In the following extract, the writer remarks on his Lordship's accusation, that "they substitute, instead of the evangelical doctrine of grace and re pentance, new, sudden and unheard of conversions." Dismissing, for a moment, these adjuncts, allow me respectfully to enquire, is there no such thing now as Conversion, or turning from Sin to God? or was Conversion merely confined to the first converts from Paganism? I suspect the latter opinion to be that of your Lordship. But if so, is it consonant either to Scripture, to fact, or to experience? did you never meet with any who, from being "lovers of pleasure," became afterwards "lovers of God" if your Lordship had formerly the Cure of Souls, were none of your parishioners ever converted, through your instrumentality, from a careless and ungodly life to a diligent attendance upon the means of grace, and to a diligent attention to the religious and relative duties of their Christian station? were none of them ever converted from being swearers, sabbathbreakers, lewd and profligate characters, to "reverence the name of God," to "keep holy the Sabbath day," to be chaste, sober, temperate, and with frugality to save what they formerly spent in dissipation, in providing for the wants of themselves and families? If your Lordship never witnessed such beneficial effects to result from your ministrations; if, indeed, such conversions were "unheard of" by you, I can only most deeply lament that your Lordship has been such a fruitless labourer in the vineyard! But reflect not, I beseech you, upon those who have been honoured by God with greater success! Conversion to God, if there be any reality in the thing itself, the change must be new. Scripture, which warrants the term, gives no authority to any divine, or even bishop to discard it. "If any man be in Christ," says St. Paul, "he is a new Creature; old things are passed away; behold "all things are become new." "Neither circumcision availeth any thing, "nor uncircumcision, but a new Creature." [See also Ephes iv. 22. I Pet ii, 2.] It is for your Lordship to reconcile such expressions of the inspired Apostles with your opinion of the absurdity of new Conversions. pp. 30, 32. Art. XVI. Qualifications for Teaching, essential to the Character of a Christian Bishop; A Sermon, preached in Nile-Street Meeting-House, Glasgow, on Wednesday, 13th March, 1811. By Ralph Wardlaw. Published by request. Glasgow, 8vo. pp. 43. Price 1s. 6d. Hamilton, Ogle, 1811. WHILE many persons seem to imagine that nothing is requisite for a minister of religion but a liberal education, there are a few who contend that is utterly unnecessary. Mr. Wardlaw interprets the qualifications implied in being apt to teach,' as much more extensive and various than either of these classes would be willing to admit; but as his discourse was delivered on the occasion of forming an academical institution, and prejudices of the latter description, we suppose, chiefly prevail in the circle with which he is connected, it is most particularly designed to maintain the importance of a good education to the success of a Christian teacher. is altogether a very sensible and animated sermon, as we think will appear by one or two short extracte. It : 'Like Paul, we should use "great plainness of speech," And since I have adverted to this expression, I would remark that, in the connection in which it occurs, it expresses, not plainness as opposed to ornament, but plainness as opposed to all darkness, obscurity, and difficulty of interpretation-<< "Not as Moses, who put a vail on his face."-Now this kind of plainness, so far from being inconsistent with fine speaking, is, in truth, its first and most essential excellence.-For, to speak well is to speak, in the first place, perspicuously, so as to be clearly and fully understood:in the second place, engagingly, so as to command and fix the attention without which no good can ever be done :--in the third place, affectingly, so as to interest and touch the heart; to move the passions; to alarm by the terrors of the Lord, and to win and persuade by his tender mercies to " save by fear," and to "draw with the cords of love."-With these qualities, there must, for the same ends, be united, such correctness, and such a measure of dignity, as will prevent disgust in well educated and polished minds. All these things obviously imply the necessity, in a teacher, of a full and accurate acquaintance with the language in which he is to speak To speak perspicuously, a man must select appropriate terms, such phraseology as is suited to convey the precise idea which he wishes to express; because a single word misapplied may occasion not merely obscurity, and consequent doubt, but total misapprehension, and even serious error. speak engagingly and affectingly, he should be familiar at once with all the delicacies, and with all the energies of his language.' pp. 22, 23. To The mutual dispositions which Mr. W. represents as necessary are, real piety, candour, faithfulness, tenderness, meekness, discernment, and zeal. Religion cannot be effectually taught but by a truly religious man. A firm conviction of the truth of "the things of the Spirit," a clear discernment of their glory and excellence; a deep feeling of their infinite importance; a happy experience of their joyful, comforting, strengthening, and purifying influence; spirituality of mind and affections;-seem to be all indispensably necessary, to enable a man to enter into the spirit of teaching, in illustrating either the doctrinal, the practical, the experimental, or the devotional parts of the holy scriptures. Without these, he may, indeed, give his audience a dull, formal, systematic, and frigid correct detail, of doctrines and duties :-but what is this, without the life of preachingwithout a heart in unison with his subject?' p. 25. In a true imitator of Jesus, and of Paul, there will be no frigid apathy, no listless indifference;-but whether the immediate object of his preaching be the conversion of sinners, or the establishment of saints, he will speak from the fulness of a heart melting with compassion, and glowing with love; declaring momentous truth, in the language of fervent feeling; uttering "thoughts that breathe," in "words that burn." P. 27. This discourse is particularly to be recommended to such of the dissenters, if any remain, as are disposed to underrate the utility of literature and study in the Christian ministry. An Appendix of some length is subjoined, containing an account of the institution to which we have already referred. VOL. VIL 31 Art. XVII. The Age, or the Consolations of Philosophy. A Poem, part the First. By the Author of the People, &c. 8vo. pp. 66. Jones, 1811. OF the author of this Poem,' we learn, that he is an unlettered man, who spends most of his time, in the trammels of a dull and stupid commerce, and during his few leisure hours,' entertains pure sentiments of high regard and estimation' for Sir Francis Burdett, and drinks in a love of democracy and a hatred of literature from the pen of Mr. Cobbet. Of the poem, we only need say, it is as bad as might be expected. Art. XVIII, The People. By Tristram Simple. 8vo. pp. 340. Jones, 1811. THIS is an incoherent rhapsodical farrago, by the author of the foregoing. Art. XIX. Compassion for Prisoners recommended. A Sermon, preached in Cliff-lane Chapel, Whitby, on Sabbath, Jan. 22, 1809, when a Collection was made for the relief of the British prisoners of war in France. by George Young, 8vo. pp. 31, price Is. Baynes. 1809. Art. XX. The Mariner's Refuge. A Discourse to Seamen, delivered in Cliff-lane Chapel, Whitby, on Sabbath, Aug. 5, 1810, to improve the melancholy fate of a part of the crew of the Aimwell, of Whitby, who were lost in the Greenland Seas, May 27, 1810. By George Young, Minister of the Associate Congregation of Cliff-lane, Whitby. 8vo. pp. 44. price 1s. fine, 6d common. W. Baynes. 1811 THE Publication of the second of these sermons has recalled our attention to the first, which had before been overlooked. They both evince the scriptural principles and humane dispositions of the author, and the profits arising from the sale are appropriated to benevolent uses. The Discourse to seamen, is most likely, we think, to be useful. It contains a variety of pious and impressive admonitions peculiarly adapted to persons engaged in maritime pursuits. The event which occasioned its being preached, was a boat with six men, belonging to the Aim well whaler, of Whitby, being struck by a large whale, which they were attempting to kill, and shivered to pieces. The men were severely hurt by the blow, and were all plunged into the sea; three were picked up almost, Jifeless, but soon recovered; the others perished. The impression produced by this event, as well on their companions at sea, as on the people of Whitby, when the ships returned, encouraged Mr. Young to attempt to strengthen it by delivering this discourse. Art. XXI. Juvenile Correspondence, or Letters, designed as Examples of the Epistolary Style, for Children of both Sexes. By Lucy Aikio. 12mo. pp. 200. Price 3s. 6d. half bound. Johnson. 1811. IT purpose is somewhat doubtful whether this little book will answer the for which it is designed, of improving the taste of children in letterwriting. The object, however, is clearly with the experiment; and the volume, considered as a mere addition to the stock of reading for children, is rendered both amusing and instructive, by the judicious introduction of anecdotes, descriptions of scenery, and sketches of natural history. Miss Aikin has succeeded, to a very creditable degree, in overcoming her great difficulty-of writing letters better than children's, and yet like children's. One of her eldest pupils, a greet boy, who is sending home an account of his journey into Wales, is so far improved as to describe in a style, which may render a short extract not unacceptable to the reader: On crossing a small stream which partly divides Shropshire from Montgomeryshire, how surprised I was to find myself at once completely in a foreign country! A group of women and little girls all dressed in. long dark blue cloaks, with mob caps with flying lappets, and men's beaver hats on their heads, first caught our view. Then our nostrils were saluted by the strong smell of peat smoke, which is the common fewel. Presently we met with a man and woman riding double-horse in a curious fashion, the woman on a side-saddle before, and the man astride without a saddle behind her. Proceeding a few miles further, we entered the market-place of a small town, where the people were jabbering Welsh on all sides, and we could not understand a word of what was going forwards. A man of whom we inquired our way, could give us no other answer than "Dym Sarsnec," No Saxon-(for they call us English, Saxons still,) and on reaching our inn we found a Welsh harp on the landing-place. I begged my uncle to ask for the harper directly; but instead of a fine majestic old man as I had hoped to see, with white hair and a long flowing beard like the bard in Gray's Ode; in came a meanlooking little fellow, with blear eyes, and an old handkerchief tied over his head, as is very common here, for fear of the tooth-ache. However, he played us some of the most famous Welch tunes, and entertained us very well till dinner came, which consisted of salmon and very small mutton; both which Wales is celebrated for having in great perfection.' pp. 172-174. Art. XXII. An Essay on Unbelief: describing its nature and operations, and shewing its baneful influence in distressing awakened and renewed Souls. By the Rev. James Churchill, Henley, Oxon. 12mo. pp. 180. price 38. 6d. bds. Conder, Williams. 1811. THE form of this publication, as an Essay on unbelief, has better pre tensions to novelty than the substance of which it con-ists. Objections, might easily be taken to the style, and some of the topics would admit of an extended discussion, both in reference to scriptural truth and the philosophy of the human mind. The practical instructions, however, are judicious, the leading principles correct, and the general tendency extremely beneficial. We think it likely to be useful, especially to young persons unacquainted with the various states of feeling, incident to the Christian Life. The author's allegation that in general not more than a page or two was written at one time,' will hardly avail him as a sufficient apology for the repetition of thought, or the looseness of the composition; as there was probably no necessity for printing the work, till it had undergone a frequent and careful revision. ART. XXIII SELECT LITERARY INFORMATION. Gentlemen and Publishers who have works in the press, will oblige the Conductors of the ECLECTIC REVIEW, by sending information (post paid) of the subject, extent, and probable price of such works; which they may depend upon being communicated to the public, if consistent with its plan. The Rev. Mr. Parsons, of Leeds, has in the press, an abridged edition of Neale's History of the Puritans, in two thick octavo volumes. Speedily will be published, an Improved Harmony of the Four Gospels, not omitting any chapter or verse therein contained, having the most necessary old references brought under the verses, and many new ones added; and in which the Feast of Tabernacles, shewn in St. Luke's Gospel, is proved to be the same as that treated of by St. John, by which several scriptural passages are more clearly elucidated than in any other former publication on the subject. By John Chambers, Worksop. To be published in a few days, in Svo. price 13s. in boards, Sermons, selected and abridged, chiefly from minor authors, adapted to the Saints Days, Festivals, Fasts, &c. and to general occasions, &c. &c. for the use of families. Volume III. By the Rev. Samuel Clapham, A. M. &c. Speedily will be published, a Historical Essay on the Temporal Power of the Popes, on the abuse of their Spiritual Ministry, and on the Wars which they have declared against Sovereigns, particularly those who had a preponderance in Italy. Translated from the French. Mr. Barker, of Trinity College, Cambridge, is preparing a small edition of Cicero de senectute et Amicitia, with English notes, for the use of Schools. Mr. Foster will shortly publish, in an octavo volnme, a new edition of his Essays, with some alterations and additions. Professor Playfair has in the press a second edition, with additions and engravings, in a quarto volume, of Iilustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth.' Speedily will be published, in two vols. 8vo. Geological Travels in England, by J. A. De Luc. Esq. F. R. S. At press, the Vision of Peirs Plowman, printed from MSS. of higher Antiquity than any which have yet been collated, and forming a Text entirely different from that of Crowley. Together with a prefatory Dissertation, a Paraphrase, Glossary, and Notes By Thomas Dunham Whitaker, LL. D. F. S. A. Vicar of Whalley, in Lancashire. Of this work a very limited number of copies will be printed; and a list of subscribers will be prefixed. Proposals are in circulation for publishing a Portrait of the Rev. William Vincent, D. D. Dean of Westminster, from a Picture painted by Wm. Owen, R. A. Pore ait Painter to his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, lately exhibited at the Royal Academy, Somerset-place; to be engraved by C. Turner, the same size as Cyril Jackson, D. D. F. R. S. 14 by 20 inches. Price 11. 1s. Proofs 11. 11s. 6d. Dr. Hooper is printing a new edition of his Medical Dictionary, with very considerable corrections, additions, and linprovements. To be published next month, in nine volumes octave, with the Arms engraved on wood, by Branston, Collins' Peerage of England; with very considerable improvements and corrections, and brought down to the present time. By Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges. An edition of Gay's Fables, complete in a small volume, embellished with one hundred Wood-cuts, designed and engraved by Branston, is in a forward state for publication. Speedily will be published, handsomely printed in quarto, in two parts, the second volume of a New Analysis of Chronology; in which an attempt is made to explain the History and Antiquities of the Nations recorded in, the Scriptures, together with the Prophecies relating to them, on principles tending to remove imperfection and discordance of preceding Systems of Chronology. By William Hales, D. D. Rector of Killesandra, and formerly Fellow of Trinity College, and Professor of Oriental Languages in the University of Dublin. J. Syers, Esq. Surgeon, has nearly ready for publication, in octavo, the Manage ment of Infants; containing the general principles of their domestic Treatment, |