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NOTE p, p. 53.

Shall Seriswattee wave her hallow'd wand!

And Camdeo bright, and Ganesa sublime

Camdeo is the God of Love in the mythology of the

Hindoos. Ganesa and Seriswattee correspond to the pagan deities, Janus and Minerva.

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Falconer, in his poem the Shipwreck, speaks of himself

by the name of Arion.

See FALCONER'S Shipwreck, canto III.

NOTE c, p. 70.

The robber Moor!

See SCHILLER'S tragedy of The Robbers, scene v.

NOTE d, p. 71.

What millions died · that Cæsar might be great!

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The carnage occasioned by the wars of Julius Cæsar has

been usually estimated at two millions of men.

NOTE e, p. 71.

Or learn the fate that bleeding thousands bore,

March'd by their Charles to Dnieper's swampy shore.

"In this extremity," (says the biographer of Charles XII. of Sweden, speaking of his military exploits before the battle of Pultowa,) "the memorable winter of 1 709, which "was still more remarkable in that part of Europe than in "France, destroyed numbers of his troops; for Charles re"solved to brave the seasons as he had done his enemies,

"and ventured to make long marches during this mortal

"cold. It was in one of these marches that two thousand

"men fell down dead with cold before his eyes."

NOTE f, p. 73.

As Iona's saint.

The natives of the island of Iona have an opinion that on certain evenings every year the tutelary saint Columba is seen on the top of the church spires counting the surrounding islands, to see that they have not been sunk by the power of witchcraft.

NOTE g, p. 74.

And part, like Ajut,

- never to return!

See the history of AJUT AND ANNINGAIT in The Rambler.

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