Vice, in the room of. Vide, see. Pro bono publico, for the Vice versa, the reverse. public benefit. ) TABLE 46.-XLVL OF ABBREVIATIONS. A. A. S. Fellow of the Cant. Canticles. American Academy. Chap. Chapter. C. A. S. Fellow of the Chron. Chronicles. Connecticut Academy Co. Company. A. D. In the year of A. M. Master of Arts, B. D. Bachelor of Di vinity. Cr. Credit. Ibidem, ibid. in the same Q. Question, Queen. 1 Regr. Register. Rev. Revelation, Reverend. place. Isa. Isaiah. i. e. that is. Id. the same. Jan. January. S. South and Shilling. Rt. Hon. Right Honorable. Jas. James. Jac. Jacob. Josh. Joshua. Kt. Knight. Lev. Leviticus. Lieut. Lieutenant. St. Saint. Sept. September. Serj. Sergeant. S. T. P. Professor of Di vinity. L. L. D. Doctor of Laws S. T. D. Doctor of DiEXAMPLES L. S. the place of the Seal Lond. London. M. B. Bachelor of Physic M. D. Doctor of Physic. Mr. Master. Messrs. Gentlemen, Sirs. M. S. Manuscript. Math. Mathematics. vinity ss. to wit, namely. Theo. Theophilus. V. or vide, see. Viz. to wit, namely. Wp. Worship. &c. and so forth. U. S. A. United States of America. Of the PAUSES and other CHARACTEFS used in WRITING. A comma, (,) is a pause of one syllable-A semicolon, (;) two-A colon, (:) four-A period, (.) six-An interrogation point (?) shows when a question is asked; as, What do you see?-An exclamation point, (!) is a mark of wonder or surprise; as, O the foliy of sinners! The pause of these two points is the same as a colon or a period, and the sentence should usually be closed with a raised tone of voice. () A Parenthesis includes a part of a sentence, which is not necessary to make sense, and should be read quicker, and in a weaker tone of voice. [] Brackets or Hooks, include words that serve to explain a foregoing word or sentence. - A hyphen joins words or syllables; as, sea-water. ' An apostrophe shows when a letter is omitted; as, us'd for used. ▲ Acaretshows when a word or number of words my are omitted through mistake; as, this is book. A "" A quotation or double comma, includes a passage that is taken from some other author in his own words. The Index points to some remarkable passage. The Paragraph begins a new subject. The Section is used to divide chapters. †† An Asterisk, and other references, point to a note in the margin or bottom of a page. OF CAPITAL LETTERS. Sentences should begin with a capital letteralso every line in poetry. Proper names, which are the names of persons, places, rivers, mountains, lakes, &c. should begin with a capital. Also the name of the Supreme Being. Various Anecdotes of the Horse THERE is an instance on record of a horse, who formed a friendship for a dog, and, seeing him attacked by a much larger dog, came to his friend's assistance, and saved his life by a well-directed kick, which sent the large dog into a neighbouring cellar. Another horse, whose master was attacked by robbers, bit one of the ruffians, kicked over another, and, setting out on a full gallop, never stopped till he had brought his master safe to his own house. Another, in going through droves of young chickens and ducklings to the stable, would lift his feet, laying his ears, and putting his nose almost to the ground, for fear of touching them. A Frenchman once taught a horse, which he kept for a show, to be very polite. He would pay his respects to a company, assembled to witness his feats, with an air and some motions expressive of his satisfaction. He answered very exactly, by signs of the head, to all the questions his master put to him. He drank wine, taking the cup into his mouth; and also fired off a pistol with his mouth. He could feign himself lame or dead, that he might not have to go to the war. If any person of the assembly drew a card, and showed it to him, he would beat on the ground with his foot as many strokes as there were spots on the card. He told what o'clock it was by the watch in the same way. Being asked if he had any knowledge of arithmetic, he answered, by a sign, that he had; and to the question, "How much do eight and six make?" he answered, by strokes of the hoof, fourteen. He was undoubtedly guided in his answers by signs from his master; but it is astonishing how he could so well obey signs, which the spectators were unable to detect. The intelligence of the horse is next to that of the elephant, and he obeys his rider with so much punctuality and understanding, that the native Americans, who had never seen a man on horseback, thought, at first, that the Spaniards were a kind of monstrous race, half men and half horses. The horse, in a domestic state, seldom lives longer than twenty years; but we may suppose, in a wild state, that he might attain double this age; and it is melancholy to think that our bad treatment has shortened the days of so noble a crea ture. It is to be hoped that, when any of you shall be come old enough to use and own horses, you will remember what noble and excellent animals they naturally are; how well entitled to your kindness and consideration; and that none of you will ever be so thoughtless as to abuse or oppress them. Such conduct shows that those who are guilty of it are alike destitute of the fine feelings of humanity, and regardless of the Great Father of the universe, who has implanted these excellent qualities in the animal, as if expressly to ensure for him our sympathy and kindness. |