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Words of three syllables, accented on the second.

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il lè' gal il lu sive

de port ment

in de cent

de po nent

in he rent

dic ta tor

in hu man

al lure ment ar ri val

dis qui et

in qui ry

en a ble

oc to ber

[blocks in formation]

ab er' rant a bun dant

ac cept ance ac cus tom ac quit tal

en dan


en gage ment en no ble

e qua tor he ro ic

ho ri zon ig no ble

con cår rent con duct or con sid er con sist ent

af fect ed

ag gress or

con tent ment con tin gent cor rect ness

ap pend ix

de cem ber

ap pren tice as sem bly as sist ance at tend ant

be gin ning be wil der col lect or

de fend er de lin quent de liv er de mer it de pend ent di lem ma di min ish

re li ance

spec ta tor

dis têm' dis têm' per

di ur nal

do mes tic

e clip tic e.ject ment em bel lish ef ful gent en cum ber en vel op

ex press ly ex ten sive hys ter ic

im bit ter in ces sant

in clem ent

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ac cốm plish
ad mon ish
as ton ish
at tach ment

con tract or dog mat ic im mod est im mor tal im pos tor in hab it

mo nas tic
pe dan tic

pre pon der
re spon sive

um brel la re form er


ap pre hend

Words of three syllables, accented on the third. Al a mode' in tro dùce' cav al cade mis ap ply de com pose mu tin eer dev o tee mis be have dis a gree o ver take dis es teem rep ar tee

dis re pute
su per sede
dom i neer ser e nade
im ma ture su per fine

im por tune in ter cede

in ter line

con tra dict dis an nul dis ap prove dis pos sess in di rect

in ter cept

in ter lard

in ter mix su per scribe o ver turn vol un teer rec om mend un der mine un der sell

Let me drink some choc-o-late
I want a cake of gin-ger-bread
The house was built by a car-pen-ter
Ann has lost her um-brel-la.
The wine is in the de-can-ter
Little boys must not dis-a-gree
I hope you will not mis-be-have


Words of four syllables, accented on the first.

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TABLE 10.-X.*

Words of four syllables, accented on the second.

Ac củ mu late ad mir ing ly a gree a ble an ni hi late an nu i ty ar mo ri al

bar ba ri an cen tu ri on cen so ri ous com mu ni ty

con gru i ty con nu bi al

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

ab súrd' i ty ac tiv i ty

de bil' i tate

e vẻnť u al

i tude ex ec u tor

ex em pli fy

́con so la ble

con ve ni ent cor po re al

ac cess o ry ad min is ter af fin i ty an gel ic al

an tip a thy a rith me tic cap tiv i ty ce ler i ty ci vil i ty

de crep gen er ate


de ject ed ly de lib er ate

de liv er er

dex ter i ty

di vin i ty dis pen sa ry dis sim i lar e lec tric al

ex per i ment

ex ten u ate

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co in ci dent

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com pet it or

e pis co pal

il lib er al

con sist en cy e pit o me

il lit er ate

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