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THE Author of the "New System of Elementary Books on the Art of Reading" cannot embrace a more suitable opportunity than the present, to return his most sincere thanks for the liberal encouragement he has experienced, and for the numerous testimonials he has received from the Public, of the good opinion they entertain of his publications.

As the plan of the following Work is the same as that of the "The Universal Explanatory Reader,' he conceives that a few lines will be deemed a sufficient Introduction.

The Author has to observe, that the Selections are made with great care, from the most approved writers, with an intent to blend the Moral and Useful with the Pleasing and Ornamental, and, at the same time, to convey to the minds of Youth the most interesting subjects, in language at once animating, easy, and familiar.

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As General Utility is the object the Compiler has in view, nothing is omitted which might serve to illustrate any difficulty; he has therefore added every thing that may be deemed necessary, either at the head of each chapter, by figures of reference, or elucidations in marginal notes.

The Author concludes by observing, that no trouble, attention, or expense, shall be spared to render this plan extensively useful, instructive, and entertaining.


a. means Adjective; adv. Adverb; part. Participle; pret. Preterite or Past time; s. Substantive; v. Verb; chem. Chemistry; chro. Chronology: pro. Pronounced; geo. Geography; bot. Botany; hist. History; med. Medicine; nat. hist. Natural History; seul. Sculpture; theo. Theology; mat. Mathematics; pol, Politics; agri. Agriculture, &c. &c.

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