London, in 1666, engraved from an original Picture.-2. The Theatre Royal, Drury-lane, with a Ground-plan of the Structure.-3. View of the Conflagration of Drury lane Theatre, taken from Westminster Bridge; and a Vignette, exhibiting the Roins from Brydges-street. The printed Descrip tions are of Somerset-house, Howell's View of London, Whitehall and St. James's Palaces, both from Drawings by Hollar. 8s.

The Projector; a Periodical Paper, originally published in Monthly Numbers, from January 1802, to November 1809; revised and corrected by the author, 3 Vol. 8vo. 11. 7s.

The Modern Domestic Brewer, in two parts. 1. Preliminary Discourse and Observations on Water, Malt, and Hops; together with a dissertation on the four quarters of the Year, as they relate to Brewing. 2. The most approved method of brewing Malt Liquors, with Observations on the Use of the Thermometer, and all other matters relating to Brewery. By G. Cooper, 1s. 6d.

A Selection of Articles from the Gentleman's Magazine. Vol. IV. 8vo. 14s.

An Abridgement of Locke's Essay, concerning Human Understanding. By Louisa Capper, 4to. 17.

A collection of scarce and valuable Tracts on the most interesting and entertaining Subjects; selected from various public and private libraries, particularly that of the late Lord Somers. Revised, augmented, and arranged. By W. Scott, esq. Vol. VI. 4to. 31. 3s.

Advice to all who bathe for Amusement, Health, or who are desirous of

acquiring the Art of Swimming. By W. H. Mallison, 6d.


Directions for Sailing to and from the East Indies, China, New Holland, Cape of Good Hope, and the interjacent parts. By J. Hasburgh, F. R. S. Part 1. 4to. 21. 5s.


Poems. By Lieut. Charles Gray, of the Royal Marines, foolscap, 8vo. 6s. and post 8vo. 10s. 6d.

Poems and Letters. By the late W. J. Roberts, with some account of his Life, 8vo. 10s. 6d.

The Capital; a 'satirical and senti mental poem, dedicated to the Earl of Stanhope. 2s. 6d.

Carlton House Fête, or the Disappointed Bard, in a series of Elegies; to which is added, Curiosity in Rags, an Elegy. By P. Pindar, esq.


The Regent's Fête; or prince and his Country. By E. Fitzgerald, esq. 2s. 6d.

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uct of the Past and Present Adminis trations of the American Government, toward Great Britain and France. By Colonel Timothy Pickering, Formerly Secretary of State to the Government of the United States. 8vo, 5s, stitched.


، Remarks on Two Particulars in a Refutation of Calvinism, &c. By a Friend, to the Principles of that Work. 8vo. 2s. 6d.

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The Advantages of Early Piety unfolded and displayed, in a Series of plain Discourses, addresseds to Young People. By the Rev. J. Thornton, Author of the, Christian's Consolation, 12mo. 3s. 6d.

Sketches of sentiment on several im-, portant Theological Subjects. By J. Clarke, 12mo. 5s.

: The Life and Death of the ever-blessed, Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the World. By Jeremy Taylor, D. D. 2 Vols. 11. 4s. a new edition.

The Connection between the Simplicity of the Gospel and the leading Principles of the Protestant cause: A Sermon preached July 10, 1811, at George's Meeting-house, Exeter, before the Society of Unitarian Christians established in the West of England, for promoting Christian Knowledge and the Practice of Virtue, by the distribution of books. By John Kentish, 8vo. 1s.

Four Sermons preached in London, May 8, 9, 10, 1811 ; at the Seventeenth General Meeting of the Missionary Society. 3s.

A Selection of Psalms and several Hymns, for the Use of the Established Church, 2s.

An Exposition of such of the prophecies of Daniel as receive their accom plishment under the New Testament, by the late Rev. M. F. Roos, A. M. Translated from the German by E. Henderson, 8vo. 7s.

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The Title Page and Contents of Vol. VII, Part II. and the General Index, will be found in the Number for January, 1812.

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Abu Taleb, travels of, in Asia, Africa, and
Europe, 72; remarks of a remote stran-
ger, unless of extraordinary endowments,
amusing rather than instructive, 73-4;
Abu Taleb's history of his descent, &c.
75, 6; engages a passage to England, 77;
is detained at the Cape of Good Hope, ib.;
account of the morals of Cape Town, 78;
wonderful adventure of an English captain,
79; arrives in Ireland, where he is hos-
pitably received, 81; character of the
Irish, ib.; confuses an angel' by tea table
repartee, 80; praises the virtues of a
cold climate, 82; proceeds to London,83;
enumerates twelve national vices, ib.;
returns through France, &c.
Acid Oxymuriatic, researches on its nature
and combinations, 227

Addison, remarks on the humour of, 799
African institution, fifth report of the di-
rectors of the, 987; efforts made to carry
the abolition act into effect, 989-1000:
recent decisions in the prize courts, 990, 2,
3, 5, &c.; horrible cruelty of Huggins,
a planter, 1001

Aged, Brewster's meditations for the, 84;
Lawson's sermons to the, 611
Agricultural mechanism, Williamson's, 237
Algebra, Bridge's lectures on the elements

of, 153 their merits and general con-
tents, 153-4; theorem on the subject of po-
pulation, 155-7

America, Pike's travels in. See North Ame-

Angelo Michael-poetical estimate of his pro-
fessional character. 616; Duppa's, life of,
1083; biographical sketch of, 1084-1091;
professional estimate of, by Mr. Fuseli, 1092;
extracts from his poetry and letters,

Angles, solid, Dr. Gregory's simple and
beautiful theory of, 968-70
Animals luminous, observations on, 224
Antiquities of nations. See Pezron
Aphoristical writing, remarks on, 145
Apollonius of Tyana, Berwick's translation

of the life of, from the Greek of Philos-
tratus, 215; probable design of the work,
215-6; abstract of the life of Apollonius,
216-222; character of Damis, 217, 224;
method of taming a satyr, 221; considera-

tions on the authority of the narrative,
222, 226

Aquitani, distinguished by Strabo from the
Gallic Celtæ and the Belgæ, 111
Arabians, historical reflections on the, 353
Arches, Gwilt's treatise on, 530
Art, Shee's elements of, 612; exaggerated
estimate of the importance of,613; extracts
from the poem, &c. 613, 618

Asia, Buchanan's Christian researches in,
599; translations of the Scriptures, 570,
576; Dr. B.'s mode of allusion to the
Baptist missionaries, 577-8; religious
condition of the Hindoos, 576; series of
descriptions respecting the temple of
Jaggernaut, 576, 583; this horrible ido-
latry a source of revenue to the British go-
vernment, 583; reflections on this shameful
patronage,726-8; a congregation of Hindoo
Christians, 730-1; state of Christianity in
Ceylon, and the Malayan Archipelago,
732-4; Syrian Christians at Malabar,
734-36; inquisition at Goa, 736
Assessments on places of worship, when
exigible, 1139

Banks of the Wye, Bloomfield's poem of the,
1103; character of Mr. Bloomfield's
poetry, 1103; Farmer's Boy and Rural
Tales, 1104-5; extracts from the Banks of
the Wye, 1106-10

Beddoes, Dr. Stock's life of, 491; estimate
of the character and speculations of Dr.
Beddoes, 491-3, 504-5; outline of his life,

Bible society, British and Foreign, review of
the controversy respecting the, 59.257:
history of its origin and formation, 61-62;
statement of facts regarding the Welsh
bibles, 62-67; account of the Society's
proceedings-number of bibles printed and
issued, and in what languages-pecunia-
ry supplies-and testimonies in proof of
its excellence, 68-71; remarks on a coun-
try clergyman's letter and second letter-
Dr. Wordsworth's letter to Lord Teign-
mouth-Lord Teignmouth's reply to Dr.
W.; Mr. Dealtry's letter-letter to Dr.
Gaskin and the productions of Messrs.
Spry and Sykes, 257, 260; objections to
the British and Foreign Bible Ssociety dis

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