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Under clause 2 of rule XIII,

Mr. THOMASON: Committee on Military Affairs. House Resolution 67. Resolution directing the Secretary of War to furnish certain information to the House of Representatives (Rept. No. 33). Laid on the table. Mr. PITTENGER: Committee on Claims. H. R. 11964. of the P. J. Carlin Construction Co. (Rept. No. 1014).

[Use the above form also when only one report is submitted.]


A bill for the relief Laid on the table.

Under clause 2 of rule XXII, committees were discharged from the consideration of the following bills, which were referred as follows:

A bill (H. R. 6442) granting a pension to Martha A. Curtis;_Committee on Pensions discharged, and referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions.

A bill (H. R. 11111) granting a pension to Annie Elizabeth Clark; Committee on Pensions discharged, and referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. [Use the following form if only one change of reference is made:]

Under clause 2 of rule XXII, the Committee on Pensions was discharged from the consideration of the bill (H. R. 7557) granting a pension to Fannie Knowles, and the same was referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions.


Under clause 3 of rule XXII, public bills and resolutions were introduced and severally referred as follows:

By Mr. DALY: A bill (H. R. 12917) to prohibit discrimination and intimidation on account of race or color in employment under contracts for public buildings or public works in the United States, and fixing penalties therefor; to the Committee on Labor.

By Mr. CANNON of Missouri: Joint resolution (H. J. Res. 463) to amend the Revenue Act of 1932 by repealing section 751, imposing a tax on checks, drafts, and money orders for the payment of money; to the Committee on Ways and Means.

By Mr. BURNHAM: Memorial of the City Council of the City of Santa Monica, Calif., pertaining to the Federal Government pledging the support of the city of Santa Monica in the execution of any plan of defense which may be inaugurated by the Federal Government within the legal limits of the city of Santa Monica; to the Committee on Naval Affairs.


Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private bills and resolutions were introduced and severally referred as follows:

By Mr. CLAIBORNE: A bill (H. R. 12921) for the relief of Andrew William McFadden; to the Committee on Naval Affairs.

Also, a bill (H. R. 12922) granting an increase of pension to Emma C. Bragg; to the Committee on Pensions.

Also, a bill (H. R. 12923) granting an increase of pension to Catherine Sweeney; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions.

By Mr. DEMPSEY: A bill (H. R. 12924) granting a pension to Victor Brock; to the Committee on Pensions.

By Mr. DUFFEY of Ohio: A bill (H. R. 12925) for the relief of C. A. Hursh; to the Committee on Claims.

By Mr. JENKINS of Ohio: A bill (H. R. 12926) for the relief of Fanny Reuter Shafer; to the Committee on Claims.

[Use the following form if only one bill is introduced:]

Under clause 1 of rule XXII, Mr. LEA introduced a bill (H. R. 15978) granting an increase of pension to John W. Bennett, which was referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions.


Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows:

8510. By Mr. GINGERY: Petition of Mina C. Ahrens, urging a respite or moratorium on debts, bonds, taxes, and interest, public and private, until the depression is over and times are better; to the Committee on Ways and Means. 8511. By Mr. GILCHRIST: Petition of 26 citizens of Wesley, Iowa, asking the President and the Congress to enact legislation that will enable small farmers to retain ownership of their homes; and asking immediate passage of legislation which will place farm mortgages upon an equality with other assets in the reconstruction program of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation; to the Committee on Agriculture.

8512. By Mr. HAMLIN: Petition of National Association of Flat Rolled Steel Manufacturers, Cleveland, Ohio, protesting against the dumping of foreign steel in the United States; to the Committee on Ways and Means.

8513. Also, petition of E. Goldberger, manufacturer, Brooklyn, N. Y., protesting against increased Federal expenditures; to the Committee on Economy. Votes in Senate and House Journals.

Operators must observe the following forms: Allow an en space at end of introductory clause for the insertion of a brace when line is sawed. The figures which accompany the "yeas", "nays", etc., must be set on the same slug as those words.

[blocks in formation]



History of bills in Senate Journal.

[Type, 71⁄2-point, solid, Record measure. No S. or H. R. in front of numbers. Indentions 4 ems overruns 5 ems. Lower-case initial letter on action lines unless proper noun. Italic for amendments. Vessels in italic. Senate bills read A bill; House bills read An act.]

2194. A bill granting a pension to John D. Ball-(See bill H. R. 14063) 4284. A bill to correct the military record of Alfred Clark

considered and postponed indefinitely..

3220. A bill authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to make investigations through the Bureau of Mines of lignite coals and peat to determine the practicability of their utilization as a fuel and in producing commercial products—

read twice and referred..

reported without amendment (Rept. No. 524)__.

considered, amended, read the third time, and passed; title

11283. An act [to amend and reenact sections 4, 11, 16, 19, and 22 of the
act approved December 23, 1913, and known as the Federal
Reserve Act, and] to amend the ninth paragraph of section 16
of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended by the acts approved Sep-
tember 7, 1916, and June 21, 1917, and to amend sections 5208
and 5209, Revised Statutes-


read twice and referred__.

reported with amendments (Rept. No. 682).

considered, amended, read the third time, and passed; title









House disagrees to Senate amendments and asks conference.
Senate insists and agrees to conference__ __



[blocks in formation]

[Index is set in 72-point, Record measure, flush; indentions 2, 3, 4 ems, etc.; overruns 4 ems except where 4-em indentions occur, when overruns are 5 ems. Note use of H. R. in front of numbers if more than one bill is given in the cross reference. Vessels in italic.]

Abt, William-(See bills H. R. 15900, H. R. 14063.)

Agricultural products, duties on, requesting investigation (See S. J. Res.



To provide for the deportation of certain―(See bills S. 4632; H. R. 5667, H. R. 12402.)

Petitions for the deportation of certain, by citizens of

[blocks in formation]

Barrett, Henry O., schooner, for the relief of the owners of (See bill

S. 3123.)

Borah, William E. (Senator from Idaho)—



Notice to amend the rules by, relating to the consideration of treaties in open session__


Resolution submitted by

No. 178, to amend the rules relating to the consideration of
treaties; over___


Considered, amended, and agreed to.


No. 187, to pay the funeral expenses of James H. Brady; referred
Reported and agreed to..

Committees, standing

Additional accommodations to the Library of Congress—



Resolution No. 167, by Mr. Reed, to employ an additional clerk
for; referred


Commerce, Secretary of

Communications from

Relating to the value of certain inland canals, in response to
Senate Resolution 277, by Mr. Saulsbury.


Ordered printed


In response to Senate Resolution 309, by Mr. Calder, relating to
the value of certain canals.

[blocks in formation]

134, 136, 149, 153, 167, 232, 248, 256, 259, 261, 262, 265, 273, 280, 288, 301, 305, 310, 315, 316, 318, 328, 363.

Wagner, Robert F. (Senator from New York)

[blocks in formation]

Harbord mission, requesting a report of; considered and agreed toRules of Senate, notice of proposed motion to suspend rule XVI, paragraph 3.

[blocks in formation]

[This history of bills and resolutions is set in 72-point, solid, Record measure. Italic lines indented 4 ems; action lines 5 ems, lower-case initial letters unless first word is proper noun; overruns 6 ems. Spell months except when in parentheses or brackets and followed by day of month; vessels in italic.]


For the history of the omnibus bills referred to in this list, see pages 5, 6, and 7 of this volume.

418. A bill granting an increase of pension to Benjamin G. Barber—

First session:

read twice and referred

Second session:

reported (see bill S. 5575).

419. A bill granting an increase of pension to Emma T. Barnes

First session:

read twice and referred

Second session:

reported (see bill S. 5575).

420. A bill granting an increase of pension to A. M. Barstow

First session:

read twice and referred__

Second session:

reported (see bill S. 4261).





246. A resolution relative to increasing the compensation of the star

route contractors

Second session:

read and referred

326. A resolution to authorize the printing of Senate Document No. 419, Workman's Compensation Report

Second session:

read and referred___

considered and agreed to..

Style of Senate omnibus bills.

832. A bill granting pensions and increase of pensions to certain soldiers and sailors of the Civil War and certain widows and dependent relatives of such soldiers and sailors

First session:

read twice and referred...

reported with an amendment (Rept. No. 47) –.

Second session:

passed the House with amendments...

considered, amended, read the third time, and passed.

Senate disagrees to House amendments and asks conference__

[blocks in formation]

approved [Private Law No. 4]..

833. A bill granting pensions and increase of pensions to certain soldiers

and sailors of the Civil War and certain widows and depend-
ent relatives of such soldiers and sailors-

considered, amended, read the third time, and passed_

First session:

read twice and referred..

[blocks in formation]

4353. A bill granting pensions and increase of pensions to certain soldiers and sailors of the Regular Army and Navy, and of wars other than the Civil War, and to certain widows and dependent relatives of such soldiers and sailors























reported, read twice, and placed on the calendar (Rept. No. 214).
considered, amended, read the third time, and passed..
passed the House with amendments_

[blocks in formation]

4552. A bill granting pensions and increase of pensions to certain soldiers

and sailors of the Civil War and certain widows and depend-
ent relatives of such soldiers and sailors-

reported, read twice, and placed on the calendar (Rept. No. 276)_
considered, amended, read the third time, and passed_ -

[blocks in formation]
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