Sweet was the vapours, soft the morrowing, In white and red was all the earth besene, If we now turn to the initiatory stanzas of the Thistle and the Rose, in which the bard fancies himself addressed in a dream by May, who urges him to write something in her honour, and to welcome the return of Spring, we shall find a picture of not less consummate elegance and beauty, and perhaps of still greater animation : When March was with varying windis past, And lusty May, that mother is of flowers, In bed at morrow sleeping as I lay, And halsit† me with visage pale and green; * Orisons. ↑ Hailed. With good will. Methought fresh May before my bed upstude, In bright attire of flouris forged new, To raise up lovers with comfort and delight; The poet and his conductress then enter a garden filled with flowers, and breathing odours redolent of paradise, when immediately The purple sun, with tender bemys red, And, as the blissful son of cherarchy *, The fowlis sung through comfort of the light; "O Lovers, fo away thow dully night, * Hierarchy.-Job, ch. xxxviii. v. 7. The morning stars singing together. 1 Picturesque and faithful to nature as these descriptions of Spring most assuredly are, rich in imagery, and glowing with poetic inspiration, yet has BURNS, by blending equal powers of delineation with emotions of the tenderest pathos, rendered his portraits of the same season, by this very charm of contrast, still more endearing and impressive. Frequent, indeed, as are his sketches of vernal scenery, there is scarcely one but what is thus commingled with the sweetest feelings of love and pity; and it is this happy and almost constant intermixture of minute description with sentiment and passion which has given to the poetry of Burns such a wide and ever-during dominion over the human heart. I shall now select from our Scottish bard a few specimens of this delightful union of imagery and pathos whilst painting the Mornings of Spring. Now Spring has clad the grove in green, And strew'd the lea wi' flowers; The furrow'd waving corn is seen Rejoice in fostering showers: The trout within yon wimpling burn And safe beneath the shady thorn My life was ance that careless stream, But love, wi' unrelenting beam, Has scorch'd my fountains dry.— The waken'd lav'rock warbling springs In morning's rosy eye; As little reckt I sorrow's power, O' witching love, in luckless hour, The wretch whose doom is, "hope nae mair," What tongue his woes can tell : Nae kinder spirits dwell. The features attendant on this the most beautiful season of the year are yet further marked and extended in the following lines, which, like those that I have just quoted, make a powerful appeal to our sympathy. Again rejoicing nature sees Her robe assume its vernal hues, In vain to me the cowslips blaw, The mavis and the lintwhite sing. The merry plough-boy cheers his team, A dream of ane that never wauks. The wanton coot the water skims, The sheep-herd steeks his faulding slap, I meet him on the dewy hill. And when the lark, tween light and dark, I conclude these instances with a quotation from the " Lament of Mary Queen of Scots on the Approach of Spring," a poem equally estimable for the loveliness of its descriptive touches, and for the pensive strain and maternal tenderness which so sweetly characterise its stanzas. |