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14.-La Lettre Chargée. By E. LABICHE. 28 pp.

Fantaisie in one act.

15.-La Fille de Roland. By VICOм1x HENRI DE BORNIER.

96 pp.

Drama in four acts, in verse. Notes by Wm. L. Montague,

16.-Hernani. By VICTOR HUGO. 151 pp.

Drama in five acts. Notes by Gustave Masson, B.A. 17.-Mine et Contre-Mine. By ALEXANDRE GUILLET. 97 pp. Comedy in three acts. Notes by the Author.

18.-L'Ami Fritz. By ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN. 96 pp.

Comedy in three acts. Adapted to the use of American
Schools and Colleges, and annotated by Alfred Hennequin,

19.-L'Honneur et L'Argent. By F. PONSARD. 123 pp.

Comedy in five acts, in verse. Notes by Frederick C. de


20.-La Duchesse Couturière. By MADAME E. VAILLANT GOODMAN. 24 pp. Comedy in one act, adapted from Doigts de Fée" especially arranged for ladies' cast,


10 Cents Each.

A series of original little plays suitable for class reading or school performance, written especially for children, by MM Michaud and de Villeroy. Printed in excellent type.

The List comprises:

1.-Les Deux Écoliers. By A. LAURENT DE VILLEROY. 26 pp Comédie en un acte, en prose, for boy and three girls.

2.-Le Roi D'Amérique. By HENRI MICHAUD. 8 pp. Comédie en un acte, for boys, 10 characters.

3.-Une Affaire Compliquée. By HENRI MICHAUD. 8 pp. Comédie en un acte, for boys, 7 characters.

4.-La Somnambule. By HENRI MICHAUD. 16 pp. Comédie en un acte, for girls; 8 characters.

5.-Stella. By HENRI MICHAUD. 16 pp.

Comédie en un acte, for young ladies; 6 character

6.—Une Héroine. By HENRI MICHAUD. 16 pp. Comédie en un acte, for girls; 8 characters.

7.-Ma Bonne. By HENRI MICHAUD. 14 pp.

Comédie en un acte, for girls; 5 characters. 8.-Dona Quichotte. By HENRI MICHAUD. 20 pp. Comédie en un acte, for girls. 6 characters.


The Table Game. By HELÈNE J. ROTH.

A French game to familarize pupils with the names of every-
thing that is placed on a dining-room table. 75c.

Citations des Auteurs Français. By F. L. BONNET. 750
Jeu des Académiciens. By MLLE. R. SÉE. 75c.

Miss Theodora Ernst's French Conversation Cards. 50с.
(*) Jeu de " Connaissez-vous Paris" (Do You Know Paris).
This game has been made for schools and pupils and those
who intend to visit Paris and the Exposition. A map has
been added which will be of service. 750.

(*)A Game of Mythology. By A. G. FOSTER. 75c. (See also German.)


Under this general title is issued a series of Classical French works, carefully prepared with historical, descriptive and grammatical notes by competent authorities, printed in large type, at a uniform price of

[blocks in formation]

1.-L'Avare. By J. B. POQUELIN DE MOLIÈRE. 105 pp.

Comédie en cing actes. Notes by Schele de Vere, Ph.D., LL.D. 2.-Le Cid. By PIERRE CORNEILLE. 87 pp.

Tragédie en cing actes. Notes by Schele de Vere, Ph.D., LL.D. 3.-Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme. By J. B. POQUELIN DE

MOLIÈRE (1670).

Comédie-Ballet en oing actes. Notes by Schele de Vere.
Ph.D., LL.D.

4.-Horace. By P. CORNEILLE. 70 pp.

Tragédie en cing actes. With grammatical and explanatory notes by Frederick C. de Sumichrast.

5.-Andromaque. By J. RACINE. 72 pp.

Tragédie en cing actes. Notes by F. C. de Sumichrast. 6.-Athalie. By JEAN RACINE. 86 pp.

Tragédie en cing actes tirée de l'Ecriture Sainte. With Biblical references and notes by O. Fontaine B.L.. L. D

*7.-Les Précieuses Rididules. By J.B. POQUELIN DE MOLIÈRE. Comédie en un acte. With a biographical memoir and notes by C, Fontaine, B.L., L.D. 60 pp.

Others in preparation.


Les Misérables.

This edition of Victor Hugo's masterpiece is not only the handsomest but the "cheapest" edition of the work that can be obtained in the original French. Its publication in America has been attended with great care, and it is offered to all readers of French as the best library edition of the work to be obtained. Volume I, "Fantine," 458 pages: Volume 11, "Cosette," 416 pages; Volume III, “Marius,” 878 pages; Volume IV. “Idylle rue Plumet," 512 pages: Volume V, "Jean Valjean," 437 pagés.

*5 Volumes, 12mo Paper, $4.50; Cloth, $6.50; Half-calf, $13.50. *Single volume sold separately, in paper, $1.00; cloth, $1.50. Les Misérables.

One volume edition. The whole story intact; episodes and detailed descriptions only omitted. Arranged by A. de Rougemont, A.M. $1.25.

Notre-Dame de Paris.

The handsomest and cheapest edition to be had, with nearly 200 illustrations, by Bieler, Myrbach and Rossi.

2 volumes, 12mo, Paper, $2.00; Cloth, $3.00; Half-calf, $6.00. Same (Edition de Grand Luxe). But 100 copies published. It contains, with the illustrations as in the ordinary edition, 12 fac-simile water colors, and is printed on Imperial Japan paper. The set, 2 volumes, each volume numbered, signed, and in a satin portfolio, $10.00.

Same (Edition de Luxe). But 400 copies published. With illustrations as in the "Edition de Grand Luxe," and printed on fine satin paper. The set, 2 volumes, numbered, signed and bound half-morocco Roxbourgh style, gilt top. $6.00.

Quatrevingt-Treize. 507 pp.

One of the most graphic and powerful of Hugo's romances, and one quite suitable for class study. 12mo, Paper, $1.00; Cloth, $1.50; Half-calf, $3.00.

Quatrevingt-Treize. 595 pp.

With an historical introduction and Engligh notes by Benjamin Duryea Woodward, B.-ès-L., Ph.D., Instructor in the Romance Languages and Literatures at Columbia University and Barnard College, New York. 12mo, Cloth, $1.25. Les Travailleurs de la Mer.

This celebrated work, which is one of the most notable examples of Victor Hugo's genius, uniform in style with the above, 12mo, Paper, $1.00; Cloth, $1.50; Half-calf, $8.00. also No. 18, “Théâtre Contemporain.”)




Simples Notions de Français. 101 pp.

75 illustrations, Boards, 75c.

Livre des Enfants. 100 pp.

Pour l'étude du français. 12mo, Cloth, 40 illustrations, 50c. Le Second Livre des Enfants. 148 pp.

A continuation of "Livre des Enfants". 12mo, Cloth, 50 illustrations, 75c.

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Lectures Faciles, pour l'Étude du Français.
Avec Notes Grammaticales et Explicatives.
Français Pratique," is a complete method.

La Langue Française, 1ère partie. 292 pp.

256 pp.

This, with "Le
Cloth, $1.00.

Méthode pratique pour l'étude de cette langue. 12mo, Cloth. $1.25.

La Langue Française, 2ème partie. 279 pp.

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Conjugaison des Verbes Français, avec Exercices. 12mo, flexible cloth, 500.


Genre des Noms.

Étude nouvelle, simple et pratique. 12mo, 250.

L'Art D'Intéresser en Classe.

Contes, Fables, etc. 12mo, Paper, 30c.

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Le Français Idiomatique. 73 pp.

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Les Fautes de Langage. 86 pages. 12mo, cloth, 50c.


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An Elementary French Grammar. 259 pp.

The arrangement of this grammar is simple, clear and concise. It is divided into two parts: (1) First Exercises; (2) Elementary Grammar. A General Vocabulary is added for the convenience of the student.

edition, revised, with vocabulary, 75c.

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A College Preparatory French Grammar. 284 pp.

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Conversation des Enfants. 152 pp.

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Le Français par la Conversation. 186 pp.

12mo, Cloth, $1.00.

First Course in French Conversation.

Recitation and Reading, with separate vocabulary for each reading, $1.00.

French Verbs in a Few Lessons. 47 pp.

Cloth, 35c.

Blanks for the Conjugation of French Verbs.

About 60 blanks in a tablet. Per tablet, 30c.

Conjugaison Abrégée Blanks.

These blanks, besides saving more than half the time otherwise necessary in writing verbs, cause more uniformity in the class drill, make it easier for the pupil to understand his work. Per tablet, 25c.


Cartes de Lecture Française.

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A set of reading charts

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Livre de L'Eléve. Clo., 185 pp., $1.00. Livre du Maitre. Olo. 185 pp., $1.50.


Ploot's First Lessons in French. 132 pp.

18mo. Oloth, 500,

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