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Words of three syllables, accented on the second.

[blocks in formation]

Words of four syllables; the full accent on the third, and the half accent on the first.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

trib u la'tion

vi o la tion vis it a tion

ap pre hen sion com pre hen sion con de scen sion con tra dic tion ju ris dic tion

res ur rec tion sat is fac tion åug ment a tion al ter a tion

Words of five syllables, accented on the first and fourth.

Am pli fi ca'tion

con grat u la tion

qual i fi ca tion

con so ci a tion

or gan i za tion

al lit er a tion ed i fi ca tion as so ci a tion

mul ti pli ca tion con tin u a tion rat i fi ca tion sanc ti fi ca tion sig ni fi ca tion cir cum lo cu tion cir cum val la tion com mem o ra tion con fed e ra tion

co op e ra tion glo ri fi ca tion pro nun ci a tion pro pisti a tion re gen e ra tion re nun ci a tion re tali a tion år gu ment a tion ar tic u la tion de ter min a tion hal lu cin a tion

Note. As-sas-sin-a-tion, de-nom-in-a-tion, de-ter-min-a-tion, il-lu-min-a-tion, have the second and fourth syllables accented, and tran-sub-stan-ti-a-tion, has an accent on the first, third, and fifth syllables. Con-sub-stan-ti-a-tion, follows the same rule.



ABOUT three hundred and twenty years ago, there lived a very wise man, named Christopher Columbus. He was born at Genoa, a city of Italy.

He thought a great deal about this world that we live in; he believed that it was round, like an orange; he believed that men could sail all round it. A fly could creep round an orange, and come back to the place from which he set out.

Columbus believed that men could sail round the world in a ship, and come back to the place whence they set out; he believed if they would try to do this, they would find some countries, which the people of Europe had never seen, or heard of.

At that time, Europe, Asia, and Africa, were known; they all lie on one side of the globe. What was on the other side, none of the people knew.

Columbus wanted to go and see, but he could not go, unless he had several ships and many men with him.

These things cost a great deal of money. No person had so much money to give away, so Columbus was obliged to ask the king of some country to procure him the men, money, and ships that he wanted. Kings can give the use of such things, in the countries which they govern.

Columbus applied to the government of his own country first-afterwards to the king of England, and the king of Portugal.

This government, and these kings, did not choose to assist Columbus.-At last he went to Spain. The name of the king of Spain was Ferdinand, the name of the queen was Isabella. Queen Isabella was very much pleased with the plan of Columbus; she hoped he would find the countries he expected to find, and she tried very much to persuade the king to give Columbus such things as he wanted.

The king promised to give Columbus what was necessary, if Columbus would promise to give him the greater part of the valuable things he might find. Columbus promised to do this. The king gave him three ships, and what he wanted besides.

In the month of August the ships saileda great number of people went to the water side, to see them set sail. They felt very cu rious to know whither they would go, and what they would find.

When the sailors got far out of the sight of land, a great way into the Atlantic Ocean, they began to be afraid; they wanted to go back to Spain, and refused to obey Columbus.

But Columbus persuaded them to wait a little longer, and a few weeks after they left Spain, they came to the Bahama Islands, and afterwards to the larger Islands, now called Cuba and Hispaniola.

The people of these islands were not white, like the men of Europe, nor black, like the natives of Africa. These men were surprised when they saw the Spaniards.

Columbus returned to Spain.-The king and queen were very glad when they heard of the new country he had found. They sent him back again, and sent many other ships; these discovered all the islands now called the West Indies, and the large country of South America.

The Spaniards took these countries for their own, and every thing they could find in them. They found great quantities of gold and silver, and treated the poor natives very cruelly, in hopes that the natives would tell them of still more gold and silver than they had fonnd.

The kings of other countries sent out ships to America, till in time America wasall known to the people of Europe.

People came from the different countries of Europe, to different parts of America. They found no towns and pleasant fields, and fine gardens; they found only woods, and wild men, and wild animals.

The men were called Indians, because they looked somewhat like the people who live in India, a country of Asia.

There were a great many Indians thennow there are very few. In two hundred years there have become more and more white men -fewer and fewer Indians.

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