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Strife, full of pleasure, void of, 209.
let there be no, 812.
madding crowd's ignoble, 385.
man of, 835.

none was worth my, 512.

of tongues, 819.

of truth with falsehood, 657.
to heal, no, 482.

Strike, afraid to, 327.
but hear, 723.

for your altars, 561.
home in the ambush, 47.

mine eyes but not my heart, 178.
shook but delayed to, 240.
the blow, themselves must, 541.
then no planets, 127.

when the iron is hot, 10.
whilst the iron is hot, 10.
Striking the electric chain, 545.
String attuned to mirth, 584.

few can touch the magic, 636.
hempen, under a gallows-tree, 184.
moderation is the silken, 182.
warbled to the, 250.

Strings, harp of thousand, 303.
many, to your bow, 15.
of steel, heart with, 139.

remember what pulls the, 756.
two, to his bow, 15.

Stripes, forty, save one, 846.
Strive here for mastery, 229.
mightily, 72.

Strives to touch a star, 29.

Striving to better oft we mar, 146.
Stroke a nettle, 313.

feel the friendly, 295.

kept, to the tune of flutes, 157.
no second, intend, 229.
some distressful, 150.
Strokes, calumnious, 129.
fell great oaks, little, 360.
many, with a little axe, 941.
overthrow tallest oaks, many, 32.
Strong, art subdues the, 344.
as death, love is, 832.

as flesh and blood, 477.

as proofs of holy writ, 154.
battle is not to the, 831.
drink is raging, 827.

for service still, 419.

in death, ruling passion, 321.

in honesty, I am armed 80, 114.
men, not two, 337.

nor'wester's blowing, 510.
numbers pure and sweetly, 389.
only to destroy, 421.

suffer and be, 613.

[blocks in formation]

Strongest, opinion of the, 797.

works in weakest bodies, 141
Strongly it bears us along, 503.
loves, suspects yet. 153.
Struck eagle, so the, 539.
Strucken blind, he that 's, 104.
Struggle for existence, 622.
for room and food, 622.
in a contemptible, 408.
manhood is a, Gu8.

of discordant powers, 409.
Struggling for life, man, 370.

in the storms of fate, 336.
Strumpet wind, beggared by the, 62
wind, embraced by the, 62.
Strung, pearls at random, 437.

with his hair, Apollo's lute, 56.
Strut before a wanton nymph, 95.
Struts and frets his hour, 125.
Stubble, built on, 245.

land at harvest home, 83.
Stubborn gift, 486.

knees, bow, 139.
patience, 228.

things, facts are, 392, 800.
unlaid ghost, 244.
Studded with stars, 568.
Student pale, turns no, 331.

Studie was but litel on the bible, 2.
Studied in his death, 117.

never to be fairer, 35.

Studies, children to be won to, 729.
still air of delightful, 253.
Studious let me sit, 356.

of change, desultory man, 417.
of ease, 671.

to please, 366.

Study brings man to religion, 222,
in law's grave, 24.

is a weariness of flesh, 832.
labour and intent, 253.

of a prince, war the only, 407.
of imagination, creep into his, 53.
of learning, enflamed with the, 254.
of mankind is man, 317.

of revenge immortal hate, 223.
slow of, 57.

some brown, 32.

to be quiet, 847.

what you most affect, 72.

Stuff as dreams are made on, 43.

disposer of other men's, 175.

everything made of one hidden, 601.
life is made of, 360.

made of penetrable, 140.

perilous, which weighs upon the heart,


[blocks in formation]

Stupid starers, 319.
Stupidity, an access of, 371.

be not guilty of, 779.

the gods contend against, 804.
Sty, fattest hog in Epicurus', 393.
Style bewrays us, our, 186.

is the dress of thoughts, 353
is the man himself, 811.
of man, highest, 308.
refines, how the, 324.

to attain an English, 369.

Subdue, disease that must, 317.

what will not time, 671.

Subdues mankind, surpasses or, 543.
Subdued by time, 671.

to what it works in, 163.
Subduing tongue, tip of his, 163.
Subject not a slave, 485.

of all verse, 179.

of my story, honour is the, 110.
such duty as the, owes, 73.
unlike my, shall be my song, 353.
we know a, 372.

Subjects wise, were their, 421.
Subject's duty is the king's, 92.
soul is his own, 92.
Subjection, implied, 232.
Sublime a thing to suffer, 613.
and the ridiculous, 431.
dashed to pieces, the, 505.
fair large front and eye, 232.
in his simplicity, 627.
make our lives, 612.

Schiller has the material, 505.
tobacco, 555.

Sublimely bad, fustian is, 327.
Submission, yielded with coy, 232.
Substance might be called, 228.

of his greatness, 198.

of ten thousand soldiers, 97.
of things hoped for, 848.
true, proves the, 324.

Substantial honours, in more, 406.
smile, one vast, 652.

world, books are a, 477.
Suburb of the life elysian, 615.
Succeeding, no son of mine, 121.
Success, heaven is to give, 338.
in smallest matter, 756.
is man's god, 695.
men judged by their, 795.

not in mortals to command, 297.
nothing succeeds like, 858.
secret of, is constancy, 608.
seemed born for, 600.

things ill got had ever bad, 95.
which includes all others, 609.
with his surcease, 118.

Successful experiment, full tide of, 435.
soldier, 494.

Successive rise and fall, 338.

title long and dark, 268.
Successors gone before him, 44.
Succour dawns from heaven, 492.
us that succour want, 28.
Such a questionable shape, 130.
and so various, 391.

apt and gracious words, 55.

[blocks in formation]

Suckled in a creed outworn, 476.

Sucklings, babes and, 818.
Sudden a thought came, 575.

and quick in quarrel, 69.
commendations, good at, 101.
thought strikes me, 462.
Suffer a sea change, 42.
and be strong, 613.

hell I, seems a heaven, 231.
hope of all who, 619.
lot of man to, 342.
nobler in the mind to, 135.
those who inflict must, 566.
wet damnation, 34.

who breathes must, 289.
Sufferance, corporal, 48.

is the badge of all our tribe, 61.
Suffered much, he who has, 346.
Sufferer, best of men was a, 182.
Suffering, child of, 636.

ended with the day, her, 639.
sad humanity, 614.

tears to human, dull, 482.
they learn in, 566.

to be weak is miserable doing or, 223
Sufferings, knowledge by, entereth, 620,
poets grow by their, 216.

to each his, 381.

Suffice, could not one, 306.
Sufficiency, an elegant, 358.

to be so moral, no man's, 53.
Sufficient to have stood, 230.
understand me that he is, 61.
unto the day, 838.

Suffusion from that light, 502.
Sugar o'er the devil himself, 135.
oil vinegar saltness and, 399.
Suicide is confession, 533.

no refuge from confession but, 533.
Suing long to bide, hell it is in, 29.
Suit lightly won, 489.

of sables, 138.

the action to the word, 137.
Suits of solemn black, 127.

of woe, trappings and the, 121.
out of, with fortune, 66.
rogues in buckram, 84.
Sullein mind, musing in his, 28.
Sullen dame, our sulky, 451.
Sullenness against nature, 254.
Sulphur, land of oat-cakes and, 459.
Sultans, poets are, 258.
Sum of all villanies, 359.

of earthly bliss, 238.
of human things, 437.
of more, giving thy, 67.
of Shakespeare's wit, 600.
Summer bird-cage, 180.

Summer comes with flower and bee, 571. Sun impearls on every leaf, 235.

dust, dry as, 479.

eternal, gilds them yet, 557.

eves by haunted stream, 249.
friends, like, 204.

last rose of, 521.

life's a short, 366.

made glorious, 95.

nights, dews of, 426.

of her age, in the, 276.

of your youth, 378.

one swallow maketh not, 17.
sweet as, 101.

thy eternal, shall not fade, 161.
Summers in a sea of glory, 99.
raw inclement, 291.
Summer's cloud, like a, 122.

day, as one shall see in a, 51.
day, hath a, 259.

eve, one, 589.
heat, fantastic, 81.
morn, like a, 502.
noontide air, 227.
queen, would grace a, 492.
ripening breath, 106.
rose or vernal bloom, 230.
Summit, from the eastern, 673.
linger and play on its, 529.
Summon from the past, 614.
up remembrance, 161.
up the blood, 91.

Summons, thee to heaven or to hell, 119.

upon a fearful, 126.

when thy, comes, 572.

Summum nec metuas diem, 240.
Sun, all except their, is set, 557.
and shade, through, 627.

as the, drew the morning dew, 270.
aweary of the, 'gin to be, 126.
bales unopened to the, 307.
before the worshipped, 104.
behold for the last time the, 533.
benighted under the midday, 244.
candle to the, 191, 263, 311.

cannot be looked at with a steady eye,

children of the, 311.

clouds around the setting, 478.
common, the air the skies, 386.
courses even with the, 178.

declines, our wishes lengthen as our,

dedicate his beauty to the, 104.

dewdrop from the, 486.

[blocks in formation]

in all his state, 639.

in his coming, meet the, 529.

in my dominions never sets, 804.

in the firmament, knowledge is the


in the lap of Thetis, 213.

into the warm, 17, 785.

is a thief, 109.

Juliet is the, 105.

let others hail the rising, 387.

livery of the burnished, 62.

loss of the, 373.

love is nature's second, 35.

low descending, 688.

magic potent over, 482.

more worshipped the rising, 726.
myself in Huncamunca's eyes, 363.
nebulous star we call the, 630.
never sets in Spanish dominions, 495.
never sets on the empire of Charles
V., 804.

no new thing under the, 830.
no, no moon no morn, 586.
not polluted, 764.

of heaven shall shine, 101.
of righteousness, 836.
of York, 95.

on the upland lawn, 386.

passes through dirty places, 169.
pay no worship to the garish, 107.
pleasant the, 233.

pleasant to behold the, 831.
reflecting upon the mud, 169.
sets to rise again, my, 651.
setting, and music at the close, 81.
setting and rising, 747.

shall not smite thee by day, 824.
shine sweetly on my grave, 428.
shines everywhere, the, 76.
shines, make hay when the, 10, 787.
shineth upon the dunghill, 169.
shut doors against a setting, 109.
snatches from the, 109.

spinsters and knitters in the, 75.
spots and clouds in the, 189.
sweet-heart of the, 584.

tapers to the, 443.

that side the, is upon, 523.
tinged by the rising, 677.
to me is dark, 241.

to-morrow's, may never rise, 295.
to spy my shadow in the, 96.
true as the dial to the, 215, 306.
unpolluted, 169.

up rose Emilie and up rose the, 2.
upon an Easter-day, 256.

upon the upland lawn, 386.

walk about the orb like the, 76.

walks under the midday, 244.
warms in the, 316.

web that whitens in the, 526.

which passeth through pollutions, 169
will pierce the thickest cloud, 650.

with the setting, 225.

world without a, 513.

Suns, earth could not bear two, 732.
light of setting, 467.

Suns, process of the, 626.

that gild the vernal morn, 424.
to light me rise, 316.
Sun's last rays are fading, 682.
rim dips, the, 498.

Sunbeam in a winter's day, 358.

soiled by outward touch, 253.

Sunbeams, motes that people the, 249.
out of cucumbers, 291.
Sunburnt mirth, song and, 575.
Sunday from the week divide, 126.
killing a mouse on, 856.
shines no Sabbath day, 326.
Sundays, begin a journey on, 293.
observe, 205.

Sundry contemplation of my travels, 70.
Sunflower turns on her god, 520.
Sung ballads from a cart, 274.

from morn till night, 427.
under the sea, 521.

Sunium's hight, wrote on, 511.
marbled steep, 558.

Sunless land, sunshine to the, 486.
retreats of the ocean, 524.
sea, down to a, 500.
Sunlight drinketh dew, as, 623.
Sunneshine, flies of estate and, 204.
Sunny as her skies, 554.

fountains, Afric's, 536.
openings, spots of, 536.
years, life formed of, 679.
Sunset of life, 't is the, 514.
tree, come to the, 570.
Sunshine and in shade, in, 679.
aye shall light the sky, 653.
broken in the rill, 526.
follows the rain, 664.⚫
in one eternal, 571.

in the shady place, 27.

is a glorious birth, the, 477.

makes 'em all sweet-scented, 660.
of the breast, 381.

settles on its head, eternal, 397.
the soul's calm, 319.

to the sunless land, 486.
Supercilious, my sanctum, 586.
Superfluities, happiness lies in, 738.

Superfluity comes sooner by white hairs,

Superfluous lags the veteran, 365.

the, very necessary thing, 801.
Superiority of educated men, 762.
Supinely stay, fools, 444.
Supped full with horrors, 125.
Supper, man made after, 90.
nourishment called, 54.
proper time for, 763.

what say you to such a, 561.
Suppliance of a minute, 129.
Supply, last and best, 322.

on promise of, 88.

Support of the state governments, 435.
what is low, raise and, 223.
Sups and goes to bed, 263.
Surcease, success with his, 118.
Sure and certain hope, 851.
and firm-set earth, 119.
as a gun, 277, 786.

Sure card, he 's a, 277.

make assurance double, 123.
of, what a man has he is, 791.
Surely you 'll grow double, 466.
Surer to prosper, 226.

Surety for a stranger, 825.

Surface flow, straws upon the, 275.
look beneath the, 753.

Surfeit out of action, 102.
reigns, no crude, 245.
with too much, 60.

Surfeiting the appetite may sicken, 74.
Surge may sweep, where'er the, 542.
whose liquid, resolves, 109.

Surges lash the sounding shore, 324.
Surgeons keep their instruments, as, 750.
Surgery, honour no skill in, 87.

hurt past all, 152.

Surging sea outweighs, the, 602.
Surpass, nothing earthly could, 550.
Surpasses or subdues, 543.
Surpassing beauty, 702.

Surprise, that testified, 273.
Surprises, millions of, 205.
Surrender, unconditional, 664.
Surrenders, dies but never, 810.
Survey, monarch of all I, 416.
our empire, 550.

Survival of the fittest, 622, 681.
Survive or perish, live or die, 530.
Suspect, ornament of beauty is, 162.
teaches them, 62.

Suspects yet strongly loves, 153.
Suspended oar, drip of the, 543.
Suspicion, Cæsar's wife above, 727.
haunts the guilty mind, 95.
sleeps at wisdom's gate, 231.
Swain, dull, treads on it daily, 245.
frugal, 392.

remote from cities lived a, 348.
Swallow a camel, 840.

and blow at the same moment, 701.
by flying, as the, 828.

one, maketh not summer, 17.
that come before the, 77.
Swallow's wings, flies with, 97.
Swallow-flights of song, 632.
Swallowed a ramrod, 744.
Swam before my sight, 333.
in a gondola, 71.

Swamps, Oswego spreads her, 395.
Swan and shadow, float double, 474.
cygnet to the pale faint, 80.
Jupiter in the form of a, 32.
Mantuan, ages ere the, 414.
of Avon, sweet, 179.

on still St. Mary's lake, 474.
spreads his snowy sail, the, 677.
to act the part of a, 743.
Swans are geese, all our, 188.

seem whiter when by crows, 781.
Swan-like end fading in music, 63.
let me sing and die, 558.

Swarm, not good for the bee not for the


Swashing and martial outside, 66.
blow, remember thy, 104.

Sway, above this sceptred, 64.

Sway, give solely sovereign, 117.
impious men bear, 298.
little rule a little, 358.
no limit to their, 550.
of magic potent, 482.
peace and pride of, 339.
prevailed with double, 397.
required with gentle, 232.
sweeping whirlwind's, 383.
with absolute, 670.

Swear an eternal friendship, 462, 798.
by yonder blessed moon, I, 106.
I eat and eat, I, 93.

not by the moon, 106.

to the truth of a song, 287.
when you rant and, 274.
Swears a prayer or two, 105.

with so much grace, 281.
Sweareth to his own hurt, 818.
Sweat but for promotion, 67.

for duty not for meed, 67.
muck of, 402.

of my brows, 785.

of thy face, in the, 812.

under a weary life, 136.

Sweats to death, Falstaff, 84.

Sweaty haste, 126.

Sweep on you fat and greasy citizens, 67.
Sweeping whirlwind's sway, 383.
Sweeps a room, who, 204.

clean, new broom, 16.

Sweet Afton, flow gently, 449.

Alice whose hair was so brown, 680.
all that 's, was made to be lost, 522.
and bitter fancy, food of, 71.

and cunning hand, nature's own, 74.
and fair she seems to be, 220.
and fair, so wondrous, 220.

and musical as Apollo's lute, 56.

and twenty, kiss me, 75.

and virtuous soul, 204.

and voluble is his discourse, 55.
approach of even, 230.

are the uses of adversity, 67.

as English air could make her, 629.

as summer, 101.

as the primrose, 398.

as year by year we lose, 569.
attractive grace, 232.

attractive kinde of grace, 23.
Auburn loveliest village, 395.
beautiful as, 308.

bells jangled out of tune, 136.

bitter past more welcome is the, 74.
but then how, it was, 650.

by distance made more, 477.
childish days, 470.

civilities of life, 273.

counsel together, we took, 820.
cruelly, are the echoes, 654.

day, so cool, so calm, 204.

days and roses, 204.

discourse, Sydneian showers of, 259.

disorder in the dress, 201.

every, its sour, 404.

flowers are springing, 524.

food of knowledge, 34.

girl graduates, 629.

[blocks in formation]

in every whispered word, 551.
in faith to muse, 569.

in his mouth, wickedness, 817.
influences of Pleiades, 818.

is every sound, 630.

is pleasure after pain, 271.
is revenge to women, 556.
is solitude, how passing, 416.
is the breath of morn, 233.
land of liberty, 619.

little cherub sits up aloft, 436.
look that nature wears, 613.
lovely fair and smellest so, 155.
milk of concord, 124.
mood, in that, 466.
morsel under his tongue, 283.
not lasting, 129.

nothing half so, in life, 521.
Phosphor bring the day, 23.
poison for the age's tooth, 78.
poison of misused wine, 243.
psalmist of Israel, 815.
reluctant amorous delay, 232.
repast and calm repose, 386.
revenge at first though, 238.
rose would smell as, 105,
shady side of Pall Mall, 432.
silent thought, sessions of, 161.
simplicity of the three per cents, 613
sleep of a labouring man is, 830.
smels al around, 28.

so coldly, so deadly fair, 548.
so, was ne'er so fatal, 156.
softly, in Lydian measures, 272.
solitude is, 416.

sorrow, parting is such, 106.
sound, o'er my ear like the, 74.
south, o'er my ear like the, 74.
spring full of sweet days, 204.
stolen waters are, 825.
swan of Avon, 179.
sweets to the, 144.
tears, fountain of, 469.

the dream of home, 525.
the lily grows, how, 533.
the moonlight sleeps, how, 65.
their memory still, 422.

to hear the watch-dog's bark, 556.
to live with them is far less, 521.

to make the end most, SO.

to wear a crown, 94.
tooth in his head, 33.

truly the light is, 831.

understanding, for thy more, 54.
upon the ear in cadence, 422.
voices, your most, 103.

will, at his own, 470.

with musk-roses and eglantine, 58.

Sweets compacted lie, where, 204.

diffuse their balmy, 398.

feast of nectared, 245.

fly lost in the, 348.

last taste of, is sweetest last, 81.

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