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N.B. All Verbs ending in er are conjugated like parler. See List of Verbs in ER, at the end of the Accidence, p. 122.

*Or, I spoke, or I was speaking, thou wast speaking, &c. It may not be amiss to observe that the French imperfect answere better to the English locution, I was speaking, than to the two others.


Of some Verbs, of the first Conjugation, ending in yer.

With verbs ending in yer the y is changed to i when followed by e mute, and in the imperfect, and in the subjunctive present, ions, iez, come after y.

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to stammer. | aboyer,

to bark.

effrayer, to frighten. employer, to employ.

grasseyer, to lisp.

nettoyer, to clean.


to send.


to wipe.

and persons.

to pray.

Verbs ending in ier require two i's with those tenses

appuyer, to prop.

ennuyer, to weary.


Je prie,

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In verbs ending in cer, the c takes the cedilla (ƒ), when coming before a or o, to keep the soft sound of c. Plaçons, plaçais, plaçai, plaçasse, &c.

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Conjugate, in the same manner, all verbs in cer.

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With verbs in éer, one e is cancelled before a, o, or i. Agréer. J'agrée. J'agréais. J'agréai. | J'agréerai. | Que j'agrée. to accept. Jagréions. | agréons.

Participle. Agréé, m. agréée, f.


After the same manner are conjugated the following verbs :

Créer, to create; récréer, to recreate; suppléer, to supply.

The learner need not take notice of the following irregularities until he han once been over the regular verbs.

The future is usually pronounced pé-rai.

In verbs ending in ger, the e is kept when an o or an

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In verbs ending in eler and eter, the 7 and ₺ are doubled before e.

Appeler,*J'appelle.* | J'appelais. | J'appellerai.

J'appelais. J'appellerai. | Que j'appelle.

to call. appelons.

&c. &c.


After the same manner conjugate the following:— Atteler, to put horses to; amonceler, to heap up; étinceler, to sparkle; &c.

Except the following, which, instead of doubling the 1, take a grave accent over the e.

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After the same manner :

Projeter, to project; cacheter, to seal.

Except acheter, to buy, and colleter, to collar, which make, j'achète, achetons, ils achètent, and not ils achettent.

Verbs having the two last syllables formed by two unaccented e's between a consonant, require a grave accent on the first e.




to carve, to sow,


to lead,

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which makes

je dépèce.

je sème.

je mène.

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je sèvre.

And even when the penultimate e has an acute accent:

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Therefore we pronounce app-ler, and ā pēll; also j-tër and je jett.

In verbs in guer, a diæresis (..) is placed over the e to mark that the preceding vowel is to be sounded. Ex.:—

Arguer, to argue, j'arguë, j'arguërai.


D. I speak* French and English.

Français Anglais.

She sweeps the room. balayer* chambre, f.

You attack me.t We add all these numbers together.

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nombres ensemble.

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They were putting the horses to.

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She chattered instead of babiller au lieu deş

cleaning the house. They yawned all the day long. G. I shall

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fold them.

plier les, E.


H. I should


our gowns if we did not



c D. I have dressed my little child's head. coiffer

c E. We had overwhelmed them with kindness.

combler, pl. les|| de bienfaits.

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I shall have finished my lesson | by the time you return


f. quand



If I had not been here, they would have dashed the

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* See Indicative pres. of parler, balayer, &c. which is parle, balaie, &c., by cutting off the r.

+ See Table of Personal Pronouns.

See Remark VIII. p. 29.

See note, p. 33.

See Remark III., p. 29.

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N'avoir pas eu, not to have had. | N'avoir pas été, not to have been. | N'avoir pas parlé, not to have

Compound of the Gerund.

N'ayant pas eu, not having had. | N'ayant pas été, not having been. | N'ayant pas parlé, not having

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