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Le duc écossais se promenait un beau matin.

Tout à coup il s'entendit appeler par un garçon qui conduisait une vache mutine.

Le garçon le pria de lui donner un coup de main.

Ce que le duc fit de bonne grâce.

Et le garçon, ne le connaissant pas, promit de lui donner la moitié de ce qu'on lui donnerait.

Quand ils arrivèrent près du château, le duc s'esquiva et entra par une autre porte.

Il donna un souverain au sommelier pour le remettre au garçon.

The butler, instead of giving the sovereign to the boy, only gave him a shilling.

The duke, meeting the boy when he went out, asked him how much the servant had given him.

"A shilling," the boy answered. The duke could scarcely believe it.

It proved to be true, however, and the butler lost his situation through his dishonesty.

Honesty is always the best policy.

was very unruly, and the poor boy could not manage her at all.

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2. The boy, not knowing the duke, bawled out to him: Hallo, man! come here, and help me with this beast!” 3. The duke walked slowly on, not seeming to notice the boy, who still kept calling for his help. At last, finding that he could not get on with the cow, he cried out in distress,

4. "Come here, man, and help me; and I'll give you half of whatever I get."

5. The duke went and lent a helping hand.

6. "And now," said the duke, as they trudged along after the cow, "how much do you think you will get for

the job?"

7. "I don't know," said the boy; "but I am sure of something, for the folk up at the big house are good to everybody."

8. En arrivant à une ruelle auprès de la maison, le duc s'esquiva du garçon, et rentra chez lui par un chemin différent. Appelant un domestique, il lui mit un souverain dans la main, disant, "Donnez cela au garçon qui a amené la vache.” 9. Il retourna alors jusqu'au bout de la ruelle où il s'était séparé du garçon, afin de le rencontrer à son retour.

10. "Eh bien, combien avez-vous reçu?" demanda le duc. 11. "Un schelling," dit le garçon; "et en voilà la moitié pour vous.

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12. "Mais assurément vous avez reçu plus d'un schelling!" dit le duc.

13. "Non," dit le garçon, "c'est tout ce que j'ai reçu ; et je le crois bien assez.'

14. "Je ne le crois pas assez," dit le duc. "Il y a quelque chose de louche; et comme je suis un ami du duc, si vous retournez je crois que je verrai à ce que vous ayez davantage.”

15. Ils retournèrent. Le duc sonna, et commanda a tous les domestiques de s'assembler.

16. "Maintenant," dit le duc au garçon, "désignez-moi la personne qui vous a donné le schelling."

17. "Ce fut cet homme là," dit-il, indiquant le sommelier.

18. Le sommelier tomba à genoux, confessa sa faute, et demanda pardon. Mais le duc lui commanda de donner le souverain au garçon, et de quitter son service aussitôt.

19. "Vous avez perdu," dit le duc, "votre place aussi bien que votre réputation par votre déception. Apprenez dorénavant que la probité est la meilleure politique.”

20. Alors le garçon découvrit qui l'avait aidé à conduire la vache; et le duc fut si content de la bravoure et de la droiture du garçon, qu'il l'envoya à l'école à ses propres dépens.

QUESTIONS.-Le garçon dans la gravure que fait-il? Qui est-ce qui se tient debout auprès de lui? Le garçon que lui promit-il? L'a-t-il aidé? Combien le garçon lui donna-t-il après? Qui avait dupé le garçon? Comment fut-il puni? Comment le garçon fut-il traité?

8. On coming to a lane near the house, the duke slipped away from the boy, and reached home by a different road. Calling a servant, he put a sovereign into his hand, saying, "Give that to the boy who brought the cow."

9. He then returned to the end of the lane where he had parted from the boy, so as to meet him on his way back.

10. "Well, how much did you get?" asked the duke. 11. "A shilling," said the boy; "and there's half of it to you."

12. "But surely you got more than a shilling!" said the duke.

13. "No," said the boy, "that is all I got; and I think it quite enough."

"There must be some

14. “I do not," said the duke. thing wrong; and as I am a friend of the duke, if you return I think I'll see that you get more."

15. They went back. The duke rang the bell, and ordered all the servants to be assembled.

16. "

Now," said the duke to the boy, "point me out the person who gave you the shilling."

17. "It was that man there," said he, pointing to the butler.

18. The butler fell on his knees, confessed his fault, and begged to be forgiven. But the duke ordered him to give the boy the sovereign, and quit his service at once.

19. "You have lost," said the duke, "both your place and your character by your deceit. Learn for the future that honesty is the best policy."

20. The boy now found out who it was that had helped him to drive the cow; and the duke was so pleased with the manliness and honesty of the boy, that he sent him to school at his own expense.

QUESTIONS.-What is the boy in the picture doing? Who is that standing near him? What did the boy promise him? Did he help him? How much did the boy give him afterwards? Who had cheated the boy? How was he punished? How was the boy treated?

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1. DANS l'île de Ceylan il y a de grands troupeaux d'éléphants sauvages. Beaucoup ont été pris et domptés, et rendus utiles en aidant à bâtir des ponts, des maisons et des églises.

2. Les voyageurs nous disent que quelques-uns d'eux sont aussi soigneux de la netteté de leur travail que des hommes ! On a vu un éléphant reculer quelques pas pour


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Dans l'île de Ceylan, l'éléphant vit à l'état sauvage.
Il s'en trouve de grands troupeaux qui errent dans les forêts.
L'éléphant est un animal doué d'une grande intelligence.

Il a surtout une mémoire prodigieuse.

Dans les pays où ils sont communs, on s'en sert parfois pour aider les ouvriers dans la construction des maisons.

L'éléphant a un bon naturel, mais il ne faut point l'irriter, car il ne se souvient que trop des mauvais traitements.

A boy tried once to play a trick on one of these animals.

He gave it a stone instead of a piece of bread.

The elephant filled its trunk with water, and threw it on the offender with such force, that it knocked him down.

From that day the urchin never tried again to deceive it.

Another elephant once killed a man who had played it a similar trick, pretending to give it a cake and giving it a stone.

We should never deceive any one.



1. In the island of Ceylon there are large herds of wild elephants. Many have been caught and tamed, and made useful in helping to build bridges, houses and churches.

2. Travellers tell us that some of them are as careful about the neatness of their work as men could be! An elephant has been known to step back a few yards to see if (551)


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