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The following books, &c. have been received, since the last Report :

1. Considerations raisonnees sur l'etendue et l'application de la Methode des Sourds-muets. Discours prononce dans la seance publique du 30 Aout, 1826. Par Mr. H. C. Guilhe, Directeur de L'Institution Royale des Sourds-muets de Bordeaux. A Bordeaux chez Lavigne jeune, imprimeur du Roi et de S. A. R. Mgr. Le Dauphin, Rue Porte-Dijeaux. 8vo. pages 15.

This contains little, except two anecdotes, illustrative of the difficulty of teaching the Deaf-one relative to the Abbe Sicard's first attempts the other relative to a French Missionary, about to set out for China, who wanted Mr. Guilhe to instruct him in 24 hours, how to preach to any Deaf-mutes, he might meet there.

2. Priere pour le Roi et l'auguste famille de St. Louis. Imitation du Pseaume 132. "Servavit Dominus David veritatem.” A l'usage de l'Institution Royale des Sourds-muets de Bordeaux, par H. C. Guilhe, Directeur, &c. 8vo, p. 2.

The title explains this.

3. Institution Royale des Sourds-muets de Bordeaux. Compte rendu des travaux de l'Ecole pendant l'annee, 1826. Seance publique le 30 Aout, 4to. p. 4.

Contains a general sketch of the method of instruction, and of the order of the examination.

4. Institution Royale des Sourds muets de Bordeaux. Distribution solennelle des Prix, Le 30 Aout, 1826-4to. p. 6.

A list of divisions, classes, names and native places of the pupils, with prizes, whether for application, mental improvement, moral conduct, or acquisition of various manual trades, and writing.

5. Sul benefizio dalla Religione Cristiana recato agli uomini nell' istruzione de' sordi-muti-(dall Abate Severino Fabriani) "Sapientia aperuit os mutorum. Sap. x. 21. Modena. Per gli Eredi Soliani, Tipografi Reali. 1826. 8vo. vi. & 70.

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This is written by the intended master of the new School at Modena, and contains a great deal of interesting infor

mation, as to the history of the science of instructing the Deaf-the duty of teaching them; and the destitution of their natural state; with an appeal to various classes of persons; and some interesting notices, as to existing Institutions in Europe and America.

6. Le Leggi della morale e della Societe, tratte dal libro dell' Ecclesiaste, (p. 7-13.) sequite da alcuni quesiti d'aritmetica, (p. 15, 16.) d'algebra, (p. 17, 18) e di geometria, (p. 19.) per esercisio accademico degli allievi del Reale Instituto de' sordo-muti en Genova. Onorato dalla presenza delle LL. M. M. T. T. e RR. L'Imperatore et L'Imperatrice d'Austria, &c. &c. &c. &c. il 2 di Giugno, 1825. Genova. 1825, Stamperia Gravier. Con permissione. 4to. p. 23.

Dedicated to all the Royal personages present, in an Address, pronounced in the name of all his fellow pupils, by Paolo Basso, (p. 3, 4.) and contains, also, a Dialogue between two Deaf-mutes, and one who had learned to speak, (p. 21.) and a list of all the male intern pupils, whether gratuitous, (13)-supported as assistants, (4)— or paid for, (6.) (p. 23)

7. Punte Istorici sobra alcune delle principale donne del Testamento vecchio a prova di studio per le sordo-mute, allieve, in convitto nel Reale Instituto de sordo-mute en Genova. Genova. 1825. Stamperia Gravier, con permissione. 4to. p. 8.

This is a continuation of the former-contains questions in female Scripture biography, (p. 3-7.)—an address of thanks to the Royal spectators, (p. 7.) and a catalogue of the female intern pupils, who are either gratuitous, (9)—supported as assistants, (2)—or paid for, (3.) (p. 8)

8. Cognizioni necessarie all'uomo dai sordo muti esterni al Reale Instituto, acquistate il primo anno della loro Istruzione nella scuolo per essi eretta dalla Regia beneficenza, Genova, 1825. Stamperia Gravier. Con permissione. 4to. p. 8.

This is a continuation of the former two-contains simple questions, on matters of useful knowledge for boys, (p. 3-6)-an address of thanks, as above (p. 7:)—and a list of the 14 extern male pupils, who all lodge within the walls of Genoa.

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9. Cognizioni necessarie alla donne dalle sordo-mute esterne al Reale Instituto, acquistate il primo anno della loro Istruzione, nella scuolo per essi eretta dalla Regia beneficenza. Genova, 1825. Stamperia Gravier. Con permissione. 4to. p. 8.

This is a continuation of the former three-contains simple questions, on matters of knowledge useful to women, (p. 3-6)-an address of thanks, as before, (p. 7.) and a list of 8 extern female pupils, who all lodge within the walls of Genoa..

10. Two specimens of tickets of admission to these examinations.

11. Mimographie, ou Essai d'ecriture mimique, propre a regulariser le langage des sourds-muets. (par A. Bebian.) A Paris chez Louis Colas. Libraire, Rue Dauphine, No. 34, 1825. Imprimerie du Fain, Rue Racine, No. 4, Place de L'Odeon, 8vo. p. vi. & 42, planches 3.

This is a very interesting book, and developes a project first brought forward by Mr. Bebian, in his "Essai sur le Langage Naturel," some years since. The project was this, that, as all ideas are expressed by the Deaf and Dumb by signs, and as all their signs are expressions of the phystognomy, or movements, especially of the hand, it would be possible, if a written character, consisting of an abbreviation of the picture of these expressions and movements, were adopted, to construct in fact an alphabet of gesture; And as our alphabets of 24, 26, &c. letters serve, by combination, to express all words, and consequently all ideas, it would be possible, by this alphabet of gestures, to write or print, alongside of the word, in a grammar, vocabulary, or dictionary, the picture of the gesture, pressing the idea, contained in that word; so that a Deaf person having learned this alphabet, would be able to understand by it, the meaning of the annexed word, even though he had never had that word explained before. The three plates contain the characters proposed for this alphabet, by Mr. Bebian. The idea is highly important; but he has left much to be done.


12. Institution speciale de sourds muets (Boulevard du Mont Parnasse No. 24 bis, a Faris,) dirigee par Mr. Bebian, ancien cen


seur des etudes de L'Institution Royale de Paris; et auteur d'un Cours d'enseignement pratique, adopte par le conseil d'administra'tion des sourd-muets. Lith. de Bernard et Delarue Rue N D. 'des Victoires 16. Ecrit sur la pierre par un sourd-muet, eleve de L'Institution speciale.

This is merely a prospectus of his plans and terms.

13. Manuel d'enseignement pratique des sourds-muets; par M. A. Bebian, ancien censeur des etudes de L'Institution Royale des sourds muets de Paris; directeur d'une institution speciale de sourds-muets. Ouvrage adopte et publie par le conseil d'administration de l'Institution Royale des sourds-muets; accompagne de xxxiii. planches (xv. & xvi. en une, xix. bis, xxix. bis) 1827. A Paris chez Mequignon l'aine, pere, Libraire de La Faculte de Medecine, des Hopitaux civils et militaires, de L'Institution Royale des 'sourds-muets, Rue de L'Ecole, de Medecine, No. 9, Tome i. Modeles d'Exercises-4to. pages vi. et 204-Tome ii. Explications, 8vo. pages 372. (Manuel, &c pages 1-306. L'art d'enseigner a parler aux sourds-muets de naissance par L'Abbe De L'Epee, pages 307-365.)

This is a very valuable work-the first volume, in 4to. contains models of progressive lessons, from the first step, and 33 plates. The second, in 8vo. an explanation of the uses of the lessons and plates. It is impossible to give an analysis of this work here. It is highly deserving of attention.

14. Syllabaire Dactylologique, ou Tableau d'une langue manuelle a l'usage des sourds-muets, (par un pere d'un sourd muet.) Paris, se vend a L'Institution Royale des sourds-muets; Rue Saint-Jacques, et chez Verret, Libraire, Rue des Francs-Bourgeois, St. Michel, No. 3. 1823-4to. pages 132. Planches 16. Imprimerie de Chaigneau Jeune.

This is an attempt to form manual signs, for all the common
combinations of 2, 3, 4, or 5 letters into syllables, used in
real words, and also to make single signs stand for whole
words, in order to prevent the necessity of spelling every
letter, as is done in the common manual or digital alpha-
bet. The sixteen plates exhibit the signs proposed.
is in fact a manual stenography or short hand, if we may
be allowed to explain it by a bull or a pun, The expla


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nation is contained in the first 86 pages. The supplement contains some interesting general observations on its application, and on the instruction in general of the Deaf and Dumb, and a refutation of objections.

15. Memoire sur la perforation du membrane du tympan, pratiquee pour retablir l'ouie dans plusieurs cas de surdite; avec des observations sur des sourds-muets, et quelques considerations sur la developpement de l'ouie et la parole. Par De L'eau le Jeune, Docteur en Medecine de la faculte de Paris, ex-chirurgeon au 4me Regiment de Cuirassiers. Premier Memoire, (Motto: Polybe liv. x. chap. 44) A Paris chez Crevet, Libraire editeur, Rue de L'Ecole de Medecine, Nos. 11 a 13. 1822. 8vo. p. 183. A Paris de l'imprimerie de Cordier.

This book is very important, containing many interesting general observations, and some undoubted cases of restoration of hearing, in congenital Deafness, by puncturing the drum of the ear, and other measures; and proves that a person restored to hearing, when grown up, does not necessarily learn to speak perfectly, or even to hear perfectly; but that the faculties of the ear and the tongue will require a special development by education; it also contains some useful hints on articulation.

16. Portrait et fac simile de l'ecriture d'un jeune sourd-muet de naissance, qui a recouvre l'ouie et la parole par les soins du Docteur De L'eau Jeune, Membre de L'Academie Royale, &c. &c. (Se vend au profit des Incendies de Salins, prix 60 centimes.) Paris chez Docteur De L'eau, Rue des Francs Bourgeois Ste. Avoie, No. 25, Melle. Delaunay, Rue St. Jacques, No. 71. Crevet, Rue de L'Ecole de Medicine, No. 3, et chez tous les Marchands des Nouveautes. 1825. 8vo. p. 2.

This contains only a lithographic print of Honore Trezel, formerly a Deaf-mute by birth, born at Paris, 4th June, 1815; presented to the Academy of Sciences, 25th April, 1825; and a lithographic fac simile of his writing, about 16 months after his restoration to hearing, by the operation of puncturing the drum of the ear; and the Report of the Committee appointed by the Academy of Sciences, to examine into the cure.

17. Prospectus du Journal de L'instruction des sourds-muets et des aveugles, redige par M. A. Bebian, ancien censeur des etudes

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