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*The agreement for the bounds betwixt Plymouth & Massachusets *1

Whereas there were two Comissions graunted by the two Jurisdiccóns the one of the Massachusets Goûment graunted vnto John Endicot gentlem and Israell Staughton gent The other of New Plymouth Goûment to Wilłm Bradford Esq Governor and Edward Winslow gent And both these for the setting out setling determineing of the bounds and limmitts of the lands betweene the said Jurisdiccons whereby not onely this p'nte age but the posterytie to come may liue quietly peaceably in that behalf And forasmuch as the said Comissioners on both sides haue full power so to do as appeareth by the Records of both Jurisdiccóns. Wee therefore the said Comissioners aboue named doe hereby w'h one consent and agreement conclude determine and by these pints declare That all the Marshes at Conahasset that lye of the one side of the Riuer next to Hinghame shall belong to the Jurisdiccon of the Mattachusets plantacon. And all the Marsh yt lyeth on the other side of the Riuer next to Scittuate shall belong to the Jurisdiccón of New Plymouth excepting Threescore acres of Marsh at the mouth of the Riuer on Scittuate side next to the Sea which wee doe hereby agree conclude determine shall belong to the Jurisdiccón of the Massachusets And further we do hereby agree determine conclude that the bounds of the limmitts betweene both the said Jurisdiccóns are as followeth vizt From the mouth of the brooke that ruñeth into Conahassett Marshes (wch we call by the name of Bound brooke) wth a straight and direct line to the middle of a great pond that lyeth on the right hand of the vpper payth or comon way that leadeth betweene Weimouth and Plymouth close to the payth as we go along wh was formerly named (and still we desire may be called) ACCORD POND lying about fiue or six miles from Weimouth southerly, and from thence wth a straight line to the Southermost pt of Charles Riuer (three miles southerly inward into the Countrey according as is exprest in the Patent graunted by his Matie to the Company of the Massachusetts Plantacón Prouided alwayes neûthelesse concluded and determyned by mutuall agreement betweene the said Comissioners yt if it fall out. that the said line from ACCORD POND to the Southermost part of Charles Riuer and three miles Southerly as is before expressed shall straiten or hinder any part of any Plantacón begunn by the Goûment of New Plymouth or hereafter (1)




to be begun wthin the space of tenn yeares after the date of these p❜nts That then notwthstanding the said line it shalbe lawfull for the said Goûment of New Plymouth to assume on the Northerly side of the said line where it shall so intrench as aforesaid so much land as will make vp the quantytie of eight miles square to belong to euery such Plantacón begun or to be begun as aforesaid wch wee agree determine and conclude to apertaine belong to the said Goûment of New Plymouth And whereas the said line from the mouth of the said brook wch runneth into Conahassett salt Marshes (called by us bound brooke) and the pond called AccORD POND lyeth neere the lands belonging to the Towneships of Scittuate and Hinghame Wee doe therefore hereby determine and conclude that if any diuisions already made and recorded by either the said Townes do crosse the said line, that then it shall stand bee of force according to the former intents purposes of the said Townes graunting them (the Marshes formly agreed on excepted) And that no Towne in either Jurisdiccón shall hereafter exceede, but containe themselues wthin the said lines before expressed In witnesse whereof we the Comissioners of both the Jurisdiccóns do by these p❜nts Indented set our hands and seales the ninth day of the fourth month in the sixteenth yeare of our Souaigne Lord King Charles And in the yeare of our Lord 1640



Articles of Confedera-
tion Betweene the Plantations va-

der the Goûment of the Massachusetts the Plantacóns vnder the
Goûment of New Plymouth the Plantacons vnder the Goûment
of Connectacutt and the Goûment of New Haven wth the Plan-
tacóns in Combinacón therewth.


wee all came into these part of America wth one and the same endayme namely to advaunce the Kingdome of o2 Lord Jesus Christ and to enjoy the liberties of the Gospell in puritie wth peace And whereas in or settleinge (by a wise pvidence of God) we are further dispersed vpon the Sea Coasts and Riuers then was at first intended, so that we cannot according to our desire wth convenience communicate in one Goûment and Jurisdiccón: And whereas we liue encompassed wth people of scûall Nations and strang languages wh hereafter may proue injurious to vs or our posteritie. And forasmuch as the Natiues haue formly committed sondry insolences and outrages vpon seûall Plantacóns of the English and haue of late combined themselues against vs And seing by reason of those sad distraccóns in England wh they haue heard of, and by wch they know we are hindred, from that humble way of seekeing advise, or reapeing those comfortable fruit of ptection wch at other tymes we might well expecte. Wce therefore doe conceiue it our bounden dutye w'hout delay to enter into a p'sent Consotiation amongst our selues, for mutuall help and strengh in all our future concernement: That as in Nation and Religion so in other respect we bee continue *One according to the tenor and true meaneing of the ensuing Articles: Wherefore it is fully agreed and concluded by and betweene the pties or Jurisdiccóns aboue named and they joyntly and seûally doe by these p'nt agree conclude That they all bee and henceforth bee called by the name of THE VNITED COLONIES OF NEW ENGLAND.

2 The said Vnited Colonies for themselues their posterities do joyntly and seually hereby enter into into a firme ppetuall league of ffrendship and amytie for offence and defence, mutuall advice and succour vpon all just




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