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The French Language With or Without a Teacher.

Part I, Pronunciation, 75c.; Part II, Conversation, $1.25.
Part III, Grammar and Syntax, $1.25.

Chart of All the French Verbs, 35c.

Part III and the Chart will be sold together for $1.50.



Lectures Faciles, pour l'Étude du Français. 256 pp.

Cloth, $1.00.

Contes et Nouvelles Modernes (P. Bercy's French Reader). 265 pp. With explanatory English notes. 12mo, Cloth, $1.00.

Balzac (Honoré de), Contes. 219 pp.

Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by George McLean
Harper, Ph.D., and Louis Eugene Livingood, A.B. Clo., $1.


Fables Choisies de La Fontaine. 107 pp.

Notes by Madame B. Beck. 16mo, Boards, 40c.


12mo, cloth, 75c. each.

Progresssive French Dialogues and Phrases. 226 pp.
Progressive French Anecdotes and Questions. 233 pp
Progressive Pronouncing French Reader. 288 pp.

Progressive Interlinear French Reader. 292 pp.

[blocks in formation]

Prose and poetry, with notes by Geo. Castegnier, B.S., B.L. 12mo, Cloth, 75c.


12mo, cloth, with notes, $1.25 each.

Les Poètes Français du XIXème Siècle. 402 pp.
Les Prosateurs Français du XIXème Siècle. 378 pp.
Les Historions Français du XIXème Siècle. 884


Poésies de Quatre à Huit Vers. 19 pp.

French Poetry for schools, 200,


Manuel de Littérature Française. 403 pp.

12mo, half leather, $1.25.

(See also Victor Hugo's Works).


Les Chansons de Béranger. 228 pp.

With notes. 12mo, Cloth, $1.25.


Initiatory French Readings. 155 pp.

In the first part: the picturesque facts of “Our Country," and in the second part: "The Discovery of France" by some young American travellers. 12mo, Cloth, 75c.



Short Selections for Translating English into French. 137 pp. With notes. 12mo, Cloth, 75c.

Key to Short Selections. 121 pp.

12mo, Cloth, 75c.


A Woman of Sense and A Hair-Powder Plot.

Two English plays intended for translating Colloquial
English into French, with notes. 12mo, Flexible cloth, 40c.


*Un Peu de Tout. By F. JULIEN.

12mo, cloth, 282 pages, 75 cents.

Valuable for giving a final polish to the work of preparing for examination.

Preliminary French Drill. By a VETERAN. 68 pp. 12mo. Cloth, 50c.

Drill Book.-A-118 pp.

Embodies systematically the main principles of the language. The vocabulary (English and French) will be found to be quite extensive, and contains most of the words in common use. 12mo, Cloth, 75c.

B.-83 pp.

The purpose of this book is to facilitate the mastery of the irregular verbs in all their tenses. 12mo, Oloth, 500,


French Pronunciation, Rules and Practice for the Use of Americans. 50 pp.

12mo, Boards, 50c.

Gender of French Nouns at a Glance.

A Card 3 x 5 inches, 10c.


French Verbs at a Glance. By MARIOT DE BEAUVOISIN. 61 pr.

8vo, 35c.

French Verbs. By CHAS. P. DUCROQUET. 47 pp.

Cloth, 35c.

French Verbs. By Professor SCHELE DE VERE. 201 pp.

Cloth, $1.00.

Conjugaison des Verbes Français avec Exercices. By PAUL BERCY.

12mo, flexible cloth, 86 pages, 50c.

† Blanks for the Conjugation of French Verbs. By CHAS. F. DUCROQUET.

Put up in Tablets, 50c.

† Conjugaison Abrégée Blanks. By CHAS. P. DUCROQUET. Put up in Tablets, 25c.

† These "blanks" save more than half the time otherwise necessary in “writing" or in "correcting" verbs. They ensure uniformity in the class work and give the learner a clearer understanding of what he is doing.

Drill Book.-B.-82 pp.

12mo, Cloth, 50c.

Mme. Beck's French Verb Form.

By means of this "drill," a verb with form as given can be written by an average pupil in less than fifteen minutes. Size, 9 x 12. Price, 50c.

Le Verbe en Quatre Tableaux Synoptiques.

By Prof. H.


"Sixth Edition." Price, 25c.

Verbes Français demandant des Prépositions.

By F. J. A.

Darr. 12mo, Cloth, 50c.

Logical Chart for Teaching and Learning the French Conjugation. By STANISLAS LE ROY.

Manual of French Verbs. Prepared by WINONA CREW, B.A.

(See also Latin, Greek and Games.


Kleine Anfange. By FRAULEIN ALBERTINE KASE. 133 pp.
Ein buch für kleine Leute. 8vo, Boards, many illustrations,


Des Kindes Erstes Buch. By WILHELM RIPPE. 100 pp.

This method is divided into forty lessons, each consisting of a short vocabulary, and appropriate illustration,a reading lesson, and a few sentences to be memorized; and as appendix are given a few simple rhymes suitable for the nursery. 12mo, Boards, 40c.

Der Praktische Deutsche. By U. Jos. BEILEY. Second edition, entirely revised. 12mo, cloth, 251 pp.. $1.00.

The material necessary to enable the learner to converse with Germans in their own language is provided, and it is arranged in such an order that the study will be pleasurable as well as profitable. A vocabulary is at the end. Das Deutsche Litteratur Spiel. By F. 8. ZOLLER.

A German game of authors, 75c.

Constructive Process for Learning German. By A. DREY-
SPRING. (In preparation.)

A Glance at the Difficulties of German Grammar.


Blanks for the Conjugation of German Verbs. Per tablet,35c. Deutsch's Drillmaster in German. By S. DEUTSCH. 12mo, cloth, $1.25.




This series comprises some of the very best short stories, novelles" of Italian authors. They are very well printed, of convenient size and are published at the uniform price of

12mo, paper, 35 Cents Each.

1.-Alberto. By E. DE AMICIS. 108 pp.

Notes by T. E. Comba.

2.-Una Notte Bizzarra. By ANTONIO BARRILI. 84 pp Notes by T. E. Comba.

3.-Un Incontro. By E. DE AMICIS. 104 pp.

And other Italian stories by noted writers, with notes by
Prof. Ventura.

4.-Camilla. By E. DE AMICIS. 120 pp.

With notes by T. E. Comba.

5.-Fra le Corde diun Coutrabasso. By SALVATORE FARINA. With notes by T. E. Comba.

6.-Fortezza, and Un Gran Giorno. By E. DE AMICIS. 74 pp. With notes by T. E. Comba.

This series will be continued with stories of other

well-known writers.

La Lingua Italiana. By T. E. COMBA. 223 pp.

A practical and progressive method of learning Italian by the natural method-replete with notes and explanations, and with full tables of conjugations and lists of the irregular verbs. 12mo, Cloth, $1.00.

A Brief Italian Grammar. By A. H. EDGREN, Professor of Romance Languages in the University of Nebraska. 12mo, cloth, 90c.



75 Cents Each.

1.-El Final de Norma. By D. PEDRO A. DE ALARCON. 246 pp. Notes by R. D. Cortina, A.M. 12mo, Paper.


35 Cents Each.

1.-El Pájaro Verde. By JUAN VALERA. 60 pp. With notes by Julio Rojas. 18mo, Paper.

2.-Fortuna y Otros Cuentos Escogidos. 129 pages.

With notes by R, D. Cortina, A.M. 18mo, paper.

3.-Temprano y Con Sol y Otros Cuentos. By EMELIO PARDO BAZAN. 77 pages.

With notes by R. D. Cortina, A.M. 18mo, paper.


Comprising some of the best contemporaneous Spanish dramatic literature and of invaluable use to the student in Colloquial Spanish. They are well printed in good clear type, are nearly all annotated with English notes for students, and are sold at the uniform price of 12mo, paper, 35 Cents Each.

1.-La Independencia.

By DON MANUEL BRETON DE LOS HERREROS. 109 pp. With notes by Louis A. Loiseaux. 2.-Partir á Tiempo. Por DON MARIANO DE LARRA. 44 pp. Comedia en un acto, with notes by Alex. W. Herdler. 3.-El Desdén con el Desden. Por DON AUGUSTIN MORETO I CABANA. 107 pp.

Comedia en tres journadas. Notes by Alex. W. Herdler. Un Drama Nuevo. By DON JOAQUIN ESTEBANEZ.

Drama en tres actos. Notes by Prof. John E. Matzke, Ph.D.

Spanish Words and Phrases. By Mme. F.J.A.DARR. Paper, 25c. *Doce Cuentos Escogidos. Edited for class use. 116 pages.

With notes and vocabulary by C. Fontaine, B.L., L.D. 12mo, paper, 50c.

Spanish Catalogue of Imported Books sent on application.

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