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The heavy figures refer to the page, the ordinary figures to the line.

3.—2. allaient, were going.

Note the imperfect and com

pare with the preterit in the line below.

3. Salamanque, a city in Spain, the seat of a once famous university.—Ayant soif, being thirsty.

8. lurent, pret. of lire.

10. à peine. . . qu', no sooner. . . than.

12. plaisant, laughable, funny; not to be confused with the English "pleasant," which in French = agréable.

13. Je voudrais bien savoir, I should like very much to know. 16. se dit en lui-même, said to himself. Il y a, there is.-làdessous, under there.

18. de temps, negative partitive, the article being omitted with sans, as implying a sort of negation.-se mit, began.

19. Il fit si bien que, he managed so well that; or more freely, "he finally succeeded in removing it."

21. ducats, a coin, either gold or silver, of several countries in Europe; the gold coin being worth somewhat more than two dollars. The silver ducat is of about half this value.

4.-3. Henri IV, Henry of Navarre, king of France (1589-1610).

5. aux environs, in the neighborhood.

7. s'offre, the historical present, often used in lively narration.-il s'en approche, he approaches it; s'approcher being construed with the genitive, the form en (= d'elle) is used.

10. de très beaux fruits, partitive, with the article omitted before an adjective.—mon brave, my good fellow.

II. en refers to fruits in the line above.

13. s'être, having. The auxiliary of reflexive verbs is always être.

14. Grand merci, many thanks.

16. je n'y manquerai pas, I will not fail to do it.

the bringing of the peaches.

18. se met en route, starts out. Cf. note, p. 4, 1. 7. 19. des, with.

Y refers to

20. arrangés. The past participle with avoir is unvaried, except when the direct object precedes the verb, as in the present


25. Chansons!, nonsense!; literally = songs.-cerbère, Cerberus, in classical mythology a monster in the shape of a three-headed dog, guarding the entrance to the infernal regions, hence used figuratively for " porter" or "guardian."on n'entre pas, there is no admittance. Note this use of on.

27. s'est passé, took place. Note the use of the perfect, where the English has the preterit.

28. A d'autres, that won't do!; literally (tell that) to others! 5.-2. en invoquant, by invoking.

4. ce que, what; literally = that which.

5. donnera. Note the future.

7. il n'y a pas d'autre moyen, there is no other way.

8. qu'on lui fait, which are forced upon him.

9. Il parvient . . . jusque, it succeeds finally in arriving.

10. te voilà, here you are !-bien, good!

13. d'un air, etc., with an air of embarrassment.

14. Est-ce que, etc., are you not satisfied?

15. Bien au contraire, quite the contrary.

17. j'entends, I intend. The more common use of entendre is to hear.

18. remette, subjunctive with il faut.

23. Eh bien!, Well!

24. faire part, share.

26. monnaie, coin. The usual word for "

is argent.-te, to you.

money" in French

27. Ne va pas, don't; literally don't go and.

30. la main démangeait, etc., the peasant's hand was itching

(i.e. to beat the porter). Note this use of the dative of possession.

31. du mieux qu'il peut, as well as he can.

6.-2. grille, iron railing.

5. du monde, in the world.

8. de toutes ses forces, with all his might. Note the plural. 9. au secours, for help.

12. brave, worthy. It means "brave" only after the noun. 13. n'... que, only.-d'après, according to.

14. tu en es quitte pour, etc., you have gotten off with a good thrashing (coups de bâton).

15. t'avises, take it into your head, venture.-encore une fois, another time.

17. je te chasserai, I will discharge you.

18. Misère, here = poverty.

19. par, on.—soirée.

matinée, année.

Cf., for similar formations, journée,

22. marchait. Note the use of the imperfect here and the preterit s'aperçut, two lines below.

24. au fur et à mesure, in proportion as.

25. plus rapprochés, les uns des autres, thicker, more closely set together.

26. se raréfiaient, grew rarer.

28. avançait toujours, kept on advancing.


'.—1. s'était engagé, had become entangled.-se laissa tomber, fell.

2. à bout d'efforts, worn out with his efforts.

3. à, in.

6. lui fit jeter. The infinitive jeter having a direct object (un cri), the logical object of fit (lui) is made indirect, since a verb in French cannot take two direct objects.

9. sans qu'il... eût, without his having; subjunctive with sans qu'.

18. en, made of. Cf. the similar use of de to express the material out of which anything is made.

19. à la main, in his hand.

21. en chœur, in a chorus.

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