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and Deucalion, two persons principally concerned in that event. It occurs, where Plato is speaking


περι Φορωνέως τα πρωτα λεχθέντος, και Νιοβης, και μετα τον κατακλυσμον αν Δευκαλίωνος, of the first Phoroneus, and Niobe, and of the things subsequent to the deluge of Deucalion. Sophocles in the passage above speaks of her as a Deity and she is said to have been worshipped in " Cilicia. By some she was represented as the mother of 28 Argus.

As the antients described the ark, the vaus appinguμvaïs, like a lunette; it was in consequence of it called Mn, and Eλnon, which signify a Moon: and a crescent became a common symbol on this occasion. The chief person likewise, the Patriarch, had the name of Meen, and Menes: and was worshipped all over the east as Deus Lunus; especially at Carrhæ, Edessa, and other cities of Syria and Mesopotamia. His votaries were styled Minyæ; which name was given to them from the object of their worship. Wherever the history of the Deluge occurs, these names will be found. I have spoken of the cities of Phrygia, and the memorials there preserved. At Caroura near mount Sipylus Zeus was worshipped under the title of

25 Plato in Timæo. vol. 3. p. 22.

27 Athenagoras. p. 290. Niabny Kiλixeç (osb80i).


Agyou To Nibns. Pausan. 1. 2. p. 191. 145. Homer. Schol. 1. 1. v. 123.

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Meen, Menes, and Manes: and his temple is taken notice of by Strabo; 29 ispov Mnyus Kagag (not Καρε) καλεμενον. Close under the same mountain stood the city Magnesia; which signifies the city of Manes, but expressed with a guttural Magnes. The people of the country were called Minyæ. Some persons from this place, styled Magnetes apud Mæandrum, built at no great distance, Antiochea. Here too were some particular rites observed in honour of the same Deity, whom they distinguished by a significant epithet, and called Μην Αρκαιος 3ο. Ἱερωσύνη τις Μήνος Αρκαις, πληθος έχεσα ἱεροδέλων, και χωριων ἱερων. Here was a college dedi cated to the rites of Meen Arkæus; where a great number of priests officiated; and where they had large estates endowed for that service. This Mnv Aguaios is no other than the Deus Lunus, the same as Noah, the Arkite. "Strabo mentions several temples of this Lunar God in different places: and one in particular, similar to that above mentioned, at the city Antioch in Pisidia. He calls it, as the present reading stands, ¡egov Mnvos Aoxaia,


29 L. 12. p. 869. Kague Car-Our, Templum Ori. Orus was the

same as Menès.

30 Strabo. 1. 12. p. 864.

31 Ibid. Wherever there was a city Magnesia, or people Magnetes, there will be found some history of the ark,

which we may from the title of the former temple venture to alter to Μηνος Αρκαι8. He is speaking of Cabira; and says : 3 Εχει δε και ἱερον Μηνος—έζι δε και τέτο της Σεληνης το ιερον, καθαπερ το εν Αλβανοις, και το εν Φρυγία, το τε τα Μηνος εν ομώνυμῳ τοπῷ, και τα Αρκαις το προς τη Αντιοχεια τη προς Πισιδίαν, και το εν τῇ χώρα των Αντιοχείων. In this city is a temple of Meen Arkaus, by which is meant a temple of the Lunar Deity. Such also is the temple among the Albani: and that in Phrygia: and the temple of Meen, which gives name to the place, where it stands. The temple also of Meen Arkaus in Pisidia, and that in the region near Antiochea has the same reference. All these were dedicated to the same Arkite Deity called Lunus, Luna, and Selene : styled also by different nations Meen, Man, Menes, and Manes.

Sometimes instead of Arkæus the term Arkite is exhibited Archæus; which may be referred to a different idea. Thessaly was said to have been originally named Purrha from the wife of Deucalion; whom the antient poet Rhianus mentions by the title of Αρχαία άλοχος.

33 Πυῤῥαν δη ποτε την γε παλαιότεροι καλέεσκον
Πυῤῥας Δευκαλίωνος απ' αρχαίας αλόχοιο.

32 L. 12. p. 835.

33 Strabo. 1. 9. p. 677. See Schol. Apol. Rhod. 1. 3. ν. 1089

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