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framing any scheme of education, touching upon religion at all, which shall include the children of those who are of separate and opposing communions.

It is impossible to compromise the distinctive characters of those religious systems; and their distinctive characters, energetically repel all approaches to united action. It has been a kindly belief, in which I have never participated, that some neutral ground might be discovered-some common precinct-within which their characteristic religious diversities should be unfelt. But surely it must be obvious, that religious tenets are the earnest and stirring notives which emphatically govern the whole character. They include all minor differences, and perpetuate them. If men will not worship at the same altar, is it to be thought they will entrust their children to the same religious education? Surely, we should think less well of them if they would. Laxity is a thing worthy of no respect: rather, it is worthy of all condemnation. When men are irreconcilably divided in the highest article of conscience and duty, a willingness to compromise in detail, or in the persons of their children, is no sign of good. It is a poor evidence of reality and earnestness; and of all things most intolerable is laxity, and indifference in matters which relate to God. Little good could be hoped from a people in whom their religious faith had no deeper or more clinging root; therefore, I think, there is encouragement to be drawn even from the stubbornness of our contending principles. It bespeaks zeal and energy, and a strong perception of the greatness of the cause about which we are contending. If we are ever again united, this is a pledge of a close and tenacious unity: a lax people must always be divided. Now the discussion of 1839 proved, once for all, that no system of education can be established in this country, which is not based on religion, and presided over by the church. And the discussion of this year has made equally clear, that no measure, fulfilling these two conditions, will satisfy those that are in separation from our communion. The conclusion, then, is plain, that no combined system of education is practicable. From a charge by the Venerable Archdeacon Manning.


It is therefore a narrow and shallow view to conceive that the clergy are, in virtue of office, charged with the details of schools and parochial education. With the duty of parochial catechising the clergy are fully and exclusively charged; and it is their function and privilege, as spiritual guides to their flocks, to visit, inspect, and promote the welfare of all schools and systems of education within their parishes. But, clear as this is in principle, let us never forget that the question of education must become ultimately a masked form of the question of the pastoral office of the church; for what is it but the unfolding of the baptismal life in her spiritual children? It is impossible that the education of a country should be in the hands of one power, and the pastoral ministry in the hands of another. Though distinct, they are inseparable; and if the pastoral ministry do not draw to itself the work of education, and superintend it, schemes of education will assimilate to themselves the pastoral office, and undermine it, by limiting the action of its catechetical teaching within the range of what is acceptable to a divided population. There are two points which may be laid down as certain: first, that the hearts of the people of England in the next generation are now to be lost and won in the area of our parish schools; and next, that the education of the country will ultimately fall into the hands of that community which has the best and most efficient teachers. Let the church, then, make her contribution to this work; and, as an earnest, let us give the careful instruction of 14,000 or 15,000 catechists—a contribution which needs no grants of public money, no lists of private subscriptions. We possess it already. The clergy of England are the catechists of England; and this is the true basis of all national education in this country. Any scheme which thwarts or en

tangles the free exercise of the catechetical office of the church is, so far, a pure evil; any scheme which excludes or slights it is shallow and feeble, and certain of defeat. Who can foretell what a work may be done in a generation, by the united action of the whole English clergy acting as the catechists of the nation; what an order of light and purity may arise out of the darkness and corruptions of our mines and factories; what a restoration of peaceful and paternal rule, of dutiful and glad obedience; what a healing of intense and inveterate schisms; what a power of beneficence and benediction to the whole empire, and to the world!


THE FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CHURCH SCHOOLMASTERS' ASSOCIATION. It is with mingled feelings of pleasure and regret, that the committee of the Church Schoolmasters' Association present their fifth annual report. With no small pleasure they announce that the association is still progressing, and its usefulness daily becoming more apparent. They believe, moreover, that there never was a time more favourable than the present for the dissemination of sound views and practical systems of education, or in which church schoolmasters by uniting their energies in the promotion of this good work, might look forward with better grounded hopes of ultimate success.

It must, however, be a matter of some regret, that from want of adequate funds the usefulness of the association has, in a manner, been crippled. Efforts indeed have been made amongst the members, and by some at a great personal sacrifice, to defray those outstanding liabilities which pressed the most heavily. Much expense was necessarily incurred in fitting up the premises in Exeter Street, without which, indeed, the business of the association could not have been carried on conveniently, if at all. The balance still owing is large, but there is good reason to hope that the association will soon be free from debt. It is, however, a matter of anxious concern to devise plans, whereby, for the future, the association may be placed on a less encumbered footing. With this grand object in view your committee venture to propose, not without reluctance, that the annual subscriptions of the members living within five miles of the place of meeting, be increased. At the same time it is hoped, that when the principles which have called us together are better and more generally known, school committees will not be indifferent to the claims of this association, nor regardless of the efforts here made for the express benefit of their schools. Certainly it ought not to be forgotten that many of our members have willingly giving up to the business of the association the little time which they can call their own, and which their health would almost require to be otherwise employed, besides often incurring thereby an expense that can be but ill afforded. Your committee trust they may state, that the past year has not been wholly unprofitable. They refer with satisfaction to the establishment of a second Language Class, which, though adorned with no extrinsic attractions, * * * has been felt and acknowledged by all the members well worthy the time and attention they have bestowed upon it, and to be increasing in interest and value every time they meet. The first Language Class has been continued with steady perseverance.




With great satisfaction too have your committee to speak of the lectures upon the English Language, now in course of delivery by the Rev. W. H Jones. It is scarcely necessary to remark, to you who have heard them, upon their originality, research, and usefulness.

They are happy in being able to announce, that some of the clergy who feel a deep interest in the association, have kindly promised their valuable assistance, so as to ensure a continuous series of lectures on various subjects for the next twelve months.

With regard to the library, your committee regret that, from want of funds, they have been able to add to it but few standard works; indeed, the librarian has been reluctantly compelled to suspend for a while the issuing of the periodicals. He wishes it, however, to be distinctly understood, that the members will again have the use of them, so soon as the necessary funds are at his command. It is desirable, indeed, not only that every work connected with education should be within your reach, but that there should be also formed a museum, so to speak, in which might be placed specimens of every kind of school apparatus. It may, perhaps, be said without presumption, that even by the patrons and managers of schools it would be esteemed an advantage to be able to inspect, at any time, the most improved machinery for their purpose. Before dismissing the subject of the library, the committee beg to congratulate the members generally, and all friends of the rising generation, upon the establishment of a cheap and now widely-circulated periodical, devoted to the promotion of sound learning and religious education. They refer of course to The English Journal of Education, which, if not directly connected with this association, yet, as edited by its president, they cannot but regard with pleasure as a valuable instrument for the advancement of the same good work and upon the same principles.

Your committee beg to acknowledge the receipt of several well-timed donations and subscriptions, a list of which is appended to this report They feel, that the best way they can give utterance to their thanks, is the assurance that such assistance has enabled them to overcome difficulties which would have been otherwise almost insurmountable.

It is highly gratifying to be able to state, that public attention has of late been somewhat more excited towards the objects of the association. Important meetings have been held at Liverpool, Chelmsford, and Bradford in Yorkshire, for the purpose of establishing similar institutions. The Surrey Association has continued in useful operations, and in a manner reflecting the highest credit upon its members, many of whom regularly walk several miles to take part in its business. The Hackney and Chelsea District Associations have also frequently assembled.

With regard to the energy with which our own proceedings have been carried on during the year, it will, perhaps, be sufficient to mention that our Rev. President himself has presided over nearly seventy meetings. During the ensuing year the language classes will assemble every Saturday, at half-past one o'clock, P.M., monthly lectures will be given on the third Saturday in every month, at three o'clock, P.M.; upon the latter occasion members will have the privilege of introducing a friend. The monthly general meetings will be held at the same hour, on the first Saturday in the month, when essays of a practical character will be delivered by members, and followed up by discussions on the several subjects of which they treat. The reading room will continue to be open on the evenings of Wednesday and Saturday, and each member will be allowed to carry home one volume from the library for private use. Communications addressed to any of the members will be received at the office at any time. Clergymen and committees requiring masters, or members wanting situations, can have an advertisement to that effect placed upon the notice board, on application to the secretary.

It has hitherto been the privilege of your committee, in concluding their report, to address to you a few words of affectionate exhortation; and never did they so willingly avail themselves of that privilege as at the present time. Un

disturbed by the slightest discord amongst its members, our association has been steadily progressing, without any ostentatious display, its operations have all been carried on with a constant regard to that great, that holy principle— that education, to be good, must be religious; and to be religious, must be conducted on sound church principles. Great temptations have been placed before us, by yielding to which we might, perhaps, have raised to ourselves a present reputation; by so doing, however, we should have forfeited this great principle, and we have preferred to struggle on, relying on the promise of an Almighty God, who has said, "Them that honour me, I will honour." Happy are we in this, that our principles are not those of a day: they have stood the test of time, they will endure to eternity. How cheering to every church schoolmaster is the language of the venerable Primate of our church:-" Our National Schools," remarks His Grace, “even in their present state have been to a large extent the means of instilling christian principles." Shall we, then, relax our energies in this noble work? Surely not. Great encouragement is daily given to us. Not only have we the countenance of the clergy, who are ever ready with their advice and co-operation, but we have lived to witness an effort made in behalf of our schools, which indeed reflects credit on our church, in the readiness and munificence with which many have come forward in support of that noble society, alike the pride of the nation and the glory of those engaged in carrying on "its labour of love." We then surely lack not encouragement, and if by diligence and watchfulness we cannot exceed the expectations formed of us, at least let us not disappoint them. We are not indeed called upon to attain to an extensive knowledge of this world's acquirements. Our church simply bids us, while teaching our children to do that which by the vows of their infancy they are bound to do, to furnish them with such knowledge as will help to keep them "wise unto salvation." Surely this honourable work is one of far too animating a nature for us to suffer our usefulness to be impaired by any common hinderance. Difficulties we shall have to encounter, but the certainty of the prize should make us think lightly of the burden of the race. One thing we know, that if we teach faithfully the word of God, with prayer to him that He would grant us his blessing, it cannot fail of an ultimate influence on the minds of our children. The world may strive to choke the seed thus sown, and render it unfruitful,-our confidence is in his power, who has said, "His word shall not return to him void." And hence, though we may never witness its growth, still we may have sure confidence, that one day it will spring up, and bring forth fruit abundantly to the honour and praise of God. "Now one soweth and another reapeth, but then both he that soweth and he that reapeth shall rejoice together."-G. W. Winfield, Secretary. October, 1843.

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cese and the Diocesan Board, it is expected that he will commence his duties of inspection of such parochial schools, whose managers may desire it, immediately on the commencement of the new year.

Winchester.-A meeting of the clergy of the Rural Deanery and others, both laymen and clergymen of the neighbourhood, assembled in the Chapter Room of the Cathedral on the 6th instant, for the purpose of furthering the objects of the Manufacturing and Mining Committee of the National Society. The Very Rev. the Dean presided on the occasion, and was supported by the Warden; and, with hardly an exception, by the whole body of clergy of the city and neighbourhood, the few not present being absent from home or being prevented attending by official duties. Letters, accounting for their absence, were received from Lord Ashburton, Sir Thomas Baring, Bart., the Speaker of the House of Commons, J. B. East, Esq., the Mayor of Winchester, and Langford Lovell, Esq. It was moved by the Warden, and seconded by J. T. Waddington, Esq.:

"That this meeting agreeing in the statements expressed by the National Society, that at the present crisis it is the especial duty of the members of the church, laity as well as clergy, to make extraordinary efforts for raising the children of the poor in the more populous of the manufacturing and mining districts, from the alarming state of ignorance and demoralisation disclosed to public view by recent inquiries and events, desire to cooperate with the National Society in raising a special fund for the improvement of education in the mining and manufacturing districts."

It was also further resolved, Rev. Canon Vaux moving, and J. Campion, Esq. seconding, "that the Rural Dean be requested to receive contributions for the above object, and to forward the same to the Treasurer of the National Society." A large number of subscriptions, and of considerable amount, were given in on the occasion of the meeting.

Nottingham.-The following letter has been addressed by the Lord Bishop of Lincoln to the Archdeacon of Nottingham, together with a circular from the Bishop, upon the subject of a more efficient supply of the means of religious education, according to the principles of

the Church of England, to the children of the poor of Nottingham.

"My dear Mr. Archdeacon,-Though your connection with the town of Nottingham, in the character of a parochial incumbent, will so shortly cease, I think it right to send you the accompanying circular. I do not know the name of the donor of the £500.

"Yours, very faithfully, J. LINCOLN. "Riseholme, Oct. 2."

"Riseholme, Lincoln, Sept. 23. "Rev. Sir,-A lay member of the Church of England, connected with the town of Nottingham, and desirous to secure to the children of the poor the means of religious education, according to the principles of the Church of England, has offered to deposit in my hands the sum of £500 to be employed in the accomplishment of that object. The offer was made in the early part of last month, but the business of my visitation has hitherto prevented me from communicating with you upon it. You will, I am assured, share the anxiety which I feel to give effect to the benevolent donor's intentions; and in this assurance I request your co-operation in the following plan, which appears to me, after due consideration, to be the best calculated for the attainment of the desired end :

"1. That the incumbents of all the churches in the town of Nottingham, district as well as parochial, together with the clerical secretary of the committee for erecting the new church by the Leen Side, shall form themselves into a committee, having power to add to their number, for promoting the building, and, if possible, the endowing of a sufficient number of National Schools for the children of the poor of every parish and parochial district in the town of Nottingham; to be placed under the superintendence and controul of the several incumbents.

"2. That schools capable of containing 400 boys and girls shall be erected for the several parishes of St. Peter, St. Nicholas, and St. James, and for the district hereafter to be assigned to the Leen Side Church; that a school for 400 boys shall be erected in St. Mary's parish, there being already in that parish a school for 600 girls; that the present National School, which is situated in St. Paul's district, shall be transferred to that district. Trinity district is not men

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