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Hikayuti huftad o punjoom.

Padshahera Wuzeere aqil bood. Dust uz wuzarut bur dasht o bu ibaduti Khooda mushghool shood. Padshah uz Umeeran poorseed ki "Wuzeer kooja ust?" Urz kurdund ki" uz wuzarut dust burdashtu bu ibaduti Ilahee mushghool ust." Padshah peshi Wuzeer ruft o poorseed "Ue Wuzeer!` uz mun chi khuta deedee ki Wuzarutra turk numoodee ?" Gooft " uz punj subub uwwul anki "to nishustu me boodee o mun bu hoozoori to istadu me mandum, uknoon bundugee Khooda e mekoonum ki dur wuqti numaz mura hookmi ni shustun dadu ust." Doo,um anki "To tuam me khoordee o mun nigah mekurdum uknoon ruzzaqe pyda kurdu um ki o nume khoorud o mura me khooranund." Seyoom anki "To khwab me kurdee o mun pasbanee mekurdum, uknoon Khooda e darum ki mun khwab mekoonum o O pasbanee e mun mekoonud." Chuharoom anki "humeshu meturseedum ki ugur to bumeeree mura uz dooshmunan aseb burusud, uknoon choonan Khooda e darum ki nu khwahud moord o mura uz dooshmunan hech aseb nu khwahud ruseed." Punjoom anki "uz to me turseedum ki ugur uz mun goonahe shuwud ofoo nukoonee, uknoon Khooda,e mun choonan ruheem ust ki hur roz sud goonah mekoonum o me bukhshud."

Hikayuti huftad o shushoom.

Awurdu und ki Sooltan Muhmood Y yazra bisee,ar dost dashte uz een subub humu Urkani duolut buro husud boordund o Padshahra gooftund ki " Y yaz hur roz tunha dur juwahir khanu meruwud o maloom meshuwud ki cheeze me


که چيزي مي دزدد و گرنه در جواهر خانه اورا چکار است پادشاه گفت هر گاه بچشم خواهم دید باور خواهم کرد روز دیگر پادشاه را خبر دادند که ایاز در جواهر خانه رفته است پادشاه از غرفه درون جواهر خانه نظر کرد چه بیند که ایاز مي صندوقي را کشاده پارچه کهنه و غلیظ پوشیده است پادشاه درون تشریف برد پرسید چرا چنین پارچه پوشیده عرض کرد که اي خداوند چون در بندگي حضرت نبودم چنین پارچه داشتم حالا که بدولت خداوند پارچه هاي پاکيزه دارم جامه کهنه خود هر روز می بینم و می پوشم تا حالت قدیم خودرا فراموش نکنم و قدر نعمت خداوندي شناسم پادشاه چون این جواب شنید پسندید و او را در کنار کشید و مرتبه او بزرگ


تمام شاء

doozdud wugurnu dur juwahir khanu ora chikar ust ?" Padshah gooft" Hurgah buchushm khwahum deed bawur khwahum kurd." Rozi deegur Padshahra khubur dadund ki Y yaz dur juwahir khanu ruftu ust." Padshah uz ghoorfu durooni juwahir khanu nuzur kurd, chi mebeenud ki Y yaz sundooqera kooshadu purchu,e koohnu o ghuleez posheedu ust. Padshah duroon tushreef boord, poorseed "chura chooneen parchu posheedu ee?" Urz kurd ki “ue Khoodawund! choon dur bundugeee Huzrut nuboodum chooneen parchu dashtum hala ki buduoluti Khoodawund parchu ha e pakeezu darum jamue koohnu,e khood hur roz me beenum o me poshum ta haluti qudeemi khoodra furamosh nu koonum o qudri ni amuti Khoodawundee shinashum." Padshah choon een juwab shooneed pusundeed o ora dur kunar kusheed o murtubu,e o boozoorg kurd.

Tumam shood.




Two women were quarrelling for a child, and neither had

any evidence. They both went before the Qazee, and demanded justice. The Qazee sent for the executioner, and said to him, "Divide the child into two equal parts, and give one to each of these women." One of the women, when she heard these words, continued silent; but the other began to cry aloud, and exclaim, "For God's sake, don't divide my child in halves, although such is strict justice! I relinquish my claim." The Qazee being fully convinced of this being the mother of the child, delivered it to her, and after ordering the other a whipping, sent her away.


A person went to a King, and complained, saying, "A man makes a constant practice of coming to my house, and has formed an intimacy with my wife; but I never see him, neither do I know who he is; I want to apprehend him, and I hope for justice from your Majesty." The King gave him a phial of utir of roses, and said, "Entrust this to the care of your wife, and tell her not to use it for any one." The man did so. The King sent spies, with directions to surround the house, and to seize and bring every person scented with utir. In short, the gallant having found an

opportunity, went to the wife. She rubbed utir upon his clothes, saying, " It is true, my husband commanded me not to give this utir to any one; but as you are my heart and soul, if it is not applied to your use, what is it good for ?" When the gallant departed thence, the spies perceived the fragrance of the utir; and having seized him, carried him to the King, who sent for the husband, and said, "Your wife's gallant is now here; take him away, and either put him to death, or pardon him."


A woman went to a Qazee, and complained that a certain man had committed violence upon her. The Qazee having summoned the man, asked him why he had deprived the woman of her reputation? The man denied the charge. The Qazee ordered him to pay the woman a fine of ten roopees. The man having no remedy, paid the woman the money, in compliance with the sentence of the Qazee. When the woman went out, the Qazee told the man to go and take back his money from her. The man, on receiving this order, ran to the woman; but, notwithstanding all he could do, was not able to recover his cash. The woman came again to the Qazee, and represented, that the man wanted to take back the money: "However, (says she,) I have not yet given it to him; but if it is your pleasure, I will restore it." The Qazee observed, "If the man could not take the money from you by force, neither could he have committed fornication

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