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6. Jane is a good girl: she does as she is bid: her face and hands are clean, and she goes to school. Jane shall have a new frock, and a new fan, and red shoes.

7. Frank and Jane, shall have a coach; and they shall ride in a coach. Ann, and Jane, and Frank, and Charles, shall have nuts, and cakes, and pyes, and all good things.

Chapter VI. Sixth.

1. The sun is up: get out of bed: come down stairs wash : your face: comb your hair: eat your breakfast: puss wants her breakfast: poor puss: she cries: she is hungry: give her some breakfast.

2. Now take your book. Learn your task, learn it well. Mind the stops, when you read: speak your words plain. Do not tear your book; nor make dog's ears in it. Naughty boys tear books.

3. A cat will scratch: a dog will bark: a hog will squeal a mouse will squeak: a worm will crawl: an ant will run: a flea will hop: a frog will jump: a bird will fly.

4. Horses haul wood. Cows give milk. Calves make veal. Ships go to sea.. Men build ships. Boys learn to sing. Girls learn to dance. Spiders make webs, and bees make honey.

5. Do you like honey? O how sweet! bees get honey from flowers, and bring it home for good boys. If you learn to read well, you shall have some honey on your bread,

Break-fast hun-gry naugh-ty hors-es spi-der honey flow-er. Din-ner lit-tle pud-ding drow-sy af-ter sup-per al-ways bro-ther sis-ter. Pa-pa, mam-ma.

Chapter VII. Seventh.

1. Here is Frank; he is just come home: he has been at school like a good boy: Frank must have some dinner here is some soup for you: take your spoon and eat. Soup will make little boys


2. Hold your plate, here is some meat: take your knife and fork, and eat a little. Do you want a drink? Take your cup and drink some beer. Little boys should drink small beer.

3. Here is plumb pudding. Frank do you like pudding? Give the boy a little. Boys should not eat too much if they eat too much they will be dull and drowsy, and will not learn.

4. Now Frank, you have done your dinner, sit down here-after dinner sit a while; after supper waik a mile. Sit down and I will tell you what Charles said one day when he came from school.

5. Charles said he would love his papa and mamma: and always do as he was bid. He would love his brothers and sisters, and would play with them. He would not play with bad boys.

Cheat-ing pros-per live-ly chuck-ers mar-bles Tom-my dirty ug-ly pave-ment peo-ple ve-ry some-times can-not play-ing jack-stones ex-er-cisc chil-dren an-gry. Be-cause re-mem-ber.

Chapter VIII. Eighth,

1. Now boys you may go and play. You must not play with bad boys, for they will cheat. You must play fair. Cheating play will never prosIf you cheat, good boys will not play with




2. Do not play too hard: you will hurt the little boys. Be brisk and lively at play; but you must not be rude. Use no bad words when you play ; naughty boys say bad words.

3. What will you play? Will you play hide and whoop? or blind hob, or chuckers, or ball? Or will you whip the top, or jump the rope, or shoot marbles? or what will you play?

4. Tommy says he will not play marbles; he calls it a low kind of play. He says the boys who play marbles, get into the dirt, and dirty their hands and their clothes; and you know you look ugly when you are dirty.

5. Here is a top. Can you spin your top? You should not spin your top on the foot pavement, because you will be in the way: People must walk on the foot pavement. Go in the yard and spin your top there.

6. Can you play ball? here is a ball for you; toss it up. This is a very good ball; I bought it for a very good boy; see how it will bound. Can you catch the ball? Come let us play.


7. Can you jump the rope? Little girls jump the rope. Girls must play sometimes as well boys, and they cannot always be playing jackstones, you know: so they must jump the rope. It is good exercise for them.

8. Children, you must remember when you are at play, that God sees you all the time; he knows when you are naughty. He hears all you say; and if you say bad words he will be angry. If you are good when you play, God will love you.

Bil-ly, Bet-sey, preach-er, pa-rents, prais-es, talking, wor-ship, hea-ven, plea-sure, sab-bath, me-mory, doc-trines, bet-ter, ten-der, de-light-ful, be-low, for-get, di-vine,

Chapter IX. Ninth.

1. Good boys and good girls go to church. Did you go to church? Billy went to church, and so did Betsey. The church is the house of God; and God loves little children when they go to church.

2. When you go to church you must sit still, and hear what the preacher tells you; he tells you to be good children, and love your parents, and then God will bless you.

3. Did you hear them sing in church? There all the people sing praises to God, and thank him for taking care of us. Once there was a very good man who lived in London: he wrote some very good songs for children; and here is one of them. 4. Lord, how delightful 'tis to see

Young children meet to worship Thee!
At once they sing, at once they pray,
They hear of heaven, and learn the way.
5. I've been to church, and love to go,
"Tis like a little heaven below;
Not for my pleasure and my play,
. Will I forget the sabbath day.
6. O write upon my memory, Lord,
The text, and doctrines of thy word;
That I may break thy laws no more,
But love thee better than before.

7. With thoughts on heaven, and things divine,
O fill this tender heart of mine:

That when at home, or when abroad,
I still may think on Thee, my God..

Giv-eth, mak-eth, touch-eth, fin-ger, glad-ness pier-cing, se-cret, ac-tions, o-pen, wick-ed, dread ful, judg-ment, sin-ful, e-ve-ry. A-bove, a-sleep; a-way, Al-migh-ty, com-mit, a-gainst, for-e-ver...

Chapter X. Tenth.

1. God is in heaven and we are on earth: As the heavens are high above the earth, so are his ways above our ways. He giveth light to the sun, and maketh the moon to rise; He toucheth the stars with his finger, and they run their course with gladness.

2. God made the world, and all things that are in the world: He makes us all, and takes care of us, both when we are asleep, and when we are awake: When we go out, he knows all that we do, and when we come in, no door can hide us

from him.

3. Almighty God, thy piercing eye

Strikes through the shades of night;
And our most secret actions lie
All open to thy sight.

4. There's not a sin that we commit,
No wicked word we say;
But in thy dreadful book 'tis writ,
Against the judgment day.

5. O God, may I forever fear,

T' indulge a single thought;
Since the great Judge will see and hear,
And write down every fault

Daz-zle, ea-gle, in-to, beau-ti-ful, ri-ses, houses, stee-ples, gild-ed, e-ver, ear-ly, cal-led, Phoebus, bur-nish, hunts-man, loos-ed, shep-ard, placel, wretch-ed, ne-ver, e-vil. Re-tire, Cre-a-tor.


Chapter XI. Eleventh.

1. How bright the sun is.

Can you look at the sun? it will dazzle your eyes. Eagles can look at the sun. If you smoke a picce of glass, and look at the sun through that, it will not dazzle. your eyes


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