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THE performances contained in the prefent Volume, are fuch, as it is prefumed, ought to have made a part of the Edition of Dr. Johnfon's Works lately published. Their authenticity will need no other proof than the internal evidence they exhibit, though were fuch proof required, except in one or two inftances, it might without much difficulty be produced. The merit of the feveral pieces will hardly be controverted. Why they were omitted is of no importance to enquire.


The reluctance which Dr. Johnson always fhewed to giving any information concerning his anonymous works, and his filence to all enquiries on that fubject, have left much to conjecture, and been the caufe of fome mistakes. is incredible, that he fhould have affumed to himself the works of other writers, and therefore it is more probable, that he tacitly acquiefced to enquiries which he was refolved not to fatisfy. and would not contradict. Those who knew him beft are convinced, that he left no directions behind him on the subject of any Edition of his Works,

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Works, or fuch only as on a strict enquiry would be found to be too hastily admitted.

That this excellent Writer, in whose praise too much cannot be faid, fhould have neglected to publish a complete Edition of his works in his life-time, will be a fubject of regret with many,

and not without reafon; but when it is confidered with what care he wrote, how little he altered, and how little room there is for alteration, it will diminish fome of our concern. It was very justly obferved by a celebrated female writer, that were an angel to give the imprimatur, Dr. Johnson's works were among those very few which would not be leffened by a line *. may be further obferved, that nothing really written by him has been yet brought to light which can in any degree difgrace his memory. Whatever injury his character has fuftained, not part of it can with juftice be imputed to his writings.


The publication of Pofthumous Works is liable to many objections: From the inequalities of fome of our best writers, it has been often found injurious to their reputation, to collect every fcattered fragment of their productions. Still more injurious may it be thought to revive fuch performances as the more mature judgment of

* Piozzi's Anecdotes, p. 182.

an Author may deem proper to confign to oblivion. The first of these objections, as has been already obferved, will not apply to the works of Dr. Johnson. He always made it a rule, on no occafion, to relax his attention, and therefore will be found to require no indulgence on ac→ count of inaccuracies or negligence. To the other objection, the present Editor hardly eonceives it incumbent on him to reply. It no where appears what Dr. Johnson's sentiments were on this fubject, and were they known (though intitled to great deference) it would be ftill a question how far an Author is to be confidered, as the fole judge of what ought to be fuppreffed of works already in print. Various circumstances may concur to place the fentiments of an Author and his reader at variance with each other. Were the determinations of writers on this fubject confidered as final, and without appeal, many excellent pieces which confer honour on the nation, muft in that cafe ceafe to be printed. It cannot however be denied, but there is some reason to believe, that had Dr. Johnson revised his own works for publication, the twelfth and thirteenth Volumes, containing thofe exquifite models of fenatorial eloquence, and probably the first two pieces of the prefent Volume, would have been excluded. To ask whether the public would


Would have fubmitted to fuch an exclufion, is little short of an infult on tafte, criticifm and common fense.

In collecting the materials which compofe the prefent Volume, recourfe has been had to the friends of Dr. Johnfon now living, and from them the chief authorities for afcribing the feveral pieces to him have been derived. For the few notes marked E. the Editor is anfwerable. If they are not very important, they folicit no praise, and are too few to need a long apology.

To conclude, the Editor, on a final review of the Volume before it is delivered to the Public, perceives no reason to apprehend that the pieces here restored to their Author ought to have been fuppreffed. Had he the flighteft idea that the prefent publication would in the leaft affect the reputation of Dr. Johnfon, no confideration would have induced him to have been any way acceffary to it. On a fubject of this kind he is fenfible, oppofite opinions will be held by well meaning perfons. To the fense of the Public at large, however, all questions of this fort must ultimately be fubmitted, and he feels no reluctance to abide by the Public opinion, whether it shall end in cenfure or approbation.



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