Page images

dif fer ent ly dil i gent ly dys en te ry em i nent ly ev i dent ly ex qui site ly ex cel len cy gen er al ly im pi ous ly ig no rant Ïy ly in fin ite ly par si mo ny par ti ci ple pen i tent ly pen sion a ry

dés ul to ry

[blocks in formation]

a' mi a ble

a vi a ry bre vi a ry

sed en ta ry
sem i na ry
spec u la tive
sump tu ous
suf fer a ble

ál' i mo ny
ali bas ter

per ma nent ly drom e da

ag ri cul ture


co pi ous ly cu ri ous ly fa vor a ble

an ti qua ry

com fort a ble

man i fest ly

mer ce na ry

[blocks in formation]

lu min a ry

[blocks in formation]

mo ment a ry hon or a ble nu mer ous ly mod er ate ly rea son a ble nom in a tive

lap i da ry

gov ern a ble åu di to ry

or di na ry

mu sic al ly su per a ble sea son a ble va ri a ble

ob du ra cy
pos i tive ly
tran si to ry

[blocks in formation]


Words of four syllables, accented on the second.

Ab ste mi ous
ab bre vi ate
ac cu sa tive
ad vi sa ble
as sign a ble
a vail a ble
at tain a ble
an te ri or

con ceiv a ble
conclu sive ly

de mo' ni ac

er ro ne ous


gram ma rian
in cu ra ble
la bo ri ous
lux u ri ous
in glo ri ous
in ju ri ous
re pu di ate

complacency sa lu bri ous
pal la di um

col lo qui al ob tain a ble

[blocks in formation]

ter ra que ous

in clem en cy

ad mon' ish er an gel' ic al ap per' tin ent as sas sin ate con tempt i ble ad ver si ty a non y mous com pul so ry ad ver bi al am phib i ous con vert i ble

be at i tude

com mod i ty

du pli ci ty

[blocks in formation]

de ter min ate dis cern a ble

ex ter min ate

ac com pa ny
dis cov e ry
in fir mi ty
im per ti nent

cap it ate
em pov er ish

fan tas tic al
ge og ra phy
im pos si ble
in sol ven cy
in fal li ble

e quiv a lent
in vin ci ble
om nip o tent
o ri gi nal
per spic u ous
re gen er ate
so li cit ous

vo cif er ous

pre pon derate vo lup tu ous

in ter pret er ob serv a ble

sub ser vi ent su per la tive


A Dialogue between Samuel and Joseph. Samuel-Come, leave your book, Joseph, and let us go and toss up cents. Brother John won ever so many the other day; and he said he should have had more, but the boys got to fighting, and broke up. Joseph. My father does not think it right to toss up cents, and he told me never to do it.



Where is the harm of tossing up cents, I wonder? What makes your father think it is wrong?

Joseph-Because he says, the boys who play so with cents, will soon learn to lie, and cheat, and steal to get cents to play with: and as soon as they grow bigger they will play cards for money, and become gamblers, and get into the penitentiary.

does he know that? 1 shall not cheat, or steal, or become a gambler. I only want to toss up a few cents, just to see how many I can win.

Joseph. But father says all old gamblers begin in this way. He says he knows several who have played away all their money, and have become cheats and rogues, who began by tossing up cents, and buying lottery tickets.

Samuel. O, I wish I had a lottery t cket, I heard the other day of a man that drew a prize of twenty thousand dollars,

I suppose your father would say that was wrong too?

Joseph. Yes, he calls that gambling too, and says that boys who try to get money by pitching cents, and lotteries, and such things, will lose their characters, and become tricky and lazy, and always come to a bad end.

Samuel. Well, but I know a great many boys who toss cents and buy lottery tickets too, when they can get money enough.

Joseph-Are they steady, honest boys? Are they good scholars? Do they never lie and cheat; and would you trust them with money, if you had it?

Samuel. No, I cannot say they are honest boys, or good scholars; and if I had any money, I think I should keep it myself.

Joseph.-I hope there are none such in our school. Now tell me, Sam, when you pitch cents and lose, do you not, feel as if you would do almost any thing to get more to begin again?

Samuel-Yes, I must confess I do sometimes. And I heard of a boy in New York the other day, who was clerk in a store, and who took so much of his master's money, to play with, that he was found out and sent to jail.

Joseph. Then let us not play any such plays; for as it is quite wrong, and contrary to God's word, it will lead us into trouble, sin, and shame.


Words of five syllables; the full accent on the second.

[blocks in formation]

dis pen sa to ry e lec tu a ry e pis to la ry ex tem po ra ry he red it a ry in cen di a ry in del i ca cy in es ti ma ble in ex pli ca ble in suf fer a ble in vet er a cy in vul ner a ble

de clám a to ry
de fam a to ry
con sol a to ry
de pos it o ry
de rog a to ry
in vol un ta ry
re pos it o ry
em phat i cal ly
dis hon our a bly
im prac ti ca ble

im ag
in a ry
in hab it a ble
in hos pit a ble
in tol er a ble

de gen er a cy

de lib er a tive di min u tive ly i tin er a ry le git i ma cy pre cip it an ey pre lim i na ry com mis er a ble con di tion a ry con fed er a cy con sid er a ble con sid er a bly com mem o ra tive ira di tion a ry

ab ste' mi ous ly ab ste mi ous ness com mo di ous ly con ve ni ent ly con ve ni en cy la bo ri ous ly gra tu it ous ly op pro bri ous ly com mu ni ca ble com mu ni ca tive in vi o la ble per spi ra to ry cen so ri ous ly de vo tion al ly

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