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Fraise, n. f, strawberry, ruff.-Fraise des Froment, n. m., wheat.

bois, Wild strawberry.

Fraisier, n. m., strawberry plant.

Framboise, n. f., raspberry.
Framboisier, n. m., raspberry-bush.
Franc, n. m., franc (about 20 cts.)

Franc, Franque, n. and a., Frank, Frankish
(hence France).

Franc, Franche, a., free, exempt, frank, sin-
cere, whole, truc.
Français, n. m., Frenchman.-Les Français,
The French. Le français, The French
language. En bon français, In good
French, in plain terms.

Français, -e, a., French.-A la française (i.
e., à la mode française), In the French

Française, n. f., Frenchwoman.

Franchir, to leap over, to clear, to overcome.
Franchise, n. f, exemption, freedom, frank-


Franciser, to Frenchify.

Frange, n. f., fringe.

Frappant, -e, a., striking, impressive.

Frapper, to strike, to hit, to smite, to knock, to tap.

Fraterniser, to fraternize.

Frayer, to trace, to open, to prepare.-Chemin
frayé, Beaten path.

Frayeur, n. f., fright, dread, fear.
Fredon, n. m., trill.

Fredonner, to hum.

Frégate, n. f., frigate.

Frein, n. m., bit, curb, check.
Frêle, a., frail, brittle, weak.

Frémir, to shudder, to tremble, to vibrate, to

Frémissement, n. m., shudder, trembling,

Frêne, n. m., ash-tree.
Fréquemment, adv., frequently.
Fréquenter, to frequent, to go often to.
Frère, n. m., brother, friar.--Beau-frère,
Brother-in-law. Frère aîné, Eldest brother.
Frère cadet, Youngest brother.


de lait, Foster brother. Frères jumeaux, Twins.

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21st to Dec. 20th.

Frimas, n. m., hoar frost.

Fringale, n. f., sudden and excessive hunger.
Fripier, n. m., broker, old-clothes man.
Fripon, -ne, n. m., f., rogue, rascal.

Friser, to curl, to crisp.

Frisson, n. m., shivering, emotion.

Frissonner, to shiver, to shudder.
Frit, -e, part., fried.

Friture, n.f., frying, fried fish.
Froid, -e, a., cold, cool.

Froid, n. m., cold, coldness, indifference, cool-
ness. Avoir froid, To be cold. Faire
froid, To be cold. Il y a du froid entre
vous, There is some coolness, estrangement,
between you two.

Froidement, adv., coldly, coolly.
Froideur, n.f., coldness.

Froncer, to frown, to knit.
Fronde, n. f., sling.

Front, n. m., forehead, brow, face, counte-
nance.-De front, Abreast. Avoir le front,
To have the impudence.
Frontière, n. f., frontier, border.
Frontispice, n. m., frontispiece.
Frottement, n. m., rubbing.
Frotter, to rub, to rub up.
Fructidor, n. m., (month) Fructidor, from
Aug. 18th to Sept. 16th,

Fructueu-x, -se, a., fruitful, profitable.
Fruit, n.f., fruit, result.

Fruit-ier, -ière, a., fruit-bearing, fruit.-Arbre
fruitier, Fruit-tree.

Fruit-ier, -ière, n. m., f., fruiterer, greengrocer.

Fuchsia, n. m., fuschia.

Fugiti-f, -ve, a., fugitive, fleeting.
Fugiti-f, -ve, n. m., f., fugitive.

Fuir (fuyant, fuit; je fuis, je fuis; que je fuie,
que je fuisse), to flee, to run away, to shun,
to avoid.-S'enfuir, To flee, to run away.
Fuite, n. f., flight, running away or out.
Fumée, n. f., smoke, steam.
Fumer, to smoke.

Fumier, n. m., dung, dunghill, litter.
Funèbre, a., funeral, mournful, dismal.
Funérailles, n. f. pl., funeral.
Funeste, a., fatal, melancholy.

Fur.-Au fur et à mesure, In proportion.
Furet, n. m., ferret.-Chasser au furet, To
hunt with the ferret.

Fureur, n.f., fury, rage, passion.
Furie, n. f., fury, rage.

Furieusement, adv., furiously, excessively.
Furieu-x, -se, a., furious, mad, enraged, rav-
ing, impetuous, tremendous.
Fus (je), I was (ÊTRE).
Fuseau, n. m., spindle.

Fusil, n. m., gun, musket.-Fusil de chasse,
Fowling-piece. Fusil à deux coups, Dou-
ble-barrelled gun. Coup de fusil, Gun-


Fusse (je), cond., I would or should be

Fusse (que je), that I might be.
Fussé-je, were I!

Futile, a., trifling, frivolous.

Futur, -e, a., future, intended.

Futur, -e, n., m., f., intended (husband, wife).
Futur, n. m., futurity, prospects.
Fuyard, n. m., fugitive, runaway.


Gaélique, n. m., and a., Gaelic.

Gage, n. m., pledge, forfeit, security, token;
in pl., wages.-Prêteur sur gage, Pawn-

Gager, to bet, to wager.
Gagne-petit, n. m., knife-grinder.
Gagner, to gain, to get, to earn, to win, to ob-
tain, to reach, to bribe, to overtake.
Gai, -e, a., gay, lively, cheerful, merry.
Gaïac (or gayac), n. m., lignumvitae.
Gaiement, cheerfully, merrily.

Gaieté, n. f., liveliness, cheerfulness, mirth,
humor, fun.-De gaieté de cœur, Wan-

Froisser, to bruise, to rumple, to clash, to Gaillard, -e, a., merry, jolly, free. wound.

Fromage, n. m., cheese.

Fromagerie, n. f., cheese-dairy.

Gaillard, n. m., castle (nav.)-Gaillard d'arrière, Quarterdeck; Gaillard d'avant, Fore castle.

Gain, n. m., Gain, profit.

Galant, -e, a., (before the noun) worthy, honest, (after the noun) gallant, courteous. Galère, n. f, galley.

Garrotter, to bind, to tie down, to garrote. Gascon, -ne, n. and a., Gascon, belonging to Gascony.

Gascogne, n. f., Gascony.-Golfe de Gascogne,
Bay of Biscay.

Gasconnade, n.f., gasconade, boast.
Gaspard, n. m., Jasper.

Galles (Pays de), Wales.-Prince de Galles, Gaspillage, n. m., wasting.

Galerie, n. f., gallery.

Galet, n. m., pebble, shingle.

Galette, n. f, roll, cake, biscuit.

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Prince of Wales.

Galoche, n. f., galoche, clog.
Galop, n. m., gallop.
Galoper, to gallop.

Gambader, to gambol, to frisk.

Gamin, n. m., urchin, boy.
Gamme, n. f., gamut, scale.
Gand, Ghent (Belgium).

Gange (le), n. m., the Ganges.

Gant, n. m., glove.

Ganter, to put on gloves, to fit with gloves.

se Ganter, to put on one's gloves, to buy gloves of.

Ganterie, n. f., glove-making, glove-trade.
Gant-ier, -ière, n. m., f., glover.
Garance, n. f., madder.

Garant, n. m., guaranty, surety.
Garantie, n. f, guaranty, security.

Garantir, to guarantee, to warrant, to answer for, to keep, to shelter.

se Garantir, to shelter one's self, to guard (against).

Garçon, n. m., boy, waiter, bachelor.-Garçon de ferme, Farm servant. Bon garçon, Good fellow. Beau garçon, joli garçon, Fine-locking fellow. Brave garçon, Honest, good fellow. Garçon d'esprit, Clever fellow. Habile garçon, Clever, smart lad. Vieux garçon, Old bachelor.

Garde, n. f., guard, keeping, watch, defence, care, heed, nurse.-La garde à cheval, Horse-guards. La garde à pied, Footguards. Arrière garde, Rear-guard. Avant garde, Vanguard. Avoir garde de, To take care not to, to be careful not to. Etre, se tenir sur ses gardes, To be on one's guard, to be on the watch. N'avoir garde de, To beware of, not to be able to. Prendre garde, To take care, to be careful, to mind, to beware. Se donner garde, To beware.

Garde, n. m., guard, keeper, warden.-Garde champêtre, Rural guard. Garde forestier, Forester. Un garde du corps, Life-guardsman, life-guard. Un garde de nuit, Watch


Garde-chasse, n. m., gamekeeper.

Garde-feu, n. m., fender, guard.

Garde-fou, n. m., handrail.

Garde-malade, n. m., f., nurse. Garde-manger, n. m., larder, safe. Garde-moulin, n. m., mill-watchman. Garder, to keep, to preserve, to guard, to watch, to tend.-Se garder de, To beware of, to refrain from, to take care not to. Garde-robe, n. f., wardrobe.

Gardien, -ne, n. m., f., keeper, guardian. Gare, int., take care! look out! Gare, n. f., basin, dock, railway dépôt, terminus, or general station.-Chef de gare, Superintendent, station agent.

Garenne, n. f, warren.

Garni, -e, part., furnished, trimmed. Garnir, to furnish, to store, to adorn, to trim, to inlay.

Garnison, n. f., garrison.

Garniture, n. f., set, trimming, lining.

Gaspiller, to waste, to squander.
Gastre, n. m., gaster, stomach.
Gastronomie, n. f.. gastronomy.
Gâté, -e, a., spoiled, damaged."
Gâteau, n. m., cake, comb.

Gâter, to spoil, to soil, to injure, to damage, to corrupt.

Gauche, a., left, crooked, clumsy.

Gauche, n. f., left-hand, left.

Gauch-er, -ère, n. and a., left-handed.
Gaucherie, n. f., awkwardness.
Gaule, n. f., Gaul.

Gaulois, -e, n. and a., Gaul, Gallic.
Gayac, n. m., lignum-vitæ.

Gaz, n. m., gas. Bec de gaz, Gas burner, street-lamp. Éclairage au gaz, Gas-light

ing. Usine à gaz, Gas-works. Gaze, n. f., gauze.

Gazomètre, n. m., gasometer, gas-holder.
Gazon, n. m., grass, turf.

Gazouillement, n. m., chirping, purling.
Gazouiller, to warble, to chirp.
Geai, n. m., jay, jackdaw.
Géant, n. m., giant.
Gelé, -e, part., frozen, frost-bitten.
Gelée, n. f., frost, jelly.
Geler, to freeze.

Gelinier, n. m., hen-bouse.
Gémeaux, n. m. pl., twins (Gemini).
Gémir, to groan, to bewail, to whine.
Gémissement, n. m., groan, moan.
Genant, -e, a., inconvenient, uncomfortable.
Gencive, n. f., gum.
Gendarme, n. m., gendarme.
Gendre, n. m., son-in-law.
Gêne, n. f., inconvenience, uneasiness, uncom-
fortableness, restraint, restriction, narrow

Gêné, -e, a., uncomfortable, constrained, short

of cash.

Gêner, to inconvenience, to make uncomfortable, to trouble, to restrain, to straiten, to impede, to pinch, to hinder.

se Gêner, to inconvenience one's self, to re-
strain one's self.-Ne pas se gêner, To be at
one's ease, to make one's self at home.
Général, -e, a., general.
Général, n. m., general.
Généralement, adv., generally.
Généreu-x, -se, a., generous, noble.
Générosité, n. f., generosity, &c.
Gênes, n.f., Genoa.
Genêt, n. m., broom, genet.
Genève, n. m., Geneva.

Genevois, -e, a. and n. m., f., Genevese.
Génie, n. m., genius, spirit, engineering.
Genièvre, n. m., juniper-berry, gin.
Génisse, n. f., heifer.

Génois, -e, a. and n. m., f., Genoese.
Genou, n. m., knee.-A genoux, On one's
knee. A ses genoux, At his feet.
Genre, n. m., kind, manner, style, taste, genus,
race, gender.

Gens, n. pl. (sing. Gent), people, persons, men, domestics, attendants.-Gens de bien, Honest people. Gens d'église, Churchmen. Gens d'épée, de guerre, Military men. Gens de lettres, Literary men. Gens de robe, Lawyers. Gens comme il faut, Genteel people.

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se Glorifier, to glory in, boast of
Gloser, to gloss, to censure.
Glouton, -ne, a., gluttonous, greedy.
Glouton, -ne, n. m., f., glutton.
Goëland, n. m., gull.
Goëlette, n. f., schooner.
ele-Goëmon, n. m., sea-wrack.
Golfe, n. m., gulf.

Gentilhomme, n. m., nobleman, gentleman. Gentillesse, n.f., gracefulness, prettiness,


Gentiment, adv., prettily, nicely.
Géographe, n. m., geographer.

Géographie, n. f., geography.

Geolier, n. m., jailer.

Géométrie, n. J., geometry.
Géranium, n. m., geranium.
Gérant, n. m., manager.
Gerbe, n. f., sheaf.

Gerfaut, n. m., gerfalcon.

Germain, -e, a., first, german.-Cousin germain, First cousin, cousin german. Cousin issu de germain, Second cousin. Germain, -e, a., and n. m., f., German, belonging to ancient Germany (the modern name is Allemand).

Germanie, n. f, ancient Germany (Allemagne is the modern name). Germanique, a., Germanic.

Germe, n. m., germ, seed, sprout.

Germer, to shoot, to bud, to spring up, to sprout.

Germinal, n. m., (month) Germinal (from
March 21st to April 19th).
Geste, n. m., gesture, sign.
Gesticuler, to gesticulate.

Gibecière, n. f., game-bag, pouch.

Gibelotte, n. f., rabbit-stew.

Gibier, n. m., game.

Giboulée, n. J., shower.

Giboyeu-x, -se, a., abounding in game.

Gigantesque, a., gigantic.

Gigot, n. m., leg of mutton.

Gomme, n. f., gum,-Gomme arabique, Arabic gum. Gomme élastique, India-rubber. Gommer, to gum.

Gommeu-x, -se, a., gummy.
Gond, n. m., hinge.
Gondole, n. f., gondola.
Gonflement, n. m., swelling.
Gonfler, to swell, to puff.
Goret, n. m., young pig.

Gorge, n. f., throat, breast, gorge, defile.-Mal
de gorge, Sore throat.
Faire des gorges
chaudes de, To laugh at.
Gorge-de-pigeon, a., (of colors) shot.
Gosier, n. m., throat, voice.
Goudron, n. m., tar.
Goudronner, to tar.

Gouffre, n. m., abyss, whirlpool.
Goujon, n. m., gudgeon.
Gourde, n. f., gourd, calabash.
Gourmand, -e, a., greedy.
Gourmandise, n. f., greediness.
Gourmet, n. m., judge of good living, wines,
&c.; epicure.

Gousse, n.f., pod, husk, shell.

Gousset, n. m., fob.

Goût, n. m., taste, palate, relish, savor, flavor, smell, inclination, liking, manner. Goûter, n. m., luncheon."

Goûter, to taste, to relish.

Goutte, n.f., drop, gout, a small quantity, jot.-Ne voir goutte, n'y voir goutte, Not to see.

Gilet, n. m., vest.-Gilet croisé, Double- Gouvernail, n. m., rudder, helm.

breasted vest.

Gingembre, n. m., ginger.

Girafe, n. f., giraffe.

Girandole, n. f., chandelier, sprig.
Giraumont, n. m., pumpkin, pompion.
Girofle, n. m., clove.-Clou de girofle, Clove.
Giroflée, n. f, gilliflower, stock.-Giroflée
jaune, Wall-flower.

Girouette, n. f., weathercock, vane.
Gite, n. m., home, lodging, seat, lair.
Givre, n. m., rime, hoar frost.
Glaçant, -e, a., freezing, chilling.

Glace, n. f, ice, plate-glass, mirror, window (of a carriage).

Glacé, -e, a., frozen, icy, freezing, glazed. Glacer, to freeze, to chill, to ice, to glaze. Glacier, n. m., glacier, dealer in ice, confec


Glaçon, n. m., piece of ice, icicle.

Gouvernante, n. f., governess, housekeeper.
Gouvernement, n. m., government.
Gouverner, to govern, to rule, to direct, to
husband, to steer.

Gouverneur, n. m., governor, ruler, tutor.
Grabat, n. m., pallet, stump-bed.
Grabuge, n. m., quarrel, wrangling (obsolete).
Grâce, n. f., grace, favor, pardon, mercy, grace-
fulness, charm, thanks.-Grâce à Dieu,
Thank God. Actions de grâces, Thanks-
giving. De grâce! Pray! Faire grâce de,
To forgive, to let off.

Gracieusement, adv., graciously, gracefully.
Gracieu-x, -se, a., gracious, graceful.
Grade, n. m., rank, grade.
Graduer, to graduate.

Gradus, n. m., prosodial dictionary.
Grain, n. m., grain, corn, berry, bead.
Graine, n.f., seed, berry, set.

Glaise, a., loam, clay.-Terre glaise, loam, Graisse, n. f., fat, fatness, grease.


Glaive, n. m., sword, steel.

Gland, n. m., acorn, tassel.

Glaner, to glean.

Glaneu-r, -se, n. m., f., gleaner.

Glapir, to yelp, to squeak.

Glapissant, -e, a., yelping, squeaking.

Glissant, -e, a., slippery.

Glisser, to slip, to slide, to slur, to touch. se Glisser, to slip, to creep in.

Globuleu-x, -se, a., globular.

Gloire, n. f, glory, halo of glory.

Glorieu-x, -se, a., glorious, conceited, proud. Glorieu-x, se, n. m., f., boaster, conceited


Glorifier, to glorify.


Graminée, n. f., grass.

Grammaire, n. f., grammar.
Grammairien, n. m., grammarian.

Grand, -e, a., great, large, big, tall, grown-up, grand, broad, open, loud.-Un grand homme, A great man. Un homme grand, A tall man. De grands jeunes gens, Grownup young men. La porte était toute grande En ouverte, The door was wide open. grand, On a large scale.

Grandement, adv., greatly, very much,

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Grandir, to grow, to increase, to rise.-Ils
grandissent, They grow, get tall. Qu'il
grandit, That he might grow, &c.
Grand'mère, n. f., grandmother.
Grand-oncle, n. m., great-uncle.
Grand-père, n. m., grandfather.
Grands (les), the great (people).
Grand'tante, n. f., great aunt.
Grange, n. f., barn.

Granit, n. m., granite.

Grappe, n. f., bunch, cluster.-Grappe de raisin, Bunch of grapes.

Gras, -se, a., fat, plump, greasy, rich, fertile.
-Jour gras, Flesh-day. Les jours gras,
Shrove-days, Shrove-tide.

Gras, n. m., fat.-Faire gras, manger gras,
To eat meat or flesh.
Gratter, to scratch, to scrape.
Grattoir, n. m., eraser.

Gratuitement, adv., gratuitously, gratis. free. Grave, a. grave, serious, sedate, solemn, weighty.

Gravement, adv., gravely, seriously.
Graver, to engrave, to impress.
Graveur, n. m., engraver.
Gravier, n. m., gravel, grit.
Gravir, to climb, to clamber.
Gravure, n. f, engraving.-Marchand de
gravures, Printseller. Gravure à l'eau
forte, Etching.

Gré, n. m., will, inclination, liking, taste, mind.-Bon gré, mal gré, Willing or not. Contre son gré, Unwillingly. Savoir bon gré de, To thank for, to take kindly. Savoir mauvais gré de, To take ill.

Grec, grecque, n. and a., Grecian, Greek.
Grèce (la), Greece.

Gredin, n. m., scoundrel, beggar.

Gréement, n. m., rigging.

Gréer, to rig.

Greffe, n. f, graft.

Greffer, to graft.

Greffoir, n. m., grafting-knife.

Grége, a., (cf silk) raw.

Grégoire, Gregory.

Grêle, a., slim, lank, shrill.

Grêle, n. f., hail, shower.

Grêler (impers.), to hail.
Grelotter, to shiver with cold.

Grenade, n. f., pomegranate, grenade.

Grenadier, n. m., pomegranate-tree, grena. dier.

Grenat, n. m., garnet.

Grenier, n. m., granary, loft, garret, lumber

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se Griser, to get drunk.
Grison, n. m., gray beard, donkey.
Grisonner, to grow gray.
Grive, n. f., thrush.

Grogner, to grunt, to growl.
Gronder, to grumble, to scold.

Grondeu-r, -se, a., grumbling, scolding.
Grondeur, n. m., grumbler.

Gros, -se, a., big, large, great, stout, swollen, coarse, thick, deep (of color).

Gros, n. m., mainpart, body, mass, stout fabric.-Gros de Naples, Stout silk originally manufactured in Naples. Gros de Tours, Stout silk made at Tours.

Gros, adv., much, heavily, wholesale.-Acheter en gros, To buy at wholesale. Il a quitté le détail pour faire le commerce en gros, le - has left his retail for wholesale business. Groseille, n. f., currant, gooseberry.-Groseille blanche, White currant. Groseille rouge, Red currant. Groseille à maquereau, Gooseberry.

Groseillier, n. m., currant-bush, gooseberrybush.

Grosse, n. f., gross (12 dozen), copy.

Grosseur, n. f., size, bigness, bulk, swelling. Gross-ier, -ière, a., coarse, gross, rough, unmannerly.

Grossièrement, adv., coarsely, roughly, rudely.

Grossièreté, n. f., coarseness, grossness, rudeness, roughness.-Dire des grossièretés, To use bad language, to abuse.

Grossir, to make bigger, to enlarge, to magnify, to swell.

Grossissant, part., growing, magnifying.
Grotte, n.f., grotto, grot.

Groupe, n. m., group, cluster.

Grouper, to group, to cluster.

Grue, n. f., crane.

Gruyère, n. m., Gruyere cheese.

Gué, n. m., ford.-Passer à gué, To ford.
Guéable, a., fordable.

Guenille, n.f., rag, tatter.

Guêpe, n. f., wasp.-Taille de guêpe, Slender figure.

Guère, Guères, adv., little, but little, few, but few, not very, not often.-N'avoir_guere d'argent, To have but little money. Il n'est quere riche, He is not very rich. Il ne s'en faut guère, It wants but little. Guéri, -e, part., cured, healed. Guéridon, n. m., stand, round table.

Guérir, to cure, to heal, to recover, to be cured.

Guérison, n. f., cure, recovery.
Guerre, n.f., war, strife.

Guerr-ier, -ière, a., warlike.
Guerrier, n. m., warrior, soldier.
Guerroyer, to war.

Guet, n. m., watch.-Faire le guet, To watch. Guet-apens, n. m., lying in wait, ambush, wilful injury.

Guêtre, n. f, gaiter.

Gueule, n. f., mouth, jaws.

Gueu-x, -se, a., beggarly, poor.

Gueux, n. m., beggar, scoundrel.

Gui, n. m., mistletoe.

Guibre, n. f., cut-water.

Guichet, n. m., wicket, gate.

Guide, n. m., guide, guide-book.

Guide, n. f., rein.

Guider, to guide, to lead, to direct.-Guider la marche, To lead the way.

Guillaume, n. m., William.

Guimauve, n. f., inarsh-mallow.

Guindé, -e, a., strained, unnatural, stiff.

Guinder, to hoist, to strain, to force.
se Guinder, to be strained.
Guinée, n. f., Guinea, guinea.
Guingamp, Guingan, n. m., gingham.
Guirlande, n.f., garland, wreath.
Guise, n. f., manner, way
Guitare, n. f., guitar.
Gustave, n. m., Gustavus.
Gymnase, n. m., gymnasium.
Gymnastique, a., gymnastic.
Gymnastique, n.f., gymnastics.


H preceded by an' is aspirated.

Ha! int., ah! ha!

Habile, a., able, clever, skilful, proficient.

Habilement, adv., ably, cleverly.

Habileté, n. f., skill, cleverness.

'Hangar, n. m., shed, cart-house.
'Hanneton, n. m., cockchafer,
'Hanovre, n. m., Hanover.

'Hanovrien, -ne, n. and a., Hanoverian.
'Hanter, to frequent, to naunt.
'Harangue, n. f., speech, lecture.
'Haranguer, to address, to lecture.
'Haras, n. m., stud.

'Harasser, to harass, to wear out.
Harceler, to harass.

'Hardes, n. f. pl., clothes.
'Hardi, -e, a., bold, daring.
'Hardiesse, n. f., boldness.
'Hardiment, adv., boldly.

'Hareng, n. m., herring.-Hareng saur, Red

'Hargneu-x, se, a., surly, peevish, snarling.
'Haricot, n. m., bean.-Haricot vert, French
bean. Haricot blanc, White bean. Ha-
ricot de mouton, Haricot of mutton, Irish

Habillé, -e, part. and a., dressed, dress.- Harmonie, n. f., harmony, union.

Robe habillée, Full dress.

Habillement, n. m., clothing, suit.

Habiller, to dress, to clothe, to cover, to wrap
up, to make clothes, to fit.-Voici le tailleur
qui nous habille, This is the tailor who
makes clothes for us. Ce vêtement vous
habille bien, This coat fits you well.
Habit, n. m., garment, coat, dress-coat; pl.,
clothes, wearing apparel.-Habit bourgeois,
Citizen's clothes. Marchand de vieux
habits, Old-clothes man.
Habitable, a., inhabitable.

Habitant, -c, n. m., f., inhabitant, planter, set-

Habitation, n. f., abode, dwelling.
Habiter, to inhabit, to live in.
Habitude, n. f., habit, use, custom,
D'habitude, Usual, usually.

Harmonieu-x, se, a., harmonious.
Harmoniser, to harmonize.
Harnacher, to harness.
Harnais, n. m., harness.

Haro, n. m., hue and cry.-Haro! Shame!
out upon! Crier haro sur quelqu'un, To
raise an outcry against one.
Harpagon, n. m., miser.
Harpe, n. f., harp.

Harpon, n. m., harpoon, fish-spear.

'Hasard, n. m., chance, hazard.-Au hasard, At random. De hasard, Second-hand. Par hasard, By chance, risk.

•Hasarder, to hazard, to risk.


Hasardeu-x, -se, a., hazardous.
Hase, n. f., doe-hare.

practice.-Hâte, n. f., haste, hurry.-A la hôte, In
haste. Avoir hate, To be in haste.

Habitué, -e, n. m., f., frequenter, customer.
Habituel, -le, a., habitual, usual.
Habituellement, adv., habitually.
Habituer, to accustom, to use.

s'Habituer, to accustoin one's self.

'Hache, n. f., axe, hatchet.

Hacher, to chop, to hew.

'Hachette, n. f., hatchet.

Hachis, n. m., hash.

"Hagard, -e, a., haggard, wild. Hai, int., ha! well!

'Haie, n. f., hedge, linc.-Пaie vive. Quickset hedge.

'Haillon, n. m., rag, tatters.

Haine, n. f., hatred.

Haineu-x, -se, a., hateful.

Hair (haïssant, haï; je hais), to hate.
Haïssable, a., hateful, odious.
Hale, n. m., sun, sunburning.
Hâlé, -e, a., sunburnt, swarthy.

Haleine, n. f., breath, wind.-En haleine, In
breath, in exercise. Hors d'haleine, Out of
breath. Tout d'une haleine, At a stretch.
'Hâler, to burn, to tan.

"Haletant, -e, a., panting.
Haleter, to pant.

'Halle, n. f., market.

'Hallebarde, n. f., halberd.

'Halte, n. f., stop, halt.-Ialte! halte là!
Stop! stand! halt! Faire halte, To stop,
to halt.

'Hamac, n. m., hammock.
'Hambourg, n. m., Hamburg.
'Hameau, n. m., hamlet.
Hameçon, n. m., fish-hook.

Hamster, n. m., hamster (rat). 'Hanche, n. f., hip, haunch.

'Hater, to hasten, to hurry.

'Hâti-f, -ve, a., forward, early.

'Hauban, n. m., shroud.

'Haubert, n. m., coat of mail.

'Hausse, n. f., rise.

'Hausser, to raise, to lift, to rise, to shrug (one's shoulders).

Le haut

'Haut, -e, a., high, lofty, tall, proud, loud.-
Haut en couleur, High colored, ruddy. Le
Haut Rhin, the Upper Rhine.
commerce, the higher branches of com-
merce, great merchants.

'Haut, n. m., height, top.-De haut en bas,
Downward. Du haut en bas, From top to
bottom, overhead. En haut, Over, above,
up-stairs. Par en haut, At the top, through
the top.


'Haut, adv., high up, loud.-Là haut, Above, up there, in heaven. De plus haut, Higher, farther back. Tout haut, Aloud.

Hautain, -e, a., haughty, lofty.

Hautbois, n. m., oboe.

'Haut-de-chaussés, n. m., small-clothes, upper


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