"(As a poor, miserable, captive thrall "To all the host of Heaven: the happy place "Rather inflames thy torment, representing 420 430 "Returned the wiser, or the more instruct, 440 "For God hath justly given the nations up "To thy delusions; -justly, since they fell "Idolatrous: but, when his purpose is "Among them to declare his providence "To thee not known, whence hast thou then thy truth, "But from him, or his Angels president " In every province? who, themselves disdaining "To approach thy temples, give thee in command "What, to the smallest tittle, thou shalt say 450 "To thy adorers: thou, with trembling fear, "Or like a fawning parasite, obey'st, "Then to thyself ascribest the truth foretold. "But this thy glory shall be soon retrenched; "No more shalt thou by oracling abuse "The Gentiles; henceforth oracles are ceased, "God hath now sent his Living Oracle 460 "In pious hearts, -an inward oracle, "To all truth requisite for men to know." So spake our Saviour; but the subtle Fiend, Though inly stung with anger and disdain, Dissembled, and this answer smooth returned: "Sharply thou hast insisted on rebuke, "And urged me hard with doings, which not will, "But misery hath wrested from me. Where 470 "Easily canst thou find one miserable, "And not enforced ofttimes to part from truth, "If it may stand him more in stead to lie, Say and unsay, feign, flatter, or abjure? But thou art placed above me, thou art Lord; "From thee I can, and must, submiss, endure "Check or reproof, and glad to escape so quit. "Hard are the ways of Truth, and rough to walk, "Smooth on the tongue discoursed, pleasing to the ear, "And tuneable as sylvan pipe or song. "What wonder then if I delight to hear "Her dictates from thy mouth? Most men admire "Virtue, who follow not her lore: permit me "To hear thee when I come, (since no man comes), "And talk at least, though I despair to attain. "Thy Father, who is holy, wise, and pure, 480 "Suffers the hypocrite, or atheous priest 490 To whom our Saviour, with unaltered brow: "Thy coming hither-though I know thy scope"I bid not, or forbid; do as thou find'st "Permission from above; thou canst not more." He added not; and Satan, bowing low Night with her sullen wing, to double-shade 500 BOOK II. THE ARGUMENT. THE disciples of Jesus, uneasy at his long absence, reason amongst themselves concerning it. Mary also gives vent to her maternal anxiety; in the expression of which she recapitulates many circumstances respecting the birth and early life of her Son. Satan again meets his infernal council, reports the bad success of his first temptation of our blessed Lord, calls upon them for counsel and assistance. Belial proposes the tempting of Jesus with women. Satan rebukes Belial for his dissoluteness, charging on him all the profligacy of that kind ascribed by the poets to the heathen gods, and rejects his proposal as in no respect likely to succeed. Satan then suggests other modes of temptation, particularly proposing to avail himself of our Lord's hungering; and, taking a band or chosen spirits with him, returns to resume his enterprise. Jesus hungers in the desert: night comes on; the manner in which our Saviour passes the night is described. Morning advances: Satan again appears to Jesus; and, after expressing wonder that he should be so entirely neglected in the wilderness, where others had been miraculously fed, tempts him with a sumptuous banquet of the most luxurious kind: this he rejects, and the banquet vanishes. Satan, finding our Lord not to be assailed on the ground of appetite, tempts him again by offering him riches, as the means of acquiring power: this Jesus also rejects, producing many instances of great actions performed by persons under virtuous poverty, and specifying the danger of riches, and the cares and pains inseparable from power and greatness. MEANWHILE the new-baptized, who yet remained Jesus), Messiah, Son of God declared, And on that high authority had believed, Andrew and Simon, famous after known, Now missing him, their joy so lately found,- 10 Began to doubt, and doubted many days, And, as the days increased, increased their doubt. Sometimes they thought he might be only shown, The city of palms, Ænon, and Salem old, Their unexpected loss and plaints out breathed : "Alas, from what high hope to what relapse "Unlooked for are we fallen! our eyes beheld "Messiah certainly now come, so long "His words-his wisdom-full of grace and truth: "For whither is he gone? what accident "Hath rapt him from us? will he now retire "After appearance, and again prolong "Our expectation? God of Israel, 20 30 40 50 |