ΤΟ TWO SISTERS.* WELL may you sit within, and, fond of grief, Look in each other's face, and melt in tears. Well may you shun all counsel, all relief. Oh she was great in mind, tho' young in years! Chang'd is that lovely countenance, which shed Light when she spoke; and kindled sweet surprise, As o'er her frame each warm emotion spread, Play'd round her lips, and sparkled in her eyes. * On the death of a younger sister. Those lips so pure, that mov'd but to persuade, Still to the last enliven'd and endear'd, Those eyes at once her secret soul convey'd, And ever beam'd delight when you appear'd, Yet has she fled the life of bliss below, That youthful Hope in bright perspective drew? False were the tints! false as the feverish glow That o'er her burning cheek Distemper threw! And now in joy she dwells, in glory moves! (Glory and joy reserv'd for you to share.) Far, far more blest in blessing those she loves, Than they, alas! unconscious of her care, WRITTEN AT MIDNIGHT, 1786. WHILE thro' the broken pane the tempest sighs, And my step falters on the faithless floor, Shades of departed joys around me rise, With many a face that smiles on me no more; With many a voice that thrills of transport gave, Now silent as the grass that tufts their grave! ON A TEAR. OH! that the Chemist's magic art Could crystallize this sacred treasure! Long should it glitter near my heart, A secret source of pensive pleasure. The little brilliant, ere it fell, Its lustre caught from CHLOE's eye; Then, trembling, left its coral cell The spring of Sensibility! Sweet drop of pure and pearly light! In thee the rays of Virtue shine; More calmly clear, more mildly bright, Than any gem that gilds the mine. Benign restorer of the soul! Who ever fly'st to bring relief, When first we feel the rude controul Of Love or Pity, Joy or Grief. The sage's and the poet's theme, In every clime, in every age; Thou charm'st in Fancy's idle dream, In Reason's philosophic page. K |